Avg Age


Active Member
Don't know if this has been done before, but I am curious to know the average age of people on this site.

I'll start... I'm 29
If I was to guess an average age on here I would throw down 70. The vast majority are much younger, probably 20-40 but Kilo and Eel throw the average WAY up there. :)

"Let's keep things in perspective.I mean for Peet's sake there are kids in Africa that don't even hunt....hello" Jimmy Big Time
LAST EDITED ON Sep-16-10 AT 09:47PM (MST)[p]Actually I have sh!t between my toes that is over 30.

I'm just glad we got rid of GWB. President Obama is going to save my social security.

Are we talking our calendar age or the age we act? Cuz I have left strict instructions that if I ever start acting my age someone is to shoot me.

My average age is 59 but that's going to change in June and then you'll have to start over.
If I was to guess an average age on here I would throw down 70. The vast majority are much younger, probably 20-40 but Kilo and Eel throw the average WAY up there.

Well don't stand too close to the rear of the boat next year you might not celebrate your next b/d..........LOL j/k

Over the Hill Gang
41 This Sunday.

Holy Chit Justr is that milk on your lips.

I wish I was 24 still! My back is thrashed and I feel old in the mornings but most of the time I don't feel my age in any other way...

My average age? I think I know this formula.....take my actual age (30), divide by the number of years I have been posting on this site(9), multiply by the number of years I have been married (8), then divide by the number of kids I have (3), then double that because they are all boys........My average age is 17.7, wow! my wife is right about my sense of humor AND my maturity level...who knew?

36 here- I'm suprised some of you old guys found this website. Did you see an ad in the phonebook or AARP 8^P

lol JK!

I am 62 years old and in good overall health. Got a couple of worn out kneecaps but going to get them 'replaced' between now and the Colorado muzzle loader season NEXT year (2011). Cowtag
Old Enough to know how and young enough to do something about it [when she gives me a chance] I'm 44
I'm 54 but feel 80 right now after chasing muleys the last 3 days...had to come home for a breather...geeze
I knew that was a typo rugrat....good to see you owned up to the right age...lol


One day you will no longer be the "Big Dog" just the "Old Dog"...................and it's nice to be surrounded by friends.

You young guys will one day see what it's like to get old. :)

LAST EDITED ON Sep-18-10 AT 07:30PM (MST)[p]28 and I act like im 14. And spell worse then a 4th grader

<Stu Padasso Pro Staff

<Dixie Nourmous Field Staff
My birthday is 10-16-74 (35yrs)

My "sobriety birthday" is July 29, 2010!

Proud graduate of Pathways Treatment Center, St. Helens Oregon.

In my mind, i'm 40 and ready to get after it. Sometimes though, i feel like i'm 80 and if i ain't got "it" yet, i'm likely not to.

When i was young was told several times that i'm a "old soul". I'm working on it but more and more i'm feeling like a grouchy old fart!! :)

I'm 56-57, somewhere along in there.

Stinky is 31 for 8 more days anyways (the 27th is his bday) and I will be 30 for 10 more days...my bday is the 30th.
So I guess we should just go with 32 for stinky and 31 for qt.

67,.... and I need help. got a moose tag and my back is already hurtin'.

from the "Heartland of Wyoming"
I'm 54 and 167 days or so from retirement. there are some advantages to getting old. I can still out hike half you guys....
64 this deer huntin'season (Oct. 7)... been chasin' muleys each fall since I was 12 (1958-52 yrs.ago now).So far, average age of those who posted is somewhere around 39.5 yrs.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-23-10 AT 07:10PM (MST)[p]OK I just did the math.

Avg. age of MMers: 47.6

Avg age of MMers minus Kilo,Eel,and Outdoorwriter: 27.6

Conclusion:When those three "age out" the site's demographics will improve so much Founder's ad revenues will double.

LAST EDITED ON Sep-23-10 AT 06:59PM (MST)[p]>OK I just did the math.
>Avg. age of MMers: 47.6
>Avg age of MMers minus Kilo,Eel,Rug,and
>Outdoorwriter: 27.6
>Conclusion:When those four "age out" the
>site's demographics will improve so
>much Founder's ad revenues will

lmao!!!!! How did I get lumped in with those old farts??? See my second post the first one was a typo. lol

Can't argue with that statement at all, just try to read some of their posts here is mind boggling. LOL

I think Founder needs to bring in Viagra, Gerritol, and Preperation H sponsors to better meet the needs of his customers
LAST EDITED ON Sep-24-10 AT 12:14PM (MST)[p]
I've seen alot of stuff in my day. 99 years old as of Oct 20.

Gun control is a good aim and a steady rest
28, but I have had enough broken bones, some days I feel like I am pushing 50

I'll tell you who it was . . . it was that D@MN Sasquatch!
Well I have reached the age where I have had some of my original parts replaced and I have to say the parts that got replaced work pretty damn well.. I'm 59 but don't look a day over 70..
>I think Founder needs to bring
>in Viagra, Gerritol, and Preperation
>H sponsors to better meet
>the needs of his customers

>..........Tinker Toys, GI Joe dolls and Hula Hoops, are more like it!
36...and loving every minute of it. Just found out that we are having a 3rd child too....Yikes...too old to have another kid...but here we go!!!!!
Wow looks like I am one of the youngest ones here at a whopping 22 years old.

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