Colorado unit 10 and 22 on fire...


Long Time Member
LAST EDITED ON Jun-12-17 AT 04:41PM (MST)[p]Been watching this pretty close. Fires in both unit 10 and 22. The wind today is unreal and when everything settles the fires have the potential to get huge!

Unit 10 fire went from 40 acres yesterday and I am willing to bet it will be over 2500 today as the wind is u real and supposed to blow hard until after dark.

Unit 22 fire was around 1000 acres yesterday. They are fighting it hard as there are major natural gas structures in the area worth big money. However the wind in Rifle has been unreal.
Wind Was Un-Real today!

Whole Basin was nothing but a Big Dust Bowl!

Stay Safe Everybody!

[Font][Font color = "blue"]Ah yes we have insider trading and computer dating but I never goin for that!
Ain't no machine pickin out my Queen cause it may not have all the facts!
I've got my own taste and my own ways I'd rather not talk about
and my private life is my private life and they ain't gonna find out!

I gave up trying to farm about 10am, at 4pm a sycamore tree fell on the office. It made me flinch.
>I gave up trying to farm
>about 10am, at 4pm a
>sycamore tree fell on the
>office. It made me

Yeah can imagine you were doing much good in the fields today.
Over 5000 acres now in unit 10. The wind was crazy enough where it caused​ rock slides with up rooted trees on Douglas Pass.

The fires in 10 and 22 will help the range which was in need of a good refreshing. Both fires are in wintering areas.

"Courage is being scared to death but
saddling up anyway."
LAST EDITED ON Jun-13-17 AT 10:34AM (MST)[p]>Over 5000 acres now in unit
>10. The wind was crazy
>enough where it caused​ rock
>slides with up rooted trees
>on Douglas Pass.
>The fires in 10 and 22
>will help the range which
>was in need of a
>good refreshing. Both fires are
>in wintering areas.
>"Courage is being scared to death
>saddling up anyway."

Both honestly need the fires as you said. Lots of old sage with no nutrition value and heavy junipers choking out ground cover.
Both are getting bigger and I agree fire is good! I wish they would let the 22 fire run some. But too much gas development
Over 16,000 acres now and growing. Little Rangely is gonna be a national sensation at this rate of burn.

"Courage is being scared to death but
saddling up anyway."
>YIKES!! How is this going to
>effect my 22 3rd season
>deer tag I wonder?

22 will be fine it is a good th9ng to burn in the winter ranges. Wish it was growing more... but the dead dog fire is kicking arse!
The deer still need winter range to eat though right? I wonder if it will move them to different winter areas this year
Hopefully whoever is in charge of fire rehab can do something to combat the annual grasses prevalent in the west. The results of a fire today is vastly different than 30 years ago.
mt runner nailed it....CHEAT GRASS is not deer food.
30 years ago I was a big fan of not so much.. Especially In the sage ecosystem, because of cheat grass.
In the Gunnison Basin Cheat grass is gaining a few hundred feet of elevation every year... We are headed towards a two dimensional resource down here. Cheat Grass and MT bike trails....Public lands management at it's finest.
I wouldn't call the Dead Dog fire a good thing. Deer need the sagebrush for winter food. The Wyoming sagebrush at that elevation will likely take 30 years to recover. Problem is, cheatgrass will flourish even more now and the fire return interval will be shorter and will keep sagebrush from ever returning. Cheatgrass has created an ecological dead end. If pre-emergent herbicide (Plateau) can be applied to all 15,000 acres as well as seeding and seed bed preparation, maybe the long term impacts can be minimized. But that will cost millions. Fire is good at higher elevations, but you really don't want it burning up you winter range if cheatgrass in present.

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