Beating the virus...


Long Time Member
We're doing it, America!! Keep it up....only 12,000 deaths which I think is far less than anticipated. Def won't reach the 100,000 that the hysteria is calling for. Prayers to the families that have lost loved ones....
Not sure...are you suggesting we'll ALWAYS need to isolate? Your question is pretty open-ended....
...will def run its course but they'll find a vaccine to stop it WHEN others contract the virus. This thing has caught everyone off guard. I originally was against the staying home and shutting everything down but it was the right thing to do. Its working...gonna beat this virus.
...will def run its course but they'll find a vaccine to stop it WHEN others contract the virus. This thing has caught everyone off guard. I originally was against the staying home and shutting everything down but it was the right thing to do. Its working...gonna beat this virus.

It didn't catch anyone off guard. Hell our top economist warned of it in January. We were warned, we saw what was happening in other countries (Italy, Spain) we just thought we were immune.
Just think if everyone would have taken this seriously from the beginning and listened. Oh well. I guess it's "only" projected to be 80,000 dead. Nothing to see here. Flame way....
Not any minute...any week...hopefully. They've got leads already on what works...or at least helps the symptoms. Did you say the same about SARS or N1H1? Lets try to stay all are thinking its doomsday.
I think we will hit more. I think that's the new best case scenario. I would love for it to be way way lower. I would love to eat Crow. ;)

As far as the vaccine...... I don't feel that one will be ready until late summer at the earliest. More realistically next year. Not weeks.

I'm not an epidemiologist. I am not an expert. But I'm not blind to the numbers. The only thing I know about virus's is what my wife has told me. I trust her. She has a PhD in microbiology. She knows a little bit about viruses. She brought this to my attention in January. She along with many, many people, saw this coming. We were just arrogant to think it wouldn't happen here.
Things are either getting better or people are getting tired of hearing about it. Reminds me of the pandamonium every time we have a hurricane. Remember how good we are at modeling those.
Finally a solution.

I read a report this eve from Newsweek stating that they don't know fi hydro... works or not. It said theres no proof that it works but it doesn't HURT the patient taking it so they've continued to use it because it is cheap. LOL. That didn't make any sense to me whatsoever. My belief is that it works or they wouldn't be giving it.
barring a breakthrough vaccine and widespread use, this thing will run its course. I think.

Vaccine is at least 2yrs away.
My father is a toxicologist and we have talked extensively about this virus. Vaccines are not just thought of, made, and distributed. They take years to get right. average vaccine takes 3-5 years to do medical trials studies and FDA approval.

At the rate people are trying to develop a vaccine for this current stain of corona virus scientists and doctors are breaking records for development. BUT unfortunately they are still 12-18 months away from a realistic goal of mass distribution which is still AMAZING.

It won't necessarily help with the current situation but will help if this ever sparks back up. Think about it this way, when they make a vaccine they don't make it to cure one person they make it to potentially cure anyone so a general use. It would be easy to make it help one person but to help everyone is the hard part.

It sure appears to be slowing. That’s great. The social distancing is working. Hard to say what to expect when we get back to normal. I think a vaccine is still about a year out according to what I’ve heard. Until then, I expect to see people wearing masks more regularly when around other people. Just too much risk.
The virus won’t just vanish I don’t think, but I’m shocked if China is honest and really have zero deaths now. It seems like even when things get much better, that the virus will still be flouting around the community at some level. Seems strange that we could wipe it out totally without a vaccine.
Another thing to think about....some doctors have no idea what to do in CERTAIN situations when there's more involved than just the virus. We have a friend in ICU right now at our local hospital and she has pneumonia and a secondary lung infection that they didnt even know about until the husband of the patient reached out to another dr who is a friend of his and the other dr had to contact our local hospital to tell them to test for the second lung infection...she had it. They changed up meds and now her ventilator is at 80% instead of 100%. She is improving. The dr's here had taken her off antibiotics 2 days ago and she tanked AGAIN. They don't know what they are doing or what they are up against in some patients....could be more than just the virus.
My point is some doctors don't know what to do. Thus, many will die from that alone. We live in a community of 110,000 and our joke around here is to never go to this hospital. Thats been a joke since I was a kid here.
Hopefully, they'll nip this in the ass sooner than later. Stay healthy!
The Mask Thing hit here perty Good the Last few days!

Some wearing them .19 cent Masks that wouldn't protect you from anything!

I Handed a Gal Cash at the Cash Register!

She was BUTT HURT & wanted me to use Plastic!

Tough Titty!
We have a cure. They are claiming relief in 8-12 hours. But we have a bureaucracy that needs fed, so meanwhile, many will die. If we could just get those pro-choice militants to scream about this, we wouldn't be talkin about it in 2 weeks.
Fauci, Birx & their spouses all supported & donated to elect Hillary. Keep your friends close & your enemies closer?
I've worn those n95 for decades doing drywall.

Never got done sanding a house and not blown white snot and boogers for hours. They don't block dust, let alone a virus. Even says so on the side of the box.

I stopped at the 7-11. Grabbed a drink, dude backs up, "put your dollars on counter than back up".

Seen dudes less worried about rattlesnakes than a $5.

So wearing a bandana ain't gonna be real effective.

But summers coming, yoga pants and bandanas?
The idea of a mask is to muffle any cough or sneeze.

It does not protect you, the wearer; it protects those around the wearer in case you have the virus.

The bacteria that causes Corona is so tiny, an N95 is like using a chain link fence to stop water.

What the mask, just about any mask does is contain the force of a sneeze or cough that propels the bacteria into the surrounding air in a cloud that other people would then breath in.
So....based on that logic, things can get inside the mask, but they can’t get out of the mask? Especially when forced by a sneeze or a cough?

don’t buy it.
When did I get to vote for Fauci?

With all due respect, dude is 79 years old. Been in government for 40 years.

Smart I'm sure.

But. Hes Been wrong over and over.

Want going to come here. Won't be problem. Won't be big problem. 2 million deaths. 200k deaths. Hydroxychocholonine looks to be his next wrong.

Those are just off top of my head.

He's starting to look like the climate experts. The ones that had Florida under water and us all dying in 8 years.

Thecman is single handedly responsible for 16 million unemployed and a 22 trillion dollar economy skidding to a stop.

Want to bet next week deaths will be downgraded again in models?

When those antibody tests start showing this genius had Wuhan virus in California in November and December, he's gonna look awful stupid.
That pic is from March 20th....and give Fauci a break...he hadn't had his nap yet and it was already nearly 4 pm.
When did I get to vote for Fauci?

With all due respect, dude is 79 years old. Been in government for 40 years.

Smart I'm sure.

But. Hes Been wrong over and over.

Want going to come here. Won't be problem. Won't be big problem. 2 million deaths. 200k deaths. Hydroxychocholonine looks to be his next wrong.

Those are just off top of my head.

He's starting to look like the climate experts. The ones that had Florida under water and us all dying in 8 years.

Thecman is single handedly responsible for 16 million unemployed and a 22 trillion dollar economy skidding to a stop.

Want to bet next week deaths will be downgraded again in models?

When those antibody tests start showing this genius had Wuhan virus in California in November and December, he's gonna look awful stupid.

I'm waiting for the face mask that filters out that deadly CO2.

These .29 Masks & People Wearing them Believe they are Protected!

It Would Take a High Dollar Full Face Respirator with the Right Cartridges to do the Job!

Or the Respirator that Homer Posted!:D

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