Best Cop Movie


Long Time Member
I see Heat is on Netflix, DeNiro, Pachino, Seizmore, Kilmore all time classic. Favorite scene DeNiro and Pachino at the diner.
Of the recent ones - I really liked "Wind River" - good shoot out scene there too. Some things that I laughed at too, like a drilling rig in Wyoming shutting down for the winter, and using snow machines for everything - especially areas where there is barely enough snow, and tracking lions without dogs. There were a couple of other things too but it's a good story.


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The best ever! It has everything a good movie should have like the best actors, director, score, locations and a lot more. Michael Mann can put together a great team. I can't believe it didn't win more awards.
Heat definitely has the best shootout scene. There is one mistake in the shootout when Pachino shoots at Deniro with his HK .308. bullets are stopped by the tail light of a car. Besides that its a dam good flick.

Best cop movie for story and acting is Bullitt. Excellent acting and screen writing. Steve McQueen is the king of cool.
RAMBO 1ST BLOOD enough said!
>Reno 911 is my favorite.

Reno 911 is hands down the most accurate presentation bar none. Almost scary accurate.

LAST EDITED ON Apr-12-18 AT 08:24PM (MST)[p]Rumor is most cops like Brokeback mountain while on the "beat"... True story.
>>Reno 911 is my favorite.
>Reno 911 is hands down the
>most accurate presentation bar none.
>Almost scary accurate.

That's why I love it. ?
>AT 08:24?PM (MST)

>Rumor is most cops like Brokeback
>mountain while on the "beat"...
>True story.

Maybe but that would make it a cop?s movie not a cop movie.

Post of Eel = 1911 is under a Wool Blanket.

I am Happy :) all of "YOU" have Netflicks. I do not have such Internet Service. Woe Tizzz me.

I may live and reside far outside of Cable or Internet at my Home finger, yet I am Happy so many of you are City Folks. :)

I can survive with zero such offerings. I have no such offerings.

Jagerdad :)

Eel, Maybe our 1911 is actually a Saturday Night Special 25 Auto... A small Tuna Can Sam, .... ?

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