Bear rug


Long Time Member
Hey guy's,

Got my bear rug back today. Thought I would share it with ya! Hope you don't mind!


Fantastic rug Chad-looks as pretty as I remember from your photos earlier in the year! I still think that was the most unique bear taken (and posted) in 2009. What did he square out at and what did his skull measure? I picked up my skull the other day from my taxi and my rug had just got back from the tanner. It will be off to the seamstress in a week or two. Seeing the cape again was awesome-I re-lived the whole hunt as I was checking it out and I'm excited to be able to do that every time I see it (as I'm sure you do too). Gongrats on a great bear. Nate
Thanks guy's!

Nate, I have yet to score him as he was not real big. I know I was charged for a 5 foot bear. I will have to measure the skull and get back with ya.

Make sure to post your rug up when it gets back! I would like to see it! Those are some great memories for sure!


You be safe too! Watch your back!
LAST EDITED ON Jan-14-10 AT 01:26PM (MST)[p]Silentstalker.....Blondes have more fun!! and make nice rugs too! AWESOME UNIQUE BEAR!! Thanks for sharing!!

Hunting is Life...everything else is
Very nice. Love the blond bear. Seen two, but never got a shot. Killed four chocolates and would love a black and a crack at a blond that looks alot like your I seen two years ago!!!

Congrats on a great bear and a great rug.
Chad was this the bear that you took out of the ground blind? He is awesome! The color looks a little like a toklat from Alaska. I have not seen you since you left the big C. I wish I called you to come down and join in on my Desert Sheep hunt in Southern Utah this year! It was a great hunt!
Take care,

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