Bill Taylor Testifies


Founder Since 1999
Bill Taylor, appointed by Trump, testifies and it doesn't sound good. Trump might not be sending him a Christmas card. I wonder what names Trump will call that guy? Trump appointed the dude, so it?ll be interesting to see how this is explained.

Brian Latturner
@mm_founder on Instagram
on Facebook!
So I read the transcript from Mr Taylor. He states his long history,love for & knowledge of all things Ukraine. I'm curious where the hell was he & why crickets about what was going on there with the previous administration?? I'm also confused why exposing corruption is a bad thing? Do you think what Biden & all the other little democrat minions we're doing there was a good thing?

Other than orange man bad, get orange man out, what bothers you the most about what's been going on in Ukraine the last 30 years? I'm pretty sure there's been a long line of ?bipartisan? swamp creatures lining their pockets from the Ukraine for quite sometime. So your fine with underhanded political moves & corruption but just not by the Orange Man? Personally I would have to see just how invested Mr Taylor was financially & politically to the Ukraine before I crowned him the smoking gun credible savior of the snowflake nevertrumpers.?‍♂️
Would this be the testimonial that has been slanted by the Democrats to give only what they want the public to hear? The so called impeachment hearing is nothing but a kangaroo court done in secrete by only democrats taking part and leaking only testimonial that helps their agenda.
Founder finds this Ok even though it goes against everything in our constitution and the rules of law for a fair and impartial hearing.

The bottom line, the house in Congress can impeach Trump all they want, but it will be stopped at the Senate and Trump will win again in 2020. The Democrats know that all they can do is try and turn the voters against Trump, idiots like Founder and WYOsam hoping to beat him in 2020.
I think this will backfire like everything else as the findings from A.G. Barr and several other investigations will show the public that the Democrats are the real bad guys that stooped to underhanded dirty tactics to unseat a sitting president.

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., said a fellow Republican lawmaker deconstructed a key part of the latest Trump impeachment inquiry witness testimony in Tuesday's closed-door session.

"In 90 seconds, we had John Ratcliffe destroy [acting U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Bill] Taylor's whole argument," McCarthy said.

The questioning by Ratcliffe, a Texas Republican and member of both the House Intelligence and Judiciary Committees, was an important moment in the hearing, McCarthy claimed.

"We can't really talk about it," he said.

Ratcliffe appeared on Fox News after the testimony and said there were new details brought to light, but said nothing "worthy of impeachment."

McCarthy added House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, D-Calif., is not allowing lawmakers to speak too specifically about the proceedings, in an interview Tuesday on "The Ingraham Angle."
Maybe Bill Taylor has been paid off to lie, and/or is so anti-Trump that he's willing to go to prison just to get Trump. Sounds good if you want it to be that, but I doubt it, especially when it was Trump who hired him to do the job in June. Prior to that, the guy had another job. How could he be considered an operative of the democrats?

Brian Latturner
@mm_founder on Instagram
on Facebook!
Or maybe the most connected man in Ukraine was involved in the self enrichment program going on all those years & he's joining the nothing to see here but trumps guilty of something movement??
LAST EDITED ON Oct-23-19 AT 12:14PM (MST)[p]A lot of what Mr,. Taylor testified was around what he thought instead of what he actually knew. There's a big difference between the two in any legal proceedings. The way the narrative shakes out he's asked to draw conclusions with his testimony and in a court of law a bad attorney would call him on it and the judge would support the bad attorney.

Besides if we really want to face reality here if Trump did it so What. Every administration we've had in this country has asked the leaders for concessions and had strings tied to foreign aid in many different ways. Look how many countries took funds from us but as a requirement were made to purchase goods from us with some of the money or were asked for another favor or disposition on some matter.

This has been going on forever and it certainly isn't anything new but yet they're playing it like it's a major sin BECAUSE........some of our tax dollars went into pockets of folks that weren't supposed to receive them from the foreign aid monies we granted them! Let that sink in.......we gave them foreign aid and then they kicked back some of the money to people that granted them the aid......It's great work if you can find it and illegal as hell because of the Hobbs ACT. That's why Biden's kid sitting on the board at Burisma holdings was wrong and family members were included in the legislation.

So Trumps concerns about corruption are well founded since the Ukraine has been corrupt for years and was when prior administrations held office. It's no secret our foreign aid dollars have avoided getting to the people and filled many a foreign leaders pockets in the past. It's one of the ways crooked politicians enrich themselves off the system.

Let's look at Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and the Uranium One deal. She and Obama Administration formally OK a request to sell some of our Uranium to Russia (OUR ENEMY). Now Uranium is used to make NUCLEAR WEAPONS and fuel rods for reactors and is pretty scarce and very valuable commodity. So why in the hell would we sell RUSSIA something they could destroy us with since they are our enemy??? In exchange for allowing the sale the CLINTON foundation got $400,000 for a speech Bill Clinton gave. Doesn't it seem strange that a former President was paid so well to give a speech? Yes I know we didn't actually sell the Uranium to a Russian company since it was a Canadian one at the time who later sold the majority of their interests to Russia.

This is the Cliff notes version but it shows how the elites manipulate the system to profit. Hillary's Russian reset was sure a great deal for old Hillary wasn't it!! How did that work our for us since the dems are screaming about Russian collusion and it would appear it was only them involved on the collusion! Remember Obama on the open mic saying he'd have more power after he won the next election to work on reducing our weapons.....TO THE RUSSIAN'S......

So to get back to Trump, it would appear the smoke and mirrors routine is in full swing here since they're trying to prove Trump guilty of asking for a favor from the Ukraine and we have a long established fact we asked for thousands of favors in the past associated with our foreign aid to many countries....But isn't it ironic that the Ukraine was involved in the Russian collusion mess Hillary paid for to get dirt on Trump.

Then we know they just caught some guys trying to make illegal campaign contributions to the Trump campaign from Ukraine. So it would appear that in the real world of spy vs. spy vs. spy that the Ukraine isn't the pillar of virtue any political party needs to be basing information but given the fact they were involved in illegal acts it makes them unreliable.

Then we Know Barr's investigation was just expanded to look into the Ukraine as part of the on going roots of the origination of the Russia Collusion stay tuned but given the history of bad actors and graft paid out in the past I'm sure Trump will probably be the guy with the least amount of dirt on his hands in the Ukraine.....After all he didn't have the connections prior to being elected and so many illegal acts associated with this mess were committed during the Obama Administration and prior it seems unlikely Trumps reach into the clandestine world has much of a prior history.

Then again let's not look past the fact Mr. Taylor tried several times to lead the conversation into a quid pro quo narrative and was told NO. Given all the events that went on behind the scenes in this mess.....I'm fairly certain Mr Taylor wasn't in the loop on the Burisma holding deal and other acts associated with the Bidens violation of the Hobbs Act....but then...It's politics and in that world things are never what they seem since politician always want you to concentrate on the illusion and not what they're going to legislate.......Like Obamacare.....and Adam Schiffty's many false narratives!! and secret secret non transparent impeachment investigation/proceedings/made for TV media circus.
If that's the case, Trump didn't do a very good job of vetting before appointing. It'll be interesting to hear what Trump says about Taylor. Will he throw the guy under the bus? Call him a secret liberal spy? Will he try to destroy that mans life in an effort to get others to shut up?

>Or maybe the most connected man
>in Ukraine was involved in
>the self enrichment program going
>on all those years &
>he's joining the nothing to
>see here but trumps guilty
>of something movement??

Brian Latturner
@mm_founder on Instagram
on Facebook!
Sad to see people who hang on to the hope that Trump will be removed and not run in 2020. He will run and unless you get a better candidate he will win again. You can always hope that Hillary jumps in to save the day. That one would be epic fun.
Tell me again how someone who testifies without being under oath is even something to talk about? Any judge in their right mind would toss that garbage out of court! Founder your team of fools has so much egg on their face that their embarrassment can't show. Every single smoking gun witness they pay to talk should be held accountable, no more I think I heard or someone told me, go on the stand under oath and prove something was illegal or shut the phuk up already!
I don't think Taylors guilty of anything in this mess....lest not we forget the CIA, DOJ, FBI was involved and they're masters of creating a narrative to shape opinion on event's......

Trump has the least to hide in this and given the extent of all the players in several federal agencies and the spy vs spy vs spy crap they have the reach and the connections to plant or manufacture what they need...... Taylor's experience led him to think there was an angle but yet in reality is wasn't there and corruption was the focus.........Trump was framed and there's no way in hell they will stop trying to make him the scapegoat by any means possible to cover their own arses. They're in too deep.
They would be wise to quit while they are behind, when all this comes to a head Trump is going to have the opportunity to go after them and he won't have to make up things to pin on them! Things will end well for the Democrats, but keep swinging that mallet!
Why would Bill Taylor lie?

He was first appointed by republicans in 2006 under Bush.
Trump appointed him in a few months back.
He didn't come forward voluntarily, but was subpoenaed.

If he were an operative of the democrats, how did he know Trump would appoint him AND have some big controversy come up under his watch?
Why would he wait for a subpoena before telling his story?

I just can't see how you all can hang onto this conspiracy thing??? There is no reason Bill Taylor would risk his freedom to lie to congress, only after the subpoena, just to try and "help" the case for the democrats. If he were going to lie, he could've done much better and more damage and come forward without being subpoenaed.

I could understand much better if you all were simply saying, "Yep. Trump broke the law, but he's such a great President that it should be overlooked".

It's so, so obvious Trump asked Ukraine to get some crap going about the Biden's. So obvious!!! He probably didn't even think about it being wrong. It's probably normal in business dealings for him.

Brian Latturner
@mm_founder on Instagram
on Facebook!
LAST EDITED ON Oct-23-19 AT 12:50PM (MST)[p]
well it looks like Schiffty's Magic show is beginning to smell more than a little fishy now. They're refusing to let members of Congress many of whom have top level security clearance into the room.... WHY?....The dems have had their bluff called and the lack of transparency is quite telling into the fact the motives behind the secret secret investigation meeting aren't so above board........

So flounder don't you think refusing access to the other party shows bias? Even the jury gets to hear the witnesses in court.....Let alone the defenses lawyers. How many times in your life have you seen crap like this going on by the GOP? Never seems to come to mind and that right there is quite telling.....Schiffty's been called out and lets see if the media covers it because there's been a hole in their bucket for a while now and at some point they have to start reporting the real news instead of the false narrative.........LOL

If this happened to you don't you think you'd be squawking loudly and calling attention to the bias and lack of justice in the proceedings.

I said Taylor wasn't guilty of anything and that would infer he told the truth.

You better open your eyes Flounder this isn't the way things have been done in the past and it reeks of bias and I think you're smart enough to know that not the way justice should work. The so called conspiracy thing is reality if it wasn't all those folks would still be working at the FBI, DOJ, State Department and other places who were let go......They were let go for cause in regards to the Russia Collusion Matter so open your damn eyes.......The heads of those agencies not the pawns.......HMMMM
More breaking news. Trump just got another leg up on the Democrats over the Kurds Vs. Turkey fiasco. He got turkey and the Kurds to agree to a more lasting cease fire to avoid a ethnic cleansing by Turkey as the Democrats yelled about. First he kept his campaign promise to get us out of endless middle East wars and bring the troops home out of harms way.

Then though applying pressure to Turkey he got a better cease fire to give them time to work things out. I am sure the majority of American voters will be in support of Trump on this and will reflect in their votes in 2020.

Don't you hear that screaming in the distance. That is the Democrats screaming about Trump f###ing them again after bending them over. He is still one step ahead of them and they thought they were the masters with their deceit and dirty dealings to oust him.

Hillary in her anger is cussing out Bill and asking him, why could you not have been that great of a president. All you did was dance around in a woman's baby doll P.J's while playing your saxophone and screwing young interns.

Founder and WYOsam hoping to beat him in 2020.

Founder and all the rest of the BS squad on here sit back and hold on to your seat.

TRUMP 2020!
Not all of them were let go, many resigned or retired knowing they were complicit in violation of the law or their rules and regulations hoping the new administration will overlook what they did.

I'm not arguing that whatever process they have going on is appropriate. Maybe it isn't, but regardless, if Taylor is telling the truth, which he likely is, then Trump committed a crime and I certainly don't think the crime should be overlooked just because the democrats and republicans can't agree on how to conduct the process.
The process hasn't been used much and the constitution is vague, and for the two parties to agree on the process is a long shot at best.
But none-the-less, if Taylor's story is true, Trump is guilty, no matter what either party says or does in regard to the process of impeachment inquiry.
At this point, I think the house just needs to wait to hear Tim Morrison's testimony and see how it matches up to Taylor's and Sondland's. If he testifies with the same account as Taylor, then I think it's a slam dunk that Trump is guilty.

Remmeber, Taylor is just a government employee who worked his way up. Sondland was appointed because he was a big Trump donor and supporter.

>AT 12:50?PM (MST)

>well it looks like Schiffty's Magic
>show is beginning to smell
>more than a little fishy
>now. They're refusing to let
>members of Congress many of
>whom have top level security
>clearance into the room.... WHY?....The
>dems have had their bluff
>called and the lack of
>transparency is quite telling into
>the fact the motives behind
>the secret secret investigation meeting
>aren't so above board........
>So flounder don't you think refusing
>access to the other party
>shows bias? Even the jury
>gets to hear the witnesses
>in court.....Let alone the defenses
>lawyers. How many times in
>your life have you seen
>crap like this going on
>by the GOP? Never seems
>to come to mind and
>that right there is quite
>telling.....Schiffty's been called out and
>lets see if the media
>covers it because there's been
>a hole in their bucket
>for a while now and
>at some point they have
>to start reporting the real
>news instead of the false
>If this happened to you don't
>you think you'd be squawking
>loudly and calling attention to
>the bias and lack of
>justice in the proceedings.
>I said Taylor wasn't guilty of
>anything and that would infer
>he told the truth.
>You better open your eyes Flounder
>this isn't the way things
>have been done in the
>past and it reeks of
>bias and I think you're
>smart enough to know that
>not the way justice should
>work. The so called conspiracy
>thing is reality if it
>wasn't all those folks would
>still be working at the
>FBI, DOJ, State Department and
>other places who were let
>go......They were let go for
>cause in regards to the
>Russia Collusion Matter so open
>your damn eyes.......The heads of
>those agencies not the pawns.......HMMMM

Brian Latturner
@mm_founder on Instagram
on Facebook!
I'd be thrilled to see Trump removed and Pence take over. He seems like an upstanding man who could be a good President.
Not Trump. I hope he loses.

>Founder and WYOsam hoping to beat
>him in 2020.
>Founder and all the rest of
>the BS squad on here
>sit back and hold on
>to your seat.
>TRUMP 2020!

Brian Latturner
@mm_founder on Instagram
on Facebook!
LAST EDITED ON Oct-23-19 AT 02:10PM (MST)[p]Pence is a great guy. Flounder if you think Trumps guilty every president we've ever elected and just about every ambassador is guilty of the same crime. The only difference is the dems are trying to charge him with the same crime they were found to have committed on him, Ironic isn't it. The fact you're willing to look past the volumes of evidence they have on them to charge him is laughable. The dems aren't lily white and pure in this since they were complicit and knew exactly what they had done. Admiral Rogers exposed them years ago and they were breaking existing laws to do it under the Obama administration.

Why in then hell do you think the GOP is up in arms about Trumps transgression. They all know that every President and ambassador has committed the same offenses as part of their job to promote US policy. Besides they all know what was done to the man!

The fact you think this is on the up and up is laughable given the magnitude of crimes committed against Trump. What's more troubling is just how you managed to be led down the path by the complicit media. Trump may get impeached but the senate isn't going to remove him from office and that right there should show you it's a circus.

But don't cheer too loudly because the third act is going to be a whopper and in the end we'll see if you're man enough to admit Trump was justified to look into corruption and the dems were wrong for what they did to him. Are you man enough Flounder? I can certainly admit it if I was wrong and Trump is impeached and removed from office. The reality in this could be that the dems come to their senses and decide to retreat and cut a deal but I doubt it will happen. So flounder do we have a deal?
RE; Pence, He seems like an upstanding man who could be a good President.

I do not think he is in the running.
Trump is NOT going anywhere any time soon.
So like I say just sit back hold on and enjoy the show.

You will be in for a big surprise in 2020 just like the last election only this time the Republicans will have it all, I don't think the voters are giving the House back to the Democrat's after this show.

Don't forget we still have the FISA report coming out.

Just hang on and don't fall out of your seat and break any bones when he wins.
All your hunting trips may have to be put on hold as you heal up.
:^) they are going to find out they were duped again just like when Hillary duped them to get the nomination...lose the election...and set the stage for the Russian Collusion Delusion and the Schiffty Magic Show.....except the crimes just won't disappear....LOL
The only way Pence will become president is if Trump were assassinated. (and that's a real possibility with how the Democrats have totally lost their minds.) If they can't impeach him, and they can't find a candidate to beat him in 2020, assassination is likely the next option they'll be looking at.
LAST EDITED ON Oct-23-19 AT 02:33PM (MST)[p]Trump KNOWS where all the bodies are buried......that's why the entire establishment is after him...and sending the message to EVERYONE not part of the inside gang that you are not welcome and we WILL destroy you ....

People like founder just make me realize how good it feels to be a republican and support Trump.. Im thankful im not mentally unstable like founder. I put founder and AOC in the same class. seriously founder try a different news network. you are letting the media brainwash you. Remember when news actually reported the news and didn't try to brainwash you to take sides.

While your at home all day searching for your next victim so you can take advantage of their Wyoming deer points so you can hunt every year and not have to build up points im asking you to please flip the channel for once
Pretty neat way of guiding without the hassle of a guide license, or is it scamming the system? Either way a true mentor and ambassador to the sport! You go Brian
All weak responses to defend an unethical President. Just more conspiracy theory stuff, nothing you have facts of. Just what Hannity, Trump and the other goof on the radio told you to think.

BTW nfh - Victims are lined up for me to take advantage of them. It's cruel of me, but man I love it! ha ha ha

Brian Latturner
@mm_founder on Instagram
on Facebook!
Turn me in. You show me!

>Pretty neat way of guiding without
>the hassle of a guide
>license, or is it scamming
>the system? Either way a
>true mentor and ambassador to
>the sport! You go Brian

Brian Latturner
@mm_founder on Instagram
on Facebook!
? it's ok for Brian to be a self centered prick because he's business man. Orange man has to play nice because he's president & hurts Brian?s feelings.?‍♂️
So Flounder how do you explain all those folks being removed or resigning from top level jobs in their agencies? Why don't you explain that to us..... I can't wait to see what you come up with to explain this......Let's see you prove us wrong! LOL It's put up or shut up time Flounder.......Here's your big chance to show us once and for all!
I promise you I won't shut up until I want. Beyond that, I don't know, neither do you, and I don't care, but you're welcome to.
Back on topic.......Trump might be in trouble.

>So Flounder how do you explain
>all those folks being removed
>or resigning from top level
>jobs in their agencies? Why
>don't you explain that to
>us..... I can't wait to
>see what you come up
>with to explain this......Let's see
>you prove us wrong! LOL
>It's put up or shut
>up time Flounder.......Here's your big
>chance to show us once
>and for all!

Brian Latturner
@mm_founder on Instagram
on Facebook!
I can't believe I've spent this much effort trying to find out who the heck Bill Taylor is. It appears he's been a leader in "stopping corruption" in the Ukraine, since the 1990's, which may explain why the Biden's are under the microscope too.

But.. how does information from behind a closed door meeting ("testimony") get leaked out? Sounds like controlled bull crap getting handed to the media.... I'm sure that never happens

Or maybe he gave HIS OPINION, with zero facts. What he THOUGHT was meant by things that dont say them. What he THOUGHT the president was THINKING. Nothing he testified on had evidence. All hearsay and bs spewed by another Democrat. Notice how what he said for the dems is available, but the Republicans can't say what they did to destroy his testimony. Hmmmmmmmmm

*We are all in the same boat, just
wishing to be hunting right now!*
According to what bill clinton signed in 1998 with urkaine is that they will cooperate with all invesgations.

Dems realize they will look like crap if they back out. So they will keep playing this fake impeachment unitl they come up with another idea. Would be cool to see how trump's team could cross examine a witness . Imagine what truth they would really find behind the dems power trip
Founder maybe several of us should accuse you of certain crimes without evidence. Accuse you of being a outright mental case, racist and a few other things like the Democrats and liberal press has done with Trump.

Then we should turn on your wife and insult her like the liberal press has done. Then to top it off, turn on your kids and accuse them of everything that is negative without putting up any solid evidence to back any of this up.

After a few of us should take that evil step, I will be surprised if you remain civil with us as you demand that Trump must do. In fact if we did that you will probably ban us from this site after ripping us with some foul name calling for attacking not only you, but your family also.

Does that make you a blind hypocrite after everything is said and done.

Flounder keep watching Maddow I'm sure she'll confirm your theories and validate your positions.

The majority of us on here will go with the evidence that's been shown on the matter to support our conclusions.

I'm going away for a while but If you grow a pair and some conviction I'm sure we'll all welcome you showing us the righteous path because in truth justice is all we're after.

Truth Justice and the American way...........just not impeachment and removal by fraudulent the only way to Make America Great Again.......
LAST EDITED ON Oct-23-19 AT 08:08PM (MST)[p]Looks like Founder is ignoring my last post. I wonder why. He posted at 7:00 P.M. in the Fox poll thread. Maybe I struck a nerve about him being civil if we attacked him and his family like the Dems and liberal press has done with our President.

I've noticed when you call founder out he just starts a new thread, or deflects the conversation? Nothing like a Democrat
RELH You didn't hit a nerve he's not going to believe anything we say because Trumps not presidential in his opinion. But you guys keep up the good fight because in the end when it all shakes out they won't be able to hide what they did to him and how many were involved......Be prepared though, since in reality I think the dems are going to have to admit they're licked and cut a back room deal to try to save their party. They'll offer up some sacrificial lambs and Brennan and Clapper come to mind along with a few others who already left their jobs......The old Potomac 2 Step......

Then we'll see just what the GOP is made of and the new guys that took the baton have done a fantastic job so far but we're not there yet and there's more to come.......Trump isn't going to be forgiving and who could blame him but they'll offer up some big legislation to try to appease him and I hope he and Barr just crucify the bastards instead of making a deal.
Probably if I owned a website and made my money off of sponsors who wanted traffic to my site, I would come online to stir some shyt up too. Flounder is literally making money off of everyone's comments thereby having incentive to stir the pot.

Weird that he never was much of a political forum regular and Trump has been POTUS for three years now with little comment from Flounder who apparently hates his guts. To me it's a sign of desperation and financial trouble. Maybe we should start a fundraiser for the newest TDS afflicted owner of this website. Shyt, at the very least we could raise money for an upgrade.

Now I'm sure Flounder will be on shortly to talk about how high his dollars stack but it's odd that all the other forums that I frequent don't have the owners on stirring up the pot for clicks. It's definitely not very presidential assuming is a corporation.
what did we miss on post 34???....any screen shots????

only in a fondler thread do things get nuked???

Founder, you say Trump is in trouble.

Trump is in his 70s. Take a look at his life history it has been one story of him skating past one hot water jam after another.

Always coming out on top. That fact is driving some people insane.

Insane; Doing the same thing over, and over even though you always get the same negative out come.

Trump is no doubt a lying sack of New York ****,,, but a thousand times better
than the any of the alternatives on the other side of the isle.

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