CA. gun & ammo tax coming


Long Time Member
A Democrat bill just passed and is being sent to idiot Gov. Newsom to sign. It will put a 11% tax on firearms and ammo for CA. buyers. First they stopped us from buying ammo on line from out of state. we have to make face to face buys from licensed ammo sellers at a higher price then what was available on web sites, now the new tax.
Any gun owner that votes for any Democrat is a gun owner that is cutting his own throat. I guess I will have to keep the reloading press working until they figure out that they need restrictions on reloading components.
Now you know why I have not voted for any Democrat for the past 25 years.

I VERY much enjoy our time at our summer home on Coronado. (As a Phoenix resident, SD has always been an amazing reprieve from the oppressive AZ heat!)

That being said, I am SO glad I keep my hunting/shooting activities here at home in AZ and other western states! Goot luck with that crap! ;)
Guy in my local gun shop worked at the Reno Cabelas. He told me a year or so ago it was not unusual for Kalifornia authorities to monitor California License plates of their citizens coming over the border to buy ammunition. Sounds like they would follow them in, shadow them. What they did when they got back over the border is up for speculation.
It was my understanding the Cabelas store they monitored was the one in "Boomtown" just before you get to Reno and closest to the CA. border.
They were looking for CA. buyers of ammo and firearm magazines that carried more then 10 rounds. I suspect they stopped the CA. vehicle at the border check station you have to go though to get back into CA. and conduct a search.
CA. used to allow you to pass down guns to your children or grandchildren without a background check. Now you must go though a licensed dealer and pay CA. their blood money for the background check.

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