CO point fee vs NR fishing license?


Very Active Member
So can I buy a fishing license to avoid paying the preference point fee? For example, if I wanted to apply for deer and elk and get preference points it will cost me $80. A non-resident fishing license only costs $56. I'd rather buy the fishing license. Am I interpreting this correctly?

Yes, that is correct, it will save you a few bucks. It must be a 2017 fishing license so it is basically worthless otherwise (expires March 31). Annual small game license will also work, same price.
The true part is that you have to have a 2017 license to be waived the 2018 fees. It can be any hunting or fishing license.
Oops! I read his post too fast. I thought he said if you bought a license now it would be a 2017 license.

Yes, it's too late now.
He can still buy a 2017 fishing license to save the point fee, but like it was said above it expires March 31st.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-19-18 AT 05:32PM (MST)[p]Follow along muley, it's to avoid the $40/species preference point fee. If you purchased a 2017 fishing or small game license you won't be charged the pp fees in the 2018 draw process.

>AT 05:32?PM (MST)

>Follow along muley, it's to avoid
>the $40/species preference point fee.
>If you purchased a 2017
>fishing or small game license
>you won't be charged the
>pp fees in the 2018
>draw process.

You follow along. Why would they sell a 2017 license when the 2018 license is being sold now. Not why would you buy a 2017 license. I know why.

In other words. If you buy a license now you'll get a 2018 license.
>>LAST EDITED ON Mar-19-18
>>AT 05:32?PM (MST)

>>Follow along muley, it's to avoid
>>the $40/species preference point fee.
>>If you purchased a 2017
>>fishing or small game license
>>you won't be charged the
>>pp fees in the 2018
>>draw process.
>You follow along. Why would they
>sell a 2017 license when
>the 2018 license is being
>sold now. Not why would
>you buy a 2017 license.
>I know why.
>In other words. If you buy
>a license now you'll get
>a 2018 license.

Because in order to fish from now until the 31st of March you must have a 2017 fishing license! If you buy a 2018 fishing license in go fishing tomorrow you will be cited for not having a current license! The calendar fishing year ends March 31st as well as the small game calendar year!

It is a loophole Muley. I mean no disrespect, because it is confusing, but here you go: In order to avoid the PP fees for this drawing, you have to have had a license FROM THE PREVIOUS YEAR. Fishing licenses run from April 1 thru March 31, not by calendar year. So you can still buy a 2017 fishing license. Confusing huh? So if you only get one PP you are better off just paying for it, but if you get 2 or more, it is cheaper to buy the worthless fishing license that expires at the end of this month. $56 is cheaper than $80 or $120

So if you bought a 2018 fishing license, it will NOT keep you from being charged for the PP in this years application! Of course if you had a hunting license last fall, you are good to go anyway.

Also, lets say you don't have a license from "last year" and you apply for a deer and elk tag. You get picked for an elk tag buy not a deer tag. Even though you drew a license for this coming year, you will still be charged $40 for the deer PP and any other species you put in for


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
LAST EDITED ON Mar-20-18 AT 08:24AM (MST)[p]I understand all that. I was thinking you couldn't buy a 2017 license because the 2018 is available now. I just got off the phone with the DOW and she said you can still buy a 2017 license for the remaining 2 weeks.

I'm surprised they let you do that. They're so money hungry I didn't think they'd allow anything that cost them money which is the only reason someone would want a 2017 license now. You're legal to use a 2018 license now if you buy one. Even though it starts officially in April. They give you a grace period to use it in what's left of March. At least that's what she said.
>It is a loophole Muley.
>I mean no disrespect, because
>it is confusing, but here
>you go: In order
>to avoid the PP fees
>for this drawing, you have
>to have had a license
>licenses run from April 1
>thru March 31, not by
>calendar year. So you can
>still buy a 2017 fishing
>license. Confusing huh? So
>if you only get one
>PP you are better off
>just paying for it, but
>if you get 2 or
>more, it is cheaper to
>buy the worthless fishing license
>that expires at the end
>of this month. $56
>is cheaper than $80 or
>So if you bought a 2018
>fishing license, it will NOT
>keep you from being charged
>for the PP in this
>years application! Of course
>if you had a hunting
>license last fall, you are
>good to go anyway.
>Also, lets say you don't have
>a license from "last year"
>and you apply for a
>deer and elk tag.
>You get picked for an
>elk tag buy not a
>deer tag. Even though
>you drew a license for
>this coming year, you will
>still be charged $40 for
>the deer PP and any
>other species you put in
>venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore
>I am)

I said more than once I understood that. My point was made in my last post.

Page 5 of the 2018 fishing brochure. They took the time to highlight it in red, didn't see any mention of a grace period. Good luck.

It is all loopholes and games. You gotta dance on the head of a pin and need an attorney to go hunting these days.

I don't really care what they charge for a license or application fee. But I don't like that they weigh it all down with habitat stamps, search and rescue, fishing license's and Lord knows what all else.

I'd dang sure like to spend more time hunting and less time reading Regs.
Why get all pissy when you were in wrong to begin with?

We tried to explain it to you but you wouldn't have any part of it!!!

It is what it is like it or not!!!
>So can I buy a fishing
>license to avoid paying the
>preference point fee? For example,
>if I wanted to apply
>for deer and elk and
>get preference points it will
>cost me $80. A non-resident
>fishing license only costs $56.
>I'd rather buy the fishing
>license. Am I interpreting this

I am guessing you didn't hunt Colorado at all last year?
>Just passing on what I was
>told. Go argue with them
>and get off my ass.

Have you made one true statement on this thread?

I agree with muley
I understand where he's coming from and see the point he is trying to make.
It's hard to believe they would do anything that would cost them money.
What really ticks me off about Colorado Parks and wildlife is that if you have to return a tag for some reason they keep your tag fee money which for a nonresident is a lot. And you don't even gain a point for that year that you return the tag. So you lose your money and a point that sucks.
I'm glad Nevada division of wildlife aren't such tight asses.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-20-18 AT 06:47PM (MST)[p]
> I agree with muley
> I understand where he's coming
>from and see the point
>he is trying to make.
> It's hard to believe they
>would do anything that would
>cost them money.
>What really ticks me off about
>Colorado Parks and wildlife is
>that if you have to
>return a tag for some
>reason they keep your tag
>fee money which for a
>nonresident is a lot.
>And you don't even gain
>a point for that year
>that you return the tag.
> So you lose your
>money and a point that
>I'm glad Nevada division of wildlife
>aren't such tight asses.

Reread post 1 and 2....then 4 and 6, I still didn't see his point at this point. Dudes all over the place.

To be honest the only posts I read were from today March 20.
You are correct he is a bit all over the place.
Still I believe he is speaking on emotion and his common sense and not necessarily what the facts really are which is there is a loophole in the system.
I'm pretty sure we all get it now.
I guess I can't call it a loophole. If it were up to me apps would still be due in June. But they're due in April and the small game and fishing licences expire on March 31st. Wanna fix it? Make em due in June again!

>>LAST EDITED ON Mar-19-18
>>AT 05:32?PM (MST)

>>Follow along muley, it's to avoid
>>the $40/species preference point fee.
>>If you purchased a 2017
>>fishing or small game license
>>you won't be charged the
>>pp fees in the 2018
>>draw process.
>You follow along. Why would they
>sell a 2017 license when
>the 2018 license is being
>sold now. Not why would
>you buy a 2017 license.
>I know why.
>In other words. If you buy
>a license now you'll get
>a 2018 license.

You have no point.

LAST EDITED ON Mar-20-18 AT 11:18PM (MST)[p]Well it's awesoem to know this since I am applying this Friday, so I will be purchasing a fishing license good for 2017 now to save money for the long term when I don't draw anything haha ,since I am going to be applying for every species .
>Well it's awesoem to know this
>since I am applying this
>Friday, so I will be
>purchasing a fishing license good
>for 2017 now to save
>money for the killing term
>since I am going to
>be applying for every species

Maybe you can explain it to muley BradA.

Sure thing buy a 2017 fishing or small game hunting license and save money seems simple enough but I'm sure a lot of people aren't aware of it and waste the extra money.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-21-18 AT 09:15AM (MST)[p]>>Well it's awesoem to know this
>>since I am applying this
>>Friday, so I will be
>>purchasing a fishing license good
>>for 2017 now to save
>>money for the killing term
>>since I am going to
>>be applying for every species
>Maybe you can explain it to
>muley BradA.

Let me explain myself again.

I understood on the first post why he wanted to buy a 2017 license. It's so he'd show a license for 2017 and save the money from $80 down to $56. I'm sure everybody understood that.

That's the only reason someone would pay for an annual 2017 license with only two weeks left on it.

With that in mind. I thought it strange the DOW would still allow it that to be done once the 2018 license was available. That's when I called to find out. It turned out they did allow it and she was surprised as me that it was allowed. So, I was wrong and admitted it.

Simple to understand. I'm willing to bet at some point they'll close that loophole. They don't like losing money.
I believe Colorado is well aware that they are losing preference fee's. I state this because they are transparent in the regulations on page 18 of "how to avoid preference fees".
But I don't think they are actually losing money. Its like a shell game for them, if they sell more fishing licenses they are able to get different contributions through certain enacted funds. I think several states do this combo hunting fishing option for NR's at a reduced rate to get more revenue. I believe it has to do with a match for federal funding.. so at the end of the day either way they are making plenty of money.
Yeah, you could be right. It's not like them to lose money, so it has to be something like what you said.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-21-18 AT 09:25AM (MST)[p]They would have to do more than close the "loophole". They would have to change the rule. If the rule is valid if you buy the license last April and use it for the whole year, then it is valid if you buy the license this week. Just because you don't use the license at all doesn't change the fact that you did buy a license for the previous season.

I too have heard they get more funds from the federalies when they sell more fishing licenses, so I doubt they will change it.


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
They could say you can't buy a 2017 license once the 2018 license is available because they know why you'd want one.

You're right though. Probably not worth the bother. How many actually do that?
What about the guy that just wants to go fishing and don't give a rats a$$ about applying for tags. Lots of people travel to CO to fish.
>What about the guy that just
>wants to go fishing and
>don't give a rats a$$
>about applying for tags.
>Lots of people travel to
>CO to fish.

Good luck with that tracker!

>What about the guy that just
>wants to go fishing and
>don't give a rats a$$
>about applying for tags.
>Lots of people travel to
>CO to fish.

Yes, lot's of them. They wouldn't buy an annual license that only had two weeks left on it. You can get shorter length licenses like one day, 3 day etc.

This is not the best time to fish. Most NR will come a little later when hatches have started. There are always exceptions.

Anyway, I learned something in all this. I always thought once a new year fishing license became available that the previous year wasn't available anymore. I was wrong all these years. Live and learn.
Nope, I put in and didn't draw. I have 1 point now and am trying to decide if will I go hunt this year or just buy points. Trying to find the best deal. Sounds like a useless fishing license is less expensive than buying 2 points.

Thank you guys for posting on this topic!
It saved me $64. I had forgotten all about the previous years license provision and yes I did no go through the regulations like one should.
Good luck with the draws!
I just read the big game regs and it's a little confusing. It sounds like you won't get charged pref pt fees if you buy either an annual fishing or small game license. The small game license is actually a little cheaper (if you aren't going fishing in the next few days). A couple other ways to avoid the pref pt fee is if you drew ANY big game license in 2017 or happen to draw the same species you are applying for in the 2018 draw.

My son drew a bighorn sheep tag in 2017 so it sounds like he is exempt from having to buy a 2017 small game or fishing license?
"My son drew a bighorn sheep tag in 2017 so it sounds like he is exempt from having to buy a 2017 small game or fishing license?"

I agree it is confusing. I had a similar question and called a hunt planner yesterday. Yes, if you had any big game license last year (sheep, mountain goat, moose, included) you won't be charged the $40 preference point fee for antelope, deer, or elk and don't need to buy a 2017 small game or fishing license...

Muley - I really have no dog in this fight. But are you going to depend on what some gal said on the phone with the DOW call in vendor or THE ACTUAL regulation published in the DOW annual fishing regulations guide? Guys have tried repeatedly to explain and reason with you and you seem incapable of understanding or wanting to understand. If you went fishing and tried to tell the game warden that you have a grace period when the regulations book makes no mention of such how do you think that would turn out? Guys like you make reading the posts on MM more entertaining than going to a $10 movie!
Now you're really out in left field by trying to interject into the debate what DOW "could say" as opposed to what the actual regulations are!
The other reason this rule might make money is some may decide I'm buying a fishing license to save money in fees, next year I'll buy it early and come to Colorado fishing. Ken

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