California would ban bear hunting under new legislation, even as wild population rebounds


Long Time Member
This is making me really upset. Not good.

Colorado, Utah, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, etc., please take heed--if you folks don't stop the incremental decimation of hunting rights, methods and the like, you too can look forward to this type of action being taken in your state. How goes California, so does the rest of the (mostly) blue nation "California already did it..."

I've been pointing this type of crap out for several years. With an administration that for the most part, is anti-hunting, there will be more acceptance of painting us as backward and blood thirsty.

There will be heavy-hitting anti's getting a lot of coverage and as always, we will not get a fair representation in the media.

Luckily, this writer IS a hunter, but unfortunately, works for the Sacramento Bee.
This is insane. They want to ban bear hunting because to many bears are coming into close proximity to communities. What’s going to happen if we don’t harvest any bears?? Even more over crowding and bears traveling further to find homes/food! Bunch of idiots in this state!!
Stop it, stop it Cahunter805--quit asking legitimate questions. :mad:They will not have time to hear your partisan, extreme viewpoint. Jerk!

I fully expect we'll get treated this way in any legislative hearing. It will be a partisan, disgusting vote. Been through it already with hounds for bear and bobcat hunting. P.S. California Governor Newsom's daddy was the main man in the mountain lion hunting ban proposal. Stacked deck...

Here is the legislator proposing it and he has various ways available to contact him.
I wonder if they will also ban bringing bears back to CA when legally shot in another state. CA is a disaster. This is exactly why it surprises me that we have so many liberal hunters outside of CA. Don’t people realize that the liberals want and will do this in all states. Hunters in CA know better. This may explain why I don’t know a single CA hunter that is liberal. We know the cancer that they cause.
Get off the internet and start a campaign to stop it.

Or, continue to comment/whine in the echo chamber of a hunting board about how bad this is.

Isn't tough to get some position papers, start contacting your state reps, petitions, contact NGO's, contact the press, get organized. Provide links to the committee's that this is going to be heard in, plaster it out on social media, etc. Make it easy to send in comments.

If you aren't at the table, you're on the menu...
Get off the internet and start a campaign to stop it.

Or, continue to comment/whine in the echo chamber of a hunting board about how bad this is.

Isn't tough to get some position papers, start contacting your state reps, petitions, contact NGO's, contact the press, get organized. Provide links to the committee's that this is going to be heard in, plaster it out on social media, etc. Make it easy to send in comments.

If you aren't at the table, you're on the menu...
Already on it. Casting a wide net.
If you send CA. lawmakers a email, which most of them have a email site, you do not have to mention you reside out of CA.
Just keep it sensible and polite and voice your opposition to it and give good reason why.

Here's another sample anyone can personalize from another website where I posted this:

Senator ______,

I am asking you OPPOSE SB 252, which would outlaw managed hunting of the American black bear in California. Hunting in California is managed by the Department of Fish and Wildlife, informed by some of the country’s most skilled wildlife biologists. AB 252 is an attempt to restrict hunting for subjective, not scientific, reasons.

Please do not treat this as a partisan issue. I share this concern with hunters from across the range of political backgrounds. California’s wildlife management plan uses the substantial funds raised by licensing and fees to support all species under the Department’s protection. Professionally managed bear hunting is an essential part of that effort. California’s robust population of Ursus americanus is one of our state’s rich and sustainable resources, that residents should share in mutual respect.

Please respond with your commitment to oppose SB 252.

Thank you.
I know I sent email regarding the banning of hound hunting.

If you post some politicians emails, I fill their inbox up.
Scroll to the bottom of this link: and you will get the members of this committee that oversees fish and wildlife. It has their contact links too. These are the folks that will hear the bill when it gets to them.

P.S. The R's are friendlies, but the D's--they generally suck for our purposes in Kali. They can all hear from us.
To be honest, I don't think sending emails, writing letters, etc. does a damn bit of good. We've been writing letters, calling our reps, etc for years in regards to our fishing and hunting here in Oregon and it hasn't changed a thing! Actually, things have gotten worse.

With that being said I would keep doing it, and also post this on other big sites like Rokslide, hunt talk, etc.
I wonder if they will also ban bringing bears back to CA when legally shot in another state. CA is a disaster. This is exactly why it surprises me that we have so many liberal hunters outside of CA. Don’t people realize that the liberals want and will do this in all states. Hunters in CA know better. This may explain why I don’t know a single CA hunter that is liberal. We know the cancer that they cause.
Ofcourse they will.
True. If bears get banned, why not deer?
Incremental, this is just another step with how they've approached Kalifornia. Seriously, they are taking bites that are digestible to the masses, "trapping is inhumane," "dogs chasing terrified bears/deer/bobcats." Not fun living with in a state with a social media educated electorate.
We as hunters can also sign the recall petition for Newsom to get him out of there.
Yes his Dad was instrumental in banning cougar hunting and was also involved in the firing of our Head of F&G years ago because he went out of state to go cougar hunting. He then posted a pic on a hunting site and that was all it took. Several days later he was gone.
Last time we recalled a governor we got Schwarzenegger as our governor and he was the last R governor.
We as hunters can also sign the recall petition for Newsom to get him out of there.
Yes his Dad was instrumental in banning cougar hunting and was also involved in the firing of our Head of F&G years ago because he went out of state to go cougar hunting. He then posted a pic on a hunting site and that was all it took. Several days later he was gone.
Last time we recalled a governor we got Schwarzenegger as our governor and he was the last R governor.
He was an R(ino). We need to go further back to Wilson/Deukmejian.
I signed the Newsom recall petition about a month ago. I even sent them some $.

Somebody will have to convince me that we have honest elections before I believe Newsom will ever get recalled.
I sent many emails.....but in is pissing up a rope.

BuzzH has no clue what we are dealing with.....they don't care what we think
I believe our last election proves your point Homer. There is no way to talk logic into their heads. Science only matters to the Dem's, when it's used as a talking point.
I believe our last election proves your point Homer. There is no way to talk logic into their heads. Science only matters to the Dem's, when it's used as a talking point.
On fox news it seems that several progressive members of Congress have stated, we should look to "California as the role model". They just proved the old saying, "What happens in CA. will come to your state". Damn scary if you ask me. If enough other states become like CA., this country will be flushed down the toilet in our children's lifetime.
You guys kicked A$$!!! Great job to all of you who signed the petition, sent your members emails and called. He felt the pressure. Couldn't have done it without you!

Make no mistake--this is a temporary reprieve. A proposition (by popular vote, how we lost mountain lion hunting in 1990) would be just as dangerous, if not more. I'm gonna soak this in for about another 25 minutes, have a beer and then talk to everyone about being more preemptive.

You guys kicked A$$!!! Great job to all of you who signed the petition, sent your members emails and called. He felt the pressure. Couldn't have done it without you!

Make no mistake--this is a temporary reprieve. A proposition (by popular vote, how we lost mountain lion hunting in 1990) would be just as dangerous, if not more. I'm gonna soak this in for about another 25 minutes, have a beer and then talk to everyone about being more preemptive.

Yes indeed! I'm glad that I was wrong this time.

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