
Founder Since 1999
[font size=+3]BIG BUCK DOWN BABY![/font]

So, after 11 scouting days in Wyoming, I decided to end the scouting and go hunting. So, I went looking for the 5x5 I found on my 2nd scouting trip. I also knew of another potential taker in the area.

Packed in with a horse from Yellowstone Horse Rentals in Afton. On opening morning I saw the buck I ended up taking. He was big and I wanted him. I also saw the 5x5, but he really hadn't grown much more from early Aug.

Opening evening and day 2 were tough. But on morning of day 3 I spotted my buck and watched him bed under a stand of pines. After a quick bite to eat, I was on my way. I really didn't think I had a chance to get him. I know of so many things that can go wrong, so all that was dancing in my head. But because of that, maybe that's why it worked. ?????

I was careful going down the hill on the stalk, checking wind, watching for other bucks, trying to spot my buck before he caught glimpse of me. I took my time, stayed low, remained confident, and eased down the hill.

Everything worked great and I put myself 50 yards from the bedded buck. being on a steep hill, I set my sight to 43 yards and decided to launch one as he bedded. I hit him perfect, the broadhead did it's job and the buck died after just 45 yards.

Incredible adventure!!! To really appreciate it, you guys need to watch the webcast. Great time for me. Great memory. Great accomplishment. Luck shined on me.
WATCH THE WEBCAST!!! It's 25 minutes, but worth it I think.

You Gotta WATCH IT!
















Brian Latturner
LAST EDITED ON Sep-05-11 AT 01:01PM (MST)[p]Awesome! Congratulations on getting that Big Guy! How cool is that having an ice cave nearby? Thanks for sharing!!
Maybe the best hunting story/video I've ever seen! A solo back country mule deer hunt. Congratulations Brian. That's quite an accomplishment.

A huge congrats to you. If anyone deserves a nice buck like that its guys like you that create a venue like this web site. Also your time and dedication to the sport paid off. I loved seeing your raw excitement. Only those that have met a hunting goal can understand how completely overwhelming that feeling is. Thanks for sharing it with us and I hope those other big boys stick around for your son.
good buck. thats an odd way to pack horns out on a horse. hope there wasnt a lot of trees on the way down.
You dog!!!! You earned every inch of that buck man. Congrats and I hope Devan gets-r-done too. Your a nut!! It was worth the wait for pics.


Later, Brandon
Probably the coolest hunt and footage I've ever watched. Thanks for sharing it with us.

The buck ain't bad either! :)
that was so badass. All the terrible ##### that happens out there always ends up being a great story later. thanks for sharing. Stud buck too!
Yup.....that's a good one Brian. Congratulations on a great archery mule deer! The pod cast was pretty neat to watch...the highs and lows of bowhunting muleys for sure.

When you rent the horse do they provide the feed as well?

BOHNTR )))---------->
Very cool Brian. A great reward for your dedication. Cool video as well. Reminds me of this buck.


Awesome! Some of the more unique big buck harvest pics I have seen. A true testament to the tough Wyoming winter. That buck is a stud . . . What else would you expect from the Founder of MM? Well done . . .
Way nice!! Probablly one of the best realistic hunt videos I have seen. If you have ever hunted solo, watching the ups and downs brings back a lot of memories. Congrats and well done.
Well earned and deserved man! Hes a beauty. Congrats and thanks for the videos!

"You skin grizz?"
Nicely done Brian, Congrats on a great buck. I know it's been a tough year for you and your family. You can bet your hunting partner was right next to you all the time. I'm really happy for you.

Government doesn't fix anything and has spent trillions proving it!!!
Let's face it...After Monday and Tuesday, even the calender says WTF!
Great job, thanks for bringing us all along with you. Love the picture in the creek bottom with the ice cave in the back ground.
WOW! Beautiful buck Brian. Congrats on a backcountry stud with a bow. What an accomplishment.
Great Job Brian!
Way to put in the work and come away with the prize. Looks like it was quite the adventure you had up there by yourself, glad we could tag along by your video.

For the love of the game
OK, though i'm probably the first asking, i'll wager i'm not the first thinking up a score for this Buck.

I'll say 186 gross?

How about it, what did that pretty boy tape out at?

That's great! I have wanted to hunt Wyoming for a long time but the guided only wilderness areas law has thrown me off.
Very nice buck, Great solo hunt with only the horse and a tent very nice. Nice job Buddy.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
Now let me say this!(Before Browtine jumps me!:D)

Did I hear the Famous F Word out of the Bosses mouth?:D

Doesn't bother/Offend me at all,just wondering?

And did I hear the Boss say the Camp Beach(Browtine!)was back at Camp while all of this excitement was going down?

Super Nice Buck!(Did you hear me Brow?)

For GAWDS Sakes Guys,We Got Kids on this Site,Some of them are 65 years Old!:D

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
I love the excitement in Founder's voice as the F word slipped out. Hilarious! Great hunt and thanks so much for posting.

"I just fkn killed him!"

Huge congrats!
Great job Brian, when I saw the pics of this buck a month ago I thought 170s I think I was 10 to 15 inches low now.
Curious on score also! 185-190??

Sit tall in the saddle, hold your head up high, keep your eyes fixed to where the trail meets the sky...
Let's hear some scores. Watch the video and let's hear it.

Brian Latturner
Hey Brow?

So it was you doing 50-60 MPH around a Blind Corner on my side of the Road Huh in the RAZOR?

You want me to put you on the SJ JACKASS list?:D

For GAWDS Sakes Guys,We Got Kids on this Site,Some of them are 65 years Old!:D

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
I'm gonna say 192 Pope and ******** Young.... ;)


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.

For GAWDS Sakes Guys,We Got Kids on this Site,Some of them are 65 years Old!:D

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
Congrat's on a great archery buck...looks like everything was perfect, lunch before the stalk, good shot, nice ice cave cooler for your game...awesume story and buck Brian.

That was an awesome webcast. I love how you document the hunt throughout the day showing the emotional highs & lows. 11 days scouting you certainly earned that big boy. What a buck! Too cool. Now you got to get your boy a big buck. Congrats.

184 gross, 171 net P&Y....but that might be conservative.

Great buck and thanks fro taking us along.

"That's a special feeling, Lloyd"
193 gross. Yes, I will definitely leave the velvet on. He ended up being a bit better than I expected. I would have said 185ish and 27 inches wide. He's 28-1/2 at the very widest. The back forks are incredible and he does have great mass.
So cool. I sure get lucky sometimes. The wind is always at my back, regardless what direction I walk, but not that day!!

I will say though, when I was at at about 80 yards from the buck, the wind changed direction and was blowing towards him. I was so scared he would get me. I was in such a good spot at that point in the stalk. Luckily he didn't and the wind went back to blowing uphill.

That feeling of killing a big buck after working hard to find one is so incredible everytime. No wonder it's so addictiing. He ended up being the biggest buck I have seen in 14 days of scouting and hunting up there. I had thought the 5x5 would grow a bunch more on his back end, but I don't think he did. I only caught a short glimpse of him while hunting and he wasn't what I thought he would be. But, my son wants to get the 5x5 over the wide buck, so hopefully we can turn him up before he dies or disappears. It'll be fun.

Brian Latturner
He opted for the cash rather than the guided deer hunt....??? Health issues I believe. Otherwise, we would have been hunting a pretty special buck I know of.

Brian Latturner
Congrats Brian on another great buck....

There's room for all of God's creatures, right next to the mashed potato's and gravy.

What an incredible adventure! You've done a great job at documenting your hunt for this buck. What a stud!

Great job Brian, way to go after the goal of a great high country mule deer. I like the smile on your face. It says it all.


Brian I bet your stuck on bowhunting now for awhile.
Awesome buck and great photo's.Congratulations!
Wow, I'm all excited to go hunting now and the hunt ended yesterday. Awesome video, thanks for sharing!
Awesome buck and congrats to your kid for knocking a nice one down also! I have a little getaway in Bedford and hope to get that tag one day.

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