Colorado Lion Hunting Ban SB22-031


Long Time Member
Just a heads up currently in the Ag and Natural Resource Committee is a bull created by liberal
Front range reps. The bull would
Ban all hunting trapping and wounding of Lion, Bobcats and Lynx.

Colorado I wish you luck. Anyone with Colorado
Points, between wolves, bears and now lions the deer will not stand a chance!!!
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I heard someone mention this on the commission meeting stream today. Absolutely ridiculous. We already can’t keep the black bears out of peoples yards, the wolves that we don’t have yet have killed livestock and dogs in the Walden area and now they want to unleash the fury of another apex predator. Good times !!! ????
The Colorado legislative majority are more special needs people anymore that can't even wipe their own butt. Way to go democrats!!!!

Welcome to Colorado where political wildlife management is the chosen way.
Colorado is becoming the same as Oregon, Washington. That is being a little California due to liberal Democrats in office listening to the radical idiots residing in the state.
Thought Colorado residents loved and praised all the west coast transplants. I really hate just seeing west coast plates even driving through Idaho. I know it won't be long until we get the same laws from transplants because wherever these people live its one big zoo in their eyes.
Colorado is screwed.

The majority of people who live south and East of Craig will be happy as clams if this bill passes.

I will send letters to all the legislators for all the good it will do.
I have a somewhat bad feeling about this. I never though wolves would be re introduced. But here we are, if it happens it will be a huge shame.
Colorado is screwed.

The majority of people who live south and East of Craig will be happy as clams if this bill passes.

I will send letters to all the legislators for all the good it will do.
I would argue that the majority of counties to the south of Craig would not be “happy as clams.” The western slope is still primarily good hard working Republicans.
This would NEVER pass if it was only west slope voters.

I’m also concerned that this (or something like it) could actually pass. How the hell can we fight ballot box biology?
My hope is that it will never make it to the ballot like the early attempt to ban the trapping of bobcats. But like prop 114, if it gets to to the ballot we are screwed. Colorado is going downhill fast and this could be the final nail in the coffin. Regardless, as a 4th generation native of the state. I will not be renewing my residency in 2023…
I am with you, I need to move to AK.
My hope is that it will never make it to the ballot like the early attempt to ban the trapping of bobcats. But like prop 114, if it gets to to the ballot we are screwed. Colorado is going downhill fast and this could be the final nail in the coffin. Regardless, as a 4th generation native of the state. I will not be renewing my residency in 2023…
These Liberal idiots have a agenda,They got there people in were they wanted them several years ago, this is a threat to my way of life and yours.I hope we can stand up and defend the way the west has been for my lifetime.VOTE VOTE when you get the opportunity and stand strong!
Colorados degeneration into left wing lunacy has always amazed me. Middle of the country, western as it comes and somehow resembles the left coast. Real shame
I have a friend that lives in Neterata,Not sure if that is spelled correctly or not but he is a outfitter and I hunted lions with him 30 years ago,He is still going strong and so are the cats,When they took the Bear chase away up teen years ago that was the beginning of the western states fight for our rights.I wished I would of been more pro active back then!
Just FYI this is not going to the ballot. In all honesty if it did it would fail. This is a bill and the legislature can pass this bill.

This is going to go the way of spring bear hunts. Legislature will pass it and only the legislature can take it away.

We will need to write the legislature and let them know where we stand. With any hopes this will not leave the the AG and Natural resources Committee...
Looking at the Committee make up our entire hope rides on Donovan. A democratic ranchers from Eagle County. I am not sure I put much faith in her. I am not sure if she will rely on her ranching background or if she is going to stay true to party lines?
Looking at the Committee make up our entire hope rides on Donovan. A democratic ranchers from Eagle County. I am not sure I put much faith in her. I am not sure if she will rely on her ranching background or if she is going to stay true to party lines?
A democrat rancher from eagle county probably means she has 3 alpacas, 2 goats and 12 marijuana plants to her resume.
Don't think there are not other means to pressure these PETA puffer liberal legislatures. Talk with your County commissioners, city councils, Cattlemen Associations, Stock growers ass., Wool growers ass., Farm Bureau, Conservation Districts, Colorado Association of Conservation Districts, etc. They do have influence and straight lines to these legislative pukes.
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I would argue that the majority of counties to the south of Craig would not be “happy as clams.” The western slope is still primarily good hard working Republicans.
I said to the south and east, Thats directly towards Denver, Boulder and Colorado Springs.
It was a figure of speech so just settle down., I'm on your side. SMH
I have a friend that lives in Neterata,Not sure if that is spelled correctly or not but he is a outfitter and I hunted lions with him 30 years ago,He is still going strong and so are the cats,When they took the Bear chase away up teen years ago that was the beginning of the western states fight for our rights.I wished I would of been more pro active back then!
Naturita, or NastyRita if you live nearby.:) Just over the hill from here.

We got bears eating joggers now. I guess that’s harmony.
Just a heads up currently in the Ag and Natural Resource Committee is a bull created by liberal
Front range reps. The bull would
Ban all hunting trapping and wounding of Lion, Bobcats and Lynx.

Colorado I wish you luck. Anyone with Colorado
Points, between wolves, bears and now lions the deer will not stand a chance!!!

Where is jims?
Here's how its going to go; No more mountain lion hunting, no more leg traps, no more chasing bears with dogs, then no more hunting bobcats. That's just a guess, not sure what kind out idiots would allow people to vote like that.
Here's how its going to go; No more mountain lion hunting, no more leg traps, no more chasing bears with dogs, then no more hunting bobcats. That's just a guess, not sure what kind out idiots would allow people to vote like that.
Leg hold traps already gone, hound hinting bears already gone, spring bear hunt already gone.
By my prediction by 2030 Colorado will be in a sad state… the management of black bear has been absolute failure for the past 30 years since the banning of the spring hunt. The introduction of wolves in 2024 will have devastating effects on a thriving Shiras moose and elk population. And the possibility of ending lion hunting will be the final nail in the coffin in an already decimated/poorly managed mule deer population. It is absolutely incredible on all accounts that Colorado can produce any sort of trophy class mule deer as of late. I truly fear for what western biggame hunting will be 20 to 30 years from now.
By my prediction by 2030 Colorado will be in a sad state… the management of black bear has been absolute failure for the past 30 years since the banning of the spring hunt. The introduction of wolves in 2024 will have devastating effects on a thriving Shiras moose and elk population. And the possibility of ending lion hunting will be the final nail in the coffin in an already decimated/poorly managed mule deer population. It is absolutely incredible on all accounts that Colorado can produce any sort of trophy class mule deer as of late. I truly fear for what western biggame hunting will be 20 to 30 years from now.
Read this!
This is where we’re at!!!
This is going to go the way of spring bear hunts. Legislature will pass it and only the legislature can take it away.
To clarify, the spring bear hunts were shutdown via a VOTER initiative, not by the legislature. Per law, the only thing the legislature can do now is to improve it; they cannot get rid of the ban.

The passage of that ballot measure was a pretty sure thing since a CDOW bear biologist was all for the closure. I can't recall his name now, but I did a long phone interview with him for an article I wrote for Rocky Mt. Game & Fish magazine.
To clarify, the spring bear hunts were shutdown via a VOTER initiative, not by the legislature. Per law, the only thing the legislature can do now is to improve it; they cannot get rid of the ban.

The passage of that ballot measure was a pretty sure thing since a CDOW bear biologist was all for the closure. I can't recall his name now, but I did a long phone interview with him for an article I wrote for Rocky Mt. Game & Fish magazine.
He's back
So the cold hard truth is until we get voting for wildlife issues off the ballot system, there is nothing we can do. So, how does this stop?

Where is RMBS, RMEF, SCI, P&Y etc? All feel good orgs that take your money when times are good, but don't do **** when we all know what the problem is.

To clarify, the spring bear hunts were shutdown via a VOTER initiative, not by the legislature. Per law, the only thing the legislature can do now is to improve it; they cannot get rid of the ban.

The passage of that ballot measure was a pretty sure thing since a CDOW bear biologist was all for the closure. I can't recall his name now, but I did a long phone interview with him for an article I wrote for Rocky Mt. Game & Fish magazine.
I have a friend that lives in Neterata,Not sure if that is spelled correctly or not but he is a outfitter and I hunted lions with him 30 years ago,He is still going strong and so are the cats,When they took the Bear chase away up teen years ago that was the beginning of the western states fight for our rights.I wished I would of been more pro active back then!
At least we have Perry Will on our side if it helps who knows!!
I visit with Perry quite a bit. He has shared considerable frustration with how the democrats leading our Colorado ram awful legislation through with no worries for the long term impacts. All emotionally party driven legislation. I find it ironic they don't use his experiences and educated knowledge to their advantage but the almighty party is where it's at superseding common sense.
But I just read an article recommended by a fellow MMer that the future of hunting is Trophy Hunting. I'm not worried... Lets cut tags by 95% (to account for predation) and let the elites hunt the remaining trophies. The rest of us can just ? their pics on social media...
So the cold hard truth is until we get voting for wildlife issues off the ballot system, there is nothing we can do. So, how does this stop?

Where is RMBS, RMEF, SCI, P&Y etc? All feel good orgs that take your money when times are good, but don't do **** when we all know what the problem is.
I chatted with Hogan Peterson today, he is the Colorado MDF Regional Director and also a Republican committee member for the House of Representatives.
They will undoubtedly be fighting this thing with both barrels loaded and urge everyone that is willing and able to fight with them to do so.
This bill CANNOT pass.
Everyone thought is was funny when all this was happening in California.....

All the commercial fishermen were behind the stop logging movement in California, and then when the environmentalists came for the commercial fishermen they cried for help. Hahaha!
Colorado as been good to me as a hunter.
I will write letters and send money, even if it is a lost cause.

We hunters are our one of our own enemies. We fight with each other. Resident vs. nonresident, bow vs. riffle vs. muzz., don't use any tech. I don' like, ect. (I could go on)
We tell or allow the non hunting public to see and hear the infighting, and all the things we think are BAD about hunting. This is not happening with fishing. No infighting about bait vs artificial, fly vs spinning, use of hi tech. (electronics, scent, new line ect.) The non fishing public isn't against fishing.
We and the fish and game departments aren't doing your jobs of increasing wildlife and telling everyone about it. There are great organizations doing good work, it's not enough.
How do we stop this infighting ?
How do we increase wildlife so everyone will see hunting is conservation ?
Colorado as been good to me as a hunter.
I will write letters and send money, even if it is a lost cause.

We hunters are our one of our own enemies. We fight with each other. Resident vs. nonresident, bow vs. riffle vs. muzz., don't use any tech. I don' like, ect. (I could go on)
We tell or allow the non hunting public to see and hear the infighting, and all the things we think are BAD about hunting. This is not happening with fishing. No infighting about bait vs artificial, fly vs spinning, use of hi tech. (electronics, scent, new line ect.) The non fishing public isn't against fishing.
We and the fish and game departments aren't doing your jobs of increasing wildlife and telling everyone about it. There are great organizations doing good work, it's not enough.
How do we stop this infighting ?
How do we increase wildlife so everyone will see hunting is conservation ?
The CPW pissed off “a few” of the fishermen recently when they started requiring a hunting license to access waters thru CPW properties.

I’m being nice of course.
Colorado as been good to me as a hunter.
I will write letters and send money, even if it is a lost cause.

We hunters are our one of our own enemies. We fight with each other. Resident vs. nonresident, bow vs. riffle vs. muzz., don't use any tech. I don' like, ect. (I could go on)
We tell or allow the non hunting public to see and hear the infighting, and all the things we think are BAD about hunting. This is not happening with fishing. No infighting about bait vs artificial, fly vs spinning, use of hi tech. (electronics, scent, new line ect.) The non fishing public isn't against fishing.
We and the fish and game departments aren't doing your jobs of increasing wildlife and telling everyone about it. There are great organizations doing good work, it's not enough.
How do we stop this infighting ?
How do we increase wildlife so everyone will see hunting is conservation ?
Not meaning to argue, but I am an avid fisherman, a tournament bass fisherman of 20+ years.
Your comparison of fly fisherman to other types of fisherman isn't even remotely close to archery versus rifle.

Do I as a fisherman think we will start seeing regulation on tournament fisherman, hell yes, it's inevitable and needs to happen.
The mere fact that someone can cash a million dollar check because he has the latest and greatest in technology doesn't make him a better fisherman, it makes him a better "catcher".
Colorado is screwed.

The majority of people who live south and East of Craig will be happy as clams if this bill passes.

I will send letters to all the legislators for all the good it will do.
I wrote to all on the ag committee, I know it may to squat but I’ve got every guy I know who hunts to write too. Im hoping common sense prevails and kills the bill… but too many damn Kommiefornians are here now
You hunters in Colorado are already screwed on the mountain lion hunting ban. If the voters in Colorado voted in the law stopping bear hunting, you do not have a snowball chance in Hades stopping a hunting ban on mountain lions. The animal lover libs has you out numbered in voting power with your politicians. You are going down the tubes just like we did here in CA.

Not meaning to argue, but I am an avid fisherman, a tournament bass fisherman of 20+ years.
Your comparison of fly fisherman to other types of fisherman isn't even remotely close to archery versus rifle.

Do I as a fisherman think we will start seeing regulation on tournament fisherman, hell yes, it's inevitable and needs to happen.
The mere fact that someone can cash a million dollar check because he has the latest and greatest in technology doesn't make him a better fisherman, it makes him a better "catcher".
My comparison to fishing may not be the best. I don't care who is the best fisherman or hunter. I'm not trying to have the conversation about technology or ethics. I'm trying to talk about the things we as hunters are showing the voting non hunting public. I believe we (hunters and wildlife departments) show them far more negatives than positives. We supply anti hunters information to mislead voters. Of coarse I don't think wildlife issues should be decided at the ballot box. But until the public see's more good than bad from hunting (perceived or real) this anti hunting strategy will continue to work, therefor will continue to be used.
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The CPW pissed off “a few” of the fishermen recently when they started requiring a hunting license to access waters thru CPW properties.

I’m being nice of course.
Not sure what to say. Other than.
Seems stupid to require a hunting license to fish.
You hunters in Colorado are already screwed on the mountain lion hunting ban. If the voters in Colorado voted in the law stopping bear hunting, you do not have a snowball chance in Hades stopping a hunting ban on mountain lions. The animal lover libs has you out numbered in voting power with your politicians. You are going down the tubes just like we did here in CA.

The name of the CDOW bear biologist who was in favor of banning the spring hunt was Tom Beck. The biggest issue he pushed was the killing of nursing females, which led to the eventual death of just born cubs. Of course, the antis also touted the use of bait & dogs as unethical practices. Throw all that out in front of the voters in the middle, and it's no surprise the measure passed by a 70% to 30% margin.

In AZ, the AGFD was aware of what happened & decided to avoid a "coming to a theater near you" scene where a ballot vote ended it all forever & ever. So to save the spring season, the AGFD shut down dogs & baiting. Although the latter can be reinstated, it's not likely to happen. We still have spring bear hunting, however.

It'll be interesting to see what goes on with lion ban. Right now, it's a legislative issue, but that could change in a heartbeat.
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There is a great article I read a few years back that I wish I could find. It tracked the money and mortality of lions in Oregon after the dog ban.

They actually kill more lions now per year in Oregon than they did in pre-ban. Some were problem cats that the state was dealing with and some were hunter harvest. At the same time the state was making more money per year on lion tags.
I am willing to bet that Colorado will make the lions a protected species like they did here in CA. and no hunting allowed.

I know CA DFG use to spend a lot of money hiring hound guys to kill problem cats and help control them on the winter ranges. Not sure what happens now.
So the cold hard truth is until we get voting for wildlife issues off the ballot system, there is nothing we can do. So, how does this stop?

Where is RMBS, RMEF, SCI, P&Y etc? All feel good orgs that take your money when times are good, but don't do **** when we all know what the problem is.
I agree! These organizations are terrible and need to actually do something. They need to put their money where their mouth is. I remember hearing at one point that a couple of states (maybe Michigan or Wisconsin) passed a law to NOT allow wildlife management by ballot initiatives.
I agree! These organizations are terrible and need to actually do something. They need to put their money where their mouth is. I remember hearing at one point that a couple of states (maybe Michigan or Wisconsin) passed a law to NOT allow wildlife management by ballot initiatives.

Wish California did that before we got into this predicament!!!
LIK2HNT, It would not have changed anything. The Fish and Wildlife board was filled with libs that for the most part are anti hunting. Look what they did with the board president who was pro hunting. He went on a out of state legal mountain lion hunt and posted a photo on the web with his mountain lion that he killed. For that he was fired from the board.
Jims, what about all the small town gas stations that rely on hunters? Where are you at jims? You do care about your home state....don't ya.
Here is the pattern I see in Colorado... The legislature comes up with extreme proposals to get the conversation rolling and the idea/seed planted. They do this 2-3 times with something they know will not pass but it gets enough headlines and chatter to get the idiots in the front range moving. Then in a couple years of it being in the background as chatter they bring something that is not nearly as crazy or stupid sounding and people jump at it saying oh this is not nearly as bad as it was and much more reasonable.

Kind of like the bill about Artificial Insemination, Branding, etc. They introduced it, it sounded crazy, they will do it again, and again then finally they will come in with a bill not as extreme but still stupid extreme compared to what it was 20 years ago and people will be like that seems reasonable.
Also I must point out. In high school I tried telling the CPW, and every conservation organization that I could we needed to protect hunting and trapping in Colorado. I remember walking into a meeting in Aspen as a young high schooler and being the only person willing to talk about the pros of trapping and why trapping ban was bad. I remember asking people to speak up against the hound hunting bear ban.

For the last 20 years I have tried convincing any organization I could to take on the right to fish and huint legislation. THat we needed to have it protected. None of the organizations ever moved on that... I got email and responses that agreed it was needed and a good idea, but none ever moved. SFW, RMEF, Sheep Foundation, CBA, etc. When I sat on the Sportsman Round Table and also on the Governors Advisory committee, I tried hard to get people o come together. Again no one would pick up the ball and run with it... Now I am afraid it is too late... I hope I am wrong and we might get something on the books, we have protected the right to farm and ranch on some level (the idea that a new subdivision cant move in next to a dairy then complain and sue over the dairy operations), but never once did anyone try to protect the CPW as the wildlife managers and nothing to say that hunting, fishing and trapping were the desired methods of species management.
It would be logical to seek counsel from the experts that have studied wildlife biology/management whose salaries are already being paid. Instead, ironically the people who claim to place science above emotion choose to make an emotional decision on the matter. It's scary and sad the hypocrisy and decisions being made in the country nowadays! I sure hope common sense and logical thinking prevail, but if not I guess their decision will help solve the problem of CWD
But the issue is not dead!

They may try another time or two in the legislature before they go to a ballot initiative but believe me, one is coming.

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