Cell Coverage


Long Time Member
I've had Verizon for years. But they lost some towers in Wyoming and I can't get service in many areas where the coverage used to be pretty good. I'm thinking of switching to AT&T or Union Wireless, both of which operate on the same towers (but different towers than Verizon).

The company maps on the websites for these cell phone companies show they have service all over, but it is just not true - at least for Verizon.

Who is your carrier and what sort of coverage do you have? I hunt all over Wyoming, and go to CO every year, plus hunt in other states when I draw a decent license.

Any ideas or info is appreciated.

LAST EDITED ON Jul-24-13 AT 10:12AM (MST)[p]I have US cellular and have been wondering about the Casper and Worland areas. I know its been poor in the SE and south central part of Wyo.
I have Verizon too as it HAD the best coverage out in the middle of nowhere here in NM,and most of the west for that matter. Cell tower site info is pure BS,they claim towers out here that do not exist,never have. And the service just went into the crapper after all the NSA spying came out.....cell and wireless both.
I've had Verizon for at least ten years and there are dead spots here and there, but overall I've had good results from here in MI all the way out to CA.
Jim- I've used Union for as long as I can remember. They have been my only carrier. My 2 hunting buddies both use Verizon. While I seem to have better coverage here in SW Wy, I wouldn't know jack about Union coverage in your corner. I lost coverage in Idaho this year on our spring bear hunt(in all but 1 or 2 places), but my buddy had pretty good coverage almost everywhere we went. Those guys also had better coverage while hunting in Az and Nv. Seems like Union is better here in Wy, but Verizon wins out in other states. There are many places we hunt in Wy where I have better coverage, but rarely is there a place in SW Wy where those guys have coverage and I don't. Hope that helps.
You'll never beat Verizon for coverage out west when off the hwy. cpl that with an android phone and while not perfect it's as good as you can currently get. The difference between my old droid and this iPhone is noticeable.
Go to your Verizon Dealer and ask for the phone number to re-configure your position and you should be ok.

I have two phones. one work and one personal. I travel all over with both. AT&t has the best wyoming coverage beats verizon hands down, so does sprint, but only in Wyoming. Sprint is suprisingly very comparable to verizon ( a co-worker has this service) as for Nevada, Utah, Idaho, Oregon, Washington, Alaska verizon hands down beats AT&T. Again Sprint is very comparable to Verizon wexcept in Alaska. This is strictly with my experience travling the West, others may differ but unless your main focus is just Wyoming I wouild stick with Verizon or go to Sprint.
Not to get off subject, but does anyone have Virgin mobile or Metro PCS?

And if they do, how's the coverage, service etc....?

I've got Verizon now, but between my wife and I we are paying $170 a month. These other companies advertise $40 a month plans for unlimited text and calling.......just curious if it's one of those, too good to be true deals?

AT&T AKA Cellular One SUCKS Also!

When My Brick Phone(Analog!)quit Working they ruined all good Cell Service!

End of Story!

This Story happens alot it's True!
But Ya Best Hope it don't ever happen to you!
2 cells and wireless PC coverage is $150 ave. on Verizon. Those cheep plans only work in cities for the text generation.....
I went to the dealer yesterday. Problem is that Verizon had leased space on towers owned by another small company, and that company was bought out by AT&T. AT&T told Verizon to pound sand and had the Verizon repeaters taken off those towers. So we lost service in our area.

The dealer was nice, and gave me a number to call to create a work order. They said if enough people call and say we've lost service, Verizon MIGHT put up a tower or two to replace the ones we lost.

It's a tough deal. I can't even send a text from home or around home any more, much less make a call. It would be nice to have something we could use since we're paying for it.
I had to buy the "booster" from Verizon, or I would have had no service at my home. $136.00. Other than that, Verizon has been the best coverage for me.

Works perfect now and all my cheap ass neighbors park in front of my house to get coverage.

I have 4 cell phones and my iPad with Verizon.......$240.00 a month for "No Limit" everything. I cancelled my house phone and don't miss it at all.

My Cabelas' map programs, and cell coverage have been flawless in Utah, Colorado, NV,NM and AZ. Every so often, I find a dead spot, but it is rare anymore.

If your biggest concern is for hunting, buy or rent a satellite phone.......if you can see the sky......it will work EVERYWHERE/EVERY TIME!

That technology is advancing VERY rapidly, so don't get yourself into a stiff contract, as I suspect by this time next year, you will see sat services real close to standard cell programs.

"Being an idiot is NOT an art form. Give it up!"
I also tried the booster deal. Bought an antennae. Got two boosters for inside the house and had all sorts of stuff. It would not work well enough for us to even make a call and I was in over $800. All we could do was text. Gave up and returned all of the boosters and amplifiers, etc.

If I switch to Union (same towers as AT&T) I smight be able to get a booster and get limited service.

Living in rural places has its benefits, but sometimes it creates hardships, too.

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