camera suggestion


Very Active Member
I'm looking at getting a new camera. I'm trying to spend under $200 if possible. Should I get one with, say a 10x optical zoom, or a 3-4x optical zoom? Would the 10x optical zoom be used that often? Here are 2 that I've narrowed it down to so far:
Kodak 10mp, 10x optical zoom - $160
Canon 12mp, 4x optical zoom - $125
I just decided on a new camera. Optical zoom was very important to me as my previous camera only had 3X and it never seemed to be enough. I ended up getting the Panasonic Lumix ZS3 with the 12X zoom wide angle Leica lens. Its a little above your price range(~$265 on ebay)but a great camera.

Not sure how the other features compare between the 2 cameras you list above but the optical zoom capability would be at the top of the list of requirements for me.
If you plan on taking pictures of wildlife with it then go with the larger optical zoom. the MP part means nothing unless you plan on blowing your pictures up to a large size. Just a tip to help. I would take and buy a memory card if you don't already have one and go around to a few differant places and try a some of the cameras out. take note of what picture you take with what camera and then go to a store like right aid where you can put the card in a machine and print some of the pitures out to get a better idea on the quility of pictures you will get with what camera.
LAST EDITED ON Nov-12-09 AT 05:48AM (MST)[p]

When I said it got better reviews, I meant the canon and the Kodak.

And the ZS1 has everything I need. The ZS3 mentioned above is the same camera, but throws in some extras. When all you want it a good point and shoot camera to take scenery and wildlife photos, the ZS1 has most people want/need.

Here is a link that discusses some of these cameras:

If you have other questions, there are a lot of knowledgable people who frequent the photography section of this website.


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
The WY deer hunt videos I just posted was filmed entirely off from a Canon A480 12mgp that I paid around $130 for. Takes great still shots for a point and shoot. And suprisingly very good HD video, although you wouldn't know it from the compressed uploaded videos. I've been very happy with it. Small enough that I keep it right in my pocket and whip it out for a shot any time I feel like. Its only a 3.3x zoom, but thats never been an issue for me.
+1 for the Panasonic zs3.

I recently got one and love it. Very good picture and HD video quality.
The ZS1 and ZS3 are both small enough to slip into your pocket, that is why I am getting one. I have a bigger camera with an 18x optical zoom, but never take it hunting due to the bulk.

And to each his own, but if you take many pictures of animals over 100 yards, the increased optical zoom will make a big difference.


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
Also canon has much better warranty service. If that ZS1 or 3 goes bad or breaks an LCD screen you are toast. They won't replace anything it seems from reading the reviews on Amazon.

I have a Canon G9 and it's almost the ultimate pocketable camera available. It just doesn't have HD video.

I have the Canon Power shot, with the 10 power optical zoom, it takes very good picture and has been a great camera. I paid $229
How much difference is there in a 7mp and a 12mp? I have a 7mp Canon and wouldn't have to buy anything. It seems to take good pictures and I don't intend on enlarging the pictures too much. Maybe an 8x10, but that would be on a rare occasion.
LAST EDITED ON Nov-13-09 AT 04:14PM (MST)[p]>Also canon has much better warranty
>service. If that ZS1
>or 3 goes bad or
>breaks an LCD screen you
>are toast. They won't
>replace anything it seems from
>reading the reviews on Amazon.
>I have a Canon G9 and
>it's almost the ultimate pocketable
>camera available. It just
>doesn't have HD video.

I must be missing something in your comments. First of all the Panasonic gets a better overall ranking than the G9 on Amazon, and secondly, the Panasonic is a $200-300 camera and the G9 lists for almost $1400 (amazon) but found it for as cheap as $439 elswhere? I would hope it is a better camera.

The warranty service for the bigger Panasonic Lumix cameras I have has been satisfactory.


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
Obviously that $1400 price is a misprint. I wasn't comparing the G9 and the ZS3 just mentioning what camera I've had in my pocket every day for the last 4 seasons.

My issue with the ZS3 is their warranty service not the features of the camera. The older Panasonics are not comparible as Panasonic has changed their warranty service policies of late.

Where are you reading about poor warranty service. I looked through a lot on amazon and that was not mentioned. Lot of them, so I may have missed it.

The only thing I saw was that currently, it is hard to buy an extra battery and that you have to buy name brand due to them using a software that won't allow after market batteries.


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
LAST EDITED ON Nov-14-09 AT 01:09PM (MST)[p]
Thanks for the link. That is a Duh! for me. Didn't realize that you could just click on the 1 and 2 star reviews at the top and just go to them. These reviews do make me stop and think. Most reviews still rank the camera well, but on the small chance you have a problem, you may get caught in service limbo.


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
Don't get me wrong tx. I would really like to have one of the ZS3's. It has all the features I really want in a pocketable camera. I almost baught one and decided to look through the negative feeback first. That's what got me thinking about it.

The real kicker was the LCD issue a couple of people had. I carry my camera in my pocket at all times when hunting. This year that has been 35 days already. Last year it was even more.

I need something that I don't have to worry about. Now I'm chicken to pull the trigger after reading some of those reviews.

I have a ZS3 and it the reason I am on this post. What a piece of crap. It maybe lasted 2 summers and never took good pics with it. I took some pictures of deer yesterday and the pictures suck. I had an Olympus before and it took way better pictures. I am looking for a new one again. May try Olympus again.

"Let's keep things in perspective.I mean for Peet's sake there are kids in Africa that don't even hunt....hello" Jimmy Big Time
I'm a fan of the Panasonic/Lumix cameras.
All brands will have some lemons, and everything's a tradeoff.

Rule of thumb, get as much optical zoom as you can afford and/or want to carry.
3X is OK if you want it for nothing but hero/kill shots.
But if you want to take photos of live animals, you want at least 10X, and more is always better.
The tradoff is anything over 10X usually will not fit is a pocket.
LAST EDITED ON Nov-15-09 AT 10:54AM (MST)[p]After all is said and done, I will probably still get the Panasonic ZS1. AT $210, you are really not risking much. The Sony H20 is probably a safer bet quality and service wise, but it is not truly a wide angle camera.

What do I want out of new camera:

1) Compact: able to be put in a shirt pocket if necessary. Otherwise, I just don't take it with me or get it out to take pictures.(the Sony is noticably bigger)

2) 10-12X optical zoom

3) One that takes decent scenery (wide angle important) and live animal shots (long distance, low light photos). This is the point where ALL of the pocket cameras lag, so no clear winner emerges, but the panasonics and the sony, at least in the reveiws I have read are the better choice. The Olympus comes out dead last in this category.

I certainly don't expect a $200 camera to take magazine quality photos, but that is not what I am after. So, playing the odds (I don't buy after market insurance policies either) I will probably be happy with the ZS1. You can't beat the price for what the camera is capable of doing.

Also, if taking good indoor photos is what you are after, the Panasonic is not the best camera to chose, but again, that is not what I am after, and you certainly don't need the extra optical zoom for that.


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)

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