Bushnell HD Trailcam Pics


Founder Since 1999
So this is the first trailcam I have ever used. My friends at Bushnell sent it over for me to review. I have to say, it takes real nice photos.
I set it out about 2 weeks ago over some mineral stuff I bought at Walmart. It was kind of a test to see if that stuff even worked.
2 weeks and 1555 photos later, I captured one doe and one buck.

I guess I need more trailcam practice.

Real nice trailcam I do have to say. I'm going to put it to a little more use over the next few days, then I'll report back.




Brian Latturner
Haven't had much luck with Bushnell. Had a few cameras that went back and forth with them. Some wouldn't let me adjust settings. Regardless of the setting, a 8G card would fill up before dark the 1st day out. Had battery problems with a couple. Used the same batteries in other cams but got maybe 1 1/2 to 2 days with the Bushnell. I averaged a working camera in every 3 I picked up. I changed to a different model, and the 1st camera would not stay on. It shut down in less than 5 seconds. Sent this camera back to be replaced, all the pics taken with the replacement looked like I was set in some kind of negative feature with night pics completely washed out. Kind of got the run around on trying to send that camera back, so it went in the trash.

Not trying to bad mouth, but that's just my review. I've talked with a few guys that have had the same problems and a few that loved them.
It looks like you may have your camera a little too close to those little branches on the right side. Even the IR cameras can be triggered if stuff is too close. Try moving it to an area where there are no branches or grass that can sway in the wind. You should have better luck.

Bushnell does make a quality camera, I know several people that own them. The battery life is amazing in those little ones.
I'm about to pick up my first attempt at using a trail cam. It's also the Bushnell. I went all or nothing and decided to take them at their word...it's been out almost 2 months! Hoping for the best. I'll give you results next week.
I've tried a bunch of cameras and the little bushnells are the best I've seen. I think they're great! I've had 6 of them and had problems with one, sent it to bushnell and they sent me a brand new one that was the latest greatest version vs the one I sent to them. couldn't be happier.
Can you tell me where your Cameras are located?

[font color=red size=redsize=18"face"]SHOW THEM TO ME![/font]
If You Love Your Country,SHOW THEM TO ME!

I've got Wild Honey Tree's and Crazy Little Weeds growin around my Shack!
These Dusty Roads ain't streets of gold but I'm happy right where I'm at!
All these Perty little Western Belles are a Country Boys Dream!
They ain't got Wings or MM Halo's but they sure look good to me!
I am shocked your camera was still there based on how it was attached to the tree. I figured at least your memory card would be gone. Good for you. You have found a secret spot.
I've boughten Bushnell's in the past 3 years . In the middle of last years models they changed the software in them , because some Cameras were doing a faulty rapid fire, meaning they'd take 4000 + pics in just a couple hours or until SD Card is filled . I've sent 9 cameras into Bushnell due to that problem, in return always received a brand new camera back w/ up dated software. Never had the problem since . Most dependable cameras on the market, they hold up well in extreme cold and hot weather conditions. Stealthcams suck in the cold . useless IMO . New Bushnell HD, Awesome night pics now !!!
Going up to check out my pictures on the new HD this weekend .I am sure they will be great pictures.
littlejoe - My spot is SO secret, obviously the deer don't even know about it......ha ha ha

I picked a new spot today and threw down some Deer Cane. LOL I'll probably scare every deer on the mountain into the next county.

Brian Latturner

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