Big bears and Almost a turkey!!!


Long Time Member
So another weekend down. Exploring WY is a lot of fun and a little unnerving at times...

This weekend we headed back to chase turkey. Saturday we headed into the area where I killed mom last weekend. A lot of hunters and the birds had moved. We hiked up a canyon over 4 miles following a group of turkey tracks. Eventually we crossed a sow grizzly track with a cub.The snow was deep and the turkeys were well up into the wilderness area so we gave up. 8+ miles round trip and we were wore out.
The next morning we headed into an area I had e scouted.... Well we found a ton of elk, way more than the video shows. We also were sitting up high glassing a creek bottom when across the creek 2 grizzlies showed up. I am assuming it was a very large boar with a young female. The video is just a few seconds due to memory issues. But we watched these 2 from across the canyon for a 1/2 hour or so.

Then as we watched bear showed up in the creek below us and right on top of the turkeys. Needless to say we were not in a hurry to chase the turkeys in the creek bottom knowing there were 3 griz in there...

eventually we made a move on the turkeys and called them into 60 yards but never got a shot.

it was my first time seeing a griz in person and my son age 10 as well...

The video is not the best. It appears to be having a hard time focusing, might be time for a new camera I suppose... I have several minutes of Bear video...
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...."This weekend we headed back to chase turkey. Saturday we headed into the area where I killed mom last weekend. A lot of hunters and the birds had moved." WTF ?? I'm glad I wasn't hunting up there !!;)
We were in 116/117 deer. Grey Bull and Wood Rivers.

the 3 bears were in Francs Creek... The other sow and cub was in South Fork of the Wood River

That Francs fork will have 30-40+ plus bears in September eating moths up in the rocks. I use to work in that area and have spent a lot of time in that country. We would have grizzly bears get into our water injection buildings/treater buildings and take a nap. we had to start carrying bear spray as a company policy it got so bad. One guy even got ran over by a sow when he went for a shed hunting trip after work.
Okay, Elks96. You have to tell us what your turkey gun set up is. Maybe one no. 4 shot and four slugs.

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