Bears hitting water mid day

El Gringo

Very Active Member
For you guys that are running Trail cams, are you seeing Bears visit water during the mid day hours? Obviously early and late are prime movement time, but I’m considering watching canyons with water all day during the early September hunt in Western Colorado.

Thanks for the input!
Where I'm at, it's only mornings and evenings still. While water isn't usually an issue here, they will start foraging pretty soon pretty much all day.

Bring a varmit call.
My bears are showing up mid day, usually 11-2 is when I’m getting pics. The one spot has a big pool of water and a couple bears spend an hour or so pretty regularly just laying in it.
Are you guys seeing them in the scrub oak now feeding on acorns? If you had a western Colorado unit that has 10,000’ peaks but a decent amount of canyon country with scrub oak where are you going first? We usually hunt them a few weeks later in September and have found them up high at 9,000’ or so but not seeing as much as we usually see up high later on. Thinking about checking scrub oak canyons now. Thanks.
It’s dry over here in Utah. The bears I’m seeing are in drainages with water, acorns and berries. Choke cherries are loaded in some spots along streams. Bears are there chomping groceries.
Bears love water, especially pools like elk wallows. Ive had many a bear on cam at elk wallows, more than ive had elk in fact. This year i killed 2 bears mid day in creek bottoms, and today i killed one in shady timber a few hundred yards from a pond. Find bear food + water + cover / shade and bears will be there. Bears are active all day. Theyre really not very active in the dark unless human disturbance makes them nocturnal. When its hot out, and youre wearing a thick fur coat, where are you going to hang out in the heat of the day? Where theres shade and cold water, not in a hot sunny clearcut. When people say bears are crepuscular, its because they glass cuts. Get in the timber where you cant glass, bears are active all day. Most of my bears have been taken between 11am and 1pm. I hunt in the timber.

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