Chair donation in Yelum's honor


Very Active Member
Greetings everyone,

I have been inspired by Yelum and his passion for mule deer. It is clear that he is a caring individual. I saw the post about using Tred Barta's chair at the expo and Larry being able to stand in Tred's chair. I contacted Yelum and he suggested we donate the chair to Chairbound Hunters-Utah Chapter.

The chair is manufactured by Action Trackchair and can be found at It costs around 15,000'dollars. I am hoping to raise this amount to help the Utah Chapter

To make a donation go to and follow the directions below

1) click on support us
2) click on donate
3) 2 options will appear, pay with PayPal or credit card
4) enter your info and when you confirm your order put in Monster Muley Donation in the message to seller box

The Chairbound Hunters of Utah is a 5013C Organization. They also support disabled veterans. If you have any concerns about donating please contact them through their website

I will keep you updated with totals as we attempt to reach our goal. Last year the chapter sent out 40 requests to Utah businesses and received no donations. Lets help bring a smile to a disabled hunters face

I started the donations tonight with 100.00 dollars. Please post if you donate and let's keep a running total.

Lets GO MM's, lets make this happen

Yelum will have an announcement shortly on some donations. Thanks

This time of year is always double tuff but i can usually find a few bucks for a great cause. I sent in $30., wish it could have been more.


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
Every little bit helps Joey.

Thanks Rich for making it so simple.


PS. Larry you gonna want to put a snowplow on the front for next winter? ha
I gave them some at their booth in the expo but 100 bucks more won't hurt, its for a good cause.
Done, thanks for the link.
best $100 bucks i have spent in a long are storing this in Larry's garage???

How to start an argument online:
1. Express an opinion
2. Wait
Done !

Larry thanks for being an inspiration to us. We appreciate your contributions to MM.
I have never met Yelum but have really enjoyed his informative posts over the years. He seems like a really good guy with a great attitude. I can't imagine the hardships he and others in his position must have to go through to be able to participate in the sport that all of us on this site are so passionate about. I am honored to donate $100 towards the purchase of the new chair so that Yelum and the other chairbound hunters can get around a little easier. Thanks Lostinoregon for setting this up!

Update number one:

So far we have collected $765.00. I appreciate what everyone has done. If you go to the website for the Chairbound Hunters of Utah you can see that they changed their website to let everyone know what we are doing here on Monster Muleys.

I would hope that we can continue until we reach our goal. You guys have been amazing so far and generous. Founder, you are getting great advertising, how about some love.

Any amount will help, please give the ability to someone to enjoy what we live for. Thanks

I'm in!

YELUM is a Special Person to me!

Always has been!

Always will be!

Good seeing You at the EXPO YELUM!

Thanks for the DVD YELUM!

The Dew I had for Breakfast wasn't Bad so I had one more for Dessert!:D
Guys, thank you so much for help. No words can explain the feeling of getting on a mnt or in the field, after years of being stuck in a car/truck/chair. Guys will feel joy beyond words. THANK YOU.


Theres logic, and theres women. They don't go together.
Update number2:

As of March 8, we are at $1,340.00. A very good start and thank everyone that has donated.

Tagattracter was awesome with a 500.00 donation. Please pass,this information on and let's keep this going

Thanks everyone,

How can everybody not want to help if even a little bit? I'm not working and am behind but i just added a bit more to my first contribution.


Yelum says that this was the first time that he has stood upright in 29 years!! Think about that a bit and please, let's help do this for a great one of our own if not all the others that this chair might just bring some joy or make their hardships a tiny bit easier!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
I hate to be that guy---


What happens to our donation to Larry for this sweet gig chair if we do not get to the $16k needed?

We are almost $14k away type deal now...


I'm sure they'll just use it for the general funds, and it will serve for a great cause. I went to the banquet, and I was suprised at the lack of monetary support! I really don't think we will ever get to $15,000, and I also think the funds would be better spent as general funds, as the organization sees fit. I donated to the chair fund, but I also donated more to the general fund. Either way, I thank you generous folks for your help! Me and my world class bird dogs, or in depth knowledge of the Southern region are at your disposal!
Update number 3:

I received a phone call from Anni Barta this week and are working on some ideas to keep this going. I am not giving up and I am expecting you guys to help me through this.

I invited Tred to MM so I am hoping for him to post soon. Everyone that has donated, you are awesome.

Got a PM from Xtreme who told me that on March 23rd, the Utah County Chapter is going to auction off some items for the Chairbound hunters and will donate 5K to the cause. That's right 5K. We are rolling now boys.

So with SFW and previous donations as of 3/11 we are at 6,440.00. So rally the troops and come up with ideas to get more donations

How about someone organizing a guess the score contest with entry fees paid to this cause.

I want and need your help. Come on guys. Hunting season is around the corner

Thanks everyone, Rich
Hey Rich hope you did not mind me giving Anni Barta your cell number and asking her to call you personally. I had talked to her at the Expo and explained what you started here at Monster Muley's and gave her your information at that time.

She contacted me last week and we talked for fifteen minutes or so about you initiating this fund for the wheel chair bound hunters, the chair, Larry and the MM member's contributing to this cause. I informed her I talked with her at the expo and pointed out that it was you that initiated this and to contact you personally.

It appears this happened and has started a few more things rolling in achieving our goal. Let me know if I can help on this end.

Talk to you soon. Hopefully we will be hunting big mulies together in Wyoming this fall. My donation has been submitted, the one card never did accept, had to use another!!!
Robb, its a great question and heres an option. The trackchair itself runs at about $8,000. We won't be that far off. The standing chair option, is the one that runs 16k. If we can't raise the full 16, then we can get the less expensive chair. But it would be nice for guys to stand. You can go to these two sites and learn more about the chair. or


Theres logic, and theres women. They don't go together.
Awesome cause and just threw in $40

Wish I could swing more right now but I hope this helps.

I love being a part of these types of causes.

Yellum, your a great example to us all

"The problem with quotes on Internet Forums is that it is often difficult to verify their authenticity." - Abraham Lincoln
I seem to be one of those guys that always sit back and let everyone else make their donations to a worthy cause. Times are changing and I just dropped $50 to support the cause.

Update #4:

We just moved past the $1,700.00 donation not including SFW. So we are making progress. Thanks to everyone who has given to this cause. The SFW banquet is this weekend and Ken and his grandson have been invited as guests. They will let me know how much was raised.

You are a good bunch of guys, thanks

I'll be there as well. Thanks Rich for getting and keeping this going.


Theres logic, and theres women. They don't go together.
I was at thre banquet last night, as SFW handed me a check for $5,000, which I then handed to Chairbound hunters. We are getting closer to making this happen. Thanks to all who have helped, and continue to pass the word.


Theres logic, and theres women. They don't go together.
Sweet, Yelum you are the man. You are a inspiration and the members here at MM are also an inspiration.

Rich, thanks for getting this started and keeping it going. I've made one donation and will wait until another CC billing period and see where I'm at for another donation.

Keep up thr great work all!!!!
Update number 5:

Greetings everyone. I m amazed at the response and SFW stepping up with such a great donation. We are now at $6,740.00.

You guys have given some Chairbound hunters the hope that they will be able to stand in the chair while hunting. Pretty cool that we are where we are.

So, here is where I need some help. I want to have Chairbound hunters have a raffle. I want to collect prizes from the hunting world and then throw all of the items into one large raffle. I need volunteers to collect donations and forward them to Chairbound hunters. The price of the tickets will be determined by the amount of goodies that we collect. If we are able to secure enough donations I think we could reach our goal. Please step up and get donations.

You can contact me by PM or cell, 503-780-4102


Let's get this done people!! :)


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
Done. That should get us close to the $8,000 mark. All I ask for in return is a big smile in the sucess photos that get posted to MM.

Update number 6:

We are now at $7,700.00 thanks to everyone's generosity. Please tell your buddy's about this effort. I know some of you will be getting the dreaded un-successful notifications soon so give a disabled hunter some joy this fall.

You guys have been awesome,

Donated today- Every bit helps and Yelum is a great guy.
Lets help get a fellow outdoor enthusiast in the hills.
Way to go eyeman!!! Very generous. Hope the big game tag gods look out for you!!!

We are getting there!!!

I am not into Facebook, but about everyone else is! Maybe a facebook page could be created specifically for Yelum's chair donation.

Post the link once its created.
If anything is an example of where we all need to put our differences aside and do the right thing I think this is a perfect example.
I think we all can agree this is a good cause and I thank all of you that helped out in this.
Money may be tight for some of us these days but seriously anything you can donate helps and adds up.
Thanks again to all of you that listened to your heart.
Update number 8:

We are at $8,837.00 so far. Pretty amazing really. I have been out of town the last couple of weeks so I am sorry for the delay on the update.

If we have a raffle, who will help sell tickets? I need some help guys

Well Rich,

What are the Raffle tix for (gun?bow?something??) ---just axing.

I got no problem taking some to the job and selling them, a lil' more info would be sweet....

Hope your wknd is going well,


Working on some of the details tonight. Hopefully by next weekend we will have all of the details worked out. Thanks for helping out. Stay tuned.

Update number 9:

The Chairbound hunters of Utah are holding a raffle to raise the rest of the money for the chair. If you are interested in selling tickets to help this cause please contact Ken Vaughn Sr. at [email protected] or by phone at 801 499 9770.
The raffle will run through July 1st.

Tickets are 5 bucks a piece or 5 for 20.

We are raffling off a .223 bushmaster super light carbine with a red dot scope and carrying case. Sportsman's warehouse is where the gun will be coming from and can be transferred to any of their stores or any dealer with an FFL. None of your donated funds were used for this purpose. All donations have gone to the purchase of the chair. You have all been great and I think this should get us to our goal. Chairbound hunters are working on placing the order for the chair soon.

If you want to buy tickets for this great cause you can PM me or contact Ken directly.

Guys, we are at $10,300.00. Please contact Yellum, The Knack, Rmanwill or myself to purchase raffle tickets. I received no further posts and am hoping you guys will continue to help reach our goal. It is amazing that we have gotten this far. Please dig deep for the home stretch.

>Guys, we are at $10,300.00.
>Please contact Yellum, The Knack,
>Rmanwill or myself to purchase
>raffle tickets. I received no
>further posts and am hoping
>you guys will continue to
>help reach our goal. It
>is amazing that we have
>gotten this far. Please dig
>deep for the home stretch.

Im also a board member and am selling tickets, you can contact me either by pm or email [email protected] or 8013six20725

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Update number 10:

We are at $14,400.00 so far. We are at 90 percent of our goal with the raffle drawing on July 3rd from 6 to 8 PM at the Provo Elks Club.

Looks like we are going to make it for Chairbound Hunters of Utah. SFW of Utah has been the biggest contributor and deserves credit for stepping up to help Utah hunters.

It started here on MM because of Yellum but lots of folks have made this happen. Thanks

That is awesome Rich, and everyone here at MM. We could make this happen in 3 months time, which is flat out incredible. I have a few raffle tickets left, if any local guys want to buy a few, just give me a lol

Thanks for everyones help.


Theres logic, and theres women. They don't go together.

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