CA Draws

Max sheep. Hope to draw within the next decade. Drew elk 2 years ago.drew Pronghorn many years ago with max points and also before the point scheme. Had M-11 last year with 15 deer points.
Good luck to all you max point holders. If anyone is interested I have actually recent experience in most all of the sheep units and can give advise as to how they are doing and what’s more so worth applying for with max right now compared to not, not that any sheep tag isn’t a good sheep tag but there is very clearly some better then others and especially with the drought like conditions.
Max in Sheep, Elk, and Deer. Drew Antelope year or two before points started. Keeping fingers crossed for a sheep tag this year.
Max for Elk, Sheep & Antelope. I drew 7-8 years ago at max points for deer. My son has max points for Deer, Elk & Sheep.
Lighting needs to strike again! My son got drawn for the Round Valley youth hunt when he was 12. He is hoping for Goodale, even though the hunt stinks now.
Maybe we should tell our age with our points. Think a lot with higher points might be getting short on time to finish these journeys.
I am 59 and recovering from just having my appendix removed.
Max on deer & sheep. Drew FHL elk last year. Was in the waiting period for antelope when the ponzi scheme started:)

Good luck to all you max point holders. If anyone is interested I have actually recent experience in most all of the sheep units and can give advise as to how they are doing and what’s more so worth applying for with max right now compared to not, not that any sheep tag isn’t a good sheep tag but there is very clearly some better then others and especially with the drought like conditions.
I have max points for sheep. What unit would you spend them in if you got lucky enough to draw a tag?
Maybe we should tell our age with our points. Think a lot with higher points might be getting short on time to finish these journeys.
I am 59 and recovering from just having my appendix removed.
You are still a youngster! I'm 66 and my time is shorter...much shorter. I have had 2 back surgeries, with a 3rd on the way, neck surgery, 2 hand surgeries on both hands, gall bladder removed, and most recently, prostate cancer. Most damaging has been the back issues which has really created problems with my legs, causing severe weakness. I think I am no longer fit enough to hunt sheep, but an Elk or Antelope would be nice, or having my son draw a tag. At least I experienced the Goodale hunt, and I was able to take my son and my nephew on their Round Valley Hunt.
Maybe we should tell our age with our points. Think a lot with higher points might be getting short on time to finish these journeys.
I am 59 and recovering from just having my appendix removed.
At 73 I have 1 Antelope point. Zero points for everything else.
You are still a youngster! I'm 66 and my time is shorter...much shorter. I have had 2 back surgeries, with a 3rd on the way, neck surgery, 2 hand surgeries on both hands, gall bladder removed, and most recently, prostate cancer. Most damaging has been the back issues which has really created problems with my legs, causing severe weakness. I think I am no longer fit enough to hunt sheep, but an Elk or Antelope would be nice, or having my son draw a tag. At least I experienced the Goodale hunt, and I was able to take my son and my nephew on their Round Valley Hunt.
a sheep hunt in Cali has been done by lots that couldn't walk around the truck.......don't stop applying
Gooddale in 06
NW Rosy Bull in 09
Big Valley Goat in 12
D Ram alternate in 10, what a beating that was. Good thing they dont send out names and addresses.
Was max on everything, still there on sheep, i want the big mountain.
My daughter 12 has been drawing some tags down in NM, now that will bring a smile to you.
Good luck n be safe.
@LIK2HNT, @eelgrass, @SlinginLead, I'm 51 and I am looking to to do my first hunt ever! I was looking at hunting Turkey down in the San Diego County possibly. So what do the points mean and how do you earn them? Thanks, Steve
You earn points by applying for the different hunts each year and if you don't get drawn, you're awarded a point, which gives you a better chance to draw in coming years. You earn 1 point each year for the different species you apply for. This applies for Deer, Elk, and Pronghorn. However, some deer tags are given over the counter and points aren't needed.
You earn points by applying for the different hunts each year and if you don't get drawn, you're awarded a point, which gives you a better chance to draw in coming years. You earn 1 point each year for the different species you apply for. This applies for Deer, Elk, and Pronghorn. However, some deer tags are given over the counter and points aren't needed.
I forgot. You can earn points for Sheep too if you're into sheep.
Hey Eelgrass, Thank you for the reply. I figured sheep would count as well since Deer, Elk and Pronghorn did as well.

So my next question is, since you earn points for entering a drawing and not getting picked, I should enter some drawings, since this is my first year with a hunting license?
Hey Eelgrass, Thank you for the reply. I figured sheep would count as well since Deer, Elk and Pronghorn did as well.

So my next question is, since you earn points for entering a drawing and not getting picked, I should enter some drawings, since this is my first year with a hunting license?
Yes, you should. I haven't been just because I only hunt deer on an over the counter tag. I don't enter the drawings, except for one year for Pronghorn.

Since this is your first year getting a hunting license I assume you've passed the hunter education requirement. That's the first step. See this link.

Then go here and check out how to apply for tags. If you have a friend who hunts they can help you through it, or go to the nearest Fish&Wildlife office and they will help.

Good luck on the turkey hunt, and if you don't draw a tag this year you can still hunt pigs and bears and ducks, quail, etc. Talk to people in your area and you'll get lots of ideas and local tips.
Max points for elk & antelope. Drew M3 about 6 years ago, so not many for deer. I used to have max points for sheep, till a couple years ago. Now I can’t apply for sheep any more. :giggle:
Max points for elk & antelope. Drew M3 about 6 years ago, so not many for deer. I used to have max points for sheep, till a couple years ago. Now I can’t apply for sheep any more. :giggle:
and sadly for us that are done.....we have no raffle tag chance. Of course you could buy an auction tag
and sadly for us that are done.....we have no raffle tag chance. Of course you could buy an auction tag
The guy who owned Kuui bought a sheep tag for $235k. Guides had shopped the sheep to him prior to auction, so he knew he was buying a record book ram.

After that I reckon the State figured they could make more by giving the tags up for auction. 99% of us can never compete with that, but I guess that's what the State thinks is fair?
The guy who owned Kuui bought a sheep tag for $235k. Guides had shopped the sheep to him prior to auction, so he knew he was buying a record book ram.

After that I reckon the State figured they could make more by giving the tags up for auction. 99% of us can never compete with that, but I guess that's what the State thinks is fair?
What business is that? Kuui?
The guy who owned Kuui bought a sheep tag for $235k. Guides had shopped the sheep to him prior to auction, so he knew he was buying a record book ram.

After that I reckon the State figured they could make more by giving the tags up for auction. 99% of us can never compete with that, but I guess that's what the State thinks is fair?
The state didn’t want to do away with the raffle tag opportunity but had to. Typically the auction tags don’t go for that much on average 80-110k and I understand that is above probably just as many peoples budget as a 200k plus auction tag but it isn’t every year that they auction off sheep tags for 200K plus.
The guy who owned Kuui bought a sheep tag for $235k. Guides had shopped the sheep to him prior to auction, so he knew he was buying a record book ram.

After that I reckon the State figured they could make more by giving the tags up for auction. 99% of us can never compete with that, but I guess that's what the State thinks is fair?
and those guides hate it when their whales blow their brains out.....
The State didnt have to give up the raffle. Some organizations still hold raffles. They idea that the State had to give up the raffle is what some are saying who might benefit from the auctions. But ask them to prove it and they never can provide any documentation, maybe only a phone number to the CDFW.

Btw, the CDFW does not reply to any inquiries as to why either. However, maybe the Governor or State Attorney General can answer?
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Max for Deer and Sheep
-Drew Big Lagoon Roosevelt Elk 2nd year of pref. pt. system
-Drew Likely Tables 2 years ago

I'm 54 years old and still climbing mountains!
Why did they have to??............does anyone other than Jester have a reason.....
I know for a fact the reason they did away from with the raffle tags was not because they wanted to Or because they thought they would make more from the tags being turned into an auction tag but the real reason the department gave them to the auction block was because they were forced to by state attorney's that said it’s a form of gambling and not legal in the state!
Max for Deer and Sheep
-Drew Big Lagoon Roosevelt Elk 2nd year of pref. pt. system
-Drew Likely Tables 2 years ago

I'm 54 years old and still climbing mountains!
Good luck in the draw hope you draw whatever unit you’re going after with your sheep or deer points.
I know for a fact the reason they did away from with the raffle tags was not because they wanted to Or because they thought they would make more from the tags being turned into an auction tag but the real reason the department gave them to the auction block was because they were forced to by state attorney's that said it’s a form of gambling and not legal in the state!
Maybe the Attorney General can explain why it's okay to sell trophy animals to the wealthiest hunters, rather than place them back into the regular draw?
Maybe the Attorney General can explain why it's okay to sell trophy animals to the wealthiest hunters, rather than place them back into the regular draw?
Give the Attorney general a call and find out for us! Trust me I would love to have another opportunity at a sheep tag over not!
I will have to contact him myself since you've provided zero evidence to back your claim. I won't call, however, I will be writing Bonta and asking him if what you are saying is true. Btw, raffles occur throughout this State with many different organizations, even lotteries. Gambling happens here.
I will have to contact him myself since you've provided zero evidence to back your claim. I won't call, however, I will be writing Bonta and asking him if what you are saying is true. Btw, raffles occur throughout this State with many different organizations, even lotteries. Gambling happens here.
Please report back your findings
Max on everything.... I am the unluckiest sob I know.

If I make it to 80 and still haven't drawn I'm just gonna start poaching.... I'm only 43 so I'll have about 60 pref points by then..... put on some non matching socks, act senile, say I thought it was a coyote, etc.
Max on everything.... I am the unluckiest sob I know.

If I make it to 80 and still haven't drawn I'm just gonna start poaching.... I'm only 43 so I'll have about 60 pref points by then..... put on some non matching socks, act senile, say I thought it was a coyote, etc.
You are still young. I have you beet by 16 years. Max on sheep, elk, and deer. Drew antelope and was almost out of my waiting period when points were started. Was putting in for SX2 (now G3) since I was 12. But this is the year I get a California sheep tag. ???
Drew antelope and was almost out of my waiting period when points were started.
I was in the same position so didn't apply for antelope the first few years. Then I found out that the waiting period was cancelled and people who were in the waiting period could have applied the first year points were offered. Too late.
I don't have any major points and hunt a lot. And that's fine by me. You guys who wait for so many years just befuddle me.. why would you wait so long for a mediocre tag? You can hunt out of state and have a good chance at the quality of animals (deer and elk anyway) multiple times vs Ca odds..this state isn't worth it unless you get the maximum hunts in that you can. I hunted antelope in Nevada in 2020 after a daunting 4 years of applying..was the most fun I've had on a hunt and guess what? I could prob draw it again 1 or 2 more times in my life (I'm 49) and enjoy it all over again. Seems like wasting life waiting for a ca tag. I know most of you hunt other states too though, so I guess no harm no foul
I don't have any major points and hunt a lot. And that's fine by me. You guys who wait for so many years just befuddle me.. why would you wait so long for a mediocre tag? You can hunt out of state and have a good chance at the quality of animals (deer and elk anyway) multiple times vs Ca odds..this state isn't worth it unless you get the maximum hunts in that you can. I hunted antelope in Nevada in 2020 after a daunting 4 years of applying..was the most fun I've had on a hunt and guess what? I could prob draw it again 1 or 2 more times in my life (I'm 49) and enjoy it all over again. Seems like wasting life waiting for a ca tag. I know most of you hunt other states too though, so I guess no harm no foul
Who said I don't hunt out of state as well? I have hunted out of state almost every year since I was 15... I've killed multiple deer,elk, and antelope but I would really like to kill one in my home state, also what other state might I kill my Tule Elk in ? What "befuddles" me is guys wasting their points on a Rosie or Rocky when those can be had out of state OTC.
I was in the same position so didn't apply for antelope the first few years. Then I found out that the waiting period was cancelled and people who were in the waiting period could have applied the first year points were offered. Too late.
Well, when they started points I called the local DFG office and the Sacramento DFG office and both told me I could not apply and had to finish out my waiting period. I found out a few years later they were both full of crap!!!!???
Now I am 2 under max for antelope.
I don't have any major points and hunt a lot. And that's fine by me. You guys who wait for so many years just befuddle me.. why would you wait so long for a mediocre tag? You can hunt out of state and have a good chance at the quality of animals (deer and elk anyway) multiple times vs Ca odds..this state isn't worth it unless you get the maximum hunts in that you can. I hunted antelope in Nevada in 2020 after a daunting 4 years of applying..was the most fun I've had on a hunt and guess what? I could prob draw it again 1 or 2 more times in my life (I'm 49) and enjoy it all over again. Seems like wasting life waiting for a ca tag. I know most of you hunt other states too though, so I guess no harm no foul
Was killing 2 blacktail (OTC tags) and tons of pigs in California every year. Plus hunting out of state. Felt it wise to build points. Plus I want a Tule elk, and a California Bighorn.
Might as well wait for the best when you can kill great bucks OTC.
Was killing 2 blacktail (OTC tags) and tons of pigs in California every year. Plus hunting out of state. Felt it wise to build points. Plus I want a Tule elk, and a California Bighorn.
Might as well wait for the best when you can kill great bucks OTC.
I hope you realize you can't get a California bighorn in
I'm not a sheep hunter so now I'm confused. I've been telling everybody I've taken two California pronghorns over the years. I say every sheep killed in California is a California sheep. Just kidding.
A few drifted out of Oregon on the Klamath. From my understanding they're staying on the California side of the river.
I was thinking that probably has happened......I'm pretty sure the Sierra bighorns were considered California's until they were classified as "Sierras" for protection and study money reasons.....
I was thinking that probably has happened......I'm pretty sure the Sierra bighorns were considered California's until they were classified as "Sierras" for protection and study money reasons.....
You're correct. Sierras were considered California sheep until the feds listed them.

I also know of some sheep that crossed out of Nevada in to California that would be California sheep.

It's too bad the Lava beds, Warner Mountains, and the other Northeast California sheep reintroductions didn't take hold.
I will have to contact him myself since you've provided zero evidence to back your claim. I won't call, however, I will be writing Bonta and asking him if what you are saying is true. Btw, raffles occur throughout this State with many different organizations, even lotteries. Gambling happens here.
Did you ever get in contact with the department and get to the bottom of this ?
109,939 x $7.05 a pop in 2021 = $775.069.95 for what--4 tags? Sounds like money was made quite nicely for the department.
Yes and it has zero to do with raffles not being legal. It has everything to do with making maximum amount of money off a tag.
Who did you talk to? Do you have proof of that? What was the statement made by the individual that gave you this information or are you making that up to make yourself not inaccurate in your previous argument and uneducated statement?
109,939 x $7.05 a pop in 2021 = $775.069.95 for what--4 tags? Sounds like money was made quite nicely for the department.
That’s because it wasn’t about the money that tag went on the auction block this year for 84k it sold as a raffle tag for over 110k they made more off of the raffle! The department wanted to keep it a raffle to be able to allow average joes win them and I meet a couple of them and they were everyday guys like all of us.
Who did you talk to? Do you have proof of that? What was the statement made by the individual that gave you this information or are you making that up to make yourself not inaccurate in your previous argument and uneducated statement?
Yes, I do have proof. I will not absolutely not tell you who I talked to because I don't know who you are. But hey, how about that uneducated ad hominem attack you just used on me?

Anyway, here's part of the reply:

The purpose and intent for these tags is described in Fish and Game Code 1054.8 (e) “… seek to maximize both the revenues received by the department and participation by qualified nonprofit organizations making application to sell the tags as sellers of the tags.”

I'll be sure to keep you and others informed of any replies I receive to the other letters I sent.
109,939 x $7.05 a pop in 2021 = $775.069.95 for what--4 tags? Sounds like money was made quite nicely for the department.
They didn't do as well in 2020.


  • Extracted pages from 2021 Big Game Book_v4_8-10 correction.pdf
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From CDFW Website:

What Happened To Premium Big Game Tags?
May 19, 2022

Fundraising tags​

Q: Last year, hunters could apply for a draw for several premium big game tags that aren’t usually available to the public. This year, I haven’t heard anything about that opportunity. Did the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) stop doing this? What happened to the premium fundraising tags?

A: CDFW has authority to make special big game tags for deer, elk, desert bighorn sheep and pronghorn antelope available for the purpose of raising funds for programs and projects that benefit big game species. These fundraising tags have historically been available through two processes: auctions conducted by nonprofit organizations to raise funds on behalf of CDFW, and through random draw raffle in the CDFW licensing system.

Nonprofits compete for the tags made available through a solicitation by submitting an application to CDFW. The nonprofits that are awarded tags can then auction or raffle the tags to raise funds on behalf of CDFW for projects and programs that benefit big game species. These tags are very popular at their fundraising dinners and other events, often drawing many bidders and bringing in many thousands of dollars. The nonprofit is allowed to retain five percent of the amount. The remainder is returned to CDFW and deposited into the Big Game Management Account to support big game conservation.

Several of these premium fundraising tags have also been made available to members of the public through the CDFW licensing system, through purchase of a random draw opportunity. Last year, the application fee for an opportunity to win one of the fundraising tags was $7.01. In 2021, the number of fundraising tags available through CDFW was unprecedented because of nonprofits having to cancel events due to the pandemic.

This year, all the fundraising tags were made available to nonprofits who are returning to normal operations and scheduling their in-person fundraising events to support their conservation work. Although the direct-to-the-public option is not available this year, we recognize that there is much interest in bringing this option back. CDFW is looking into this possibility and feasibility to make it a regular, annual option.

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California Guides & Outfitters

Western Wildlife Adventures

Offering some fine Blacktail Deer hunting, Wild Pig hunts, Turkey hunts and Waterfowl hunts.

Urge 2 Hunt

We offer the top private land hunts in all of California, for blacktail deer, elk, pigs, bison and turkeys.

G & J Outdoors

Offering Tule elk hunts for bulls and cows on a 17,000 acre Ranch in Laytonville, CA with 100% success.

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