Coyote trapping Crandell Wy


Active Member
Any coyote trappers around Sunlight/Crandell
have any advice on baits or lures that worked for them in the NW Wyoming area?
sent ya a PM

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
Thanks for the tips guys.
I was hoping someone can share a favorite bait or lure that has been getting attention to their sets.
As of right now, I plan to go with lots of urine posts, and some eye catching dirt hole sets baited with some deer guts.
Will definitely be running snares on any obvious trails I can find.
Will probably only have a week or less to spend trapping coyotes.
Any body know someone near Cody that buys green coyote hides?
That would be great to be able to drop them off on my way back home through Cody .
Thanks for any information any one can give.
We always sold at bridger fur on bridger mt. Been awhile so not sure if they are still open.

Was never a coyote trapper cause bobcat was worth my time.

Always trapped in the badlands and riverbottom so i really cant help trapping in the mountains. But a suggestion is get off the beaten path. Most coyotes seen close to a road get toasted.
>We always sold at bridger fur
>on bridger mt. Been awhile
>so not sure if they
>are still open.
>Was never a coyote trapper cause
>bobcat was worth my time.
>Always trapped in the badlands and
>riverbottom so i really cant
>help trapping in the mountains.
>But a suggestion is get
>off the beaten path. Most
>coyotes seen close to a
>road get toasted.

Thanks for the information. Bridger is around an hour north of Cody. That's doable for me.
I have called Bridger Fur ,but as of yet, I just get an answering machine.
I'll try and leave a message next time I call. But I have quite a few questions that I need to ask about how they prefer the hides to be skinned, and if it's okay with them for them to be green and not fleshed and dryed.
They may not pay the most but Petska takes coyotes whole, frozen. I saw the guy buying coyotes that were not skinned but frozen whole in Laramie. They post their routes online for fur buying.
They want the Nov. coyotes for the guard hairs.

Good luck, hope you get a pile of'em !
I will sure put in the effort. We'll just have to see how it goes.
I don't mind skinning.
Fleshing and drying takes time I won't have though.
Hopefully a buyer will pay up for hides skinned for taxidermy use. That's how I normally skin them most of the time.
If not, then I'll just case skin em.
Most buyers don't pay to much for on the carcus skins. But I can't see me hauling a load of dead bodies across the country anyway.
I usually skin em out in the field to make easy carry.
>They may not pay the most
>but Petska takes coyotes whole,
>frozen. I saw the guy
>buying coyotes that were not
>skinned but frozen whole in
>Laramie. They post their routes
>online for fur buying.
>They want the Nov. coyotes for
>the guard hairs.
>Good luck, hope you get a
>pile of'em !

They have stops in Greybull, Lovell, Powell, Cody, Meteetsee, etc.
>I will sure put in the
>effort. We'll just have to
>see how it goes.
>I don't mind skinning.
>Fleshing and drying takes time I
>won't have though.
>Hopefully a buyer will pay up
>for hides skinned for taxidermy
>use. That's how I normally
>skin them most of the
>If not, then I'll just case
>skin em.
>Most buyers don't pay to much
>for on the carcus skins.
>But I can't see me
>hauling a load of dead
>bodies across the country anyway.
>I usually skin em out in
>the field to make easy

What month will you be here? I've never heard of buyers paying more for life-size skin. They are just interested in fur, which won't be prime in October.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-13-19 AT 07:35PM (MST)[p]I would be shocked if you get hardly anything for them that time of year.

If you are interested getting top money you need to check into NAFA for all your pelts.

You do know that you have to have a fur bearers license to trap them right?

You also can NOT use any part of a game animal as bait to trap. Deer guts would fall under that of course. You might want to do a little more checking into this before just jumping in feet first.
Hello all,
Nice to see there are some trappers still out there. I decided to try it once again in my old age. Its been 40 years since I set traps, back when fur prices were very good. I am having a difficult time getting info on if Coyote would be ok to trap in early Sept.
I understand the pelt will not be in prime condition, however, would it be in ok condition to harvest and sell if trapped in early Sept in Wyoming at approx. 7000 feet in elevation? I don't have to get the full price but don't want to skin,stretch and dry a hide if its worthless.
Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
Best prices for coyotes are before they rub off the guard hairs and are furred up, late Nov. is usually best time if snow has not been deep. John Graham also buys furs.

Coyotes are not fur bearers and can be trapped without a trapping license, thanks to JM77 for setting me right on that one. Call the GW if you're worried. Incidental catches must be released unharmed, furbearers.
Wyoming also only allows NR to only trap what their home state allows Wyoming residents to trap there.
Page 8 has the license requirements for NR.
>Best prices for coyotes are before
>they rub off the guard
>hairs and are furred up,
>late Nov. is usually best
>time if snow has not
>been deep. John Graham also
>buys furs.
>Coyotes are not fur bearers and
>can be trapped without a
>trapping license, thanks to JM77
>for setting me right on
>that one. Call the GW
>if you're worried. Incidental catches
>must be released unharmed, furbearers.
>Wyoming also only allows NR to
>only trap what their home
>state allows Wyoming residents to
>trap there.
>Page 8 has the license requirements
>for NR.

I'll add one thing here, even if you only trap coyotes, you still have to have tags on your traps, either with your information on them or a number for you provided by G&F.
Mange skins aren't worth anything so if you get one it best to just bury it.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
Yes October is certainly not prime fur time, but the fur grade will depend on just how early it gets cold in the area you trap.
September would be highly unlikely to have sellable fur in most of the lower U.S.
I have seen plenty of good fur in late October.
I have also seen years with even late November fur not worth dragging to the truck.
We'll have to get a few to see how it looks, but every coyote I can take from the area, is one less out there killing fawns.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-15-19 AT 05:56PM (MST)[p]>LAST EDITED ON Jul-13-19
>AT 07:35?PM (MST)

>I would be shocked if you
>get hardly anything for them
>that time of year.
>If you are interested getting top
>money you need to check
>into NAFA for all your
>You do know that you have
>to have a fur bearers
>license to trap them right?
>You also can NOT use any
>part of a game animal
>as bait to trap.
>Deer guts would fall under
>that of course. You
>might want to do a
>little more checking into this
>before just jumping in feet

I was skeptical about the legality of a nonresident being allowed to trap coyotes without buying a furbearers license. But after checking it out a while back, it is legal as long as you are only targeting coyotes. Non target animals must be released or if they are mortally wounded or killed the area Warden must be notified and the animal serenderd to them.

And unfortunately the regs are a little contradictory about animal parts for bait.
One section says it is illegal to use animal parts to take or trap game in Wyoming.
Another section says no trap shall be set with exposed animal parts or carcuses that exceed 5lbs. ,within 30 feet of the trap site.
So as I read it animal parts can be used for bait if farther than 30 feet from the trap or if they are buried or concealed from veiw.
That will be a question I will have to ask the area Warden, Chris Queen.
Maybe a interpretation of the law is in order on the bait issue.
We here in West Virginia have a similar law on the use of animal parts.
Maximum jaw spread on leg hold traps is another question I need clearing up before I start filling buckets with steel coil spring traps.
I'm gonna be sure to dot all the eyes necessary.
I believe game animals, game birds and game fish are what can not be used as bait. And yes the bait has to be less than 5 lbs if set right by it. Other animals parts can be used.
Don't think we have regs on size of your traps, snares yes but not trap size or dimensions.

UNITBB we usually have some decent weather for getting around and setting and checking traps in late Oct and into Nov.
Sept hides will not get you much of anything.

I would case those hides out for the buyers.

I agree Mills, get those fawn killers. Bring your call out as well.You can make some stops along the way and do some calling.

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