Banquet Cancellations


Active Member
With all the banquet cancellations,
Does anybody know how they are going to auction off the tags that are supposed to be
Sold or raffled at the remaining dinners?
The MDF, RMEF and SFW are currently discussing doing an online auction for the remaining tags.
I'll gather as much information as I can and share it.
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That will be interesting.

If they pull similar amounts to other years it will prove that $fw bs, is BS. The tags sell themselves
Not sure I follow this....
Of course the tags sell themselves, most bidders don't even attend the banquets, they are on the phones bidding through personnel at the actual banquet.
We've all heard it's the silver, smooth tones of John Hair. Or the 80's country artist that helps bring the money.

Sure would suck if the tags need none of that.
What about all the other groups with tags?
I just messaged my contacts with RMEF and SFW and it sounds like they are both working on a platform like the MDF used for their online auctions and are anticipating going live within the next few weeks.
I'll try to stay updated and relay information.
Not really. I suspect the price would have been as much or more than it has been in the past if not for the current economic crisis and uncertainty.
Not really. I suspect the price would have been as much or more than it has been in the past if not for the current economic crisis and uncertainty.
That's a possibility yes, but the people who spend 50k on tags like these are most likely in financial situations to take advantage of tougher times for others.
That's a possibility yes, but the people who spend 50k on tags like these are most likely in financial situations to take advantage of tougher times for others.
True, but you don’t get money by giving away more than you have to. They know the market is down so they can get it for cheaper. Don’t kid yourself, no one buys these tags for conservation.
True, but you don’t get money by giving away more than you have to. They know the market is down so they can get it for cheaper. Don’t kid yourself, no one buys these tags for conservation.
Of course they don't, both sides know that.
But what they do know is that when purchasing a tag through a conservation group, they know the money goes to a good cause versus an individual's pocket.....not to mention a tax write off.
True, but you don’t get money by giving away more than you have to. They know the market is down so they can get it for cheaper. Don’t kid yourself, no one buys these tags for conservation.
They have the choice of buying a private land owner tag from Wade Heaton, or one of the "Big 3" Outfitters down there as well, which goes to "personal income" ?
Of course they don't, both sides know that.
But what they do know is that when purchasing a tag through a conservation group, they know the money goes to a good cause versus an individual's pocket.....not to mention a tax write off.
Writing a raffle tag off on your taxes is a good one way to get audited.
Personally I’ve never heard anybody who has
Purchased a conservation tag who got audited off it. So I don’t see we’re you got that.
Just looking at what is available so far.
It looks like the money to be generatated from tag sales will be much less overall.What will be lost no matter what is the the revenue lost from the dinners not sold, tables not bought,raffle tickets and games and prizes not sold or won.
Ya maybe the high end tags will be sold on the phone.But a huge amount of money is raised by people showing up to dinner.
The friendships and contacts made on a night out talking hunting is worth something.
If some one were able to have a banquet right now it would be out the door with everyone stuck at home.
Finally ,so far trying to find we’re each auction is on the internet is not easy.
Maybe they should lay off all the gun auctions
And get all the tags in one place cause it’s
Some amazing tags may fall through the cracks.
If anyone is worried about an audit, you're already doing something shady in the first place.
Who said anyone is worried about an audit? If your CPA tells you it’s fine to write off a raffle tag you better get a new CPA because he’s probably going to get you in a lot more trouble.
Who said anyone is worried about an audit? If your CPA tells you it’s fine to write off a raffle tag you better get a new CPA because he’s probably going to get you in a lot more trouble.
Obviously you are not so savvy on how conservation tags work. And since all you want to do is is argue over something you have zero clue about, I am not going to waste anymore of my time trying to educate you.
Do your homework ?
Obviously you are not so savvy on how conservation tags work. And since all you want to do is is argue over something you have zero clue about, I am not going to waste anymore of my time trying to educate you.
Do your homework ?

Same to you. Nothing like seeing a guide post about a Wyoming deer tag he had and he was scouting units not even open for his tag. How did your Wyoming hunt turn out? Probably wish you could of shot one of those bucks you scouted in 101 and 102 ? ??

So I’m suppose to believe a guide who it’s his job to know the regs and he can’t even do that? And believe him for tax write offs etc ? No way.

Do your homework slammy.

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Same to you. Nothing like seeing a guide post about a Wyoming deer tag he had and he was scouting units not even open for his tag. How did your Wyoming hunt turn out? Probably wish you could of shot one of those bucks you scouted in 101 and 102 ? ??

So I’m suppose to believe a guide who it’s his job to know the regs and he can’t even do that? And believe him for tax write offs etc ? No way.

Do your homework slammy.

First off I wasn't "guiding", I went along with my buddy who drew the tag, I have never owned a Wyoming tag in my life.
We went off his research, or lack thereof. Yes we scouted a day in an area "I" found out he couldn't hunt with his W tag (Thanks to the people who responded to my inquiry).
I relayed the information and we ended up in one of the other areas we could hunt....big deal?

So to mock you back....the auction tags i posted are not "raffle" tags as you stated, they "conservation tags" that most definitely ARE eligible for tax write off's.

There....I did your homework for you (not so) sober ?
First off I wasn't "guiding", I went along with my buddy who drew the tag, I have never owned a Wyoming tag in my life.
We went off his research, or lack thereof. Yes we scouted a day in an area "I" found out he couldn't hunt with his W tag (Thanks to the people who responded to my inquiry).
I relayed the information and we ended up in one of the other areas we could hunt....big deal?

So to mock you back....the auction tags i posted are not "raffle" tags as you stated, they "conservation tags" that most definitely ARE eligible for tax write off's.

There....I did your homework for you (not so) sober ?
Riiiiight. And how did you verify it? Did you make a new post and asked the monstermuley crowd? Ahhahahahaha. I bet you get your financial advice from here too. Hahahahaha haha that’s golden! I bet you don’t even know what a write off is? But I’m done with this thread, it’s like teddy Roosevelt said, “you can’t teach a guy from Utah anything, they think they know it all and if you don’t believe them you don’t have to ask. They will spit it out with out asking”
Riiiiight. And how did you verify it? Did you make a new post and asked the monstermuley crowd? Ahhahahahaha. I bet you get your financial advice from here too. Hahahahaha haha that’s golden! I bet you don’t even know what a write off is? But I’m done with this thread, it’s like teddy Roosevelt said, “you can’t teach a guy from Utah anything, they think they know it all and if you don’t believe them you don’t have to ask. They will spit it out with out asking”
FYI.....most conservation groups are 501(3)C organizations ?

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