Coues Deer Call


New Member
Hey Guys,
I found a sight that offers a Coues deer call. If you are interested send a message and I will let you know where to look.
There are other calls there too.

The best method for learning the vocalizations of coues deer is to go to your local zoo. Every zoo has spider monkeys, and since the two are closely related much of the chatter works for each species. Although I have to admit, I have never had a coues deer fling poo at me, or masturbate when angered. LOL
Hey Josh,

You need to come up with something more original than "spider monkeys" Bucklick has already beat that name to death. You should just stay up there with all the jocks and leave us geeks alone. he he :)

I know, I know, but I hear carp alot on this forum.
I think I did read something in one of the scientific journals concerning the relationship between coues deer and spider monkeys. LOL, Just kidding. I actually think coues are very cool animals, but for the amount of meat you get, quail are much easier to bag.
The link has been posted but I didn't want to get in trouble for free advertising. I read a pevious posting about a book some guy was talking about. He hasn't been heard from since

I don't think anyone would consider it advertising. You found a product that fellow hunters might be interested in and have shared what info you had. AND if you aren't going to profit from mentioning it here, I would take no offense. Thanks for sharing.


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