Cache South Elk ~ Tomorrow


Long Time Member
LAST EDITED ON Nov-12-10 AT 06:43PM (MST)[p]Well it's hard to believe we will be elk hunting tomorrow. My wife will be on her first elk hunt
tomorrow morning.

Been out a lot the past 2 weeks and have not
seen any elk. All of the spots that have usually held elk, no longer have them.

I knew the weather would move them around, but I am still surprised. Even on our way home, we decided to stop by the Hardware Ranch and see how many had moved in. There wasn't one; seems odd?? I'll post how we do.
Good Luck to Ms Woodruff!

Might be my only chance at an Elk Steak this year!:D

God is Great!
Life is Good!
And People are Crazy!
I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
Well Bessy, I hope I can find one!!! I did actually see a "wileywapiti" bull this morning but that doesn't count!!!! I'm hopin' No "_ _ _ _ cutters" go down opening morning!!!!
Hang in there woodruff!

Don't let the Ms shoot at ww's/PISSCUTTERS till the last day!

God is Great!
Life is Good!
And People are Crazy!
I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
I grew up hunting the south cache my whole life. Sending you a pm with an area I know you will see elk.
Good luck jason! I think you and your wife will do great and get a dandy! I just wish I had the same good advice for you as you gave to me.

Can't wait to see pics and a story!
LAST EDITED ON Nov-13-10 AT 12:09PM (MST)[p]Well, no elk this morning. We hunted all morning and did not see any sign whatsoever! They have definately moved out; at least where we were.

I guess I can admit it, I ran into town and took my wife to lunch lol.... However, we are leaving soon and will try again..
We are done with the Logan
Canyon area. I guess the USFS is shutting down a bunch of the main access roads Monday! What a joke....

However, I have some other areas to try. I appreciate all the nice comments!
Good luck Jason, Hey I have a cow tag for the north side of monte road. You know of any good areas i can get into and see elk?

this is a hunting forum, maybe you could keep your personal political views private

This is a free country, you dont like it dont come on here

+1 muzz
>This is a free country, you
>dont like it dont come
>on here


"Hunting is where you prove yourself"
No luck yesterday. However, thanks to some good help from people on here, and a call from a good friend, we have a plan for tomorrow!

Muzz, as soon as we find some elk (cows), I will let you know. Since your tag is a late hunt, don't worry too much, you will find some. I will help you find some over my way.

Well good luck tomorrow, And sounds good for my cow tag. Just has to be on the right side of the road.

Correct it is a free country. Just funny how blame is placed on one individual when the state of our country is the by product of a very corrupt gov. We did not end up where we are because of the President alone.
How about you let woodruff have his post for himself. If you want to talk politics jump on over to Politics page and we can SURELY discuss!!!

Good Luck Woodruff, spent the afternoon up Blacksmith Fork it was pretty slow but the weather should get them moving toward Hardware. Hope she has wonderful hunt. Something to remeber!
There are not enough deer in Utah...FOR REAL.
+1 Muzz....

Skeet...Climb off your soapbox! and keep the political Satire on the political Forum.

This was Woody's post!
Seen some cows today but no bulls. I confirmed with the ignorant Forest Service that the main
access gates will be closing today!! I'm not talking about small back roads. These are main access roads: Danish Dugway, Temple
Fork, Right Hand For Area etc.... What a joke!
Glad to see our tax dollars are hard at work.

Thanks again for all the comments!

Skeet: Please start your own thread.
Sure, I'll go away, but I originally asked you to keep your political comments to yourself. You were the first to post political views, so why should I leave? This will be my last comment concerning this matter.
I saw a few smaller bulls down in the Sinks area about two weeks ago. I've heard that the bulls on the west side of the N. Cache have moved back up high for some reason. On the east side, there was at least one that was down low (was...I shot him yesterday). He was the only one we saw though. I'd look in the Sinks area though - it seems that there are always elk in that area.
Way to go Dewfus, glad you found one! I was kind of hoping you would need me to come help you look, guess I will just have to go chase deer on the front with the old stick and string!

Good luck to Mrs. Woodruff...keep at it and find a big one, I know they are there!

That sucks with them closing the roads...definatly will make it interesting from here on out.

?The bugle of the bull elk echo?s through the pines, the north wind moans her lonesome lullaby, he hungers for the freedom of an eagle as she flies?somewhere beyond the great divide?
Well Woody
After talking last night. I went up pokeing around today thinking I might spot one for your wifey! I had the east side blockaded so they couldn't get out!! LOL Seen one song dog! 2 heards of Chickens and a couple sharptail. Not a elk. I was going to go across Curtis Creek but it was socked in. And when I came back not a vehical track one across on the Curtis Creek road. Did ya kill today ?
LAST EDITED ON Nov-15-10 AT 07:51PM (MST)[p]Thanks for thinking of us Rut!!!

No elk, but did see where a few had been. We were up around Curtis Creek this evening and had fun in the snow!!!

We have a few leads for tomorrow. It's been a good time so far. I will let you know how we do tomorrow.
LAST EDITED ON Nov-16-10 AT 04:18AM (MST)[p]Thanks for the update Jason.

Yeh--Keep after 'em and Mrs. Woddy will get her shot for sure.

Looks like a sprinkle of new snow over night-----might help ya if it clears off this morning.

Travel safe----

LAST EDITED ON Nov-17-10 AT 09:30PM (MST)[p]We have not got an elk. Very tiring and frustrating day. Yesterday evening, we hiked
in a few miles and finally located some as it was
getting dark. Didn't want to push them, so we
hiked back out. We were in there at daybreak
and seen where a large herd had traveled the trail.

We hunted all morning and all we could find was cows... Everywhere. We didn't see a bull.

I got a really good tip from a few friends this evening that looks promising. Tomorrow will be our last full day of hunting.
Reads like you are finding elk and a good bull is going to show up.

Keep after it and keep the Mrs spirits high-----she will get one!

Hang in there MS Woodruff!

God is Great!
Life is Good!
And People are Crazy!
I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
I went up again hoping to find something for you. Seen a few on Hardware about 30 and 1 raghorn and a spike. Then seen a heard on private but they were in the trees and didn't find a bull with them. I headed up towards the sinks and ran into a guy you talked to you the other day. He said he had talked to you his name was Woodruff from Tremonton. Guess his 14 year old son had drawn the tag. But since they shut the roads down he wasn't able to get to where they had been seeing the elk. Guess he had seen quite a few bulls.
Well he is comming back down from the Sinks and he has a young girl and his son with him. Turns out a bunch of kids had went back in there and got a flat tire and didn't have a spare. They went in the night before and spent the night in there with out much for coats or anything . They are lucky they had gas in the truck. He took her down and turned her over to the DWR at Hardware Ranch. A little later I seen the sheriff headed back in and the Forest Service . Utarded kids anyway.
I wasn't pushing my luck in the snow. I headed up to the head of Rock Creek fresh sprinkle of snow. Cutt a set of fresh Bull tracks but didn't have any luck finding him. Figured he was in NV by now. I tried to call you but didn't have service. All of a sudden in the road were 3 sets of tracks. They had just bailed off the road. I stopped to check them out! The way I figured they were wolf. I had my GSP with and she is a 70 lb dog and these tracks dwarfed her tracks. No human tracks around or vehical tracks. I back tracked the tracks up the road for about 2 miles and not once was there an indication of anybody letting their dog out to run or a vehical track. That and I was half way up the mountain. The tracks came off the side hill then down the road about a couple miles then bailed off the road again. Here is a pic of the tracks the track in center of pic is what I think is wolf and the track on the right is my Shorthair. They were about 3 1/2 inch. I was going to head up again today but had to work on my kitchen pass. Good luck and hope you kill today.
Good luck


On the hardware.
We saw a ton of dog tracks on the N Cache unit last weekend, but no tracks were anywhere near the size of that one - more like your GSP's. That's crazy!
LAST EDITED ON Nov-18-10 AT 03:13PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Nov-18-10 AT 01:38?PM (MST)

LAST EDITED ON Nov-18-10 AT 01:27?PM (MST)

Thanks Kelly! I saw about 15 Huns right off the road yesterday near bear lake. Give me a call and I will let u know where they are at.

Well, yesterday I didn't think we could get more frustrated. I was wrong. We tried a new area today that I knew had held a few elk in past years. It was an area that is hit and miss with elk.

We headed up there and hardly found any sign. What sign we did find was old. Dejected, we got back in our truck and started back. We stopped for a second and surprisingly, had cell service. I had to make a quick call.

All of a sudden my dad says: there are two elk. We jumped out and I could see them moving through the trees. I hurried and got ahead of them and figured we might cut them off. We did. The bull stopped and was facing away; quartering. I knew we had a split second. I set up the tripod and my wife set the rifle on it. She couldn't see it. It was on 9X. I know, she shouldn't have had a problem. She had practiced for this. Regardless, it didn't work. We then tracked it for about a half mile, finally losing the tracks.

It was one of (if not) the biggest bulls I have see during a LE hunt. I guess we have a couple of more days to try.
What a bummer about missing that bull! Good luck - you still have a few days left. I wish I could get back up there and help you guys out.
Well, my wife made what we thought was a good hit on great bull tonight. The first spot I found, was right next to where she had shot at it. There was some good spray.

I trailed it for about 1/2 a mile finding consistent blood. I normally would have left, and let it die. However, with good blood and a possible storm tonight, I kept going.

I was going pretty hard because it was starting to get late. I lost the blood and decided to circle back and go back in the morning. I then looked to my right and saw a yellow patch of fur about 50 yards away. It was the elk. I snuck back out and went back down to get my wife. We made it back 10 or so minutes later and it was still standing in the same spot. Just as she was getting ready to pull up the gun and shoot, it trotted off.

It got ahead of us and we followed the tracks for a few minutes before backing off. We found another spot of blood where we last saw the tracks. I marked it on my GPS and left for the evening.

I am sick about this and am really hoping to find it. Looking back, I should have backed out earlier. However, I believe its hit hard due to all the blood. It was a 300-325 yard shot with a 300.. My wife had plenty of time and a good rest.

I am trying to line up as many people as possible to help us find it. I even think I will have some horses as well. I did find 2 pieces of tissue in the blood so that is a good sign.

We have never lost an elk and do not plan on this being the first one....
Hey woodruff?
Sorry to hear that!
You still up?
PM me if you are?

God is Great!
Life is Good!
And People are Crazy!
I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
Oh man - I wish I could get up there tomorrow! I've got family in town, and after being gone last weekend myself up in N Cache, there's no way I get the green light. I'm sorry!!! Best of luck to you though!!!! I'll keep my fingers crossed.
The BULL has been found!!! B_BOP found him! He left home at 2:00 AM and got here at 7:00 to help us find him. What a great friend!! The bull was not where we thought it would be! We are heading to the Taxidermist and I will post the story and pic's later this evening.

Thanks B_BOP and Rut; I owe you one!!!!
Congratulations to your wife, and you Jason. You guys worked hard for that bull. B_BOP must be a great friend. See what giving him a nice buffalo steak got you! Can't wait to read the story and see the pics. Really glad it all came together. Great job.
That why the Cat is my Brother. LOL

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
Such great news!!! All day I have been wishing that I was up there helping you guys find him. So glad to hear that it's a done deal. What a stud B_BOP is. Can't wait for pics!
LAST EDITED ON Nov-20-10 AT 11:59PM (MST)[p]OK, here is the story as best I can do:

I ended up having a "mandotory" meeting scheduled for Friday. Therefore, we had planned on not hunting that day. I left home at 3:30 and drove 3 hours to make the meeting. I arrived early, and waited in my car before going in.

As I was waiting, my phone rang. It was rutnbuck! He asked how the hunt was going and what I was doing that day. I told him we were not hunting that day. He then said he was going to come up anyway and glass for us! I told him where we had seen elk, and then went to my meeting.

Fortunately, I was done with my meeting sooner than expected and started back home. When I was a few minutes out of Rock Springs, Rut called me back and said he had glassed up two bulls laying next to each other,under some cedars. He said he would wait for me! I called my wife and told her to be ready to go when I returned home.

We finally made it to where rut was and the bulls had hardly moved. We were a long ways away but was sure one was an average five, and the other looked like a good six. Rut had to leave as we were discussing a stalk. He wished us luck and we were on our way up the hill.
LAST EDITED ON Nov-21-10 AT 00:02AM (MST)[p]We were worried that the bulls would see us as we walked up hill towards them. We found the lowest point of the draw and worked up from there. We stayed as best we could, near the cedars. We would periodically stop and get a good bearing on where the elk were. We knew the terrain would look different as we got closer. We stopped and glassed them and the smaller bull was up feeding. It looked as if he was picking the berries off the cedar. The other bull was just South of him, still bedded. We kept working up.

There were times when we would hit openings with little to no cover. There wasn't much we could do. We knew we would have to risk being seen. When we would go past an opening, we would glass them and make sure they didn't see us.

My wife, would sometimes wait, and not follow directly behind me. As I often do, I just expected her to read my mind. My mistake! I told her stay close and move slowly.

We stopped again, and the five point was looking directly our way. I thought he may have seen us. We finally decided that he didn't see us and we kept going!
LAST EDITED ON Nov-21-10 AT 00:05AM (MST)[p]We were now at about 400-500 yards as best I could guess. I could no longer see the bigger bull. The smaller bull finally started feeding again, and with his head down, we moved again. The wind was loud and blowing towards us! It was perfect. At one point we saw the smaller bull raise his head and try to check the wind. I knew we would be ok. However, elk seem to have a sixth sense so to speak, and I was still worried they might just up and leave.

I looked to the left(South)and saw some big boulders together. We slowly moved to them and it looked to be a perfect set up. The only concern was that it was a little farther than I wanted my wife to shoot. I figured it was about 325 yards away.

We could now see the six point, still bedded. I asked my wife if she wanted to use a tripod as a rest. She said no, the boulder was a good rest. There was a small bush in front of the bulls vitals. My wife asked if she should aim right through the bush, and shoot. It wasn't hard to see where the vitals should be.

I said no. It will eventually stand up and then take a good shot. Before we discussed this, she practiced finding the bull, adjusted the scope power, and just made sure she was comfortable. She decided she wanted it on 7x and got ready.

About a minute after I told her to wait until it stood up, it got up and took about two steps and stopped. Perfectly broad side, she was already on it. I said go ahead and shoot; BOOM!
LAST EDITED ON Nov-21-10 AT 00:08AM (MST)[p]After the shot, The two bulls headed North, with the five point in the lead. My wife said the shot felt steady and really good. She said "I put it right behind the front shoulder".

She was shooting my 300 Win Mag and I knew there would not be much of a drop (bullet).

The bulls finally came out of the cedars and started going up hill. She took two quick shots. There was no indication any one of those hit it. The bull finally got to within a few hundred yards of the top. I glassed it, and it looked as if it had its head down and slightly tilted.

I told my wife to shoot again. It was a stupid mistake on my part! Way too far of a shot, and I saw dust fly in front of it. The bull took off in the cedars uphill, and to the South West.

We decided to make our way over to where they were when she first shot. We got there (at least we thought), and couldn't find any tracks or blood. I told her to go back to where she shot and direct me. When she got there, she said we were WAY low. I headed up per her directions.

I immediately found blood splatter a few yards from where she shot it. I waited for her and said I was going to start tracking it. I thought it would soon be dead (I thought wrong)! She followed behind me, but I was getting ahead of her. There was consistent blood along the way:

You know from one of my previous posts, how the tracking went!
LAST EDITED ON Nov-21-10 AT 09:25AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Nov-21-10 AT 08:12?AM (MST)

I finally lost the tracks and since it was getting dark, we decided to head home. We figured the bull was sick and didn't believe it would go far.

The last we saw the tracks, it was heading directly South, straight away from us. There was one small speck of blood with the last set of tracks. He was almost at the top of the hill and we figured it cut to the right or left (East or West) and head back down to thicker cedars.

Before we left for the night, I marked the tracks on my GPS. When I looked to the West side, it was really steep and rocky. I figured that the bull would never go this way.

As soon as we got off the mountain, I called several friends. I asked them if they could come and help. I figured the more people we could put on the mountain, the better chance we would have of finding it. It was amazing how many people said they would come. One of the guys I asked brought two of his friends.

Everyone made it to my house early the next morning. B_BOP was the first to arrive! In total we had about 12 people to help.

We started up the mountain and it was raining and snowing. We started from the bottom of the draw where I thought it might be, and worked to the top, where we saw the last tracks. Nothing, we stopped at where we last saw it headed and where we last saw the tracks and blood. They were covered with about 3 inches of snow.
We split up in three or four groups. I took my son to the East side and more South. I figured it went ahead and to this direction. Some others went to the other, steep side (West) and paralled me and my son. B_BOP went alone, to the West. However, he fish hooked back to the North West (Where I didn't think it could ever go!). It was STEEP and rocky.

We had only been hiking 10 or so minutes when my Cousin called me. B_BOP had the bull located! I couldn't believe he found it so quick. He did the smart thing and waited for us to get there, in case it was still alive.

We finally arrived and me, my wife, and B_BOP made our may to bull. It was facing directly to us. I looked through my binoculars at about 30 yards. Its ears were laid down and we were more confident it was dead. However, B_BOP said something just didn't look right.

The gun was ready just in case. All of a sudden the bull stood up and tried to make one last escape. The gun fired, quickly finishing it off!
LAST EDITED ON Nov-21-10 AT 09:15AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Nov-21-10 AT 09:13?AM (MST)

LAST EDITED ON Nov-21-10 AT 09:02?AM (MST)

As the Bull laid when we walked up to look at it:

My wife with her elk:

My wife and dad:

Here are some misc. pic's of the hunt:

Top of Hardware Ranch:

Here is where the elk was standing when my wife made the first shot. There was a coyote den right below them:

Here is me, my Cousin, and my 8 year old son. We were worried about taking him hunting. There was a lot of cold, wet hiking. He went with us a couple of days and he did great. We are glad we took him:

My son and wife were waiting for me one evening and he got bored and made a snowman on the trail:

Ran into a few of these during a trip up the canyon. 15 years ago they were non-existent on the Cache. Now they are everywhere:

Here are some good tracks we cut a few days into the hunt:

And finally.... Here is the "Finder" crew on the last day:

Thanks to everyone on here for all the help, advice, and offers to look for the elk. Me and my wife both appreciate it!
Alas the pics and story. What a great looking bull. Atta girl Penny and good job Jayson. What great fun it was poking around and sitting with them bulls for 3-4 hours I really wanted to go on the Stalk. But figured it was best you didn't have to many people on the hill for the elk to bust ya. I knew it was just a matter of time for you found him.
That damn Bbop has a pretty good nose for dogging. If I would have known he was going to be there I would have come back up with my camera and the book I am writing I am glad you had plenty of pack mules so I didn't have to. LOL
Great funs and it was a pleasure to meet up again and to meet your wife. Tell your dad hi!
I wish I would have had a camera in hand when you two pulled up and first seen the elk! The excitement in your faces was like two kids on Christmas Day. Priceless
Thanks for having me part of your hunt!
LAST EDITED ON Nov-21-10 AT 10:13AM (MST)[p]Kelly:

It was great to see you as well! I am going to line up a goose hunt up here and get you up here hunting geese!


The elk was shot about 6-8" back. Thats what we suspected. You can see a little blood spot on the elk. Look at the 2nd pic in post 66 (the pic with my wife). It shows where the bullet entered..
Great story Jason. Congrats to your wife on an awesome bull and hunt. You're fortunate to have such good friends and family that helped you find the bull. Thanks for sharing.
Nice job there Ms woodruffhunter!

I always enjoy woodruffs hunting stories/posts!

He keeps you in suspense & coming back for more!:D

Friday evening when woodruff posted Ms woodruff had shot a Bull & they run out of daylight to recover it I knew we had a storm(and a good one!)coming in that was not gonna help matters!
I PM'ed him that night & stayed up another hour or so but didn't hear back from him before I Z'ed out,He PM'ed me back after I fell asleep for my average nightly 3 hour nap,I got back up just before 2:00 AM & noticed he had PM'ed me back,I figured I'd best throw some gear in my Rig & head his way,weather wasn't too bad here but shortly in to the drive the weather was a WHITE-OUT most of the way taking me longer with the slick roads & conditions than I figured it would,My fear was: woodruff didn't know I was headed his way & I figured they were more than likely gonna leave to go look for the Bull before I'd get there & I had no clue where they'd be,so when I hit Evanston I called woodruff & he gave me directions for the rest of the ride!

Just glad it all worked out,I've helped many Hunters try and recover animals over the years,sometimes you find them & sometimes you don't,I'd of still been there today if we wouldn't of located him yesterday,as you know,the 'cat' has been called 'Thick as a Brick',lol!
Well ya see,sometimes it'll work to an advantage,lol!:D

We had some Great Guys there & We were all Glad/Happy to give the woodruffhunter Family a hand!

Wished I'd of had more time,I dang sure would of picked Rutnbuck for the adventure & some Backpacking but He's partially to BLAME for some of the FAME! (I always get a kick out of Rut!)

No LEGEND Jason!

Glad it all worked out!

God is Great!
Life is Good!
And People are Crazy!
I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
Awesome story Jason. Glad you all made it home last night safe.
Definetly an experience none of you will ever forget. Mrs Woodruff was pretty excited last night not to mention yourself! I'm sure glad everything turned out well.

BTW...Cape looks Great and is now in the salt shed! I have a rough estimate on his age....looks to be beween 6-7 yesrs old.

Again, Congatulations to all of you.

Hey Kevin?

Did We have it seasoned?:D

God is Great!
Life is Good!
And People are Crazy!
I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
Hey Bess!

It could have used a little more pepper! LOL!, but overall, you guys done a great job! Left me plently of cape. One thing about late season elk, no flys or yellow jackets to worry about...not to mention 80 degree temps.

Once again, great job! You certainly have my respect on your unselfish effort and contribution tpwards this recovery Wish I could have been there to meet you.

Big Bopper,
Beyond your hunting prowus you are an exceptional human being. You have earned my unwavering respect. Whatever I may have assumed about you in the past has changed. I've reset my "opinion calculator". If I'm every in our neighborhood I'm buying your lunch!

Besides that, what a great looking bull and what a wonderful memory you'll relive around your family camp fire for the rest of your lives. What an experience to share with your wife.

Congratulations on the whole darn thing!!

Thanks Kevin, that sounds good!

The cat is a lot tougher than me. Me and Bess threw a hind quarter on our shoulder and headed down the mountain. Bess left me like I was standing still.

I am sore today and forgot how much a quarter weighed. However, I am not going to give any weight estimates lol... I took some Ibuprofen and will probably pop a few more.

When we got off that mountain we were totally soaken wet, the wind was blowing.... It was a big sacrifice by everyone to help so much.
Thanks, Hard to believe he would keep going that long with what looks to be a better than bad shot. If you don't mind what bullet is she shooting? I have been shooting the 180 Nossler Accubond out of my .300 WSM. I have taken 3 elk with it so far and still not sure I like the bullet.
Right before me & Jason left with the 2 Hind Quarters he asked me:How much do you figure these Quarters weigh?

I said:Well that depends on if we weigh them now or when we get them packed back to the Truck!:D

God is Great!
Life is Good!
And People are Crazy!
I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
Congrats on the bull guys. Been following the story ever since it started. New to the forum but damn proud I am part of the MM family. I have talked with 2Lumpy and am good friends with Rut. This forum is filled with people who really care about the sport we love. Not to be sappy but I am proud to be part of it all. Hope to meet more of you in the future and hunt with the likes of all of you. This is a prime example of how sportman come together and make a difference. Never met the woodruff clan but feel I know them already. A big congrats guys and a great trophy. GOOSE
Great story, even a better bull and nice job BBop!

I love to hear when they come together like that.

If I remember right it was 180 or 165. I just can't remember. They were Federal Power-Shok. Definately didn't upgrade on the ammo this year, probably should have. I think the Accubond is a good bullet. It sure worked great on a few animals I have taken in the past!
Congrats to the Mrs and to everyone that helped. Always good to know there is people out there that will help you out. If I ever hit a animal and don't recover it I know who I am going to call. You all sound like an outstanding group of people.
LAST EDITED ON Nov-21-10 AT 10:40PM (MST)[p]Bess after reading this post I finally think I understand you. Let me just give a example, the side of you I have seen come's off as a person who is good at stirring sh!t up. But it's the internet so judgeing a person from reading post, well all I have to say is I was wrong. I have a new found respect for you. What you did to help out woodruff and his wife, well thats top notch in my book. Not a lot of good ppl left out there these days, but its nice to know there are still a few. Maybe all see you at the expo next year. Best of luck


P.S. all be the skinny guy with the american flag tattooed on my left forearm so if I run into you will know who I am.
Well Aaron!

I like RAZZIN people but it's all in good fun!
If we can't have a little fun in life with fellow friends what kinda life would it be?

I'm SERIOUS on the Game Management & the Protection of healthy Game Herds as you know,we gotta protect what we have without destroying it in the future,If we wipe the Deer & Elk herds clear out, How much fun will that be to go hunting?(Even though a 'Harvest' is only a Bonus to the hunt,it sure is nice when it happens!)
I get jumped for being an 'Inch' Freak,well I'm not just an Inch Freak but I sure like to see Quality Bucks & Bulls,You seen the Reward for Ms woodruff up above right?


God is Great!
Life is Good!
And People are Crazy!
I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
Congrats and great to see all the support you and your wife received. Amazing thing, you guys went from seeing hardly any elk sign to shooting a real trophy.
Congrats on the bull Mrs. Woody! Great bull and story. Great memories. Glad things finally worked out.
I'll throw in my 2 cents here - after seeing what the 180 grain Winchester Supreme Elite did to my elk earlier last week, I'm sold on that round for sure, as is my buddy who was with me. Devastating stuff.
Hey Jason I know I talked to you on the phone, but congrats to your wife, yourself and all the freinds and family that helped on the hunt. Great lookng bull. Way to go.
Congrats to the woodruff family. That is a good looking bull and happy to hear that the bull was found. Jason, I followed your hunt through my dad, Ken as he talked to your dad several times during the hunt. Not sure if you remember me, or you remember me as Wade's little brother but I thought that I would introduce myself to you on here.
Hi Dustin:

Of course I remember you. Your dad is a good guy and too bad he couldn't have made it out to hunt with us for a few days. I don't think there are many people who know more about elk, especially on the Cache, than your dad.

Will you PM me Wade's address? Thanks
I know my dad tried to go with you guys but things just didn't work out for him. He does know a lot about the elk on the cache and knows the entire unit very well, I guess you get that way when you hunt if for 50+ years or so. When I get home tonight I will send you Wade's address.
I know this is a little after the fact but,(just got to me) Wow!

Congrats Mrs.and Mr. Woody! Totally awesome bull and story. Bop you the man very cool to brave the storm and elimites to help out a friend. How long would the drive have been without the storm?

Maybe one day I'll be hunting at the South and get to meet all you guys and gal. Anyone beer drinkers or other spirits there? I always like to come prepared.


"Sometimes you do things wrong for so long you think their right"

-Joe E Sikora

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