Clinton supporters supporting McCain

Yeah right, people love Hillary so much that even with her telling them they must vote for Obama to defeat McCain they'll vote for McCain out of spite? maybe the most retarded 1%, lets face it if you love Hillary that much you are probably beyond reason anyway.

There's always some raw nerves after a long primary, even Bush Sr. and Regan had each other by the throat more than once in the primary. how many of Bush's supporters voted for Carter? I'll bet not many. this is as typical as politics get.
Clinton supporters are women and blue collar workers and neither is going to run to McCain, he doesn't offer much for them, People are tired of the right wing and John is going to have a tuff time convincing them to vote for him
Tweedie Dee and Tweedie dumb!!! Thanks for your inlightment into the world of national politics.

Partly "operation chaos" and partly highly emotionally charged Clinton supporters. This should all blow over in a week or two.

Then back to politics as usual, IMO

I guess that leaves you out then. You are one of two persons I know that can read something and come up with a different opinion then the other 98% that read the same article. I guess that makes you Tweedle dum, since Piper came on behind you. Are the two of you related by any chance?

Since the other 98% who have a different opinion are our resident neocons that doesn't mean much at all. I can say 2/3 of the American people want out of Iraq and 98% of the people here disagree with it. do the math, MM has it's own microclimate , unlike you I understand that fact and run with it.
Last poll I saw said 1/3 off the hillary's supporters were going to vote for mccain or not vote at all. Maybe it will blow over maybe it won't. This is however a perfect example of the effects of operation chaos.

Dude please try to refrain from making up BS facts again. You should know by now no rational person on this site trusts anything you claim as fact anymore.
What " fact " are you refering to?

If the Hillary supporters you say are going to vote for Obama do vote for McCain so what again? Obama leads in the polls and with the bookies, so that means every one of her supporters Hillary can pull back to Obama will cost McCain. at no time will there be more Hillary fans set on revenge than right now, most will listen to Hillary before election day if they consider her that much of a god anyway. like I said before if you're counting on Hillary supporters to elect McCain you're screwed, way too much time to patch things up.

Operation chaos is in chaos, Rush better pop some more pills and have a vision of a better plan.
Dude, not only is your reading comprehension lacking, so is your skills in math. You said, "so what again, Obama leads in the polls and with the bookies, so that means every one of her supporters Hillary can pull back to Obama will cost McCain."
Right now McCain has the GOP voters in his camp. Hillary appears to have a slight edge over Obama in actual citizen votes. Even if only 10% of Hillary's supporters jump ship and vote for McCain, that will give McCain a very strong edge on beating Obama.
You are also forgetting that a good number of Hillary supporters feel that the election was taken away from her by the DNC, and they are very upset with their own party.
You are also forgetting that several months ago that I told you that Hillary will lose the nomination due to being backstab by her own camp. Well it happen even though you said it would not. Nancy Perlosi, Harry Reid and numerous Super Delegates stuck the knife in her back because they favored their super liberal Obama, it was not the democrat voters that defeated Hillary. Even the liberal press have admitted this last evening that Hillary was blind sided by her own party.
I think that there will be more voters jumping ship then you would like to admit. These Dems are very pissed with their party and are talking about taking action to shake up the DNC. If that is the case, I do not think a cooling period will suffice to bring all of them back to the fold of the Dem. party.

So how do you explain Obama having the biggest lead on McCain to date in todays Gallup poll? where are your revenge voters? they're as ticked as they're ever going to be right now. I'm not saying they don't exist, I'm saying there aren't enough of them.
The real test of this argument, or debate, or whatever you want to call it, will come in November at election time. As I have said before, I will not and can not predict the election results. But, I will say this, this election is going to be a lot closer then you are willing to say it is. I also think that Obama will have some things come out that will hurt his election. One thing he better worry about is that the guy who was involved in that real estate deal with Obama and his home purchase. He has just been convicted on felony charges. How much are you willing to bet that the justice department is right now talking to him about coming clean on the land deal, what appears to be a possible shady criminal land deal, and turning on Obama for a lighter sentence.
Obama's very liberal voting record will also be brought out along with his inexperience on National matters and I think his "vote for change" will be disected if he is able to even give any facts on what change he plans for this country.
His "third Bush term" also may not fly with voters when they learn that McCain was a moderate maverick that went against the hard core GOP and the white house on several key issues and has fought against pork barrel politics that helped screw up our economy. Say what you want and believe, but come November may surprise you. McCain has as good as a chance to win this as does Obama.
P.S. That Gallup poll does not reflect all the votes, and can not until those votes are cast in November, so do not put all your faith in something that has proven to be offbase in the past.
I didn't say the polls are fool proof but they do offer a fair idea of the race as it stands today.

No doubt McCain has a chance, if he didn't Obama wouldn't need to campaign. one thing, one big thing McCain has against him is money, which is unusual for the GOP candidate. Obama is a cash machine, it's figured he'll have 2 to 3 times the money to spend McCain will have, this is a major factor. I'm going to agree this election will be close, but not as close as the last couple, and yes Obama will win.

Don't make this such a serious matter, it's like a ball game, if you knew who was going to win it would be boring. besides, none of us are going to effect the outcome in the slightest.

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