CA Gov Signs Anti-Hunting Law


Very Active Member
California Governor Signs SB 1221
Gut Shoots Hunters!

Governor Jerry Brown's press release today shows that he signed SB 1221 which will outlaw the hunting of bears and bobcats and more starting in 2013.

They will continue to regulate away our gun and hunting rights until we have no more. We need to vote them all out!

I asked this question before and never did get an answer.

Isn't there a sportsmen's organization in California that can bring pressure to bear on these politicians?

Isn't there some way the thousands of sportsmen in California can unit and preserver hunting in the State?

The only way politician respond is to pressure from their voters, logic has no play in their programs.
wow...what a shocker.

you're not very good at math are you komanfisher????....

They should just put a huge wall around California. Anyone who's there has to stay and anyone who enters isn't allowed to return...
In CA hunting is such a minute part of the culture, that they have no political clout at all.

The head of G&F just got ousted for hunting mountain lions legally in Idaho.

Hunting mountain lions is illegal in CA.

Steel traps are illegal in CA.

You cannot butcher a horse.

There are counties that a dog cannot be on a chain.

Seals have taken over some harbours.

Up until recently you had to purchase anually an "adventure pass" to access Federal forest land.

You can shake your head and say that is just KA, but, as more of our population in all states resides in cities with detachment from where food comes from and no ties to hunting, this will be coming to your state as well.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-26-12 AT 09:08PM (MST)[p]D13- I don't understand your comment regarding my math.

Are you being sarcastic, hostile or attempting to be humorous regarding my question?

Have you given up on preserving Calif. hunting?

Do you think because there are so few hunters, by percentage, that attempting to organize against those opposed to hunting is a predetermined failure?

What ever your point is, is a mystery to me, but I hope everyone in the hunting community isn't as sarcastic, hostile or humorous regarding these issues as you. If they are, your right, no point in lifting a finger. I hope all sportsmen have not arrived at your frame of mind regarding hunting in Calif. If they have, California is bound to the fruits of it's sportsmen's labors.

Historical evidence would support my beliefs. A few, well organized, committed individuals have over thrown entire empires, time and time again, since the beginning of recorded history. A few thousand committed, organized hunters in Calif. can change the course of hunting history. However, the key words are organized and committed.

I hope yours is not the only response to my question, which is, are there any organized hunting groups in Calif. that can get aggressive with these politicians? If not why not?
LAST EDITED ON Sep-26-12 AT 09:37PM (MST)[p]That won't be my suggestion, however the need for an organized political machine is necessary in every State, apparently Calif. is no exception.

If it's the politicians that are the one taking away your hunting opportunities then doesn't it stand to reason Calif. needs an equally proactive hunters political action effort?

Forget any existing org. create one of your own, in your own State and turn this loss of hunting opportunities around. Or don't, and enjoy the short lived future of your sport. In the past, individual effort has not worked. Strength will only come from a united front.
D-13er is just stating facts that you are not aware of. CA. is controlled by mostly liberal Democrats on the coast area from L.A. to just above San Francisco. This is a very high population area and they control the votes and politicians in this state.

They probably outnumber the hunters 10-1 in voicing their likes and dislikes and voting power. What you other states have to worry about is our retirement age Californians that is migrating to your state in order to stretch their retirement dollar. After screwing up this state, they bail out in retirement years. Guess where the vast majority of them are coming from. Thats right, you guessed it from L.A. to San Francisco and they will bring their politics to your state.

Here in Northern CA. we will treat the bears as we do the mountain lions that are protected. When they become a problem and danger to family members, we will excersize our rights to practice the three "S" program. Shoot, shovel, and shut up. Some northern Kali boys are a little lazy. They do not like the shovel part, so they gut shoot and the animal gets off their property before it dies and the bullet is a complete pass though and no worry about ballistics nailing you.

If we has a choice, we would like to see a hunting season on radical liberal Democrats. For that we would give up hunting mountain lions and bears. Also for the bear hunting, I think they just stopped hunters from using hounds to hunt them. I believe you still can hunt them, just no more dogs involved and of course they outlawed baiting a long time ago.

LAST EDITED ON Sep-26-12 AT 10:12PM (MST)[p]Problem with Cali is the southern half is mostly urban and controls the vote. The northern half is largely rural and stuck with the will of the southern half, people from northern cali are basically unrepresented because they have no voice. Its a bad situation with no solution in sight other than pulling up stakes and leaving Cali. Problem is as was previously mentioned, socal is a crime infested pit and when these socal people retire and move, they take their politics with them and like to live in naturally beautiful areas like Colorado, Idaho, and Wyoming.
Man, that's a shame...and it's scary. Somedays I think things will be alright for the youngsters involved in the outdoors. Other days the outlook looks bleak. Don't think for a second that this nonsense won't eventually cross state boundaries. Look how big of a battle the wolf issue has been. Hell, it seems like it's going to be on a year to year basis at this rate. Grizzlies are going bonkers in the Island Park Idaho area, much of Wyoming, and Montana. I HOPE we still have enough pull and actual biologists backing us to make that hunt happen but who knows these days. These idiots won't be happy until we are out of the woods for good.
I've lived in Southern Calif and I know many hunters that live south of San Fran. Out numbered, yes. 10 to 1. Maybe, more like a 1000 to 1 or worse. But, don't kid yourself, there are thousands of hunter down there.

The ratios don't matter. What matters is, lets say, there are only are 20,000 hunters in So. Cal. Yes there are, and more. If 10,000 of these hunters united and formed a single minded political action and they combined and cooperated in concert with another 10,000 from No. Calif. I believe hunters could do far more than they are apparently doing. However, they need to be single minded.

Of course, I don't live there anymore and maybe you are all correct and we are doomed, each in our own State, in our time. That appears to be your collective conscious.
You can personally thank every single a$$clown in your state who votes D. They are making the bed you will be sleeping in. Many of them post openly here. Tell them thanks, tremendous bear, thanks for sharing, great pic, ect. Worst place to be blind is in the eyes and there are many quote unquote sportsmen right here who suckle from the teat of liberalism.
Wonder how long before the resident dumb cluck chimes in on the issue. He chimes in on everything else.
Look around you more closely and see who has been waving the white flag of surrender. It damn sure ain't D13er.
Once you zoom in on the Benedict Arnolds of the state, you will quickly observe the meaning of useful idiot.
I live in a part of North Eastern Cali where hunting and fishing is more the rule instead of the exception. We have millions of acres of public property to hunt and over month long deer seasons. That said, one can not help but notice that each and every year, the masses who do not hunt are after and getting concessions passed that somehow chip away at what i have felt was my heritage.

The way i see it, each of these new restricting laws are just small steps toward the overall agenda to do away with hunting of any kind. In most cases, these adversaries are very intelligent, well funded, appropriately connected to the governing decision makers, and aware enough to not go too far at the present, just bide their time with small victories toward their eventual goal.

There has in the past, been much discussion in the Kali forum as to what exactly we as individuals, who are getting fed up with the status quot, can do to derail this ever charging freight train and as witnessed here in this thread, there is a lot of input pointing to the fact that hunting in this state is doomed as we once knew it regardless of what we want and no matter what we do.

I for one would love to become part of the fight, would welcome and heartily support a organization that might be able to curb this strong anti-hunting lobby and their righteous felt agenda. The trouble as i see it, nobody is stepping up to take charge. If and when that occurs, they can count me in.

In the mean time, you guys in other States had best be aware that this is coming to a State near you. This isn't a California thing. The longer that man gets away from our former pioneer way of living in existence, the more righteous and strong minded these yuppie do-gooders are going to get.


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
All I can say is who wants to be the new Governor of the State of Jefferson? EEL or Kilo?? You guys were in your 60's when gold was found at Sutters Fort sooooo..... We may have to add a few counties to the south to accomadate some of you gentleman but where Wiz lives he may have to "hit it"
LAST EDITED ON Sep-27-12 AT 07:18AM (MST)[p]Long live Jefferson State!! Draw the line and keep the californicators south of the border where they can wallow in their own myopic quagmire!! I've seen SWOregon go down hill since the 80's from the Cali influence also. they'll move away from S Cal to get away from the BS down there and then complain saying "That's not the way we do it in california!!" They would law themselves to death given enough time. As hunters and outdoorsfolks we need to stick together and vote!!! My impression of late is most of the upcoming generations have given up on that (voting) full well knowing that their vote won't count anyway. Just look how our presidential elections have eroded into a farce in the last 30 yrs!! It is too bad there is no Cali-liberal season! Can't live with 'em and can't hunt 'em down and well, you know what I mean! Sorry, this old hillbilly doesn't have an answer to the problem, just an opinion.
Every hunter, outdoorsman and anyone that cares for Christian values should be worried about what happens in California. A victory in California by anti hunting or any other extremist group is just a stepping stone to other states.
Komanfisher pretty well nailed the problem.NEWS FLASH-It aint the liberal dems(well,I guess it kinda is).But even worse is HUNTER APATHY!Did you all hear that okay,or do I need to shout it louder!The prevailing attitude of "It won't do any good,so why bother doing anything"is what will ultimately be the death of hunting.
We're too busy fighting amongst ourselves,and the anti's know that.You can say what you want about SFW,but I can guarantee you they would have been fighting this.The sad thing is,that last comment will bring out more infighting.
Sorry to see things come to this for you guys. But many of you hit the nail on the head, it's a disease and it's spreading north, east, to every state. Horniac I posted up the bad news on several other forums & on a couple other topics here. Thanks for giving us the bad news.

YOU GUYS IN EVERY SINGLE STATE HAVE SOME CONTROL BUT YOU HAVE TO MAN UP AND STOP THE DEMOCRATS THAT SUPPORT THIS AGENDA. WE're losing more behind closed doors in Washington than we are with Governors signing bills every single day. Put it all together and they're running the table. The decks stacked against us and they deny, deny, deny, but stop listening to the words boys, look at what they're doing they can't dispute that, it's the truth and a part of their party's agenda. IF they're a Democrat and supporting these bills they have to go! They have the crosshairs on hunting & fishing just like your guns!!


It's time for you to create a little action, Vote them out!

If they're a Republican and consistantly voting against hunting and fishing give them their pink slip too!
The only thing left for for it to implode,sorry to say we will have to hit bottom and come back and this will be a lesson for all those have voted for the B#LL SH#T!
LAST EDITED ON Sep-27-12 AT 10:40AM (MST)[p]It sounds like an ideal time to organize hunters and either move forward now or be in a position to gather membership and support as things get more confused. If the past demonstrates anything its that when a society will turn to any well organized group for direction to restore sanity.

Maybe now is a perfect time for all sportsmen/hunters in Calif to come together.
>>Governor Jerry Brown's press release today shows that he signed SB 1221 which will outlaw the hunting of bears and bobcats and more starting in 2013.<<

To clarify, the bill doesn't "outlaw the hunting of bears and bobcats." It outlaws the USE OF DOGS to hunt either.


How To Hunt Coues Deer
sageadvice (7753 posts)

Sep-27-12, 00:35 AM (MST)

16. "RE: CA Gov Signs Anti-Hunting Law"

I live in a part of North Eastern Cali where hunting and fishing is more the rule instead of the exception. We have millions of acres of public property to hunt and over month long deer seasons. That said, one can not help but notice that each and every year, the masses who do not hunt are after and getting concessions passed that somehow chip away at what i have felt was my heritage.

The way i see it, each of these new restricting laws are just small steps toward the overall agenda to do away with hunting of any kind. In most cases, these adversaries are very intelligent, well funded, appropriately connected to the governing decision makers, and aware enough to not go too far at the present, just bide their time with small victories toward their eventual goal.

There has in the past, been much discussion in the Kali forum as to what exactly we as individuals, who are getting fed up with the status quot, can do to derail this ever charging freight train and as witnessed here in this thread, there is a lot of input pointing to the fact that hunting in this state is doomed as we once knew it regardless of what we want and no matter what we do.

I for one would love to become part of the fight, would welcome and heartily support a organization that might be able to curb this strong anti-hunting lobby and their righteous felt agenda. The trouble as i see it, nobody is stepping up to take charge. If and when that occurs, they can count me in.

In the mean time, you guys in other States had best be aware that this is coming to a State near you. This isn't a California thing. The longer that man gets away from our former pioneer way of living in existence, the more righteous and strong minded these yuppie do-gooders are going to get.


This post sums it up pretty darn well. As others have stated, hunter apathy and division is alive and well across the country. Over comming these two downfalls is exceedingly difficult, but is an endeavor we simply have to continue to pursue. So many of us are content to live in our own little hunting/outdoor world we fail to act on the big picture. What will it take to change this thinking pattern? I don't know, but I for one will continue to try to make a difference. Will you?
>>>Governor Jerry Brown's press release today shows that he signed SB 1221 which will outlaw the hunting of bears and bobcats and more starting in 2013.<<
>To clarify, the bill doesn't "outlaw
>the hunting of bears and
>bobcats." It outlaws the USE
>OF DOGS to hunt either.

>How To Hunt Coues Deer
We know that Tony,it's that it is the first of many laws that will end the hunting here in CA.The people that pass these laws don't know sh#t about hunting,while our state is broke and unemployment is really 20% they ignore everybody and remember Pelosi saying(because I can)socialism.
Joey (Sageadvice) pretty much nailed it all the way around.
It isn't just a California thing, ever watch Animal Planet?
It is progressive environmentalism.
It is being preached in classrooms across this country to a broad spectrum of people, young and old alike.

Big cities across this country are bastions of this mindset.
They have no open spaces to participate in our outdoor passions and fathers no longer raise their children to be outdoorsmen.
TV sports, computers, smart phones and sedentary lifestyles dominate the inner city culture as our hunting heritage fades into oblivion.
What they learn about wildlife and the outdoors is agenda driven propoganda and isn't countered with common sense or modern biological facts.

The hunting of big game using hounds has been banned in many other states long before it died here, I am thankful that my son was able to enjoy some great hunts with friends of mine over the years before it was stripped away.
In the entire population of Calif. there has to be at least one individual that can lead a unified group of committed hunters. A yearly $20 membership from 20,000 sportsmen would generate $400,000 a year. Don't tell me there aren't a couple of young guns out there that would help the other 20,000 stay focused and make sure hunters showed up in huge numbers at public hearings and election campaigns where candidates are looking for votes and support. Why can't you find and run your own candidates for public office?

It's not a classified secret how to take over political control of an issue. Small numbers of people have done amazing things, when they are organized, determined and aggressive in their membership growth.

It takes a special kind of person to lead hunters, I'll grant you that, but there are hunters out there that can be found, go find one and throw every ounce of time, money and energy behind the effort. Grow the membership. Get mean. Take on the politicians, face to face. Go after their political office, cut deals, take names and kick butts.

Key to success (or failure) is single minded unity and investment. That single minded effort is to get control of hunting issues in the State of Calif., what ever that takes. You all ready know it's the politicians that have the final say. That is where your focus has got to be. With it ,you win, without, you might just as well take up a new lifestyle without delay. (Of course, you could just grab all you can get until it's all gone, when to hell with tomorrow.)

Once this hunting group can show a few wins, you will be amazed at the kinds of dollars and people that will come out of the "liberal" wood work to help. It's not rocket science. There are volumes written on how to do it. The anti-hunters have successfully been used the same principles for the last 50 years. How's it worked for them?
Komanfisher; Why are you preaching to CA. hunters about what we need to do or not need to do. You are the guy who bailed out of this state from Southern CA.
If you feel such passion for a united group, just get your butt back here and take up the cause or worry about the state you are now living in.

LAST EDITED ON Sep-27-12 AT 09:38PM (MST)[p]Preaching to every hunter in every State, just using this Calif. bear/hound post as a venue to demonstrate the need for hunters to unit and organize against the forces you've each identified as reasons for the lose of another piece of our lives.

Many, if not most hunters, believe hunting is doomed, without any way to prevent it's undoing. I don't. What can and will save it, if it's saved, will be united hunters, setting aside individual wants and needs for the greater good of the lifestyle.

The hunt/no hunt war will be won or lost in the political area, whether we like it or not. It will not be won or lost based on right or wrong, and biology will not prevail over politics. It never has, not in Roosevelt's era, and not it won't in this era.

If we intend to "help" stop the kinds of regulations, which was, the request that the original poster made regarding Gov. Brown. He asked for help, I've given the only kind of help I can give, from my present location. Get organized and there is more I can do, from outside Calif. Without a movement to assist, what can be done, by anyone.

What can not and will not help is verbal attacks on one another. To that end we have had our collective butts kicked for 50 years, in all States.

Unite, organize and win, or continue the present course. We should decide, not them.
As a houndsman this is a terrible thing. What is too bad is that a group (the human society) can decide they don't like something and push their agenda on to everyone. I hope that the bears will now go crazy and start eating the liberals. Just wait, next year they will ban the use of guns to hunt deer.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-28-12 AT 08:51AM (MST)[p]>>You all ready know it's the politicians that have the final say.<<

Yes and no. Although this one went through the legislative process, in states that have an initiative process that can bypass the politicians altogether, anti-hunting laws unfortunately still get passed by the will of the voters. And when it happens, neither the legislature or the governor can do a thing about it. HSUS and the other anti-groups are masters at using it, too

Some examples:

The mountain lion ban in CA
The leghold trap ban in AZ
The spring bear hunt ban in CO

In a way, we're lucky there is no initiative process available for federal laws, or we might be in big trouble.


How To Hunt Coues Deer
Okay, you win.

Save your energy and your money. Sell your dogs and your range finders while there are still hunters naive enough to buy them . Trade in your pick-up and buy a Volt to haul your clubs to the county club. Buy season tickets for the family so you can go watch the 49'er, Raiders or the Chargers on Sundays. The theme parks and the beaches are nice when the temperatures come down a little too. There a ton of other things we can do in the fall.

Your wife is going to love it, like having you home every night to tidy up the kitchen.

And the best part, we'll all have more time to call each other names on MM. Fun.
Ko, If you are going to give up so easy, you wouldn't stand a chance to do any good here in Calif. There are some of us who have attended meetings and made hundreds of phone calls each, talking to any and all who will listen, exactly what is happening to our outdoor heritage. We have been at it for years and will continue the fight.

You are correct in a lot of your thinking but it is just not that easy to get somebody, who could pull us all together enough to make a difference, to step up and take charge of a group against a pretty smart and well advised opponent. I have tried and failed in my efforts, guess i'm not the right kind of guy and i understood those limitations even before i started but someone has to get things going.

I understand your frustration but i feel you are beating a dead horse here, or almost anyway, by preaching to the choir. Still, i'm not giving up and neither should all the guys in all the States represented here in this web site.

Keep up the fight! we're going to need all the help that we can get before it's over!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
I never give up sage. I just change tactics as I see the need. My point is and always has been, is the need to organize and get a critical mass of pro-active hunters, working in sync. It starts small and grows in strength like a like boulder rolling down hill.

Your right, it's "not that easy to get somebody" that can lead, who large numbers of hunters will follow, but that's person is the key. Without the "monster man" (if I can use that kind of language) there is no coordination.

The guy is out there, somewhere in Calif. Find him and get the saddle on him. There is one in every State.
komanfisher, maybe we could get Clint Eastwood. He lives in California. He came out against Obama, maybe California will vote for Romney. You think?

You want to get their attention? If every hunter in CA refused to buy a hunting license, we could cut their money off. I GUARANTEE we could get some results.

Who all is in, raise your hand. Count me in.

He's a monster eel. not doubt. Doubt he's your man but that's the kind of guy your looking for. Big balls and an ego to match. These leader type aren't the tender type, more like Field Generals. On any given day the most of us aren't going to the opera with them but when there's a job to do, they get it done, like Clint.
Years ago there was a debate in the Campfire section as to favorite western actors.
I made a post quoting Clint Eastwood's negative stand on sport hunting which tainted my opinion of him.

I tried googling the quote, but all I seem to get is Clint's latest political forays.

I don't think he's your guy.....
Hey everybody! We have to stand together if were going to turn anything around in this state! I know all of you belong to some kind of sportsmens group or conservation organization, we've got lots of them in this state.I don't know who said it but COHA is our best bet to get behind. If the C.D.A. the C.W.A. Ducks Unlimited, Mule Deer Foundation, Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation AND ANY OTHER SPORTSMANS GROUPS band together, we can turn things around. But we have to stop all the in fighting, "rifle guys don't like bow hunting" "Dove hunters could care less about the bear hunters"That kind of B.S. We have to be united! It isn't going to happen overnight, but, We can turn it around. Take your kids hunting, show them all the things you learned as a kid. Help a neighbor kid that wants to learn. We have too much to lose,but it's worth fighting for. Don't give up now. You know I have four boys, and they all hunt, but if I was a lazy ass dad they probably wouldn't have, kinda of like Hunter Harry. Don't be a lazy ass, join a sportsmans group, and band together behind COHA, they are doing everything they can to stop this B.S. going on in Sacramento. Hunting and Fishing should be regulated by the Department not the legislature.


You are fighting a tough battle in California. Most of the California Department of Fish and Game (CDFG) employees are anti hunters, anti houndsmen, and anti trappers. If you don't believe me, watch the TV program called Wild Justice, or Wild Injustice as I call it. On one episode the warden commented that he has heard of hounds catching baby bear cubs on the ground and mauling them to death. On another episode the wardens commented that an animal caught in a cage trap would die from exposure in one night, LOL. I believe if the truth be told, the CDFG is glad this passed. They have always had negative thoughts of houndsmen and trappers, not all of them but most of them. And one last comment to Komanfisher, how did you get the notion that D-13er was being "hostile" when one of your posts was about the same tone. Oh, and one last thing, it's unite (to stand together), not unit but who's keeping track Komanfisher.
COHA got a hundred bucks from me...and some letters to reps.

I think most guys from other states like to flip the bird to Ca. The only problem IS the "progressive environmentalsm" Harry mentioned. What happens here in Ca will soon be pushed in your state. It may not even be the state pushing it....but the Fed. Who is in charge of wolf intro?

Funny about the whole organize hunters thing. It probably wont happen until its too late.

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