Big game rule change recommendations


Active Member
The Utah DWR has a bunch of suggested rule changes for 2022. Of course most people don't know about these. Everything from trail cam regs, hunter orange, muzzleloader definitions and more.

The first deadline for comment is the Central RAC. Due on Thanksgiving by midnight. Watch and comment to the RAC!

@Founder they have a rule in there about selling game info. Smells a lot like the WY rule. Your thoughts there?
I sent in my comments based on the proposal. Interesting in the survey data that people support preserving opportunities by limiting technologies and returning to more primitive weapon types but when asked specifically about restricting their rifles, muzzleloaders, or bows they did not support any changes. It does not work like that. High harvest success rates leads to less opportunity. Lower the success rates by restrictions on weapon technologies and opportunity will remain the same or increase along with increasing the age structure of the game on the landscape. It is one or the other. For me I would rather be out hunting with a fixed pin bow, 1x scoped muzzleloader, or a fixed 6x scoped rifle rather than waiting for years to finally draw a general permit along with having and higher likelihood of hunting a few old aged animals that are no longer getting shot from 1400 yards. I agree with the recommendations they have in the presentation and it is a baby step in the right direction on limiting technologies. Everyone is different and the DWR will never be able to make everyone happy so these are just my thoughts for what it is worth. Abuse is typically the leading cause for regulation. Outfitters with truck loads of apples, running 100’s of trail cameras on every limited water source, night vision guides keeping track of their target bucks 24/7 prior to their clients arriving, long range rifles set up for their clients to pull the trigger on, finding loopholes to gain advantages for their clients, etc. Everyone is punished in new regulation due to a few people’s actions. That is the society we live in.

Happy Thanksgiving. I’m thankful to be free and for the opportunity to go hunting each year with my family and friends.
My concern is regarding bear permits. Whereas some hunters have been applying for over a decade to obtain a multi-season bear permit and now they are going to dump otc spot and stalk bear hunters on top of those hunts.
I'm sure those spot and stalk guys will totally be respectful of bait sites from the 17 point bear applicant. Totally. *eye roll*


Add What You Want To it!

I Didn't Cover Everything!

The Changes are Many & Some of you will Think they are HARSH!

You're Right!

The Extended Archery Hunt will Come To an End & Now!

The Late Muzz Tags are Gone as Well!

For CFS We Don't have the Deer Numbers for these kinda BS Hunts for GAWDS Sakes!

Hunting Big Game Continuously & Overlapped From Mid-August through January/February with No Relaxation Time for the Deer Herd No Longer Happens!

Not Every TARD in this State Gets a Tag Every Year!

I Hate it as much as anybody,but the Inflation of Hunters outnumber the number of Harvest-able Deer we can Harvest each year!

It is Now a 50,000.00 Fine on the very first offense when you're caught Off-Roading Your F'N Wheelers & Side X Sides in Closed Areas/Primitive/Private Property without Permission!

On Your 2nd Offense 150,000.00 Fine,Confiscation of your Wheeler/Side X Side,Your Rig/Truck You Pulled it to the Mountain With & 1 Year in Jail and Your Hunting Rights are Revoked 50 States wide for Life!

Trespassers get the same Treatment as Listed above!

Poachers on the very first offense will be Fined 150,00.00,pay full replacement price of the Animal they Illegally took,All Hunting Gear/Vehicles Confiscated & Auctioned off with that Money going back to the DWR to Help Prosecute more Poachers & Fencing,Hunting Privileges Revoked forever in all 50 States with 2 Years of Free Meals down at the Local Jail Cell!

I'm Helping PUNK on this one:Baiting Deer/Big Game of any Kind Lands you a Free Stay with Bubba for 6 Months,You'll be Banned from all Hunting in all 50 States for Life along with a 25,000.00 Fine!

Wasting Deer/ Wildlife of any Kind will get You the Same Treatment as Listed above!

Deer Management Will be Based on Total Number of Deer & Not Buck to Doe Ratio's alone,Deer Counts will be Proven to the Best We can Count them,Not Guesstimated,Not Exaggerated And NOT Lied about Fake,Phony,F'N Elevated Numbers of Deer that Don't Exist!

When We Notice Deer Declining in Units below satisfactory numbers,there will be Tags/Permits Cut Immediately,not years down the road when it's too late!

There Are No More Antler-less/Doe Tags anywhere in the State,When Problems arise,The Does/Deer Will Be Captured & Moved!

Legal Archery Equipment will be Limited to Recurves Only!

Legal Muzzle-loaders will be Hawkins & Flintlocks only!

Legal Rifles will only Have Scopes with a Maximum Magnification of 4 Power!

Rangefinders are Not Legal & You Won't need them with the Down Grading of all Weaponry!

Trail Cams are Strictly Prohibited on all Public Ground & it is Legal for any Person to Tear them Down & Destroy them at any time!

Drones are legal for Target Practice year around!

Outfitters & Guides Can Not Surround/Herd or Camp on any Big Game Animals!

Camo Clothing of all Types is Prohibited so Dig Your Red F'N Shirts out!

Spotting Scopes of any kind/Size are prohibited from using during any Hunt,with the shorter Range Weaponry you won't need them!

No Units will be Mismanaged so Poorly that they have to be Closed!

There Will Be 5 Units around the State in a few places known as
Opportunist Units/Hunts,When They've Pounded These Out they can NOT start BAWLING wanting to Pound the other Units out!

All Units excluding the 5 Opportunist Units will have Antler Restrictions of 4 Point or better to be a legal Buck!

Anybody Shooting Sub 4 Point Bucks in a 4 Point or Better Unit will pay a 35,000.00 Fine on the 1st Offense,Lose their Hunting Rights for Life in all 50 States!

Any Hunter Entering Great Grandpa or Great Grandma/Etc in to the Draws just to Hunt on their Permits will be Fined 40,000.00 & Banned for Life of Hunting Privileges in all 50 States!

Paraplanes/Shoot-Planes are Outlawed during any Hunting Seasons and if Caught you'll Pay 25,000.00 & Confiscation of your Shoot-Plane!

Several Roads & Trails will Be Flat Ass Closed,You Get Caught You'll Pay Dearly,Get Your Boots Oiled up!

SpotLighting will Be Outlawed 1 Month Before Bow Season through January 31st in all Big Game Units/Areas,Break this Law & it'll Cost You 30,000.00 & Loss of Hunting Rights in all 50 States for Life!

Each Year We will do More Deer Fencing along Highways,It'll take several years,We should have been doing this 50 years ago!

No More Cow Killer Hunts Running From August Through Jan-Feb,Yes People this Adds Pressure on the Deer Herd They do not Need!

Managing for Strictly Money is Over with!

Nobody can Outguess Weather/Drought & Management will be Tweaked accordingly by the Year!(NOT By saying:Oh We've got a 5 Year Plan Locked in & We can't do anything!)

Forest Service/BLM/DWR will Start Enforcing Existing Rules & Laws before Making More which have only Hurt the Honest Sportsmen & they Do NOT Enforce them!

Radio's Used to Help Kill Deer will Land You a 30,000.00 Fine & Confiscation of all other Hunting Equipment on you at time of the Arrest!

The Dedicated Hunter Program will Continue,It Will Be Mandatory all Projects will be 'MULE DEER' Related & You have to put in your Hours,No More PAY for your Hours Type of BS unless an Emergency comes up!

All LE Buck & Bull Tags will Be Once in a F'N Lifetime!

I Could go on & on But I Won't!

Niller wanted 1 or maybe 3 Things I'd Do If I Could Change the Management for the Better!

Listed above is a Few!

There are Many,Many More that could be added to Help a Suffering Deer Herd!

This Ought to be enough though To PISS The Pope Off & Most other TARDS of this State!

If You Think the Past Deer Management Plans have Helped anything you are WRONG!

If You Think this Last WB Meeting & Changes will Save the Deer Herd You are WRONG!

So I'm gonna Name My Plan HELL-RIGHT,HELL-F'N-RIGHT!

Blast Away!


Add What You Want To it!

I Didn't Cover Everything!

The Changes are Many & Some of you will Think they are HARSH!

You're Right!

The Extended Archery Hunt will Come To an End & Now!

The Late Muzz Tags are Gone as Well!

For CFS We Don't have the Deer Numbers for these kinda BS Hunts for GAWDS Sakes!

Hunting Big Game Continuously & Overlapped From Mid-August through January/February with No Relaxation Time for the Deer Herd No Longer Happens!

Not Every TARD in this State Gets a Tag Every Year!

I Hate it as much as anybody,but the Inflation of Hunters outnumber the number of Harvest-able Deer we can Harvest each year!

It is Now a 50,000.00 Fine on the very first offense when you're caught Off-Roading Your F'N Wheelers & Side X Sides in Closed Areas/Primitive/Private Property without Permission!

On Your 2nd Offense 150,000.00 Fine,Confiscation of your Wheeler/Side X Side,Your Rig/Truck You Pulled it to the Mountain With & 1 Year in Jail and Your Hunting Rights are Revoked 50 States wide for Life!

Trespassers get the same Treatment as Listed above!

Poachers on the very first offense will be Fined 150,00.00,pay full replacement price of the Animal they Illegally took,All Hunting Gear/Vehicles Confiscated & Auctioned off with that Money going back to the DWR to Help Prosecute more Poachers & Fencing,Hunting Privileges Revoked forever in all 50 States with 2 Years of Free Meals down at the Local Jail Cell!

I'm Helping PUNK on this one:Baiting Deer/Big Game of any Kind Lands you a Free Stay with Bubba for 6 Months,You'll be Banned from all Hunting in all 50 States for Life along with a 25,000.00 Fine!

Wasting Deer/ Wildlife of any Kind will get You the Same Treatment as Listed above!

Deer Management Will be Based on Total Number of Deer & Not Buck to Doe Ratio's alone,Deer Counts will be Proven to the Best We can Count them,Not Guesstimated,Not Exaggerated And NOT Lied about Fake,Phony,F'N Elevated Numbers of Deer that Don't Exist!

When We Notice Deer Declining in Units below satisfactory numbers,there will be Tags/Permits Cut Immediately,not years down the road when it's too late!

There Are No More Antler-less/Doe Tags anywhere in the State,When Problems arise,The Does/Deer Will Be Captured & Moved!

Legal Archery Equipment will be Limited to Recurves Only!

Legal Muzzle-loaders will be Hawkins & Flintlocks only!

Legal Rifles will only Have Scopes with a Maximum Magnification of 4 Power!

Rangefinders are Not Legal & You Won't need them with the Down Grading of all Weaponry!

Trail Cams are Strictly Prohibited on all Public Ground & it is Legal for any Person to Tear them Down & Destroy them at any time!

Drones are legal for Target Practice year around!

Outfitters & Guides Can Not Surround/Herd or Camp on any Big Game Animals!

Camo Clothing of all Types is Prohibited so Dig Your Red F'N Shirts out!

Spotting Scopes of any kind/Size are prohibited from using during any Hunt,with the shorter Range Weaponry you won't need them!

No Units will be Mismanaged so Poorly that they have to be Closed!

There Will Be 5 Units around the State in a few places known as
Opportunist Units/Hunts,When They've Pounded These Out they can NOT start BAWLING wanting to Pound the other Units out!

All Units excluding the 5 Opportunist Units will have Antler Restrictions of 4 Point or better to be a legal Buck!

Anybody Shooting Sub 4 Point Bucks in a 4 Point or Better Unit will pay a 35,000.00 Fine on the 1st Offense,Lose their Hunting Rights for Life in all 50 States!

Any Hunter Entering Great Grandpa or Great Grandma/Etc in to the Draws just to Hunt on their Permits will be Fined 40,000.00 & Banned for Life of Hunting Privileges in all 50 States!

Paraplanes/Shoot-Planes are Outlawed during any Hunting Seasons and if Caught you'll Pay 25,000.00 & Confiscation of your Shoot-Plane!

Several Roads & Trails will Be Flat Ass Closed,You Get Caught You'll Pay Dearly,Get Your Boots Oiled up!

SpotLighting will Be Outlawed 1 Month Before Bow Season through January 31st in all Big Game Units/Areas,Break this Law & it'll Cost You 30,000.00 & Loss of Hunting Rights in all 50 States for Life!

Each Year We will do More Deer Fencing along Highways,It'll take several years,We should have been doing this 50 years ago!

No More Cow Killer Hunts Running From August Through Jan-Feb,Yes People this Adds Pressure on the Deer Herd They do not Need!

Managing for Strictly Money is Over with!

Nobody can Outguess Weather/Drought & Management will be Tweaked accordingly by the Year!(NOT By saying:Oh We've got a 5 Year Plan Locked in & We can't do anything!)

Forest Service/BLM/DWR will Start Enforcing Existing Rules & Laws before Making More which have only Hurt the Honest Sportsmen & they Do NOT Enforce them!

Radio's Used to Help Kill Deer will Land You a 30,000.00 Fine & Confiscation of all other Hunting Equipment on you at time of the Arrest!

The Dedicated Hunter Program will Continue,It Will Be Mandatory all Projects will be 'MULE DEER' Related & You have to put in your Hours,No More PAY for your Hours Type of BS unless an Emergency comes up!

All LE Buck & Bull Tags will Be Once in a F'N Lifetime!

I Could go on & on But I Won't!

Niller wanted 1 or maybe 3 Things I'd Do If I Could Change the Management for the Better!

Listed above is a Few!

There are Many,Many More that could be added to Help a Suffering Deer Herd!

This Ought to be enough though To PISS The Pope Off & Most other TARDS of this State!

If You Think the Past Deer Management Plans have Helped anything you are WRONG!

If You Think this Last WB Meeting & Changes will Save the Deer Herd You are WRONG!

So I'm gonna Name My Plan HELL-RIGHT,HELL-F'N-RIGHT!

Blast Away!
And if you think cutting buck deer tags has changed the decline of deer in this state you are WRONG
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Read something yesterday...
I think it's applicable.
"Tell me the rules and I'll figure out how to win."
The problem, as I see it... they keep changing the F'n rules.
You spend decades accumulating points so you can finally have that hunt of a lifetime.... (trophy jackrabbit, or something like that) then all of a sudden they dump a thousand hunters into your unit. Or wipe out all the mature jackrabbits the year before you draw.
Or capture all the big jackrabbits and trade them to Florida for alligators to put in (insert political figure here) moat around his new mansion.
It's demoralizing. After a lifetime of this you realize that's the point. They don't care if you are satisfied with the product because they have a monopoly on it.
Unneeeway (as Brandon would say)... I think Utah's points system is good. I am glad it's not a pure draw. I appreciate that you can accumulate an advantage and eventually obtain an ultra rare hunting opportunity. Let's enhance that system rather than weakening it. Reward hunters who are willing to forego lesser permits for decades.. NOT change the system after 20 years to reduce the quality of the hunt.
And... If we care about wildlife... give the animals a break at some point. Elk are pursued from Late July til February. Come on Man!!!
Let's go Brandon!!


Add What You Want To it!

I Didn't Cover Everything!

The Changes are Many & Some of you will Think they are HARSH!

You're Right!

The Extended Archery Hunt will Come To an End & Now!

The Late Muzz Tags are Gone as Well!

For CFS We Don't have the Deer Numbers for these kinda BS Hunts for GAWDS Sakes!

Hunting Big Game Continuously & Overlapped From Mid-August through January/February with No Relaxation Time for the Deer Herd No Longer Happens!

Not Every TARD in this State Gets a Tag Every Year!

I Hate it as much as anybody,but the Inflation of Hunters outnumber the number of Harvest-able Deer we can Harvest each year!

It is Now a 50,000.00 Fine on the very first offense when you're caught Off-Roading Your F'N Wheelers & Side X Sides in Closed Areas/Primitive/Private Property without Permission!

On Your 2nd Offense 150,000.00 Fine,Confiscation of your Wheeler/Side X Side,Your Rig/Truck You Pulled it to the Mountain With & 1 Year in Jail and Your Hunting Rights are Revoked 50 States wide for Life!

Trespassers get the same Treatment as Listed above!

Poachers on the very first offense will be Fined 150,00.00,pay full replacement price of the Animal they Illegally took,All Hunting Gear/Vehicles Confiscated & Auctioned off with that Money going back to the DWR to Help Prosecute more Poachers & Fencing,Hunting Privileges Revoked forever in all 50 States with 2 Years of Free Meals down at the Local Jail Cell!

I'm Helping PUNK on this one:Baiting Deer/Big Game of any Kind Lands you a Free Stay with Bubba for 6 Months,You'll be Banned from all Hunting in all 50 States for Life along with a 25,000.00 Fine!

Wasting Deer/ Wildlife of any Kind will get You the Same Treatment as Listed above!

Deer Management Will be Based on Total Number of Deer & Not Buck to Doe Ratio's alone,Deer Counts will be Proven to the Best We can Count them,Not Guesstimated,Not Exaggerated And NOT Lied about Fake,Phony,F'N Elevated Numbers of Deer that Don't Exist!

When We Notice Deer Declining in Units below satisfactory numbers,there will be Tags/Permits Cut Immediately,not years down the road when it's too late!

There Are No More Antler-less/Doe Tags anywhere in the State,When Problems arise,The Does/Deer Will Be Captured & Moved!

Legal Archery Equipment will be Limited to Recurves Only!

Legal Muzzle-loaders will be Hawkins & Flintlocks only!

Legal Rifles will only Have Scopes with a Maximum Magnification of 4 Power!

Rangefinders are Not Legal & You Won't need them with the Down Grading of all Weaponry!

Trail Cams are Strictly Prohibited on all Public Ground & it is Legal for any Person to Tear them Down & Destroy them at any time!

Drones are legal for Target Practice year around!

Outfitters & Guides Can Not Surround/Herd or Camp on any Big Game Animals!

Camo Clothing of all Types is Prohibited so Dig Your Red F'N Shirts out!

Spotting Scopes of any kind/Size are prohibited from using during any Hunt,with the shorter Range Weaponry you won't need them!

No Units will be Mismanaged so Poorly that they have to be Closed!

There Will Be 5 Units around the State in a few places known as
Opportunist Units/Hunts,When They've Pounded These Out they can NOT start BAWLING wanting to Pound the other Units out!

All Units excluding the 5 Opportunist Units will have Antler Restrictions of 4 Point or better to be a legal Buck!

Anybody Shooting Sub 4 Point Bucks in a 4 Point or Better Unit will pay a 35,000.00 Fine on the 1st Offense,Lose their Hunting Rights for Life in all 50 States!

Any Hunter Entering Great Grandpa or Great Grandma/Etc in to the Draws just to Hunt on their Permits will be Fined 40,000.00 & Banned for Life of Hunting Privileges in all 50 States!

Paraplanes/Shoot-Planes are Outlawed during any Hunting Seasons and if Caught you'll Pay 25,000.00 & Confiscation of your Shoot-Plane!

Several Roads & Trails will Be Flat Ass Closed,You Get Caught You'll Pay Dearly,Get Your Boots Oiled up!

SpotLighting will Be Outlawed 1 Month Before Bow Season through January 31st in all Big Game Units/Areas,Break this Law & it'll Cost You 30,000.00 & Loss of Hunting Rights in all 50 States for Life!

Each Year We will do More Deer Fencing along Highways,It'll take several years,We should have been doing this 50 years ago!

No More Cow Killer Hunts Running From August Through Jan-Feb,Yes People this Adds Pressure on the Deer Herd They do not Need!

Managing for Strictly Money is Over with!

Nobody can Outguess Weather/Drought & Management will be Tweaked accordingly by the Year!(NOT By saying:Oh We've got a 5 Year Plan Locked in & We can't do anything!)

Forest Service/BLM/DWR will Start Enforcing Existing Rules & Laws before Making More which have only Hurt the Honest Sportsmen & they Do NOT Enforce them!

Radio's Used to Help Kill Deer will Land You a 30,000.00 Fine & Confiscation of all other Hunting Equipment on you at time of the Arrest!

The Dedicated Hunter Program will Continue,It Will Be Mandatory all Projects will be 'MULE DEER' Related & You have to put in your Hours,No More PAY for your Hours Type of BS unless an Emergency comes up!

All LE Buck & Bull Tags will Be Once in a F'N Lifetime!

I Could go on & on But I Won't!

Niller wanted 1 or maybe 3 Things I'd Do If I Could Change the Management for the Better!

Listed above is a Few!

There are Many,Many More that could be added to Help a Suffering Deer Herd!

This Ought to be enough though To PISS The Pope Off & Most other TARDS of this State!

If You Think the Past Deer Management Plans have Helped anything you are WRONG!

If You Think this Last WB Meeting & Changes will Save the Deer Herd You are WRONG!

So I'm gonna Name My Plan HELL-RIGHT,HELL-F'N-RIGHT!

Blast Away!

Dude, settle down and go easy on the use of !
Think about it Niller!

Use That Round Thang Atop Your Shoulders!

Do You Have Kids?


In Another 10-20 Years!

If The PISS POOR Management Continues as it Has The Last 50 F'N Years!

Your PISSCUTTER 2 Point Will be a Trophy/Top End Animal!

And Niller!

You,Your Kids Nor Your Grand-kids will Have a Chance at another 40"ER!

It's Already Past That Point!

But You Don't & Won't See The Writing on the Wall do You?

Do You Care Less about The Future of Big Game Hunting?

Do you Have This Attitude:


I've already Got My 40" Trophy,So F'It,That's All that Matters?

"""As Long As I Get To Hunt Every Year That's All that Matters?"""

I Think You're Smarter Than That Niller?

Can You Not See The Trend of Over Hunting & PISS POOR Management Niller?

If You Can't I'll Call You Perty GAWD-DAMNED Blind!

Think Niller!


And Think Past 2022's Hunting Season for GAWDS-SAKES!

Bessy, I think we should ban hunting all together.

You with me?
Think about it Niller, use that round thang atop your shoulders. Do you have kids? Grandkids?

In another 10-20 years, if the PISS POOR management continues as it has the last 50 F'N years, your PISSCUTTER 2 point will be a trophy/top end animal.

And Niller, you, your kids nor your grandkids will have a chance at another 40 incher, it's already past that point. But, you don't & won't see the writing on the wall, do you...

Do you care less about the future of big game hunting?

Do you have this attitude: F'It! I've already got my 40" trophy, so F'It! That's all that matters

"""As long as I get to hunt every year, that's all that matters?"""

I think you're smarter than that Niller.

Can you not see the trend of over hunting & PISS POOR management Niller? If you can't, I'll call you perty GAWD-DAMNED blind.

Think Niller! Think!

And think past 2022's hunting season for GAWDS-SAKES!

Fixed it for you.

Too many unwilling to listen to reality are still out there. They ain't gonna start now. The herd is fixable but no one is willing to make the real changes that will do it.
Bess, I’m with ya! I say shut it all down. No hunting anymore. That should do the trick!

Muley73, I’ve tried to get you to share your ideas with me publicly and through PM. You never have and I doubt you will. It’s hard to listen if others won’t talk.
Bess, I’m with ya! I say shut it all down. No hunting anymore. That should do the trick!

Muley73, I’ve tried to get you to share your ideas with me publicly and through PM. You never have and I doubt you will. It’s hard to listen if others won’t talk.

I'm with you man. There are a lot of deer around the house now. Couple good bucks. Not hunting is exponentially increasing the herd here.

Seems like a no brainer. Save hunting by ending hunting

Except of course the CWMU will need to remain, buisness is buisness. Oh, and we will still need 600 conservation tags.
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Wild West Outfitters

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J & J Outfitters

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Shane Scott Outfitting

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Utah Big Game Outfitters

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Apex Outfitters

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Allout Guiding & Outfitting

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Lickity Split Outfitters

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