Building Colorado points?


Is it really worth waiting for a deer tag 5 to 10 yrs?or are you better off getting a tag every or every other yr and just learing an area?
What are those trophy units really producing? a slightly better chance at a 170 class deer?
I was just wondering what everyone's thoughts are on it.

I my self love chasing mulemail deer that I'm a get a tag every yr and learn the area guy.
Build points and hunt on a muzzy tag you can draw every year with no points,then when you find a tag worth burning the points rifle hunt it.plenty of areas you can draw on second choice muzzy.
>Is it really worth waiting
> for a deer
>tag 5 to 10 yrs?or
>are you better off getting
> a tag every or
>every other yr and just
>learing an area?
>What are those trophy units really
> producing? a slightly
>better chance at a 170
>class deer?
>I was just wondering what everyone's
> thoughts are on it.
>I my self love chasing mulemail
>deer that I'm a get
>a tag every yr and
>learn the area guy.

No reason to ever have more than 2-3 points for deer in CO. There are zero point units with giant deer. You may have to work around private land and hunt a little harder with the lower point units.
Depends on who you ask but in my, and alot of others opinions there are alot great bucks to be had on second choice to sub 3 point units. It takes more work and time spent to get them dialed but to me being able to hunt bucks every year or every other year with the chance of a giant is much more satisfying than waiting 10 plus years for one tag that may or may not work out.

Go more often...

A lot of people saved points for a long time and burned them this year and the weather turned out to be terrible, even with the later dates. 4-5 hunts instead of 1 will likely net you a bigger deer, plus all the memories.
>Go more often...
>A lot of people saved points
>for a long time and
>burned them this year and
>the weather turned out to
>be terrible, even with the
>later dates. 4-5 hunts instead
>of 1 will likely net
>you a bigger deer, plus
>all the memories.

I'm with you on the memories. That the main reason to hunt for me. The reason I asked was I myself don't see the reason for building points.I hunt a unit that is 50% likely to draw with 0 pionts. I've hunted it for 4 yrs for bucks and have taken good solid bucks every yr. And just don't get the waiting for yrs for a tag. The yr I don't draw I will definitely learning a new unit with a left over or a second choice tag
I've been building points I currently have 6 and I'll end up with at least 8 before I use them. It just depends on what unit and season you want to draw a tag in. You can get a tag without burning points and hunt every year or every other year.
7 Mag
LAST EDITED ON Dec-31-16 AT 08:11AM (MST)[p]Pick a unit you can draw as 2nd choice/leftover type you can hunt every year. Then pick a unit you can draw with 1-2 points. That way you get a little better hunt every other year or so while still hunting.
With that said you must put in the time to scout/learn the unit. Showing up on friday afternoon, setting up camp then walking a 1/4 mile to glass a nearby hill side is not scouting. Spending many days in the unit through summer and then continue to scout every year is how you hunt big bucks consistently in leftover units.

Leftover tag

same unit (leftover)

again, same unit

I missed two other big bucks in this unit too in different years. One was about a 165" 3 point, other was an absolute monster and I doubt I will ever see another buck like him in my lifetime, especially not a general/easy draw/leftover tag...

The other unit we have takes 1-2 points to draw, this year when I drew it, I seen 132 bucks in 4 1/2 days of hunting. Its fun some great bucks come out of it. The leftover unit though, I am lucky to see 3 bucks entire season. Most years I see one or two entire season.


"Hunting is where you prove yourself"
Those are some studs, mtnman!! You've got a great honeyhole. Tell no one!! Lol

I can attest to the point thing. I currently have 13 points as a nonresident chasing the top units. And getting killed by point creep every year. Luckily I've been able to draw a few other nr tags and can always hunt general in Wyoming, so I'm getting some hunting. Point is, my tactics for drawing Colorado mule deer blow. At 65, time is beginning to run short.

Hunt while you can.
I have actually been wanting to make a post about this same thing! I have wondered the same thing about building points or apply for a tag and be able to hunt every 2-3 years. The question that I have as a nonresident, is what is the best way to go about finding units that have good deer in them? Gohunt website membership? Ask MM members? Buy a landowner tag? My current situation is that I have 3 points and would like to hunt a good to decent unit every 2-3 years. I have a friend who guides on 71 and he let me know that there are landowner tags available, but its a pretty steep price for someone who does not know the area. How do I go about this without just picking out of the blue and blowing 2-3 points? Any thoughts or advice would be really appreciated.
I fully admit I understand why non-residents build points. It's not like everybody can go out of state every year and hunt it could be a every five to ten-year hunt. But as a resident right now I've lived in Colorado for going on 8 years and have been hunting Bucks strictly for the last four years I've just shows that you need I can draw every year and its came out decently for me.
Build points and hunt on a leftover or second choice tag especially if you are a resident and then draw every few years. I like hunting colorado for deer entirely to much to only hunt every 8 years or more. There are a couple states I build points in but others I hunt every year or other year while waiting to draw that block buster tag.
Can you explain how I get a tag without burning points? If it matters, I'm a NR, with 4 pts.


>can get a tag without
>burning points and hunt every
>year or every other year.
>7 Mag
>Can you explain how I get
>a tag without burning points?
> If it matters, I'm
>a NR, with 4 pts.
>>can get a tag without
>>burning points and hunt every
>>year or every other year.
>>7 Mag

Enter preference point or a unit you need more points than you have to draw as your first choice then an undesubscribed unit as your second choice. 1st choices generate preference points. 2nd 3rd or 4th choices do not generate or use preference points.
>>Can you explain how I get
>>a tag without burning points?
>> If it matters, I'm
>>a NR, with 4 pts.
>>>can get a tag without
>>>burning points and hunt every
>>>year or every other year.
>>>7 Mag
>Enter preference point or a unit
>you need more points than
>you have to draw as
>your first choice then an
>undesubscribed unit as your second
>choice. 1st choices generate preference
>points. 2nd 3rd or 4th
>choices do not generate or
>use preference points.

Or you can buy a landowner tag and build points at the same time.

7 Mag
I hunt a 0 point unit for 3 years then my favorite unit the 4th on a rotation the 0 point spot is about 10 miles from the 3 point spot and it seems like the deer are from different planets way dumber bucks in the 3 point unit.
>I have actually been wanting to
>make a post about this
>same thing! I have wondered
>the same thing about building
>points or apply for a
>tag and be able to
>hunt every 2-3 years. The
>question that I have as
>a nonresident, is what is
>the best way to go
>about finding units that have
>good deer in them? Gohunt
>website membership? Ask MM members?
>Buy a landowner tag? My
>current situation is that I
>have 3 points and would
>like to hunt a good
>to decent unit every 2-3
>years. I have a friend
>who guides on 71 and
>he let me know that
>there are landowner tags available,
>but its a pretty steep
>price for someone who does
>not know the area. How
>do I go about this
>without just picking out of
>the blue and blowing 2-3
>points? Any thoughts or advice
>would be really appreciated.

It is hard being a NR, it is hard being a resident too when you move here or pick a new unit.
Basically you narrow down all of the units that fall into your specific category. Be it 2-3 point units, second choice units etc... Then from there you narrow it down to the type of terrain/access you need/desire. Do you want to hunt 5k feet in elevation out east or do you want to hunt 12k+ in central part of state or somewhere in between, wilderness vs trailhead camping.
Once you have that, there will only be a handful of units remaining. From there can start asking questions about quality/quantity of animals online, call the DOW biologist for that specific area or even the game warden (they are in the field more than anyone..)

CO is very good for deer, any unit can/does produce quality animals every year. Sure some are better than others but even the best units are difficult to take a true trophy buck...

With a unit selected, scouting the unit yourself is best way to learn it. Sure can scan google earth, and talk to others but if you truly want to learn put yourself in the unit, multiple times before season if you can. If you tag out early and have option of staying or going home early, STAY! Go spend the last couple days scouting for next year/hunt.

"Hunting is where you prove yourself"
It's always worth building point, and nowhere more so than CO deer. having too many points is like having too much money, you can't.

That said you can get in a situation like I'm in if you wait too long. I have 19 NR deer pints and after waiting this long there's no way I'm burning them on a less than premium tag. problem is 19 isn't enough anymore.

I would be looking for my second good tag if I had it to do over.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
Most of the 4th seasons. I tried 67 4th last year and struck out.

I would have been happy with a 3rd season until they brought the 4th seasons back. you know how that goes.

Stay Thirsty My Friends

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