Call the Governor


Active Member
Do not let these liberals ruin NM hunting at least email the Governor !! Do something !!

It is with so much anger and frustration that I report to you that SB 32, the bill that will ban trapping on all NM public lands, passed the House last night by ONE vote and is now headed to the Governor's desk for signature. This is not good news but we won't go down without one last fight. Please send an email to the Governor TODAY and tell her to veto SB 32 (Trapping Ban). Click HEREto send the Governor an email. You can also call the governor's office and leave a message at (505) 476-2200.

And if you think that because you are not a trapper that this legislation won't impact you, you are wrong. A ban on trapping is just step 2 in the anti-hunting lobby's playbook. Clear as day on the Project Coyote website it reads "we advocate to abolition unethical practices such as predator killing contests, trapping, and trophy hunting". As you can plainly see a ban on hunting is the ultimate end goal!

Sportsman: Please, for the sake of the entire hunting industry, PLEASE band together and push Governor Lujan Grisham to veto SB 32. Forward this email far and wide. 575-476-2200 Governors office or email @
First goes the trapping ,then the hunting and then they take our guns , its all the left wing libs are out to do , take it all away . This is just the first with more states to follow , Lets back Rough Country up in his venture
Freaking crazy. But we still do coyote contests. We just don’t advertise them. We will still call predators and such.
I think certain people will still trap. But all the same I will be calling and e mailing to support my trapper friends.

It’s time the Santa Fe Ring is reminded we’ve gone down this road before! It wasn’t emails that got the job done! N it’s not gonna be this time!

OP your hearts defiantly in the right place though ! Thank you for posting this!
Looks like the liberal politicians in NM aren’t worried one bit about what a conservative outdoorsman thinks. If your caught trapping out in the middle of nowhere you will probably lose your license, pay a fine and have a criminal record. If you riot in the streets of ABQ, destroy property, enter the state illegally, are a violent criminal they turn a blind eye, well not really a blind eye the rioters will go home to riot and destroy the next night, the illegals will get money and food stamp programs and housing,the violent criminal will bond out to wreck havoc again before his court appearance.
Looks like the liberal politicians in NM aren’t worried one bit about what a conservative outdoorsman thinks. If your caught trapping out in the middle of nowhere you will probably lose your license, pay a fine and have a criminal record. If you riot in the streets of ABQ, destroy property, enter the state illegally, are a violent criminal they turn a blind eye, well not really a blind eye the rioters will go home to riot and destroy the next night, the illegals will get money and food stamp programs and housing,the violent criminal will bond out to wreck havoc again before his court appearance.
Why not stay on point...the issue of trapping has exactly zero to do with illegals, welfare, riots, or anything else.

If you're looking for an excuse to blame this on, as to why this about to be signed into law, ask those that passed it out of committee, both R and D. Ask the thousands upon thousands of hunters, outfitters, etc. that never lifted a finger to oppose this by taking 5 minutes to make phone calls and write a few emails.

BTW, I sent emails and got a reply from the Governors office as well.
Buzz, good to hear you at least received acknowledgment of inquiries. Just one return call at my end from the numerous ones I sent out including the Governor?
The one I did hear back from did not disclose their position on their vote and was not unexpected?
Why not stay on point...the issue of trapping has exactly zero to do with illegals, welfare, riots, or anything else.

If you're looking for an excuse to blame this on, as to why this about to be signed into law, ask those that passed it out of committee, both R and D. Ask the thousands upon thousands of hunters, outfitters, etc. that never lifted a finger to oppose this by taking 5 minutes to make phone calls and write a few emails.

BTW, I sent emails and got a reply from the Governors office as well.
Never lifted a finger ? Buzz you are delusional or ignorant. Please name the "Rs" that passed it out of committee. Thousands of hunters and outfitters did oppose this, it fell on deaf ears. This state is now run by liberal loons that will do what they want to. And it's just the start, wait and see what comes up next year. When you compromise/ give an inch to these morons, they clap and move on to the next step which will end hunting and letting wolves control wildlife populations. I'm an old man now but the future for our kids/ grandkids is doomed. Sad.
Why not stay on point...the issue of trapping has exactly zero to do with illegals, welfare, riots, or anything else.

If you're looking for an excuse to blame this on, as to why this about to be signed into law, ask those that passed it out of committee, both R and D. Ask the thousands upon thousands of hunters, outfitters, etc. that never lifted a finger to oppose this by taking 5 minutes to make phone calls and write a few emails.

BTW, I sent emails and got a reply from the Governors office as well.
I could care less what you’ve got to say ! Closet liberal.
Never lifted a finger ? Buzz you are delusional or ignorant. Please name the "Rs" that passed it out of committee. Thousands of hunters and outfitters did oppose this, it fell on deaf ears. This state is now run by liberal loons that will do what they want to. And it's just the start, wait and see what comes up next year. When you compromise/ give an inch to these morons, they clap and move on to the next step which will end hunting and letting wolves control wildlife populations. I'm an old man now but the future for our kids/ grandkids is doomed. Sad.
schmedes in conservation committee is one R who voted to pass it
I could care less what you’ve got to say ! Closet liberal.
You maybe could care less, but if your communication skills are on par with the chit you post here, its no wonder you received no reply from the Governors office.

Having some good communication skills is key...some savvy that, some don't.

I had 2 replies from Senators and one from the Governors office within 9 hours of sending them...and I don't even live in NM.

Good luck on your trapline this coming year...and on your continued rants on illegals, welfare, and all the other crap you're whining about that has ZERO to with trapping in NM.

Too bad you didn't have the pull to get one more House D to oppose the bill, sounds like you have some real influence.
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Never lifted a finger ? Buzz you are delusional or ignorant. Please name the "Rs" that passed it out of committee. Thousands of hunters and outfitters did oppose this, it fell on deaf ears. This state is now run by liberal loons that will do what they want to. And it's just the start, wait and see what comes up next year. When you compromise/ give an inch to these morons, they clap and move on to the next step which will end hunting and letting wolves control wildlife populations. I'm an old man now but the future for our kids/ grandkids is doomed. Sad.
I guess with age comprehension and reading skills must decline. I'll stand by my comments, I bet less than 1% of the hunters in New Mexico bothered to make a single phone call or write an email on this issue to their decision makers. I bet less than 50% of hunters in New Mexico even know who their representatives are. I bet less than 1-2% have ever contacted by phone or email their representatives on any issue. I bet less than 1% have ever attended a committee hearing or have given public testimony on any issue.

Complacency and apathy has landed this bill...hopefully your Governor will veto or not sign this bill.
I actually did say something to my representative, but I don't know if that's really fair to him because he is also a personal friend. I sometimes feel like I'm inappropriately taking unfair advantage of our friendship because he is not a hunter, and yet he is now taking all kinds of abuse for being willing to voice my views. I've seen how as a really good man he has been unfairly attacked and falsely labeled by our media, and I think he is a much better man than me in that he is able to keep his composure in the face of all that crap.

This Governor is here to spite those who share my views, so someone like me calling her to express opposition would just make her all the more giddy to sign it. So don't sit there in judgement of us who choose to not get any further involved. As an out-of-stater it sounds to me like you have no idea. The only chance the bill has of not getting signed is if those who voted for her (and plan to vote for her again) express opposition to it (fat chance of that). She does not care what the rest of us have to say.
This Governor is here to spite those who share my views, so someone like me calling her to express opposition would just make her all the more giddy to sign it. So don't sit there in judgement of us who choose to not get any further involved. As an out-of-stater it sounds to me like you have no idea. The only chance the bill has of not getting signed is if those who voted for her (and plan to vote for her again) express opposition to it (fat chance of that). She does not care what the rest of us have to say.
Couldn't have said it better myself, Mozey.
I actually did say something to my representative, but I don't know if that's really fair to him because he is also a personal friend. I sometimes feel like I'm inappropriately taking unfair advantage of our friendship because he is not a hunter, and yet he is now taking all kinds of abuse for being willing to voice my views. I've seen how as a really good man he has been unfairly attacked and falsely labeled by our media, and I think he is a much better man than me in that he is able to keep his composure in the face of all that crap.

This Governor is here to spite those who share my views, so someone like me calling her to express opposition would just make her all the more giddy to sign it. So don't sit there in judgement of us who choose to not get any further involved. As an out-of-stater it sounds to me like you have no idea. The only chance the bill has of not getting signed is if those who voted for her (and plan to vote for her again) express opposition to it (fat chance of that). She does not care what the rest of us have to say.
Your friend doesn't sound like they are in the right line of work...if they don't want the opinion of the people you represent, then don't run for office to represent them. Also not sure how they are supposed to know what their constituents think on issues if nobody tells them.

That's one of the problems among many of those we elect to office, they want our support at the voting booth, but don't want to be bothered to represent us. Part of the job entails having to explain your side of an issue to the media and stand up for your constituents. It goes with the territory of the position, if they can't handle it, don't run for political office.

I've heard some lame excuses for not engaging in the policy and politics of the State you live in...but this one takes the cake.

Snowflake much?
That's awesome--you're calling out others on here for how they communicate, and yet you yourself are showing a significant lack of reading comprehension, in addition to putting words in my prior post that I never wrote.

I stated that I feel bad that my friend is taking all of this abuse to express my views (that are not necessarily his). All I said about my friend is that he is handling all of the crap being thrown at him with much more composure than I could if I were in his position. I never said anything in my previous post about how he might feel about it. But in my opinion, and in contrast to what you just tried to infer, he's doing exactly what you just described that you think representatives should be doing (which I agree with). But you had no way of knowing that, and furthermore, without knowing who he is, or anything else about him, you suggest that he should find another line of work.

Talk out of your @$$ much?

Just for the record and in case you're wondering, he did vote against this stupid proposal.
That's awesome--you're calling out others on here for how they communicate, and yet you yourself are showing a significant lack of reading comprehension, in addition to putting words in my prior post that I never wrote.

I stated that I feel bad that my friend is taking all of this abuse to express my views (that are not necessarily his). All I said about my friend is that he is handling all of the crap being thrown at him with much more composure than I could if I were in his position. I never said anything in my previous post about how he might feel about it. But in my opinion, and in contrast to what you just tried to infer, he's doing exactly what you just described that you think representatives should be doing (which I agree with). But you had no way of knowing that, and furthermore, without knowing who he is, or anything else about him, you suggest that he should find another line of work.

Talk out of your @$$ much?

Just for the record and in case you're wondering, he did vote against this stupid proposal.
I'm suggesting, hearing from constituents and having to defend your vote on issues, is part of the job of politicking.

Nothing for anyone to be afraid of or feel bad about.
I'm suggesting, hearing from constituents and having to defend your vote on issues, is part of the job of politicking.

Nothing for anyone to be afraid of or feel bad about.
Let me get this straight. After the fact you come on here to share your vast wisdom with all us ignorant fools that live in NM? Only an enlightened person like your self has the sense to reach across the lines and convince the opposition not to vote against a trapping bill.
LOL. There is always the contingent of self righteous and self important fence sitters that always pick their moment to stroke their ego.
Let me get this straight. After the fact you come on here to share your vast wisdom with all us ignorant fools that live in NM? Only an enlightened person like your self has the sense to reach across the lines and convince the opposition not to vote against a trapping bill.
LOL. There is always the contingent of self righteous and self important fence sitters that always pick their moment to stroke their ego.
You did great on the trapping bill Paul...congratulations! Must be pretty influential in the State of New Mexico. Can't fault you for doing your "best"...

Have any traps for sale? I'm always in the market.
no offense Buzz.......but Wyoming residents don't have a clue on dealing with the left.....yet...
Valid point...but only to a point. We have a mixed bag here...

But, if you think its a bowl of cherries dealing with the R's...well, no offense but you don't have a clue on dealing with the Right.
You did great on the trapping bill Paul...congratulations! Must be pretty influential in the State of New Mexico. Can't fault you for doing your "best"...

Have any traps for sale? I'm always in the market.
Expected response. Typical blow hard. Those that have never done anything always like to act like they know better. Why don’t you share your long list of legislative achievements dealing with the left. ?. Blowhards always got to try to elevate themselves to impress. Anyone with a brain sees right through you
Expected response. Typical blow hard. Those that have never done anything always like to act like they know better. Why don’t you share your long list of legislative achievements dealing with the left. ?. Blowhards always got to try to elevate themselves to impress. Anyone with a brain sees right through you
The true enemies are the hunters that claim to want to work with the liberals. That they can be worked with. They cannot. Communists are gonna communist. They open the door a crack and it never stops.

Sounds like a hell of a winning strategy...

I can see why your level of influence is less than zero. You showed them!

Sounds like a hell of a winning strategy...

I can see why your level of influence is less than zero. You showed them!

Congratulations? wonder you have been successful in your efforts to fight legislation you don’t’ve only fought the “R’s”.....they always fold like 2 dollar suitcases.....
Sounds like a hell of a winning strategy...

I can see why your level of influence is less than zero. You showed them!

You know why nobody has ever taken you seriously on this site, and normally dont even respond to you? Because you have always been a troll.

Whether its a lack of self esteem and you need to stir the sh!t to feel good about your self or just you got a miserable life I have no idea. I never really bother to spend the time worrying about it. Even us rubes in NM figured you out.

This is a perfect example. After the fact you come on here with your typical blow hard attitude saying what you would have done, and what everyone else should do, as if you actually have ever achieved anything.

Nobody cares what you got to say because you talk out of your azz non stop and that is why you are just normally ignored.

Why dont you grow up, accomplish something, explain what was successful for you, and then maybe try to approach others in a helpful way? If you need attention, at least you would get positive attention by trying to be helpful.

That would be much better than what you are now. The random internet weirdo that pokes at people just to be noticed.
You know why nobody has ever taken you seriously on this site, and normally dont even respond to you? Because you have always been a troll.

Whether its a lack of self esteem and you need to stir the sh!t to feel good about your self or just you got a miserable life I have no idea. I never really bother to spend the time worrying about it. Even us rubes in NM figured you out.

This is a perfect example. After the fact you come on here with your typical blow hard attitude saying what you would have done, and what everyone else should do, as if you actually have ever achieved anything.

Nobody cares what you got to say because you talk out of your azz non stop and that is why you are just normally ignored.

Why dont you grow up, accomplish something, explain what was successful for you, and then maybe try to approach others in a helpful way? If you need attention, at least you would get positive attention by trying to be helpful.

That would be much better than what you are now. The random internet weirdo that pokes at people just to be noticed.
I think other advocates should just use your strategy as a case study in exactly what not to do....

You can't start a conversation with F-you...and that's exactly what you did as an opening move in dealing with the "communists" that are about to end trapping on public land for you in NM. You drew your line and waved the white flag, the battle for you was over before you started. You were ONE vote from killing this thing...and someone influenced a few of the "communists" you refuse to deal with.

There's some solid advice....too bad you won't take it.

Keep up the good work, you've been led to water.
I think other advocates should just use your strategy as a case study in exactly what not to do....

You can't start a conversation with F-you...and that's exactly what you did as an opening move in dealing with the "communists" that are about to end trapping on public land for you in NM. You drew your line and waved the white flag, the battle for you was over before you started. You were ONE vote from killing this thing...and someone influenced a few of the "communists" you refuse to deal with.

There's some solid advice....too bad you won't take it.

Keep up the good work, you've been led to water.
Liberal celebrities and biden start off conversations like that...
I think other advocates should just use your strategy as a case study in exactly what not to do....

You can't start a conversation with F-you...and that's exactly what you did as an opening move in dealing with the "communists" that are about to end trapping on public land for you in NM. You drew your line and waved the white flag, the battle for you was over before you started. You were ONE vote from killing this thing...and someone influenced a few of the "communists" you refuse to deal with.

There's some solid advice....too bad you won't take it.

Keep up the good work, you've been led to water.


Honestly the battle was really lost when certain politicians were elected in NM. NMPaul, Mozey and others made a good effort to keep fighting but it is a real uphill battle in NM. You have been very fortunate to live in Wyoming where your worst politicians are the Cheney's. The bar for politicians is much lower in other parts of the country.
I think other advocates should just use your strategy as a case study in exactly what not to do....

You can't start a conversation with F-you...and that's exactly what you did as an opening move in dealing with the "communists" that are about to end trapping on public land for you in NM. You drew your line and waved the white flag, the battle for you was over before you started. You were ONE vote from killing this thing...and someone influenced a few of the "communists" you refuse to deal with.

There's some solid advice....too bad you won't take it.

Keep up the good work, you've been led to water.
I asked you one question, and like all trolls you ignored it. I asked you to tell me about your legislative achievements. You never answered it, so I assume you have none.

Listen, if anyone else came on this thread (with the exception of a few other attention whores like you) and made the same suggestion in a civil way, I would have either kept scrolling or had a civil discussion.

With your history of trying to instigate trouble I have no patience for you.

I watched all this happen in CA. Bowing to the mob only ever made it worse. It encouraged them. We probably wont win most of our battles in NM, but, we are better off than CA. We have ranchers and outfitters with some political clout. Strange bedfellows, but, at least they fight "some" of our battles. CA, if someone mentioned outfitter lobby or Rancher lobby in Sacramento they would just laugh. I remember all the lefty hunters in CA saying that we could concede this point or another. Hunting is an absolute joke in CA now.
While the ranchers and outfitters opposed the trapping bill, it was not a hill they were willing to die on. Unfortunately it was an easy coup for the left. They will be coming after more of our rights next legislative session and appeasing them is a weakness that they exploit.
So no Buzz, its not your message that is a problem, its your pattern of trying to create trouble.
I asked you one question, and like all trolls you ignored it. I asked you to tell me about your legislative achievements. You never answered it, so I assume you have none.

Listen, if anyone else came on this thread (with the exception of a few other attention whores like you) and made the same suggestion in a civil way, I would have either kept scrolling or had a civil discussion.

With your history of trying to instigate trouble I have no patience for you.

I watched all this happen in CA. Bowing to the mob only ever made it worse. It encouraged them. We probably wont win most of our battles in NM, but, we are better off than CA. We have ranchers and outfitters with some political clout. Strange bedfellows, but, at least they fight "some" of our battles. CA, if someone mentioned outfitter lobby or Rancher lobby in Sacramento they would just laugh. I remember all the lefty hunters in CA saying that we could concede this point or another. Hunting is an absolute joke in CA now.
While the ranchers and outfitters opposed the trapping bill, it was not a hill they were willing to die on. Unfortunately it was an easy coup for the left. They will be coming after more of our rights next legislative session and appeasing them is a weakness that they exploit.
So no Buzz, its not your message that is a problem, its your pattern of trying to create trouble.

Let me tell you what happens when you mention the legislative battles that are fought and won...many that a couple good friends and I were about 100% responsible for.

You're a braggart, attention whore, a troll...that's what happens. That's not to mention the high pitched whining about how you negatively impacted 5 people or inconvenienced somebody even though it was the right move for public lands, wildlife, etc. You know, no good deed goes unpunished. I know what I've done and exactly why and also how to go about getting what I want accomplished.

At this point, I would suggest that you need to look around what's going on. CA just defeated a bill to end bear hunting there, crushed it actually. So I'm not seeing CA or anywhere else as a lost cause and it wasn't an "easy coup" there.

I will agree that if you continue with the commie, welfare, illegal immigrant, ranting and raving as well as looking at the other side of the aisle as commie's, idiots, or your enemy...yeah, expect to keep losing hunting and trapping.

Keep doing the same things you are now and expect different results...they have a name for that.

Good luck to you...I'm out.
Then roll over and give up...great strategy.
His point is that they are infected with a deranged psychological impairment agaisnt the concept of live and let live. They will not stop until they control every aspect of your life and you are as miserable as they are.

They are the very definition of what is wrong with the world and nobody ever said to give up...

Let me tell you what happens when you mention the legislative battles that are fought and won...many that a couple good friends and I were about 100% responsible for.

You're a braggart, attention whore, a troll...that's what happens. That's not to mention the high pitched whining about how you negatively impacted 5 people or inconvenienced somebody even though it was the right move for public lands, wildlife, etc. You know, no good deed goes unpunished. I know what I've done and exactly why and also how to go about getting what I want accomplished.

At this point, I would suggest that you need to look around what's going on. CA just defeated a bill to end bear hunting there, crushed it actually. So I'm not seeing CA or anywhere else as a lost cause and it wasn't an "easy coup" there.

I will agree that if you continue with the commie, welfare, illegal immigrant, ranting and raving as well as looking at the other side of the aisle as commie's, idiots, or your enemy...yeah, expect to keep losing hunting and trapping.

Keep doing the same things you are now and expect different results...they have a name for that.

Good luck to you...I'm out
I have learned one thing for certain in life. Never let someone like yourself that has done nothing, built nothing, produced nothing tell you how to do anything. Like I said, any other reasonable person I would have ignored or engaged politely.

You are a troll and always have been. Everyone on this site knows it.

This is just my opinion for what its worth, but, the only thing lower than a non productive Bureaucrat is a fraudulent politician. You chose your behavior, so now it becomes your identity. Live with it.
You maybe could care less, but if your communication skills are on par with the chit you post here, its no wonder you received no reply from the Governors office.

Having some good communication skills is key...some savvy that, some don't.

I had 2 replies from Senators and one from the Governors office within 9 hours of sending them...and I don't even live in NM.

Good luck on your trapline this coming year...and on your continued rants on illegals, welfare, and all the other crap you're whining about that has ZERO to with trapping in NM.

Too bad you didn't have the pull to get one more House D to oppose the bill, sounds like you have some real influence.
More fake news !!
I guess with age comprehension and reading skills must decline. I'll stand by my comments, I bet less than 1% of the hunters in New Mexico bothered to make a single phone call or write an email on this issue to their decision makers. I bet less than 50% of hunters in New Mexico even know who their representatives are. I bet less than 1-2% have ever contacted by phone or email their representatives on any issue. I bet less than 1% have ever attended a committee hearing or have given public testimony on any issue.

Complacency and apathy has landed this bill...hopefully your Governor will veto or not sign this bill.
I believe you are correct , most NM hunters have no idea who their representatives are. The majority here in NM just go along with what has been , that is why this state is in the debacle of leadership its in and continues to stay rutted in. Many do make diligent efforts in calling and emails , some with respect and others fueled by emotion. The govs office gets them and responds but mostly as an after thought , she rarely sees any of them. The anger comes from the lack of interest of sportsman who complain the loudest but do the least. These bills have turned sportsmen against each other....
I believe you are correct , most NM hunters have no idea who their representatives are. The majority here in NM just go along with what has been , that is why this state is in the debacle of leadership its in and continues to stay rutted in. Many do make diligent efforts in calling and emails , some with respect and others fueled by emotion. The govs office gets them and responds but mostly as an after thought , she rarely sees any of them. The anger comes from the lack of interest of sportsman who complain the loudest but do the least. These bills have turned sportsmen against each other....
Both mine are double (D)...
I actually did say something to my representative, but I don't know if that's really fair to him because he is also a personal friend. I sometimes feel like I'm inappropriately taking unfair advantage of our friendship because he is not a hunter, and yet he is now taking all kinds of abuse for being willing to voice my views. I've seen how as a really good man he has been unfairly attacked and falsely labeled by our media, and I think he is a much better man than me in that he is able to keep his composure in the face of all that crap.

This Governor is here to spite those who share my views, so someone like me calling her to express opposition would just make her all the more giddy to sign it. So don't sit there in judgement of us who choose to not get any further involved. As an out-of-stater it sounds to me like you have no idea. The only chance the bill has of not getting signed is if those who voted for her (and plan to vote for her again) express opposition to it (fat chance of that). She does not care what the rest of us have to say.
Some of the lamest reasoning for not getting involved and not recruiting others to get involved on a crucial issue I have ever read. Instead of this lameness, how about a recap of who and how the supposed appropriate engagement was had that lead to this catastrophe? What was done and by whom and why did it fail. That razor thin margin should have been surmountable?

One reason many nonresidents care about this failure is that it is a foothold in one state that emboldens the same bad actors to push the same policies in other states. Trapping is such an easy and visceral/visual topic for them to take advantage of and they hit a home run with it. Once trapping is wiped out, the dominoes are lined up to attack other supposedly inhumane hunting methods. It is not a personal attack on individuals who failed but it is an attack on a failed, apparently poorly fought fight that hurts sportsmen well beyond the borders of NM. If NM had just shot only themselves in the foot, so be it. But that is not the full scope of the damage.
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One faction was obviously precipitated from numerous pet owner’s whom had their respective dogs either trapped or snared. Roxy’s Law “namesake” was just such a dog (named Roxy) caught in a trap last year.
Update: SB 32 was Sponsored and/or supported by Wild Earth Guardians, SW Environmental Center and Project Coyote.
Roxy trapping incident 2018 not last year!
I'm just curious was there no attempt at something like get rid of leg holds and snares but allow live traps on public land.
Some of the lamest reasoning for not getting involved and not recruiting others to get involved on a crucial issue I have ever read. Instead of this lameness, how about a recap of who and how the supposed appropriate engagement was had that lead to this catastrophe? What was done and by whom and why did it fail. That razor thin margin should have been surmountable?
I love all this tough talk. Come back and tell me that when your friend takes a bullet meant for you.

I did my part--I helped get a neutral vote changed to a vote against. Now I'm looking for ways to pay my friend back as I've never previously donated to his campaign (we're not in the same party), but I think I'm gonna have to this time.
I love all this tough talk. Come back and tell me that when your friend takes a bullet meant for you.

I did my part--I helped get a neutral vote changed to a vote against. Now I'm looking for ways to pay my friend back as I've never previously donated to his campaign (we're not in the same party), but I think I'm gonna have to this time.
Mozey, its amazing how these weak charactered lunatics think they know better. All we can do is fight the left in this state.
""One reason many nonresidents care about this failure is that it is a foothold in one state that emboldens the same bad actors to push the same policies in other states. Trapping is such an easy and visceral/visual topic for them to take advantage of and they hit a home run with it. Once trapping is wiped out, the dominoes are lined up to attack other supposedly inhumane hunting methods. It is not a personal attack on individuals who failed but it is an attack on a failed, apparently poorly fought fight that hurts sportsmen well beyond the borders of NM. If NM had just shot only themselves in the foot, so be it. But that is not the full scope of the damage. "" --KHUNTER.

Yet have you ignored California, Colorado, Arizona, Florida, Hawaii, Massachusetts, New Jersey (leghold ban), Rhode Island, and Washington (limited use)? Why do you fail to see your own analogy? NM has it's faults... but it is a long way from the first domino.

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Offering a wide array of hunt opportunities and putting clients in prime position to bag a trophy.

Urge 2 Hunt

Hunts in New Mexico on private ranches and remote public land in the top units. Elk vouchers available.

Mangas Outfitters

Landowner tags available! Hunt big bulls and bucks. Any season and multiple hunt units to choose from.

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