clintons uranium & russian ties


Very Active Member
I was listening to the news this morning on my commute to work turns out Hillary and Bill may be investigated on the uranium deal and their russian ties. And no I don't listen to CNN, Yahoo , MSNBC or those other left wing news stations.
>I was listening to the news
>this morning on my commute
>to work turns out Hillary
>and Bill may be investigated
>on the uranium deal and
>their russian ties. And no
>I don't listen to CNN,
>Yahoo , MSNBC or those
>other left wing news stations.
That isn't fair
Just like kids on the playground. when the teacher is coming for your azz point at another kid. I love it.

Crying Clinton ceased to be an option November 10th 2016. if the evidence is there Trump is going down, and the only way this involves the Clintons will be their smiling faces.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
>Just like kids on the playground.
>when the teacher is coming
>for your azz point
>at another kid. I
>love it.
> Crying Clinton ceased to be
>an option November 10th 2016.
> if the evidence is
>there Trump is going down,
>and the only way this
>involves the Clintons will be
>their smiling faces.
>Stay Thirsty My Friends
LOL...maybe if you ate Hillary's pie you fool.
Cute little analogy tog. Has your mom got your bowl of cereal and your sack lunch ready for your big day at school today. Be safe on the monkey bars today and don't forget your helmet little man.
It is fake news started by the Tweeter in chief 14 hours ago.


Even though he could pick up the phone and have AG Session begin an investigation, I don't think the AG recusal applies to Hillary and Bill, only to Trump and Russia. The President doesn't have any control over a co equal branch of Government. Maybe Nunes will carry some more water for him but even he is getting tired packing water to fight the fires that pop up.

>It is fake news started by
>the Tweeter in chief 14
>hours ago.

>Even though he could pick up
>the phone and have AG
>Session begin an investigation, I
>don't think the AG recusal
>applies to Hillary and Bill,
>only to Trump and Russia.
> The President doesn't
>have any control over a
>co equal branch of Government.
> Maybe Nunes will
>carry some more water for
>him but even he is
>getting tired packing water to
>fight the fires that pop
Because Obama sent that uranium to his brothers in Iran.
>You mean the deal with Iran
>that Trump promised to redo
>on day one?
>Yet it remains in place as
>Obama negotiated it.
>At some point you gotta say
>you are getting played.
>Remember when he said he
>would put Hillary in jail.
> That shipped has sailed
>as well.

wow, I'd say this is a fair assessment since he has been in office less then a hundred days, yup that's fair....puke' you ever hear that saying if your not a part of the solution you are the problem...?
LAST EDITED ON Mar-28-17 AT 11:38AM (MST)[p]Hey moron Manny,

Have you heard the saying, "don't pi$$ down my back and tell me it is raining"? Your hero makes promises that he can never begin to keep in order to get the people like you to vote for him. I don't blame him, I blame you for having no standards.

I am not the one who promised to do all of that on day one, your hero did. He said he was going to repeal and replace Obamacare on day one and it would "so easy". He said the Iran deal was the "worst ever" and he would tear up on day one. Yet he has done none of those.

You can pretend all you want but some day it will get through to you that you have been sold a lame horse that isn't going to do much of anything. Just wait until he starts cutting deals with the left, your mind is going to explode.

It's becoming clear how Trump has become such a successful con man. his minions are such mouthbreathing morons it's beyond comprehension. he's under investigation for treason and the heat is rising so he brings up TOTALLY off the wall chit from the past up as a ball for his dipchit low information followers to chase in the other direction. and they go for it!

Here is the Russia story that matters. you pooches run off in the opposite direction nobody needs you.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
Nothing to see here folks except for droplets of chili shart leaking from Dear Leader's shorts.

Here's a novel idea, why not research the Clintons and the uranium deal. Think for yourself, it's refreshing.

It literally takes the same amount of time to get into this forum as it would to type something into your search bar. Read, then check different sources and draw your own conclusion to separate fact from farse.
With what evidence do they have for Treason. See Tog you use some of the sloppiest news links there are all left funded media is where your sources come from. I noticed the CNN links sure have simmered down a bit I wonder why.
Oh and Tog the topic we're on is the investigations of the uranium deal by hillary. It's not trump being accused of treason so stay on topic or start a new one yourself.
I didn't get the info from trumps tweet F###head. I don't troll his twitter account like you do sad thing is as much as you talk about him you've become his biggest fan Mouth.
> It's becoming clear how
>Trump has become such a
>successful con man. his
>minions are such mouthbreathing morons
>it's beyond comprehension. he's
>under investigation for treason and
>the heat is rising so
>he brings up TOTALLY
>off the wall chit from
>the past up as a
>ball for his dipchit low
>information followers to chase in
>the other direction. and
>they go for it!
> Here is the Russia story
>that matters. you pooches
>run off in the opposite
>direction nobody needs you.
>Stay Thirsty My Friends
Royal Mouth breather you are confused ,remember Obama giving Susan Rice a new job so it kept her from Testifying.
Hahahahhahah this is funny chit !!!! TOG running his mouth about Clinton smiles. I am sure he knows all about the smiles coming from old billy !!!!! I bet TOG has been on his knees pleasing old billy plenty !!!!!! How bout it TOG ?

I don't Troll his tweeter feed, they post his tweets on every right wing media outlet and call them news. If you understood how to right click, cut and past the URL you can post images like Trump's tweets in 4 seconds. No trolling necessary unlike you fake news story stirred up by the tweet.

Be specific about what the Clintons did with the Uranium and Russian. It is all spelled out there. The cannot export the Uranium but a Russian owned company can extract Uranium. Then how it popped up on the news on your way to work just hours after Trump tweeted. Given that you said you listen to mainstream media, it is a fairly simple connection to make that your media source is a right wing outlet that is using Trump Tweets as the basis of the news.

So let us make it interesting. How about $1,000 that the Clinton's don't get a public investigation over anything to do with Russia and the Uranium because there is no there, there.

>I don't Troll his tweeter feed,
>they post his tweets on
>every right wing media outlet
>and call them news.
>If you understood how to
>right click, cut and past
>the URL you can post
>images like Trump's tweets in
>4 seconds. No trolling
>necessary unlike you fake news
>story stirred up by the
>Be specific about what the Clintons
>did with the Uranium and
>Russian. It is all
>spelled out there. The
>cannot export the Uranium but
>a Russian owned company can
>extract Uranium. Then
>how it popped up on
>the news on your way
>to work just hours after
>Trump tweeted. Given that
>you said you listen to
>mainstream media, it is a
>fairly simple connection to make
>that your media source is
>a right wing outlet that
>is using Trump Tweets as
>the basis of the news.
>So let us make it interesting.
> How about $1,000 that
>the Clinton's don't get a
>public investigation over anything to
>do with Russia and the
>Uranium because there is no
>there, there.
That's what Billy said about Monica ,however he left DNA on her dress.

I don't listen to mainstream media go buy yourself a satellite radio subscription. Tune into 125 which is not mainstream you may learn something about the country other than your one sided ideology.Cut and Past, Please define snowflake? Bet last years 6th. grade spelling bee between you and tog was a real barn burner. I'll even bet 2 participation trophies were handed out.

Then be a man let's bet. Easy $1,000 to you since you are so sure.

If you are too stupid to connect the dots between Trump's tweet a few hours before a "news" report that the Clinton's Might be investigated then you probably are the type who Trump depends on.

LAST EDITED ON Mar-28-17 AT 04:23PM (MST)[p]Bingo numbnuts you listen to something that connects to Trumps twitter feed and calls it news. Patriot radio is a joke when it comes to providing biased fake news. They are as fake as MSNBC.

I have forgotten more about the country then you will understand.

Snowflake is term used to people too stupid to make a coherent point based on facts. Trump has no evidence of anything and he tweets so that your source of info can call it news.

If you get your "news" from Mark Levin you are as big of a problem as the Rachel Maddow listeners.

God mouth do you ever shut up holy s##t. And there's alot of disagreement with trump on their station and mark levin would run circles around you in a political debate unlike you he has facts. And a smart man something you're not. You get so off subject and try to spin everything off on a tangent. Typical pub behavior we have come to expect from you and rubntog. And you never answer questions you duck them all the time.

Show me a question I dodged. You are the liar who claimed u didn't hunt. Mark Levin is fine but he has an agenda to be an entertainer and pundit. He has no skin in the game like every talking head. He isn't God, he plays on your feats and bias and he believes in conspiracy theories that have been proven wrong.

So show me a question you asked and I didn't answer because you have proven to be liar before and I can show you are a liar again.

The Trumpettes just keep getting more defensive by the day. no need to play these games let's just make it easy for you. yes Trump is a liar and you were conned. yes you look stupid. yes everyone knows it. there now.

Westernwhines, Trump staged this diversion you took the bait on because he is under investigation this is a fact. if he conspired with Putin it is treason. GFYS if you can't connect the dots and see why it's relevant.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
Gee, I guess nobody has looked into this? you'd think before the election the republicans would have tried to use this but I guess they figured it was just too tough to figure out and gave up?

You morons. yeah lets have an investigation since it hasn't been done . HA ! . while were at it let's keep looking for those illegal Obama wire taps in Trump.

All this is far more newsworthy than the known fact that the sitting president is under an FBI investigation . you bet it is!!!

You stupid chumps.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
>Gee, I guess nobody has
>looked into this? you'd
>think before the election the
>republicans would have tried to
>use this but I guess
>they figured it was just
>too tough to figure out
>and gave up?
> You morons. yeah
>lets have an investigation since
>it hasn't been done .
>HA ! .
> while were at it
>let's keep looking for those
>illegal Obama wire taps in
> All this is far more
>newsworthy than the known fact
>that the sitting president is
>under an FBI investigation
>. you bet it
> You stupid chumps.
>Stay Thirsty My Friends
That's fast and furious.
Probably because they couldn't investigate it before remember Tog Lynch was the AG back then probably the most corrupt AG we've ever had. You know she wasn't gonna look into it after all she did such a fabulous job on the email scandal.

Bye Felica
Connect the dots huh TOG ? That'works for you when there is no proof but no one else should say anything like that about your lover Hillary or her boy Billy. Talk about a two faced hypocrite . Go take another hit and swig then pass out! Things you are good at.
Can I confirm the orange chit stain is under investigation? is that a joke?

You people need to stop watching FAUX and watch some real news.

The Clintons were investigated, for years with taxpayer money for partisan interests. even if something is found in the future it will be too little too late to help comrade Trump. but you chumps are buying it anyway aren't you ?

Stupid chumps.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
LAST EDITED ON Mar-29-17 AT 09:59AM (MST)[p]

First the story is that the House Intel committee needs to investigate the Hillary/Bill and Russian Uranium deal. That committee has been chaired by a Republican since the 2010 election. They don't not need any permission, okay or approval from the AG to open an investigation. Now the Story is that they could not investigate until now because Lynch was the AG? Somebody is a liar, I think I know who but I suspect this person doesn't really care that they lie as long as it makes them feel good and because they don't think for themselves. The House Intel committee could have investigated this every day of the week and twice on Sunday's yet have chosen not to for how long? Why would Republicans on the committee ignore Clinton's alleged misdeeds and jump right to the Trump Campaign and alleged Russian ties?

Why did the story about the "Possible" investigation hit the right wing news sources just hours after Trump's tweets about it and now why are you blaming Lynch when that wasn't in the story you are quoting on the Patriot network?

Mark Levin has been carrying this story since at least 2015 and yet the House Intel committee, controlled by Republicans who wanted to beat Hillary, has never held a hearing about it. Why is that?

Wasn't Lynch the AG when Hillary's email server was being investigated by the FBI? Wasn't there a "surprise" announcement from Comey that Hillary was under the scope again just before the election?

Nemo & Tog,

Hide and watch as most of this BS is already swept under the rug, i.e. Clinton Foundation ties and the Uranium deal. Trump doesn't just tweet, he has a definite method to his madness. That's why we like him.

You two are just like all the crying, whining snowflakes. You relentlessly go after Trump and Trump "mouth breathers", but we (mouth breathers) are way ahead of you two clowns.

As I say, hide and watch my friends. I think Trump is making one helluva President. So much better than Obummer and Bush. What a great feeling the way he goes after the EPA and the Federal Agencies and now the people of the west finally have some hope and are seeing positive changes. All of the people in the know here in NM and AZ are seeing great things happening. I don't know were you two guys have been hiding or maybe you both have your heads up where the sun doesn't shine.

You two knot heads go back to playing with your dolls.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-29-17 AT 12:03PM (MST)[p]

That is rich. The only one with his head up anything is your head up yours.

Name a single law regarding the environment that has changed? The president can't change laws. Perhaps he can choose not to enforce them but he has not authority to change them.

Specific to the alleged Clinton Uranium investigation you should attempt to do some actual research on who else had to sign off on that sale of the Uranium mine. I will spoon feed you a little bit of it, she didn't have sole and final say on the sale.

The committee of foreign investment in U.S. (CFIUS) approved the sale. Who sits on this committee?

Composition of CFIUS

The Secretary of the Treasury is the Chairperson of CFIUS, and notices to CFIUS are received, processed, and coordinated at the staff level by the Staff Chairperson of CFIUS, who is the Director of the Office of Investment Security in the Department of the Treasury.

The members of CFIUS include the heads of the following departments and offices:

Department of the Treasury (chair)
Department of Justice
Department of Homeland Security
Department of Commerce
Department of Defense
Department of State
Department of Energy
Office of the U.S. Trade Representative
Office of Science & Technology Policy

The following offices also observe and, as appropriate, participate in CFIUS?s activities:

Office of Management & Budget
Council of Economic Advisors
National Security Council
National Economic Council
Homeland Security Council
The Director of National Intelligence and the Secretary of Labor are non-voting, ex-officio members of CFIUS with roles as defined by statute and regulation.

This means there won't be an investigation because the sale went not only through the Department of State but all the above departments and agencies as well.

I know facts don't stop morons and the facts is that Trump has done none of his legislative agenda, he can't get anything he says he wants to do without Democrat help, he has done nothing to attract Democrats to help. He isn't Reagan and he is losing popularity almost daily. Other than that it is all going perfect for Trumpeteers. The issue isn't that Obama sucked, he did, Obama is no longer President so shouldn't you hold your guy to a higher standard then the lowest level you can?

Facts shmacks, these guys don't care it's all about how you feel. That's the new motto.

"Liberals have a whole of statistics that theoretically maybe right"

For snowflakes it's all about fear, feelings, conflation and deflection. Facts are simply things get in the way of their misinformed opinions.
Like I said, hide and watch.

We are already starting to see a huge difference in the West on Federal policy issues affecting the BLM and US Forest Service.

I know it is hard on you to accept the fact that we have things so much better than before. Way more than under Bush and Obama.

No where and I repeat no where to we see Trumps popularity falling.
We think he is turning out much better and like him more each day. Too bad you have your single knot head up in a smelly dark place.

Now go back to being a good snowflake.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-29-17 AT 04:41PM (MST)[p]Really no where you see Trump's popularity falling?

You know the term snowflake is used by people too stupid to support their own argument with facts. They cannot articulate a cogent defense of an indefensible position so they resort to calling any a "snowflake". I get it you cannot find any where that you believe that Trump's popularity is dropping like the fecal matter out of the back end of cow.

Let's watch and see how much he gets done. Maybe the health care debacle has yet to mortally wound him but the Tax reform that doesn't happen will.

Nothing he has done so far cannot be undone with a pen by a different president. He has changed no laws and that is what matters.

How about you be a good Trumpateer and just admit you don't really love the country, you only love Republicans who are about to $hit down you own neck. Oh that is right you are on the welfare programs that Trump promised not to touch, I get your man love now. The biggest drivesrs of our debt are the programs you live on.

I make my own living and pay a lot of taxes like most everybody. I put way more into the system than I take out.

We see Trumps popularity here in the West (not California) growing, not declining.

Continue on in your little snowflake dreamland. Trump didn't get hurt one damn bit by the health care debacle. The Repugs will get their act together and pass something a whole lot better than The Unaffordable Care Act and the Government take over of 1/5 of our economy. You and Hillary have so much in common. Stupid being among the top contender.

You need to get out in the world and actually see the people and what is happening. You stay in your little cocoon and keep your fire burning so you don't melt. (God Forbid)
Funny stuff. The Gruber rule voters are out in full force.

Keep sucking down the orange kiolaid. trump depends on it to keep the con alive.
You are on Medicare so you are immune to having anything happen to your coverage. So yeah it is all great as long as your grand children have be put in debt prison. Too bad you didn't care about them

Come Tog,

Those polls cannot be trusted any more. Stoned can't see anywhere in the country that Trump's support has dropped and he also believes the Freedom Caucus kicking his a$$ on healthcare doesn't mean a thing.

Just wait until Trump starts making deals with Democrats and we will see if love and worship of Trump will continue.

Tax reform, Debt Ceiling, health care, infrastructure. Not a single one can get done without Trump moving to the center and away from the right wing. Even with majorities in both the House and Senate, they cannot get those done but hearing the Trumpateers tell it he will simply say it is so and it be so.

TOG you of all people running your infected pie hole about goo on a blue dress !! That was your hero CHUMP and don't forget it !!! Go back to pounding your hilly doll and molesting your live stock.
And ya NEMO those polls were spot on when it came to the election weren't they ? What is TOGs beach hilly doing right now ?
LAST EDITED ON Mar-30-17 AT 10:28AM (MST)[p]You do understand that the criticism is pointed directly at Trump and his actions and has zero to do with Hillary. You must have learned to deflect from the topic by always pointing to Hillary as an excuse to never question Trump. At some point the references to what Hillary is going become as redundant as Obama blaming Bush for things.

Kind of like the OP of this thread. Hillary wasn't the only one who decided on the sale of this Uranium mine. The sale also was approved by these departments:
Department of the Treasury (chair)
Department of Justice
Department of Homeland Security
Department of Commerce
Department of Defense
Department of Energy
Office of the U.S. Trade Representative
Office of Science & Technology Policy

So be while Hillary was a terrible candidate who represented the status quo in a change election there is zero chance that she and Bill are going to ever be investigated about Uranium and Russians because she wasn't the decider. If there aren't any criminal charges out of the Email server debacle or Benghazi, there won't be any from this, regardless of the all rightwing all the time media says.

Now specific to Trump:

So show me the info that says Trump's popularity is sky rocketing, the best anyone has ever seen. I can't find a single one that says his approval rating has gone up since he was sworn in.

The only hope, I see, is that he has gotten his daughter now installed there in the White House. She seems to be a calming influence on him and probably can get his twitter habit to be less damaging. She also is not a dyed in the wool conservative and remains close to the Clinton family. Hard to see a move to the right that helps further his agenda. That means he will have to come over to the middle. That won't please the scorched earth caucus who believes any compromise is akin to treason. He still turn around his trajectory but that would require him to change course and his has proven that he doesn't really like admitting to mistakes or taking responsibility for his mistakes.

As it stands right now. He isn't personally popular like Reagan was, which means there isn't a compelling reason for Democrats to work with him. He has been defeated by the Freedom Caucus and they boxed him on the right. Paul Ryan led him down a path that made for a political embarrassing. That can be toxic to a President who presides over a Representative Republic and who has a widening disapproval rating among those in middle of the political aisle. Which is where policy always ends up being made that benefits the most people.

If is only his true believers, like guys on here , who think none of this matters. They will never admit he has made some bad political choices and some terrible moves. They are in the minority though and the minority gets their fingers banged if their guy doesn't do enough to appeal to the majority. Yes the Republicans have the power now but it can swing the other way rapidly as we have seen during the Obama years.

Mouth re-read the topic of discussion this isn't about the rest of trumps agenda. This is about uranium , the clinton's, and russia and how it is tied together.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-30-17 AT 11:32AM (MST)[p]Westerswine,

You idiot, I just told you why you are too stupid to understand that Bill and Hillary are not ever going to be investigated for Russia and Uranium.

I can spoon feed it to you but there is no point. Why not just man up and take my bet. $1,000 says that neither the House or Senate will investigate Bill and Hillary over Uranium and Russia. So are you man or mouse? I suspect I know but I before I write you off as having a giant yellow streak down your back I want to see what you are made of. You have already been proven a liar, now let's if you are a coward as well. $1,000 says there will be no investigation, what do you say.

LAST EDITED ON Mar-30-17 AT 01:35PM (MST)[p]There is no argument, you are yellow, lying *****. You parrot a claim that the clinton's will be investigate, have no proof, brag that you only listen to right wing sources for news and when challenged run away and call people snowflakes.

If you thought that your allegations had a prayer of being true you would take my bet, I know it would cut into your paycheck from Burger King and that would be hard on you and all. At some point you would think you would man up or admit you are really just lying sack of sh!t.

Actually I don't work in fast food never have never will way below my paygrade I work in sales. I've made good money my whole life so try again snowflake. What do you do for a living other than B#tch? You're the lying sack of SH!T you and your brother with all your little links you post full of lies by crappy journalists. Whipe the obama Sh!tstains out of your eyes once and a while. And at 6pm put em back in your wifes purse you're balls have been out for way to long today.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-30-17 AT 02:49PM (MST)[p]So I can take that as a no you won't man up. You have no intention of backing up your fake news story with a bet? I wonder why.

Can you point to a single link I posted that has a crappy journalist? Unlike you I don't let the Patriot Channel decide for me what I believe. I make up my own mind using my brain to sort through more then one side of an issue. When possible I check the facts and I do it more when a news story confirms my bias. So if you had a firing brain cell you have figured out by now that while the Clinton's are slimy, have a difficult time with the truth and have made it nearly impossible to understand the Clinton foundation finances, they are still never going to be investigated over the Russian/Uranium fake news story. There is a reason for it but you seem to stupid to understand the reason.

But that would require you engaging the gray matter before whining like a little beotch. Like I said I could spoon feed it to you but you are incapable of understanding news, you like propaganda and call that news.

LAST EDITED ON Mar-30-17 AT 09:17PM (MST)[p]Stoney it's after 6 the wife has his pair locked up. He should respond at 7 am.
So neither of you two ladies can come up with two nuts between you and find a man who is wiling to put their money where there mouth is?

Either you are cowards or you know it is all fake news and you are just lying parrots. Would it help if you two fakes split the bet?

Or both you gals have the same yellow streak running down your backs?

Why won't you cowards ever take a bet if you're so sure of yourself?

Trump's first 100 days are 3/4 over and the only thing he's accomplished is none of his team has gone to jail. yet.

I cannot imagine what shred of hope you're hanging onto but it should give people in Syria inspiration to see your perseverance.

if you'd just man up and admit you were wrong and take your lumps your lives would e easier. but in doing so you'd deprive us of your prolonged suffering. and that would be unfortunate.

Flame away, I'm lov'in it.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
I offered you on a bet tog then you tried to co#k sucker it your way to fit you. So you and mouth can go back to playing with your sesame street dolls.

And I offered you a bet and you aren't man enough to take it.

Here is an out, why not admit the reason your right wing propaganda channel was running with this story was because they were working on behalf of Trump to try and get his own Russia connection buried. Or just take the bet and show you have some faith in your news source and that it isn't just a fake news outlet.

Nah you guys had your chance on the bet you blew it like a Democrat in an election. Besides I wouldn't want to take lunch money from a couple 3rd graders. Go back to playing tummy sticks with your bf tog.
The Clinton's won't be held accountable and the big news story is that Nemo and Tog just need to hide and watch. I think you two ole simple minded boys will be eating crow pretty dang quick.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-31-17 AT 08:27AM (MST)[p]So you don't believe that Trump has the balls to hold the Clinton's accountable? That is priceless

Can you explain why the Trump administration and his justice department will look the other way on a crime?

Here we go. TOG running his mouth about bets again. I told you TOG I will bet you $500.00 or $1000.00 what ever you want that trump does not get impeached. That is a bet that has a real out come. It's not some BS bet that you will want to prove with some horse crump bleeding heart liberal news article. TOG you are the one who gets the woody every time you open your pie hole about Trump being impeached. As you always say STFU about bets ! You are a spineless chump another one of your favorite words !
LAST EDITED ON Mar-31-17 AT 09:04AM (MST)[p]Notags,

Impeachment isn't on the table as far as I am concerned.

I was the one that offered bet on whether the Clinton's would be investigated. So far the yellow streak is too strong for cowards to put any faith in their own fake news. They also must not believe that the Trump administration and his AG care much about the Clintons either. Yet they continue to spout about fake news and carry the water for Trump.

If you want to bash somebody for offering a bet, bash me. I also had to pay off a bet on the general election and the guy I bet was on this board. Ask him if I can back up my bets. So far the cowardice and yellow streak of the ones who make claims but are too chicken to back them up has been shown to run deep in the Trumpateers.

If this Uranium/Russian scandal was a scandal that warranted an investigation, Trump could pick up the Phone, call the Justice Department and get it under way this morning. Why hasn't he done that? Why have Republicans who Chair both the House and Senate Intel committees not started this investigation? Is the entire Republican party and all the conservatives now in bed with the Clinton cover up, too? Why did this fake news story hit the right wing fake news site just a few hours after Trump's tweet?

Maybe you are willing to make a bet that the Clintons are in deep Shyt? I will reduce it to $5 for you and see if you are willing to bet. I know neither of the cowards making claims is man enough to bet.

NEMO you are on here enough to know how many times TOG runs his mouth about bet this bet that. I have offered him a bet on impeachment several times before. He is the one shooting his mouth off about that no one else. I didn't say anything about you wanting to bet anyone. I don't put words in your mouth DONT put any in mine.

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