Backcountry food budget


Curious what you guys think is a good amount to spend on 1 days worth of food for a backcountry backpack hunt. Seems like all the quality food is pretty expensive haha
Never really thought about it but including a Peak refuel meal for dinner everyday I’d guess at least $20 a day also including drink/energy mixes, lunch and lots of snacks.
Im sure others get by cheaper but I really enjoy a good, filling tasty meal like Peak refuel at the end of a long day.
I typically eat a Gatorade protein bar in the morning with coffee ($1), oatmeal and granola for let breakfast ($1), top roman for lunch ($.25), trail mix and goodies during the the day ($1), backpacker meal for dinner ($9), Atkins protein bar before bed ($1). A little whiskey ($1).
Sometimes I replace my Mtn House with Roman and salmon or chicken ($3) cause I’m cheap.
So, on average, $8-$15 per day.

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