Colorado Big Game Survey


Long Time Member
LAST EDITED ON Dec-29-18 AT 12:14PM (MST)[p]I apologize up front if the link doesn't work.

CPW has a survey open from the next big game season structure. Based upon the questions in the survey it seems CPW is poised to make more changes and with Colorado you never know the outcome.

Another link to the CPW page.

Edit weblink.

"Courage is being scared to death but
saddling up anyway."
>?What Gender do you identify as?

Tell me that's not one of the 19 questions?

>>?What Gender do you identify as?
>Tell me that's not one of
>the 19 questions?

It's Colorado. The new norm. Should I have typed this with my pinky out?

"Courage is being scared to death but
saddling up anyway."
DW, it is.

>>?What Gender do you identify as?
>Tell me that's not one of
>the 19 questions?

it is DW......very important data for game management.....


GOODWIN: Dems really do love Republicans -- when they're dead...
They should have had an option where archery was still OTC for residents and capped or draw only for Nonresidents.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-30-18 AT 03:50PM (MST)[p]I responded with a draw only archery season opinion. I believe there is too much pressure during archery season and it impacts the rifle seasons negatively.

>AT 03:50?PM (MST)

>I responded with a draw only
>archery season opinion. I believe
>there is too much pressure
>during archery season and it
>impacts the rifle seasons negatively.

Haha. Yeah archery hunters screw all the rifle hunters up. Sorry but there is no chance that archery should go limited if you still have OTC for rifle seasons. If you are a poor rifle hunter I suppose you need to blame it on something.

I do not see Limiting opportunity as a good thing, especially when it is not done so to protect the resource. The biggest threat to our future is lack of hunters. Everyone wants to sacrifice someone else?s opportujity for their own game. As a result we all end up with less opportunity. Before we ever consider going limited archery, we should first try OTC with caps for NR only. Then if that is not limiting enough go further, but going all limited for archery state wide is a horrible idea.
>Isn?t OTC with caps sort of
>the same thing as limiting

Not exactly. However my argument is for limiting the NR only. Do caps for the NR, let the residents be. By your selection onnthe aurvey you were voting for a limited draw. Also just because a unit goes to limited draw does not mean there will automatically be less pressure.

With the Rifle seasons still otc a 30% decrease in archery licenses/hunters will only add more hunters to rifle.

Sadly the survey does not allow for these options. Archery should be about opportunity as it is not a viable
Management Tool.
There should be no OTC elk tags. Colorado is the catch all for elk hunters. If they dont draw a tag anywhere else, in their back pocket is "well, we can always go to Colorado".

Wait until you see what's going to happen at the game and fish meetings in Idaho this month, it's going to be shocking and it will make a lot of residents unhappy.I would spill it out here, but just heard it yesterday and want to make sure it's true. Stay tuned, the first meeting should be coming up in twin falls within a couple of weeks. As for Colorado, it's hard to see where P.P.s are going to play out, I am fortunate to have a lot of points in Colo.and hope to burn them within the next couple of years, but my kids don't have a chance to draw a premium tag in Colorado. Over the last couple of years it's been easy to see all these states with P.P.s are getting bottled necked into a mess, so the states answers are to open the flood gates and let everyone in with no money down.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-02-19 AT 11:26AM (MST)[p]I agree Elks. I think OTC should be a residents only option and let NR?s fight it out in the draws and left overs for their share in the tags. I do think the increased pressure during archery season over the past decade due to bowhunting becoming the hip thing to do now has ultimately impacted the quality of the otc archery hunt. People have many hypothesizes about why the elk rut has been so off the past 5 plus years and mine is simply that there are way more hunters in the woods in September that there used to be. Thus, elk in pressured units have adapted per say and have began to rut primarily in the 2 week window between archery and 1st rifle. I'm not all that imposed for archery tags going to a statewide OTC with a cap just to limit some pressure on the elk during September. I think quality and opportunity need to go hand in hand. I highly doubt CPW will give up the NR tag sale revenue gravy train they've rode so long willingly though.

LAST EDITED ON Jan-02-19 AT 05:35PM (MST)[p]The BEST or Worst thing about totally limited elk is GMU specific. How many guys on here hunted more then 1 unit last year? I always did hunt 55 and 551..when the North Gunny units went limited archery that was no more it sucks but I believe archery in ONE unit is a better hunt here now that its limited. Colorado will be totally limited elk soon out of necessity to many humans now... with a bunch more coming.. will it be this 5 year? No they are not far sited enough to do it NOW when they could still issue good numbers of licences. They will wait until it's a crisis. And that's coming...take a look at post hunt cow to calf ratios...we have a problem. I commented "FOR"
State wide LIMITED Elk all manners of take.
Also just because they decide to go limited, does not necessarily mean fewer hunters. My home unit actually saw about a 30% increase in Muzzy elk hunters when they went away from statewide licenses. Basically, more people started hunting a low end unit since it was someplace they knew they could go. When the unit was part of the statewide it saw little pressure because guy could hunt better habitat and larger herds.

Just because it goes limited does not mean fewer hunters will hunt it.
>AT 05:35?PM (MST)

>The BEST or Worst thing about
>totally limited elk is GMU
>specific. How many guys on
>here hunted more then 1
>unit last year? I
>always did hunt 55 and
>551..when the North Gunny units
>went limited archery that was
>no more it sucks but
>I believe archery in ONE
>unit is a better hunt
>here now that its limited.
>Colorado will be totally limited
>elk soon out of necessity
>to many humans now... with
>a bunch more coming.. will
>it be this 5 year?
> No they are not
>far sited enough to do
>it NOW when they could
>still issue good numbers of
>licences. They will wait
>until it's a crisis. And
>that's coming...take a look at
>post hunt cow to calf
>ratios...we have a problem. I
>commented "FOR"
>State wide LIMITED Elk all manners
>of take.

How will state wide limited bull licenses help cow calf ratios? I will wait for an answer to this... Also how does unlimited bull
Tags for 2nd and 3rd seasons affect over all herd number?
ELKS good point on increase in some units.
State wide LIMITED isn't instant magic. We know CPAW will be too liberal with tag #s. My opinions are long term. I do not think our elk herds can sustain OTC indefinitely with all the other stressesers. Habitat loss habitat conditions highway mortality expoding recreation disturbances at all times of the year.
Invasive weeds. What I'm saying is I do not believe our elk resource will allow every one to hunt every year. That is tough for me to say but that day is coming. How does OTC affect calf per100? This fall opening evening of 3rd large #s moved to low accessble ground. In 55 The cell phone towers melted down. Sunday AM was a blood bath. OTC hunters left 54 and 551 to get in on it. I went real low to keep my deer hunter out of it. Didn't work..historiclly these big slaughters happen every 7 to 10 years. But this fall the technology of 2018, cell phones,radios,side by sides was really obvious.we over harvested antlerless elk this year in 55. A large # of calves couldn't keep up. I helped an old couple load one at the end of the season head shot 20 yards off road bedded. Her lungs were black. She was dying of pneumonia from her 20 mile run on That Sunday. Fall of 2018 was a lot different than fall of 1978. I'm hopefull some one still has an elk to hunt fall of 2058.
It's a state wide deal Tomichi. Same thing happens in the later seasons in the NW corner. I haven't seen it as much lately due to a lot of the mirgration patterns have seemingly changed. But I can vividly remember as a kid witnessing some all-out slaughters in the 3rd and 4th seasons in units 3/301 and 11/211 that looked like the buffalo hunt scene in dances with wolves.

LAST EDITED ON Jan-17-19 AT 09:17AM (MST)[p]We seriously need to take a look at Wyoming's way of doing things. Yes I know we have more people, but if anyone gets capped it needs to be nonresidents. Resident hunters are more weekend warriors, where nonresidents come out and pressure animals for longer periods of time. Before this website and magazines ruined GMU 35 for deer, and it was primarily resident hunters. I can remember the GMU emptying out on Sunday afternoon and being abandoned until the next weekend. Now I hunt the Craig area and I see way more nonresident hunters than I do residents.

If we limited nonresident hunting we could possibly have a walk-in program like Montana's Block Management or Wyoming's Access Yes, but right now the state cant compete with the outfitters and nonresidents leasing everything.

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