

Active Member
hello all. i am from utah, and heading to brookings to work for a few months. just wondering if there is any hunting around that area. again, don't want no honey holes or anything, just a yes or no, so have something to do on sundays. i live in utah, and if any of you need any help from there, i would be happy to give out some info. thanks
Don't forget your fishing gear. Great ocean and river fishing there. Nice climate for the coast too. Enjoy.

"Opportunity is missed by most people
because its dressed in overalls
and looks like work."
Thomas Edison
How long will you be there? Fishing can be great, I fished the Rogue several days last August and did well, no time on the Checto however. If you are there long enough to hit the general archery the elk hunt can be a good hunt between Gold Beach and Brookings east, as well as general deer and bear.Let me know, I'm from Gold Beach originally. JB
Welcome to Oregon, so. coast area is a fun place- lots to do there.
have to fish Chetco Rogue, Elk and Sixes rivers for salmon and steelhead, just ask some local people and they can get you started.
Hunting elk and bears can be realy good on the coast range, ( check out the Biscut fire area), look for the local elk herd that hangs around the lily fields by smith river!
Don't forget the big blue water hole just to the west, to much to do there to list!
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