Big Whiffy


Active Member
No, this post isn't about bigWhiffy. I want to hear story's about yalls worst, (or best!!) Shot whiffs! I've had a few amazingly terrible misses!

I remember years ago while out archery antelope hunting here in CO with my old man. We had snuck up to about....80 yards or so (I thought 50s). Doe stood there broad side just looking at range finder so judged the shot. Drew back and my arrow just soars right into the dirt about a mile below the doe. She takes off....old man walks up " what the F%&$ were you aiming at??" I just smiled as I stood up, knowing damn well that I killed the hell out of that bush I shot into.
'Bout 20 years ago I was using a pre64 .338 my uncle gave me. I had seen a fistful of bulls trotting through the trees, so I figured out where they would most likely come out into a small park.

They did come out almost exactly where I thought they would, so I drew a bead on the lead bull, maybe 85 yards and squeezed the trigger on an empty chamber.
'Bout 20 years ago I was using a pre64 .338 my uncle gave me. I had seen a fistful of bulls trotting through the trees, so I figured out where they would most likely come out into a small park.

They did come out almost exactly where I thought they would, so I drew a bead on the lead bull, maybe 85 yards and squeezed the trigger on an empty chamber.
Oooff....happens to the best of us.
Did You Flinch?

'Bout 20 years ago I was using a pre64 .338 my uncle gave me. I had seen a fistful of bulls trotting through the trees, so I figured out where they would most likely come out into a small park.

They did come out almost exactly where I thought they would, so I drew a bead on the lead bull, maybe 85 yards and squeezed the trigger on an empty chamber.
2005- I had been Archery hunting as a teen, but this was the first year I bought a nice bow, arrows, the whole shebang. Got real good at shooting a target all summer that year. Fast forward to Labor Day weekend and my dad and I went up to the Uintas.

At first light we found a group of three bucks, one being a 24" 4-point and plenty good for general season. I moved way around in front of them, my dad looped behind. He then stood and caused them to move my way. I was hidden next to a small pine tree. I heard trotting and saw the bucks coming, the big one up front. They crossed at 40 yards and I drew, giving a "mew" and they stopped. I let my arrow fly... and it went right through his antlers.!! Guess I was looking at the wrong part of the buck. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
4 years ago, sitting in a wide open meadow with my boys, the oldest was hunting(13), having a drink of water, a 5 point bull wandered into the meadow. Meadow was 1/4 Mile from camp

The way he came in, my son could only see horns as a single little pine tree was between him and the bull.

I'll say 40 yards to make me feel better.

I whisped for him to slowly slip off the log we were on, we had great wind. As he did, the cow with him busted him.

Bull turned to bail, still not sure why other than the cow was spooked. I was on him the whole time, but didn't want to shoot out from under my boy.

Finally that little 7mm-08 barked, and I was right behind it.

45 yards, wide open meadow, quartering away, 2 of us missed. My scope obviously had been bumped, or the barrel was bent. He had no excuse

My boy was obviously frustrated. Pissed, tears.

I, like Meagan Rapinoe, just started laughing, knowing damn well the shots were heard, and camp was full of smart azzes.

Unfortunately my youngest was there, and he never gets tired of talking about us choking..

Your Scope Got Knocked Off!

Surely Had The Wrong Bullets In It!

The Temp Was Different Than The Temp You Sighted It In With!

Then The BULL Fever!

Coulda Been Worse Though!

You Coulda Shot It Right Out From Under Him Even Though You Shot Second!

4 years ago, sitting in a wide open meadow with my boys, the oldest was hunting(13), having a drink of water, a 5 point bull wandered into the meadow. Meadow was 1/4 Mile from camp

The way he came in, my son could only see horns as a single little pine tree was between him and the bull.

I'll say 40 yards to make me feel better.

I whisped for him to slowly slip off the log we were on, we had great wind. As he did, the cow with him busted him.

Bull turned to bail, still not sure why other than the cow was spooked. I was on him the whole time, but didn't want to shoot out from under my boy.

Finally that little 7mm-08 barked, and I was right behind it.

45 yards, wide open meadow, quartering away, 2 of us missed. My scope obviously had been bumped, or the barrel was bent. He had no excuse

My boy was obviously frustrated. Pissed, tears.

I, like Meagan Rapinoe, just started laughing, knowing damn well the shots were heard, and camp was full of smart azzes.

Unfortunately my youngest was there, and he never gets tired of talking about us choking..
I’ve had so many “well that didn’t go at all like I pictured” moments, I wouldn’t even know where to begin…
Admittedly, I have far to many to list. Buck fever is very real with me as both my boys can attest. The most painful was back in Iowa chasing whitetails. A buddy and I hunted a beautiful 20 inch wide typical 10 pt buck for 2 months during archery, all spot and stalk. We had 2 opportunities where we snuck in range only to have stalked past him both times while he laid in a switch grass fence line busting us. Both times we are crawling with the wind in our face with him laying in small swales completely conceal in the grass. He'd get up, we'd hear him, turn, mouth "mouther f'er", heads slump, attempt to draw, followed with him busting out with a big ole snort. We found him a few more times but not within a stackable spot. Opening morning shotgun season rolls around and we found him again along with 2 other decent buddies and 2 does. We set off knowing the lay of the land and positive mindset. We marked him on the fence line and took off. Hugging the fence line since the down wind field was bean stubble we snuck our way in. I was in the lead sneaking within 20 yards we pause. I motion to my buddy that I have the buck in site at "2" "0" yards. He can't see him. I get into position on my knees waiting for the deer to get up. A few minutes pass and one of the does turned her head and sees us. She gets nervous stands bring the others to their feet. That big boy is 20 yards broad side looking at me. My gun is up, on his shoulder, I click the safety off, squeeze the trigger and "click". Nothing. My buddy stands jaw down flings a shot and completely misses. The deer bust out now while I pump my action, aim squeeze and "click" again. Repeat, "click". Repeat, "click". Repeat finally with the deer on a full out run no beyond 100 yards, I squeezed and finally boom only to see the slug hit the dirt. My buddy shots and missed each time too. I was mortified. Long walk back to the truck. We spent all this time hunting this buck only to have the moment completely fall apart by faulty shotgun shells. I call the manufacturer up and explained to them the tale which they we completely sympathetic too sending me 20 fresh boxes of Lightfield slugs, a hat, and a certificate for a couple hundred dollars. Never found the buck again. Biggest whitetail I've ever had in range.

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