ATVers getting a bad rap


Active Member
From the SLC Tribune political cartoonist no less . . .


My all-time "favorite" incident involved me cleaning crab on the beach here in Alaska. A dude comes riding up on this SeaDoo with a rifle slung over his shoulder and asked me if I had seen any bears around. Sheesh.
Um... it's generally a rap well deserved... Not by all, but by MANY...

"Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!" 2 Ne. 28: 24
If my memory is correct, there was a picture of a real incident posted that eventually got Bobcat nuked from the board. ATVers only get rapped if that don't follow the rules. No problems if ATV's ride where they are suppose to.

I think our own Predator turned in a guy last elk season if memory serves correct, and they actually followed up on it and ticketed the guy...
They should all be off limits during hunting season on public ground! They just ruin it for anyone who calls themself a genuine hunter. And if you can't pack it out on a cart or on your back then your too far in.
the atv bad rap is well deserved! I have never ever seen a totally straight non law breaker.

I wish they were banned and heavily fined on 90% of public land!


Nets are for fish!!
I was up scouting on my Utah LE bow bull tag unit and the quad queers have broke a trail to a spring that was well hidden and in the thick cedars......a couple trail cams and some type of white-ish stuff spread on the ground......maybe 6-7 feet from the little spring.......but I am sure close enough to get in the trail cam photo's........

to bad that 'bobcat.....' fellow doesn't live closer to my LE unit for some tune-up action.

Less than a mile from a dirt road they could park on and hike over to the spring.....but....??????

I strongly agree with stiffer penalties, its funny that a hunter can really think that riding an atv will help him see more game. But I am ok with people riding atvs during the hunt, as long as they stay on the trails and roads. It will only push the animals to where I hunt. I made a living for a few years by working at an atv shop, I think that most guys obey the rules, its the select few that ruin things for everyone else. And its these same losers that give hunters a bad name.They should make a reward system for people who turn in someone for breaking laws on atvs.

That John Denver is full of $#!t man
I like to get away from city noise when I hunt. ATV slobs...hate them. They give hunters a bad name. They harm the terrain. They stress pregnant deer and elk late season leading to lower birth rates. Wish enforcement was more prevalent.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-14-10 AT 09:02PM (MST)[p]Not a fan of ATV's at all. They have their place and some people enjoy them as much as I enjoy hunting. I really don't like the mixture of the 2
I Think that Atv's are great if used where they are supposed to be. I went out to a wildlife area where no motorized vehicles were allowed this last weekend, and All I saw through there was atv tracks. It Pisses me off when I obey the law and other people think that they are above it.
>I Think that Atv's are great
>if used where they are
>supposed to be. I went
>out to a wildlife area
>where no motorized vehicles were
>allowed this last weekend, and
>All I saw through there
>was atv tracks. It Pisses
>me off when I obey
>the law and other people
>think that they are above

This is the kind of crap that ends up with Congress deciding there will be a required GPS tracking device on all motorized vehicles. Drive too fast and you get a ticket mailed to you. Thanks slobs, you mess it up for everyone else.
ATVs on or near public lands suck. Private land: I don't care. Fines have to be stiffer, like add a few zeros and revoke hunting/fishing for five years, licensing costs should go way up to cover enforcement for these A Holes. It will never change until there's a reason for it.

I've seen far more law breakers than law abiders.

If all they can be used for on public land is two track roads, why even bring one? You can drive the truck you towed the ATV with on the same road. Sell the POS and buy a guided hunt or a new rifle.

I wish "they" would fence off far more public lands and lock the gates to any trucks or ATVs and make it walk in only.
>If all they can be used
>for on public land is
>two track roads, why even
>bring one? You can
>drive the truck you towed
>the ATV with on the
>same road. Sell the
>POS and buy a guided
>hunt or a new rifle.
>I wish "they" would fence off
>far more public lands and
>lock the gates to any
>trucks or ATVs and make
>it walk in only.

Because on a 4 wheel drive road the ATV can get to his destination 5 times faster than a rock crawling 4x4...


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
Some of the places I hunt, you can't swing a dead cat without hitting an ahole on an ATV. Bad rap is well deserved imo...
I remember hunting at a old abandon ranch near my home. the ranch was from the gold mining days in CA. and had a apple & plum orchard of about 2 acres in size.

I was up in a tree stand at dawn waiting for a buck to show up when two idiots on ATVs came roaring in and parked below the tree I was in. They did not even see me. One of them made the comment, "there is no damn deer here".

Should have seen them jump when a voice above them stated' "there would be if you two idiots would get your noisy ATVs out of here".

On the otherhand, being I am getting quite a bit older and finding it harder to pack my deer out. I would not mind being able to park an ATV on a existing logging trail a reasonable distance from my hunting site just to have it close by to drag the deer too.

So far I have not bought any ATV, and I would be leery of parking it where I could not see it for fear of theft or vandalism to it by the dumb idiots that hunt in this state.

It is probably just a matter of time before one of the boneheads gets hurt. Would they call it ATVrage???

For the first time in the history of MM' everyone has agreed on the same thing!

Frickin' amazing!

We need to keep this thread at the top :D
The answer is simple...NO ATVs on public land. I know the OHV/ATV lobby and crowd will cry foul, but they only have themselves to blame.
The penalty for ATV use off established or permitted trails should be confiscation of the ATV. Then it could be sold at an auction with the funds generated being used for habitat restoration projects and fencing to keep ATVs out of places they shouldn't be.
There are bad seeds in every bag that is for sure!!! Be careful on what you want closed down or stopped because of those bad seeds as some day it may be your hobby!!!! We do not need more laws, but we need more people taking responsibilities for their actions!!

For example I just had a friend in our neighborhood that was complaining about a couple of Golfers riding their carts over their plants on the way/from the golf field--so we should ban all carts if we follow your way of thinking?????

Without me, my quad is nothing, without my quad, I am nothing.

Doesn't matter to me, ban atv's, my jacked up '78 highboy with a 6" softride can go anywhere!
I take pride in my truck! I don't go out and spend $30,000 on a truck to beat the $h*t out of it. Thats what I have my atv for. I personally get real ticked off when people think it is ok to go anywhere on their atv's. I agree with most of these posts, but we don't need to banned atv's. There needs to be some stiff penalties for those not willing to obey the laws. Nothing is more frusterating to find a nice area to hunt well off the roads, loaded with animals, only to find a couple years later some nimrod drives their atv right up to that area. Then complain because they have not seen any animals.
Every animal I have killed was off my quad. Don't believe the rumors that quads scare game.
you all sound like a bunch of tree huggers! start banning stuff from public land and you all will end up getting banned yourselves. most people obey the laws so don't ruin it for them.

my dad is 80 years old and still loves to hunt but can't get around so good anymore. im glad he has his quad. and if he want's to shoot something off of it then more power to him.
I enjoy riding my atv where it is permitted. It is sure nice to have when you need to get up the mountain to the end of the road in a hurry. Sure my $30,000 truck will get me there too, but why beat it when you can take an atv that is designed for beating down the dirt road and will get you there in half the time it takes to drive a truck??? Don't ban atv's, those of you who enjoy the back country, police it more and take care of issues when you see them. I've yelled at plenty of tards riding their atv's in places they shouldn't. Can't wait for an opportunity to "tune one up"!
Can anyone tell the rest of the story about Bobcat and the ATV incident? If turned someone in or took matters into his own hands he is my new hero. Land based jet skis.
The attached picture of an ATV rider that tore down a sign and went into a restricted area is the posting that got Bobcat into trouble. He didn't post the picture but his tuneup comments were apparently unacceptable. I think there are places for ATV's but there should also be places that hunters can go without dealing with all the noise: I personally miss the cat and his comments but who knows he might be on here under another alias.

Yeah lets close more public land and outlaw atv's, jeeps, toyota's etc... More laws and regulations is not the answer...come on people..How about we enforce the ones we already have?


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
Hunting was a much better experience before the quad PERIOD! and you all know it! Thing were a bit tougher but more rewarding. Be a real hunter with respect for the sport and not a lazy ass hunter who could care less about the hunt. Just killing something as easy as possible. I own a quad and enjoy it in the winter and spring when I'm not bothering anyone. Outlawing them during hunting season ONLY would be as great as eradicating wolves. There's just too many people trying to enjoy the hunt on public ground during hunting season. Truth is that more people abuse quad laws than obey. It's like a bunch of little kids that escape the city one time a year and go nuts on the BLM and FS land on there quad. It's not hunting anymore out here, It's armed camping.
hunting was much better before outfitters and all the publicity from tv and internet! it was much better before a damn set of horns was worth $100K! quads have nothing to do with it.

im not sure what you think a real hunter is but i think youve been watching too much tv. youve got to be smart enough to realize that if you get something banned, it won't just be for hunting season. the game & fish and forest service need to get their butt out there and inforce the laws.
You guys using the term "banned", are biting your own tail.

Some day, it will be your "ox" that is getting gored and I guarantee, you won't like it.

The key is enforcement of EXISTING laws and that is where the screaming needs to be directed.

I don't own an ATV, nor am I likely to; I rode one once and hit a flying turkey at about 30 mph. Scarred me for life.

We all KNOW that there are dirtbags abusing the system. Banning all ATV use anywhere YOU don't like them, is the same attitude as the "anti-everything" people are using to fight guns, hunting, fishing, dog training, arrowhead picking, shed hunting, smoking, drinking, ........etc.

Why anyone on this site would talk up banning anything bothers me a lot.

Nothing personal, but some of you guys have clearly allowed "the butter to slip off your biscuit".
What i have done in the past, is take pics of there wheelers of the trail and wait till they park it and get a pic of their reg number. turn that into the local sheriff or F and G and that way its not heresay, they have proof that the law was broken.

I hunt in a area that there is a parking lot at the top, then a hiking trail, many people have destroyed the mountain going past the fence and piss alot of people off, they keep expanding the fence and im sure one day the whole mountain will be closed off to any motorized access, which I wouldn't mind seeing, but then again, losing more land is not what I would really want. I think education is a key thing, teach younger generations to respect the land and it will be open for them too. If you see someone out where their not suppose to be, educate them, make them know that they are one of the reasons the mountains all around us are closed.

I grew up playing in the mountains above Orem, Lindon and Pleasent Grove, I loved riding my motorbike all over up there and enjoyed hunting up there also, I have noticed that the predator population has exploded up there since they have closed it off completly to motorized vehicles, and have also noticed the deer population decreasing. I think where there is not the access people are not hunting predators as much and it is contributing to the deer failing. It was a great area to call in foxes and coyotes. Last year on my late elk hunt, I saw more coyotes and tracks than I have ever seen.

So, I think closing off the mountains are a very bad thing and we all need to do our part in keeping them open. Take it upon yourselves to educate people out there and get it through their thick heads.

Sorry for the long winded post

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You also have to be smart enough to realize that Hunting and ATV's just don't mix too well on public land in most all cases. If you don't agree you are blessed with private land hunting or you really haven't hunted the public much. Ive been lucky enough to draw great tags in Nevada,Wyoming,Utah,Montana,Idaho and of course Oregon, and every time I can tell you a Quad story. Un Friggin believable!!! So it's a touchy spot with me. I could go on forever on this Bull$hit!!!

Sorry, Koyote
I have a question. Hunters are doing an outstanding job when it comes to reporting poaching. Most of us understand poachers are criminals who shoot animals, not hunters. Who here would absolutely turn in a poacher every chance they can but would not turn in someone illegally using ATVs?

Enforcement of poaching relies heavily on hunters getting involved in reporting these crimes. Enforcement officers can only cover so much ground in a day.

ATV misuse will continue to grow until other ATV riders get involved aggressively policing their own. The backlash continues to grow. Backlash can lead to over-regulation.
I resent the hell out of most of the remarks and comments that most of you guys are posting on here. I have a quad and I ride it during hunting season and other times of the year also. I spend good money to register the thing and more money to buy a permit to be able to use it on public roads and designated trails in places I want to hunt. Every state out west has there own little fee set so us quad riders can pay our share of the cost to fix those roads and trails. So as long as we follow the rules you guys have nothing to ##### about. I figure if you guys are seeing quad riders then your probaly not as deep in the woods as you want everyone to think you are.

I didnt always ride a quad, there was a time that I hiked in and got the hell away from everybody , filled my tag and hiked out and brought my game out with me on my back.

Well times have changed for me and I'm not 20 anymore. I'm 54 and with my age came a little thing called arthritus and with that came total knee replacement. So last season I rode my quad. I stayed on the roads and trails designated for my quad to use. I rode in as far as I desired parked it and locked it up as securely as possible to keep a holes that dont like quads from doing to much damage to it or stealing it. Its insured so it no big deal if something happens to it, but its a hell of a big deal if its damaged and I cant ride it out of there. I cant walk as far as I once could. I left a hell of a lot smaller track than any truck out there. I didnt get it stuck I didnt pull it off to the side on the grass so I could take a gander at some thing I thought I saw. Yes I towed it out there on a trailer and I parked just off the road out of every ones way. Like some others on here I dont like driving my 42,000 truck out in the mountains on rodes that are usually muddy, or snow covered or rain slick rut filled peices of crap that people driving there trucks have torn up with the oversized tires and 4 x 4 engaged. So I ride my quad.

The way I feel about it is this, I pay my money, I follow the rules. So dont throw me in there with your smart alec remarks about quad riders. Not everyone that rides a quad is an a hole or loser. Not everyone that drives a truck is a winner or a great hunter that some on here seem to think .
Triple-BB why do you hunt there if the atv use bothers you so much and there are so many there. Just asking.
Koyote, If you can hear, see or smell a quad from where your hunting then then you can hear trucks also wanna ban them to. Just asking
Well thats great you obey the laws. This is not the case for alot of quad users. And it's pretty hard to enforce it ourselves as we are on foot and there on a quad blazing up the opposite ridge. Gotta go It's quitting time and Im going Backpacking for the weekend in my hunting area. Im sure there won't be any quads as they won't show up until two days before the season.
So I'm reading all these comments and seems like most of the gripping is in the form of I saw this or I saw that or one time while I was hunting.

Why arent the guys that are witnessing all these rule violations turning the violaters in to G and F. Every body has a cell phone , most of those take pictures these days. Everybody has a camera those take pictures for sure. I reading these grips and reading these posts about banning ATV's but Im not hearing about any one turnng any one in for these violations.

I'm pretty sure that if you witness this stuff and dont turn em in then your as guilty for watching and not doing anything as they are for doing it.
Lifetimehunter, I don't think most of the hunters are including you in their comments, in fact it sounds like you are doing what hunters would like to see others do. I don't own an ATV, never have and never will. When I can't walk into the woods I will quit hunting. That is my choice, if someone gets too handicapped to walk and want an ATV that is fine as long as they follow the rules. By the way I am 70 years old and still walk and it is becoming more difficult each year to find areas that the ATV's can't get in. I was at a Game and Fish meeting a couple of years ago and there was a discussion about the use of ATV's and one fellow pointed to me and said "me and this fellow would like to have more areas opened up for ATV's" I told him to not include me in that conversation. By the way he was considerably overweight. Being overweight is not a handicap, its a personal choice, and certainly being elderly does not mean you can't walk.
Your right Wildsage, the're not including me personnaly but the're throwing quad riders in general into the topic and wording it in a way that is offensive to me as a quad rider. So it prompts me to respond in the way that I did. I shouldnt be so sensitive , Huh ? For me the quad is an evil neccessity . Like I said I hate driving my truck in there, Always did. Most times I would park and camp close to the highway as possible and hike in to where I wanted to hunt.

Im not overweight , I'm not handicaped, my knee replacement allows me to do everything I have always done. But it has its limits. I use the quad to get in as far as legally possible and hike in from there. The quad just gives me a little extra boost, if I were 70 I might have given up the hunt. But I'm not quite ready yet.
I don't drink alcohol. I believe all booze should be outlawed because of the amount of DUIS and accidents on the roads. I believe that the vehicle should be banned because most people behind the wheel break the law, speeding, not stopping at a stop sign, running red lights, cutting me off while I'm driving. The people who advocate outlawing the ATV are no different then the people who advocate stricter gun laws, they seem to believe that if you outlaw something, the problem goes away. I cannot believe the amount of people who truly believe that ATV users are nothing more than lazy slob hunters, or simply break the law all together. Now obviously I do not feel that way about booze or the vehicle. But lets analyze this from a much smarter stand point and realize that once you allow one to get taken, might as well give it all to them. I believe mechanical broadheads should be illegal cause they wound game. What kind of a statement is that? Everyone who shoots mechanicals launches arrows at 120 yards with a bow. What kind of statement is that? It's a BS Statement, just the same as Mr. Koyote's statement of Most people who ride ATVS break the law.
Koyote, I for one would love to see your data that more people on ATVs break the law than obey. What research do you have Sir? If that were the case, they WOULD have been outlawed. Why not ban mountain bikes? I know of several illegal trails that were built, but the BLM told me they would do nothing about it. ATVS are a multiple use tool, and tools can all have a great purpose, or a bad purpose. Depends on the user. I would bet the farm that the very people on here who say BAN THEM, are also the same people that would say that the GUN is NOT the problem, it's the USER. You can give me some examples of people who misuse the ATV, and I can give you 50 others who obey the law. Mr Weatherspoon, I could list reasons why I believe your spike camps should be illegal. I'm sure that somehow, some way you've had an impact on the area that you camp, as a lot of the camps are in the same place year after year. Lets outlaw preseason scouting in your areas, all foot traffic off limits for the use of scouting, as that is much more wear and tear on the trail system. Why not make is so that if you're a bowhunter, you can only be in the mountains from Aug. until the end of Nov. If you kill sooner, your hunt is done, as is your time in the mountains. Now a lot of you will say, that's absurd, well so is the notion that ATVS should be banned! Lets close the main road up Big and Little Cottonwoods, while we're at it, lets close Millcreek, and close down the hiking trails up Corner Canyon. You may think I'm being ridiculous, but give into the anti ATV crowd, and watch what will come of it. I pick up SO MUCH TRASH in the forest!!! Lets ban campers! Lets ban scouters! Lets ban Skiers, lets ban anyone who may have screwed us while we've been in the field, lets not stop!!! lets just stay home, do leg lifts, situps and pushups all day everyday, and not use anything because we will be called "Slobs" "lazy hunters", etc...Come on folks, lets think about all this "they're all law breakers" BS for just a moment.

Jeff Dumas
I would be willing to bet that better than 50% of the people in this post that are screaming "ban them damn atvs" use them just as much as everyone else in the world.
I agree they should stay on establised trails....i do not for a second agree they should be banned. there are some who break the rules and laws with them..but there are some who break alot of laws and rules on different things...i would also venture to bet that most of us here has broken a law in one way or the other...'ever break the speed limit?' 'ever had a drink or two and drive home from the restaurant?' 'or from a bbq at the friends house?' i dont think that everyone who wants to ban atvs because they infringe on your holy little world is quite so holy when it comes down to it.
They have there place, there are 'some' who abuse the lands..but not 'all'. So some people need to get off of there pedestal and come back down to earth and think about excatly what they do.
Ban them during hunting season? Seriously? If we do that then lets ban all out of state hunters from coming to my state...why? because i dont want them here when i am hunting MY deer! They hunt where i might hunt and the deer see them coming so it screws it up for ME!!
Here's my input on the matter. I ride and use a four wheeler quite a bit while hunting. I use it for several reason that I feel are good. One I don't have to beat the heck out of my truck and two I don't have to tear up the country and roads like a big four wheel drive truck does and I don't have to use nearly as much foreign fuel and hopefully will help save a few oil spills down the line it you are smart enough to get the jest of things..

Let me give you a good example. albeit a bit different. I have two dogs that I walk twice a day and many times my walks are in town. I live near a big field where they play soccer, rugby, and Frisbee ball or what ever they call it. Every morning, for community service, I pick up that field. I pick up plastic bottles, gum wrappers, lids, baggies, and all kinds of stuff. I also pick up other dog's poop that a few dog owners don't pick up. And yet the same people who scorn at me while I walk my dogs each evening, are the same peoples whose garbage I am picking up the next day.

May of the big ruts in the roads would not be there if the truck owners would not drive on them when they are wet. In wet conditions trucks do much more damage than do four wheelers!. That's a fact! So should we ban all motorized vehicles? Of course not, and we should not ban four wheelers either.

I think a good percentage of people who drive four wheelers obey the laws and understand and practice proper use and to those guys and gals it is totally unfair to punish them for the acts of others. None of us appreciate such actions, nor would we want to pay the price for some one else?s crime.

Would you want your brother or sister to be sent to prison for a crime they did not commit? We all know the answer to that. When you ban stuff, many innocent people pay a price they should not have to bare.

This, like poaching, becomes an enforcement issue. You don't ban all hunters for the illegal actions of some. You punish those guilty of the crime. Blanket treatment does? not work, nor is it fair.

Here?s what I think will work. Make good rules and regulations and then have substantive and heavy fines and penalties for the abusers. I am talking big time consequences! Let's say if you ride your four wheeler, in to a closed area, or off an open trail or road, the officer can impound your bike or four wheeler on the spot, and all costs involved are to be born by the perforator. Not only that, but after the court hearing is over, if a person is found guilty, the bike is taken by the state and sold at auction, to the highest bidder and half the funds raised, go back to the enforcement of these rules and regulations. That way you are punishing the people who are really causing the problems. You have weeded out the bad and you are making them pay.

Once a person losses a bike, most will change their behavior and so will most of their friends who have been behaving in like manner. I don't think it would take many years to weed out the bad ones, if we all work to get legislation like this past. If these violations happen while in the act of hunting then the loss of 2 or 3 years hunting rights would also be part of the sentence and penalty.

I think consequence like this would curb the problem in short order. Banning stuff does absolutely nothing and for all practical purposes will be impossible to impose. These penalties could and should be passed.

Have a good one. BB
Well I just got back from a very long hike in the high country. Saw 9 rams and NO deer which was the object. Anyways you guys got a little crazy on the banning everything in life WOW! Im going to end with you have your opinion and I have mine. I don't want to ban every freedom we have, I'll just say I wish Quads had never came along. Hunting would be a better place in almost every way. Maybe I should go back and read my posts but I think I said alot of atv people not most. To tired to go look now.

Thanks, Koyote

You said "Truth is that more people abuse quad laws than obey". Since you have a quad are you in the majority or the minority?

I don't see an issue with a guy driving a quad on a legal trail and parking next to a truck and hiking into an area.

I remember many years before quads the same debate was being thrown around the camp fire but we were talking about the illegal roads and jeeps. I am sure when trucks first came around the people who were riding horses were also saying the same things. It comes down to the person. If a person is going to break the laws they will do it in a truck, jeep, on a mountain bike, with a paraglider, a chute plane, with a bow, or with a rifle.

Good luck to all in the upcoming hunts.
i have a buddy who is the first in the line of " all the stupid atver's are screwing us" whinners. but each year when he kills his cow elk from his tree stand, that was eating off the salt he drove in on his 4 wheeler, to his tree stand- here comes his quad in the middle of the night to get it out.
so apperently there ok for him when it's important, i mean those elk are all over 1/2 mile away, but not for the rest of the stupid jerks that ride in the same area while he's in his tree.

i'd bet over 75% of the guys replying to this thread are about the same.

i dont own a quad, and i'll have to be pretty damn crippled up old man before i will. hell, i know a guy who is paralized from the waist down that will wheel himself out to a meadow , every morning and sit. he will usually get a shot at something, sometimes killing it. to the guys who are using them, i hope your at least that bad or worse- or your ARE being a little lazy- if you really think about it
and you KNOW ol' bobcat has reply'd and deleted 50 times to this thread. right now i'd bet he's on his second "fifth" of wiskey, trying to help him settle down;)
WAh-WAh-WAh, I love this post , lets keep it going till its the longest one on the site.
>hunting was much better before outfitters
>and all the publicity from
>tv and internet! it
>was much better before a
>damn set of horns was
>worth $100K! quads have
>nothing to do with it.
>im not sure what you think
>a real hunter is but
>i think youve been watching
>too much tv. youve
>got to be smart enough
>to realize that if you
>get something banned, it won't
>just be for hunting season.
> the game & fish
>and forest service need to
>get their butt out there
>and inforce the laws.

By far the the best comment I have read perhaps ever in here. Funny that you spend all summer with the trail cam, planting food plots, filming, chasing, etc. and that yamaha rolling around is the problem. News flash for all you alpha males, before I had the quad I had a Willys, pretty much the same size, and would go everywhere the quad does. Now I know none of you will ever get old, sick, or injured, or have kids, so this back country backpacking deal you will do forever, but the rest of us mere mortals are old, sick, injured, and do have kids, so before you start this war perhaps look at the sales data and realize your in the minority. Yeah trails and being respectful are great, but again, and perhaps I am just getting old and bitchy but I am so Freaking sick and digusted with every dude who doesn't like something wanting a law or rule or regulation that blood shoots from my eyes. LEAVE ME ALONE!!! quit regulating everything!!!!
Yes I do have a quad but it's never used during hunting season, so blow me!! And you can reach for excuses with jeeps, paragliders or mountain bikes or whatever you can dream up. Truth is that the Quad with the wrong guy on it is way more destructive to the sport than all combined. Sorry I don't have any study results to back my statement, just open your eyes. And almost everyone hunting public ground has one in there pickup or a trailer with 4 of them in tow!!

I am following your logic so I don't know why you get hostile. Blow me??? You said most people who ride quads break the laws and then you said you have a quad.

To say that a guy who rides a quad to the exact same location as you park your vehicle and then hikes to the same area as you is lazy is a joke. I do agree that some people on quads destroy a lot of huting.

Again good luck to all in their hunts. Keep the wind in your face and enjoy every day you get.
"Every animal I have killed was off my quad."

I didn't know it was legal to shoot game off of a quad...???

"Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!" 2 Ne. 28: 24
Mr. Dumas
Since you brought my name into this I guess I have to respond to your comments. First off I don't camp in the same place every year and I have always left my camps as clean as I found them - a turd or two which were buried!

I will stand by my statments about atv's. It is my opinion and because it isnt the same as yours then we will have to agree to dissagree on the matter.

I have had dirt bikes growing up KX 80's, 125's,250's and 500's. In my youth I admit I did ride them where I wasn't supposed to. Everyone I ever came in contact with that had wheelers did as well. I can honestly say I have never been around a guy with a wheeler that hasn't disobeyed the law at one time or another. At least I am man enough to admit it. However with age comes commonsense or wisdom and I no longer disobey the law and I havent in twelve to fifteen years. I now can say I can ride them where they are supposed to ridden and enjoy doing so but when I look back and see what damage I caused when I was a reckless youth it angers me. It angers me when I see youth and adults attitudes about wheelers when they are in areas they know dang well they aren't supposed to be in.

So it is my opinion and I will stand by my opinion when I say i would like to see ATV's banned on 90% of public land. I would like to see fines severely stiffened up on law breakers. I will when ever I get the chance photograph law breakers and turn them into the forest service/or sheriffs department.

If I new that 90+% of the people that owned weapons killed people I would say ban them. If I new that 90% of the people that drive automobiles killed people I would say ban them. If I new that 90+% of the people that drink killed people I would say ban drinking. So going off my 90%+ experience with people with wheelers have driven them or continually drive them where they are not supposed to be i say ban them.

Now Jeff or any other wheeler guy here is a question: Can you honestly say you have never had a wheeler where it wasn't supposed to be ever in your life? "Remember many years of bad hunting Karma coming your way if you fib!" If the answer is yes then you are a better man then I and good for you. You have earned my respect! If your answer is no you have still earned my respect because I know you are not a liar.


Nets are for fish!!
LAST EDITED ON Jul-20-10 AT 04:08PM (MST)[p] I dont like the fact that many abuse the use of atv's. This is a prime example of a-- holes who should be held liable for damage to such areas, through hefty fines or even to go as far as to impound and sell their personal equipment to cover the damages. Only through stiff penaltys will they learn!!!
>Mr. Dumas
>Since you brought my name into
>this I guess I have
>to respond to your comments.
>First off I don't camp
>in the same place every
>year and I have always
>left my camps as clean
>as I found them -
>a turd or two which
>were buried!
>I will stand by my statments
>about atv's. It is my
>opinion and because it isnt
>the same as yours then
>we will have to agree
>to dissagree on the matter.
>I have had dirt bikes growing
>up KX 80's, 125's,250's and
>500's. In my youth I
>admit I did ride them
>where I wasn't supposed to.
>Everyone I ever came in
>contact with that had wheelers
>did as well. I can
>honestly say I have never
>been around a guy with
>a wheeler that hasn't disobeyed
>the law at one time
>or another. At least I
>am man enough to admit
>it. However with age comes
>commonsense or wisdom and I
>no longer disobey the law
>and I havent in twelve
>to fifteen years. I now
>can say I can ride
>them where they are supposed
>to ridden and enjoy doing
>so but when I look
>back and see what damage
>I caused when I was
>a reckless youth it angers
>me. It angers me when
>I see youth and adults
>attitudes about wheelers when they
>are in areas they know
>dang well they aren't supposed
>to be in.
>So it is my opinion and
>I will stand by my
>opinion when I say i
>would like to see ATV's
>banned on 90% of public
>land. I would like to
>see fines severely stiffened up
>on law breakers. I will
>when ever I get the
>chance photograph law breakers and
>turn them into the forest
>service/or sheriffs department.
>If I new that 90+% of
>the people that owned weapons
>killed people I would say
>ban them. If I new
>that 90% of the people
>that drive automobiles killed people
>I would say ban them.
>If I new that 90+%
>of the people that drink
>killed people I would say
>ban drinking. So going
>off my 90%+ experience with
>people with wheelers have driven
>them or continually drive them
>where they are not supposed
>to be i say ban
>Now Jeff or any other wheeler
>guy here is a question:
>Can you honestly say you
>have never had a wheeler
>where it wasn't supposed to
>be ever in your life?
>"Remember many years of bad
>hunting Karma coming your way
>if you fib!" If the
>answer is yes then you
>are a better man then
>I and good for you.
>You have earned my respect!
>If your answer is no
>you have still earned my
>respect because I know you
>are not a liar.

>Nets are for fish!!

If only we could get a leader to ban quads on public land, if we could just have more pristine wilderness, bet your just in love with OBAMA!!
Is that really you sw?
I wonder if these law breakin bittches rip their own yards to pieces with their Quads?

I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
"The One Ridgerunner", If the picture of a vehicle you have posted in your photo page is on the trail that a sign indicates "No Vehicles" than the tracks indicate there is alot of abuse - did you turn them in if they were in fact violating??? Why don't you post the picture???

I swear to the great hunting gods of the west that I have never ridden, drug, pushed, or pulled, my quad any where that it wasnt legally allowed to go. I have taken it to Co. Nm. Az. and MT. In Co. and Mt. it stayed on the trailer was never used or even started on those two trips. In NM. it was driven in units 2b and out in the desert west of Bloomfield NM. In Az I pretty much take it out in the desert from Sept. to the end of Feb. Most weekends thats where I can be found. I stay on the roads and park it when I get close to an area that others may be in or that I want to hunt in myself.

But then again I've only had it for about a year and a half.
So what everybody is saying on here is that because some ATV'ers choose to break the law or do things that others don't like we should ban all of them from public lands. If this is true then we should ban all hunting because some choose to shoot things out of season or without a tag, across roads, in populated areas, etc. We should ban people like SWB from hunting the Wasatch front, not because SWB is breaking any laws, but because some people choose to hunt in the foothills and shoot things that die in peoples back yards, or they hunt without the extended ethics course, or they just bought their bow last week and are just figuring out how to aim it so wounding animals isn't really a concern right now. Don't get me wrong, nothing makes me madder than hiking back into an area you know is off limits to OHV's and ATV's, only to find one parked at a watering hole you were going to hunt around. But, seeing some of the stuff hunters do at an attempt to ruin our past time makes me just as mad if not madder. "Banning" things on public lands is just an invitation for somebody to take everything we love to do away! Be very careful what you wish for.

It's always an adventure!!!
Yes the trail is closed and off limits, yet as you see many atv riders neglect the signs and also all the boulders placed across the top where the trail once was. I am not an atv owner yet I agree they have their place on the mountain. I couldnt get the photos to post so thats why the link is there. I have hunted this area for years and have NEVER seen a forest service vehicle in this area, the atv riders know this and thus they ride where they want when they want.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-21-10 AT 03:32PM (MST)[p]ropinfool, AWB and the rest Pro ATV guys "which I'm a also in the club cause I use ATV's with work, and leisure."

guns and atv's are totally different in my mind. lets say 90+% of the people that owned guns robbed and killed people with their guns. You can dang well bet ill be packing a gun to protect myself. So taking my gun away isn't the fix!

now lets say 90+% of the guys that own wheelers miss use them or have miss used them at sometime in their life. Which I believe is probably pretty accurate. Example lets say you are driving along a road and you know its against the law to go off the road but there is a little spot 50-100 yards off the road where you can drive and you can sit ontop of your wheeler and see for miles. You wont have to drive very far, it didnt realy hurt anything caues some tard already made a trail and it will only take a minute and will be faster if you just ride your wheeler to the edge right? Wrong!!! You broke the law. This might only be a small example but I would bet all of you guys are guilty of at least that.

So comparing guns, bows, alchol, ect is not really the same comparison in my mind.

In my mind something needs to be done. Ive seen the quality of bucks in general rifle areas go up when atv's are banned. Ive personally seen the damage they do and are doing to the back woods. Its not getting any better and the law enforcement is no where to be found.

So call be bullheaded but I am sticking to my stance that something needs to be done and it wouldn't hurt me if they were banned on 90% of public land.. OR they need to take away the law breakers wheelers and put them up for auction would also work for me!


Nets are for fish!!
i guess i can't speak for your part of the country. in my part of the country 90% of the people don't abuse the atv's. some do, but not near that high. i really doubt that most people abuse them. if people are that ignorant where you are then they probably shouldn't be driving anything.
>i guess i can't speak for
>your part of the country.
> in my part of
>the country 90% of the
>people don't abuse the atv's.
> some do, but not
>near that high. i
>really doubt that most people
>abuse them. if people
>are that ignorant where you
>are then they probably shouldn't
>be driving anything.

You must live in town.
Seriously, there are some of you that think this is a minority of ATV riders causing the problems? So, all those thousands of miles of ATV tracks cut into the mountainside illegally out West were all done by one ATV rider? A dozen? A hundred? A thousand?

Lots of ATV riders went on those trails cutting them deeper thinking, "Well, I know this is not right but since is obvious some ATVs made this trail then I can't do much more damage if I mostly stay in their tracks so here I go, zoom zoom."

Illegal is illegal whether you are the first knucklehead ripping up the trail or the 2nd or 100th. Same logic as if you see a poached elk rotting in the sun and then go blast one yourself. The crime is the same for the first guy as the next.
Why not ENFORCE the rules we already have? Do we all want the government to control everything we do? Do you all hunt next to the road or what?
don't ban anything, enforce the laws currently in place. there is to many laws now and for any problem some people want more laws. ce61
I don't hunt from an ATV in fact at 40 I just bought the first one and will use it around camp and leave it at the other end of a hunt or retrieve game where legal. That being said to me if you want them banned you just don't have your head right.

So %90 of ATVers have broken some law or another in your opinion, well that sucks but I bet %100 of the car and truck drivers in the world have broken some law and this puts HUMAN lives at stake so we should ban cars and trucks besides just think how much better life could be if we all rode a horse.

Come on people enforce the existing laws to the fullest and live and let live the last thing we need is more govt. control.


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