Central Mountains Manti Late


Very Active Member
My buddy and I decided to put in for the Manti late hunt this year. He had 6 points and I had 7.

We got our draw results back and looks like we're going to Manti in November with a couple of tags in our pockets!

This is the second time I have drawn this hunt in 14 years. Should be a blast with all that I have learned over the years about the area and elk hunting!

Pretty funny because we both put in for Colorado 3rd season and figured we wouldn't draw the elk tag. So we weren't too worried about having a back to back hunt-a-thon. Still waiting to see if we drew Colorado LOL!

What are the odds? I drew the Manti tag back in 2005 with 6 points as well haha!

Hope the rest of you had success in the draws as well.

Now, for the serious stuff........

If you have hunted this area in the past or know where a 400" bull is, I need to know! I also need to know your honey holes and need a place to stay down there. Preferably a nice log cabin at a very discounted rate of, say, FREE because I live amongst the "entitled generation and feel that at the age of 41, I should be entitled to all that these younger folks want/get!

So, if you have information to help me and a buddy slam a couple of 4 hundo's, PM me. I accept cash only.
LOL BloodTracker!

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
LAST EDITED ON May-15-19 AT 04:19PM (MST)[p]Congrats! Should be a fun hunt, especially with both of you drawing!

Please tell me you are a resident? I put in with 14 NR points and didn't draw...?..


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)

Yeah, resident.

Was not expecting to draw nor did I care to draw because of my other general season elk hunting spot that has treated me to 100% success rate over the past 15 years.

So the secret to drawing that coveted tag is to not want to draw!!!
My little bro drew the tag also. Resident with 12 points. He is super pumped. Maybe we'll see you up on the MTN.

Good luck Tracker.

Well Sliver,

With all this rain we've been having, we may be in for a treat with the antler growth! Tell your bro congrats on the tag as well!
I live in Fairview and I am a guide. There are some pretty solid bulls. Let's see what makes it through the next month. I also have a couple of places you can stay. They aren't FREE but we can work something out. I have a nice place in Milburn. (north of Fairview). I also have a nice cabin at 9,000 feet above Fairview. Let me know if you are interested. Good liuck. Thx. 435-469-0769
It is very convenient to have a nice place to lay your head and take a warm shower in close proximity to hunting areas. It's good for the soul.

What you finding up there this year on the Manti? Come on T.S., spill the beans! :)
Just got back from Manti. Hit or miss on the rut activity. Seen a few small six points. Nothing I'd put my tag on for the opener though. Not even a shot fired on the early season opener. Sunday heard a couple shots early. Never seen an elk yesterday. Planning another trip in a few weeks to look at quality again because the November hunt is a different beast for finding the bigger bulls in the hell holes.

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