Condor on my Gutpile!


Very Active Member
I shot a boar this weekend, then found this Condor (DFG Tag #87 on its wing) on my gutpile when I went back to look for something I forgot the next day. It did not seem afraid of me. This pic is with a crappy cell phone camera... Too Cool! Yes, I used a lead free Hornady GMX bullet on the pig.

I hunted in new mexico with a guy in 2b a few years ago and saw a condor flying around with tagged wings.
They are pretty magnificent birds, but wonder how much a pound they cost the taxpayers of this country? I'm guessing more than gold.
>They are pretty magnificent birds, but
>wonder how much a pound
>they cost the taxpayers of
>this country? I'm guessing more
>than gold.

Too damn much that's how much... Just an oversized vulture destined for extinction.... Waste of friggen money if you ask me...


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Your mention of vultures got me to thinking. You always hear about the Condor getting lead poison from eating gut piles laced with bullet lead. Yet I can not recall ever hearing of your standard vulture dying off due to lead poison and they eat the same darn gut piles.

I know I saw one article how it was shushed up that Condors raised in captivity had high levels of lead in their system and it could not be explained as to what the source was.


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