Cougar McGee



OK, you guys busted us. The references to using tame lions in the videos should have never come up. I must have screwed up and sent Catmando the "Directors" cut by mistake. Here's what not even that tape showed.

Dawg is a "feline whisperer". I'm not sure when he 1st found out about this amazing gift but I've seen it in action. This is how it works. The hounds actually do catch very wild cats and even fight like crazy with them. When he gets ready to leash up and go he puts his right pinky finger up his left nostril, right thumb in his right ear. Then some funky gutteral noise comes from his gut and the lions just lay down for him.

It don't work for me, just for the Dawg. To let another secret out of the bag, when Dawg goes into his cougar whisper mode the black dogs usually start humping his furiously. It distracts him enought so that the lions aren't "mentally coupled" with him and bad things happen. The other dogs don't do nothing. I guess a little understanding is in order now that you know.

While we're on the subject of yours and Dawg's lion video Ed, I made the mistake of rewinding it slowly with the audio track still on and was shocked at what I discovered. I heard what sounded like a chant by Tibetan monks repeating the same phrase over and over again "Don is king.....the SFW rules supreme!!" Could it be that just like the Ozzy/Osmond commercial, we could unzip Ed's face and have fishon emerge??? :eek:

I don't know about the rest of ya'll, but this is freaking me out!! Where's Tipper Gore when you need her???


(must find check book, send off another donation; must find check book, send off another donation......)

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