Big Brush Bull



Here are a couple bulls I was able to film while out scouting for elk just a few days before the archery season with Josh Esparza. We followed this and another good bull for about an hour before we were finally able to get a look at him. Unfortunately, there was a bunch of brush in the way. Rather than push him, we decided to leave them undisturbed. We never did go back to hunt him or the other bull we found that morning, although they were both solid bulls.




Check out my blog for more hunting stories, pics and videos.
So you decided not to bother with the "dinks" and went on to bigger and better stuff, huh! That bull in the second video was sure "carving" up that tree---shame on him, LOL!!!
Sweet - love the width! That ol' boy just hung in there like he knew he was safe or something!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
That boy has some major spread to him. Cool looking bull. Thanks for sharing.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-24-11 AT 10:24PM (MST)[p]Definitely some great stuff KO, but your video work flow is distorting your clips. It looks like it's up scaling from SD to HD to get 16 : 9 from 4:3 and thus all your clips look so wide.

What camera and software are you using?

PHOTO SHOP!!! just look at how big that bull is!! must be a fake! jk

What an impressive bull. where is he at now... I.. HUH... just want to look at him???? :)

It was a big bodied 2 point.

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