Big bull down!!!!


Long Time Member
LAST EDITED ON Oct-14-12 AT 08:15PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Oct-14-12 AT 04:17?PM (MST)

Hunted hard for 5 days. put a lot miles on the horses. was 15 miles in the backcountry. seen 14 bulls and finally found the one i wanted. seen a lot of bulls from rag-horn to 320. but i would like to seem grow for another few years.

i was watching a herd of 25 elk everyday. had a couple of bulls in the group. finally on the 5th day while watching them like clock-work this big boy came out. he must of been hiding the last few days. he was 1200 yards away so i snuck through the trees and set up at 150 yards and let the 300 mag bark. he walked 75 yards and laid down and watched him expire.

this was a odd year for us. usaully the bulls don't come out till the las min of shooting light for us and this year they were moving right at 4 in the afternoon.. had a blast. than goodness for the horses to carry me and the meat out.

i forgot to add that saturday night while riding the horses back to camp we were riding in the dark and the horses just stopped. turn on the head-lamp and a grizzly bear was in the middle of the trail. yelled at the bear he ran off a few yards and stopped so we yelled again and he took off for good.




getting ready to tie the head down

>"he was 1200 yards away so
>i snuck through the trees"
>What trees? LOL Congrats
>on a very nice bull.

HaHa, the trees are in front of me towards the camara...
michael thats a great looking Bull you just can't keep away from those Grizzly's can you.LOL
He's a beaut!
Congrats on taking a big ole bull..... and thanks for sharing your hunt with us.
Nice bull for sure. You must have calmer horses than what we use. 2 years ago we ran into a black bear on the trail and that lead horse wasn't having any of it. It turned into a wild rodeo for my buddy he ended up getting the #%@& kicked out of him and a broken arm...That horse was going back home come hell or high water after that bear spooked him.
Very nice Bull, Horns on a pack horses,well it doesn't get much better then that.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
Congrats on a great looking Wyomimg bull.

Romans 10:13

>Awesome bull!!! Forgive my ignorance,
>but could you explain the
>face skinning job I see
>in the last pic?

No problem, i wanted to start cleaning the elk head cause its easier when the head is fresh. so i got one side started and was working over to the next. we then realized the horses knew something wasnt right. so i cut the hide off loaded it on the pack, snaped a picture , tied the head down and we took off. as we took off the horses were looking down in the trees and sniffing the air pretty hard. our horses are use to bears but our other pack-horse is a new horse so we were worried about him
>Congrats on an awesome bull, but
>how did you spot him
>with all that cover???

lol, i need another picture. where my dad is standing taking the picture behind him is draw of trees thus is where the horses are tied up at. we watched this heard for awhile and the cows and ragbulls were feeding in the open then this big boy finally stepped out.

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