Big 3 Elk


Long Time Member
Well the seasons are over. Anyone have any photos or stories to tell. Saw a nice archery bull posted on here, but expected to see more by now.
Not all seasons. Melrose goes to the end of March and I’ll be hunting for a big bull starting in January!!
I heard some gal took a monster but I'm not sure. all in all it was a poor year for elk hunting the weather was way to warm.
Here's a pic of mine. 7x7. Guesses on score? Haven't scored yet I'm just curious what people think.

IMG_6787 - Copy.JPG

IMG_6692 - Copy.jpg
I'm gonna guess 365"-370" ish...

The front's might not have the curl they need to get him all the way there, but I think he makes up for it past the thirds. That right main gotta be 57-60"

Great bull!!
Watch what??
Care to share?

Sorry, I didnt even think that it might read like it did. Lol
It's a youtube hunt series, I liked their old stuff back 8 or so years ago. The "content" they are putting out now is barely stomachable for me. I fast forward to the elk encounters and skip the rest, so there was some sarcasm in the statement. They had a few of the Big three tags this year.
Two cousins were with me when I killed him. All three of us guessed between 330"-340". I'm usually a meat hunter so this was a different experience having to be patient and pass bull after bull. This was my first bull I've killed that's over 300" and first bull I've ever even cared about scoring, purely on the sentimental aspect of it being my long awaited "Big 3" tag. The consensus seems to be around 330" ish from everyone I've talked to. Thanks for the replies!
Two cousins were with me when I killed him. All three of us guessed between 330"-340". I'm usually a meat hunter so this was a different experience having to be patient and pass bull after bull. This was my first bull I've killed that's over 300" and first bull I've ever even cared about scoring, purely on the sentimental aspect of it being my long awaited "Big 3" tag. The consensus seems to be around 330" ish from everyone I've talked to. Thanks for the replies!

It’s a wonderful bull, one most elk hunters will never be fortunate enough to get one as nice.
Two cousins were with me when I killed him. All three of us guessed between 330"-340". I'm usually a meat hunter so this was a different experience having to be patient and pass bull after bull. This was my first bull I've killed that's over 300" and first bull I've ever even cared about scoring, purely on the sentimental aspect of it being my long awaited "Big 3" tag. The consensus seems to be around 330" ish from everyone I've talked to. Thanks for the replies!
Well don't be a tease, did you score it?!? We can't be guessing then not get to find out how close or far off we were. If you have the sheet please post it, based off these pictures I'd be very surprised if that bull is under 340". Unless of course you take picture's like I do, I can usually grow them 20"-30" with the right angle!! Beautiful bull regardless of the tape
Well don't be a tease, did you score it?!? We can't be guessing then not get to find out how close or far off we were. If you have the sheet please post it, based off these pictures I'd be very surprised if that bull is under 340". Unless of course you take picture's like I do, I can usually grow them 20"-30" with the right angle!! Beautiful bull regardless of the tape

Ha! I'm also dying to know but he's currently at the taxidermist. I might try to contact a scorer and see if the taxidermist is cool with me running him to the scorer for an hour. I'm sure it'd be ok. I will definitely post a score sheet when I have it done. Looking forward to finding out!
Where are you at ? I'm a B&C measurer . pictures can be deceiving, pretty sure he won't make B&C but I can score P&Y as well.

Whoever does it if possible it's easier to do before being mounted.
Where are you at ? I'm a B&C measurer . pictures can be deceiving, pretty sure he won't make B&C but I can score P&Y as well.

Whoever does it if possible it's easier to do before being mounted.

I'm in Lebanon and the bull is over in Bend at the taxidermist.
Where are you at ? I'm a B&C measurer . pictures can be deceiving, pretty sure he won't make B&C but I can score P&Y as well.

Whoever does it if possible it's easier to do before being mounted.
I always had a question on scoring elk and deer mounts. How do you verify the spread without pulling back the cape to confirm that the skull isn’t cracked?

Nice bull by the way! With those long main beams and nice 5ths I am guessing he is over 350…

I'm only 30 miles from Bend and I go over there every couple weeks usually. if you want to t PM me I can stop by the taxidermist one of these days and score it if he's okay with it. I may know him.

I'm don't have any association with P&Y or the Oregon book but they'll accept an official B&C scorer's sheet.

As long as the spread doesn't appear altered you just score it assuming it isn't. if it was a new record or something I'm sure it would be scrutinized harder but I've never run into that.
I would have guessed 320, not much spread credit is a lot of it. most guys think 320 is 350 and 350 is 400 that's just how it works.

Pictures can be very deceiving. but still a nice bull regardless.
I hate to say this, but I have a hard time believing the bull in the pictures and the scoring sheet are the same bull. I have a 398 non-typical, a 356 typical, a 317 typical, a 297 typical, and a 270 typical mounted on my wall. They have been scored by a B&C official scorer. The 7x6 you have pictured is bigger than my 317 bull for sure. He looks comparable to my 356 bull. The bull in the picture has long main beams. Look at the gap between the seconds and thirds and look at the gap between the thirds and fourths. That shows his main beams are long. His fourths and fifths have great lengths. His spread might not be as wide but spread only makes up a small amount of total score. I just don’t believe that bull didn’t surpass the 300 inch mark. Maybe someone is a superb picture taker but it doesn’t add up to me. But what do I know!?
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Beautiful Bull, by looking at your pictures and the score chart it looks like it matches up. 14” G1, 12” G2, 11” G3 and 14”G4. I have a lot of people ask me to score animals off a picture and I won’t do it for this very reason. That Bull has the look he’s just young. Congratulations on a fine Trophy
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