Bought some ammo


Very Active Member
So, I went and bought some non-lead bullets for my wife and kids. I wasn't completely sure what to expect, but it was relatively painless;
Since I'm on record for buying a rifle in the past five years, the "background" check was instant, and I had the pleasure of paying a $1 fee for it.
I asked the cashier if I didn't have a gun on record how long would it take and she said "an hour to 10 days".
After confirming that my rifle was registered to the guy on my driver license, and my address was correct I was allowed to buy some bullets.
It was all pretty easy. As a parting gift I was asked to sign a document that showed what caliber of bullets I bought. 1 document for each caliber.
I wonder what's going to happen in the future when I but bullets for rifles that aren't in the system? Be ready for the guys in black suits to show up at my house?

That's the rub, no one knows how this will morph and into what. Based on my experience with the state, this is data that they think they want but somehow it will get filed somewhere and no one will ever access or use it. One, because the data will not be organized and stored in an easily accessible system. Or if it organized and stored in a way that can be easily accessed, there is a good chance that no one will use the data and through disuse the system for keeping the data will fall into disrepair and become useless anyway, it just may take longer.... I wouldn't worry that they are going to make you into a test case.

Ha, most of my guns except for 1-2 are not in the system since I inherited them or bought them a long time ago. So what are they going to do? Seems like most of us will be in that boat, and all the data on calibers purchased will be largely meaningless...

Unless they can identify that you're buying 1,000's of rounds and it looks suspicious. Will they be able to determine whether you are a straw buyer for folks who cannot legally purchase ammo. Seems like they won't have the resources to investigate this anyway.
I bought 4 different types of ammo......signed paper for each....AMMO is registered.... can buy any kind you want....they do not verify you have a gun for it....

I don't think those signed papers per ammo is transmitted to the state.....I think the merchant has to maintain them.....

BTW, the law that was just fully implemented made it illegal to bring more than 50 rounds of ammunition into CA. It's pretty easy to bring more than 50 for a hunting trip or match. I guess they expect you to shoot them down to less than 50 coming back. But really?

I wish northern California would do the same as Needles! I wonder what the punishment is for not complying with state law. I'm sure if I did some research I can find out, I'm just to tired of trying to follow all the B.S. that is happening in this state.
I should have bought ammo in Reno when I was there last weekend!

Last summer I struggled to find copper ammo in Reno they don't stock nearly as much as the cali stores if that's what your after.
I was buying some fishing gear today and went to the gun department. He told me as of right now I could buy as much as I want of whatever caliber I want (for a small fee, of course). He said that is subject to change at any time. It's written to allow changes as they deem fit.

As of now I will not buy ammo from a dealer in CA for a caliber not registered in my name. I don't want that on record.
Long gun sales records were not added to the DOJ database till 2014. So you won't be able to buy ammo for them unless you submit the report of ownership form to the DOJ for a gun last DROS'ed or transfered before that? What about a gun rebarreled to a different caliber?
Little by little they take our guns from law abiding citizens.
let's face it we are low hanging fruit and we are also exposed because they know about us. We are not the problem but by making it harder for us to get guns and ammo these elected officials can say they are doing something.
Why don't they make the laws that govern the use of a firearm in murder or mass shootings harsher.
How about if you are a mass murderer or involved with a mass shooting you have only 12 months for your defense and if you are convicted then face a firing squad on month 13.
Make the laws so they have meat in them and the consequences so hard they think twice.
Taking guns from Hunters is not gun control.

Just sayin
I think the good old days are over. I don't believe we will ever see anything other than liberal democrats running Sacramento. The courts are the only thing stopping them from taking more of our rights.

For you guys that might think you have firearms that are not on any government list. If you bought a gun from any licensed dealer, even years back, and that dealer goes out of business. He is required by ATF to send in his log book and all 4473 forms that recorded the gun sale.

This rule happen under Bill Clinton and Janet Reno was the Attorney General. At a congress hearing, the ATF director lied to Congress by stating they would not use the 4473 forms to compile a list of guns bought by citizens. The ATF stated they would only check the 4473 forms for any errors and destroy them after 30 days. They lied big time.

As a detective I investigated a very large amount of guns being stolen in a burglary. They even took the gun safe that the guns were in along with a list of the guns made out by the victim.

I asked the victim where he had purchased his last few guns so I could go there and view the dealers 4473 forms to get the serial numbers to list them as stolen. He advised me it was a local dealer, but that dealer had gone out of business over 2 years ago.

On the off chance, I made contact with ATF and spoke to a very nice lady and explained my problem. She asked for the victims name, date of birth, and address at the time of the gun purchase.
One hour later she faxed me copies of 3 4473 forms giving me the information I needed to list those three firearms into the NCIS file as stolen firearms.

>I stockpiled.
>I seriously doubt I will ever
>need to buy ammo for
>the rest of my life.


LAST EDITED ON Aug-11-19 AT 06:36PM (MST)[p]

not completely true dad was an ffl for 40 years....when he retired in 2007, atf came and thumbed through those 4473 files......and left them with him. They have the right to take them but don't have to......I have them.

Homer I was also a FFL licensed dealer. When I closed the business, I received a form letter from ATF instructing me to forward my log book and all 4473 forms to them. This was at the end of Bill Clinton's turn in Office.

Maybe they changed the rules under Bush, or maybe your relative is in violation of ATF rules.

LAST EDITED ON Aug-12-19 AT 03:07PM (MST)[p]Homer it looks like the rules have not changed. A going out of business dealer is still required to submit all records .

Discontinue Being a Federal Firearms Licensee (FFL)
When an FFL discontinues business, the FFL must send their firearms transactions records to the National Tracing Center (NTC). The NTC receives an average of 1.2 million out-of-business records per month and is the only repository for these records within the United States.

Records can be mailed to the NTC or, alternatively, they may be delivered to your local ATF Office in order to comply with laws for surrendering records (which include all bound log books/acquisition & disposition books and computer printouts, ATF Form 4473?s, Theft/Loss Reports, Multiple Sales Reports, and Brady forms).

Please direct all further questions concerning firearms out-of-business records to the NTC.

Last Reviewed September 22, 2016
who was president in 2007?.......regardless....local ATF said "we don't want them"....maybe they are in violation???

I guess they could dig my dad up.....

Will not be the first time a ATF agent screwed up. I can name you several incidents where they were wrong.

The CA DOJ database is different that the federal records. Of a crime is committed they check both. Technically, the CA daysbase has all handgun transfers and long gun transfers after 2014. It's pretty flaky on handguns bought before they computerized it, as they have been slowly adding older paperwork and FFL's were not needed to sell private party before 1991. It's just a record, not technically registration. To put one on a CCW permit, or to get it back if recoved from theft, it has to be in the CA database. So you would need to have the information and send in a report of ownership if not in the CA database. CA and the feds don't communicate now unless it's something like a gun in a crime.
When my mom died a few years ago she left me her handgun in the will. It was registered in her name.The last thing I needed was another handgun and I wanted to give it to my sister's husband. He wanted it, but he wanted to have it registered in his name....ugh. We took it, with all the paperwork I had, to a dealer. He said what we were doing was actually required. It's now in his name.

The dealer told us that any unregistered guns are supposed to be brought in and registered. I don't know if that's true or not.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-14-19 AT 10:44AM (MST)[p]Eel I know that all handguns have to go though a FFL dealer even when giving to a family member. I am not sure with long guns. The problem is if you give a handgun to your son or grandson, which used to be legal, and now fail to have the registered owner changed via going though a FFL dealer, you can be charged with a crime.
If that gun is listed in a computer program, state or federal, it will be easy for them to prove you failed to comply with CA. state laws.

A cop can run the gun's serial number to show two things. One will be a check to see if it is a stolen weapon, the other is a history on the gun to show who it is registered too. Those 4473 forms turned in to ATF allowed them to compile a list of registered owners of guns that can be used by law enforcement.
So be careful about giving a family member a gun without jumping though the hoops that are in force in CA. to make law abiding citizens into criminals. CA. wants it fee money that they charged you for changing registering of the firearm.
I'm glad I got the hell out of California back in 87 every year things just get worse were will the Governor and all the liberals go next with regard to guns and hunting. They banned lion hunting years ago and now they are showing up in towns, parks, and people?s yards. You Just Can?t Fix Stupid
>I'm glad I got the hell
>out of California back in
>87 every year things just
>get worse were will the
>Governor and all the liberals
>go next with regard to
>guns and hunting. They banned
>lion hunting years ago and
>now they are showing up
>in towns, parks, and people?s
>yards. You Just Can?t Fix
They can fix stupid now , they are allowing pot K-12 in schools now if they feel the student needs it .
Went to a gun shop in Exeter a
few weeks ago to test the system.
Bought two boxes of CCI mini mags.
Paid my dollar, and no problem. Tried to
buy some steel shot yesterday, but got
denied. WTF? pc
>Went to a gun shop in
>Exeter a
>few weeks ago to test the
>Bought two boxes of CCI mini
>Paid my dollar, and no problem.
>Tried to
>buy some steel shot yesterday, but
>denied. WTF? pc
They figured you bought way to much ammo you psycho , just razzin you ?
I bought a case of non-lead 12 gauge yesterday, with no problem. just the extra time foe background check and the dollar. I'm still a conspiracy theorist guy, the government is tracking what type of guns we have. Lets see what happens.

It's all good ! If your an illegal and can shoot a female in the back and all charges dropped you having nothing to worry about .
Especially if you're in San Francisco, accidently find a stolen gun, it accidently goes off, and accidently kills someone. Sanctuaries are so nice and peaceful, and free from those bad guns.

I made an appointment with DMV to get a "Real ID" next week. I can't wait for when they tell me it will cost $35. I'm going to tell them I can buy one behind Home Depot for $20.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-01-19 AT 10:50PM (MST)[p]>I made an appointment with DMV
>to get a "Real ID"
>next week. I can't wait
>for when they tell me
>it will cost $35. I'm
>going to tell them I
>can buy one behind Home
>Depot for $20.

you can really find your SS card??

>AT 10:50?PM (MST)

>>I made an appointment with DMV
>>to get a "Real ID"
>>next week. I can't wait
>>for when they tell me
>>it will cost $35. I'm
>>going to tell them I
>>can buy one behind Home
>>Depot for $20.
>you can really find your SS

No. All I have is some W-2 forms and 1099 tax forms with it. Medicare cards don't even use it anymore.

I did my real ID last week and there are several things you will need to get it. PM me and I'll fill you in.

I didn't have an appointment as there were none in the bay area for three months.

So I went down at 10 am after the morning rush and there was no one. I did not have my SS card as I lost it years ago so it is one of five things you have a choice of bringing. They will not accept anything else.

I was lucky and am still working so I used my W-2 form otherwise I would have had to go to the SS office to get a new one before I could do the DMV thing.

Anyway got mine without too much trouble so I can travel without an passport after 10-1-2020 in the US or anywhere else for that matter.


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