Billy goat



Just a couple pics of a billy I thought you might enjoy!



Will post some more pics later...maybe some bears!

If you right click on the red "x" and copy the URL into your browser the pics will show. Great pics of the goats btw...

Thanks mike but for some reason Theres nothing there,not even a red x.I have noticed this on others posts as well any ideas anyone?
I don't know whats up with these pictures???? Its hit and miss whether or not they will show up. They show up fine when I preview the post, but in the actual post, one time I check the post they are showin up fine, the next time I get the red X!!! I can't seem to get them to show up ALL the time....anyone know why?? Does it have something to do with file size, or maybe something to do with them being scanned pics as opposed to digital uploads??? I don't know.... getting frustrated!!
I've been cutting and pasting the links directly on to here... the url address is fine becasue sometime I can see the pics and sometimes I can't. Webshots is hosting the pics, has there been problems with them in the past??

Click-a-Pic ... Details & Bigger Photos
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