Coues Books



Anyone have a good recommendations for reading and learning about Coues deer?
I started going to used books stores that sold used magazines and I would spend time going through the contents pages to find any coues articles. I saved all the articles, went to AZ and NM game and fish websites and printed out what they had. There is a book from AZGFD written by Richard Ockenfels that is strictly scientific info but good info on coues. Go over to and spend some time on info sections. The owner of that webpage has fantastic info on coues and she knows her stuff, shes a former game biologist from the San Carlos area. The Outdoorsman store in AZ puts out a great magazine called Western Big game Optics hunter and it has tons of coues info in their fall 2002 magazine. Just call them up and they will mail it out to you free....... Allen Taylor......
As many people know, Duwane's book is way way late but I personally have seen the "proof read" copy of most of the book and it will be great. Tony Mandile the writer is getting back from an Africa hunting trip and will take the book to the printers and from what he said it will be the end of July. I am waiting eagerly for the book............. Allen Taylor......

Onec upon a time, there was a man by the name of Jack O'Connor.
He used to write fo Outdoor Life. He was a leading authority on Sheep Hunting. His second love was Coues. He said that you hunt the little deer the same way that you hunt the sheep. Here are a few of the books that he wrote. They are available at (Searches 60 book stores for best price)
Game in the Desert
Hunting in the Rockies
Art of Hunting Big Game in North America
By Jack O'Connor
Deer Hunting Coast to Coast by Craig Boddington, R. Robb
Hope this helps.
The book Bura Nut is refering to from the Game and Fish is Research Branch Technical Report #6 dated August 1991. It is 75 pages in lengh and provides as much technical information as you are going to find anywhere. It is site specific to the southeast end of the Santa Rita Mountains. There is also another very old Game & Fish publication on Coues deer of 79 pages which is no longer in print but the information is now very dated.

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