Chris Cornell


Very Active Member
He was one of my all time favorite musicians. In the early 90s, I wore out the Soundgarden cassette tape in my truck from listening to it constantly. I stayed a big fan of all his work like Temple of The Dog, Audioslave, and his solo work. Anyone else a fan?
When I hear Hunger Strike I think about my first morning of high school. I remember that video was on while I ate breakfast. Kinda takes me back to that time every time I hear it...
If Eddie Vedder would off himself, we'd finally be rid of all the lead singers from the worst time in music...
Sorry, had a Homer moment there, but I hated the grunge movement. Chris Cornell was the best of his genre, and I did like Audioslave a lot. I just don't get emotional about a Seattle grunge artist passing on.
Worst time in music? You must not have heard about lil Yachty

Lol, I like all kinds, even one lil Yachty song.
Drugs must be as harmless as they claim. They never have a link to abuse and suicide. What a waste.

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