CPW reissue a desert bighorn sheep ram tag? CMS5601R


Active Member
Reissue is a bot infested mess.

And CPW is going to randomly reissue a desert ram tag to that bot fest? CMS56O1R

They only call the next 5 residents in the draw order?

Desert sheep is no points in CO. And does not affect rocky eligibility. Why would anyone return a desert ram tag? Or refuse if called?

This is absolutely ridiculous. You can’t convince me that CPW wouldn’t have known who was next in line. And if they really are that incompetent, they should change the procedure to provide a list of next in line alternates. It’s not hard; just like jury’s do it.

This should start a shitstorm if this goes to a commercial source.
Nice, I’m gunna try just out of spite. I’m still on the fence wether or not I believe this. Seems possible but ya never know. Seems suspect to get on line just to tell everyone they have no chance.
Let me know if you even get to the add to cart page. My guess is no way
Why's that?

It makes sense in that it's a Resident tag that was turned in, but the deer/elk/antelope tags that get turned in by residents can go to res or non-res?
Because of 90/10 for sheep, goat and moose and the nonresident desert quota has already been met
Dangit I was really hoping this wouldn't get splattered all over the web. I guess in reality it's surprising that it took as long as it did. Sadly I think Orion is correct, a guy could probably win the powerball before landing this tag. I have a couple buddies that are going to try anyways. I personally can't as I've already killed a Colorado desert.

The crazy thing to me is the amount of second season tags on the list. Hell, the season is half over! Tell me it's not totally about the money without actually telling me it's totally about the money!
I actually did talk to a guy who does coding and he said it’s plenty do able. If Orion does have this system, he’s gunna have some competition in the next year I bet.
There already is competition. Bots have been going since the reissue was implemented. It was way easier when it was random throughout the week to build the program. Guys can get pissed and keep their heads in the sand, but they have never been playing with a fair system from the start. Yeah every once in a while someone strikes gold especially if there are multiple tags or if a season has already started or half over like that second season 76 bull tag thats on there today.
Hey guys new to CO, at Fort Carson… After reading the above im now realizing how much of a S show the reissue process is as ive failed last 3 Wednesdays after clicking like a crazy person.

Will anyone be kind enough ha to give me advice on how to get one of these reissues? I don’t understand why some wait in line at a CPW where i can just do it at my house. Ive called and they said they get an email when the transfer of reissues go through but man what a mess.

Is there another forum that explain this process a lot better.
Hey guys new to CO, at Fort Carson… After reading the above im now realizing how much of a S show the reissue process is as ive failed last 3 Wednesdays after clicking like a crazy person.

Will anyone be kind enough ha to give me advice on how to get one of these reissues? I don’t understand why some wait in line at a CPW where i can just do it at my house. Ive called and they said they get an email when the transfer of reissues go through but man what a mess.

Is there another forum that explain this process a lot better.
In todays day and age you need a bot or some sort of program software to buy a tag. Some get lucky and get a tag but majority of tags are being purchased by bots. Similar to the way they do ticket sales.
Hey guys new to CO, at Fort Carson… After reading the above im now realizing how much of a S show the reissue process is as ive failed last 3 Wednesdays after clicking like a crazy person.

Will anyone be kind enough ha to give me advice on how to get one of these reissues? I don’t understand why some wait in line at a CPW where i can just do it at my house. Ive called and they said they get an email when the transfer of reissues go through but man what a mess.

Is there another forum that explain this process a lot better.
It’s almost all luck and setting your sights on low To mid range tags.
There already is competition. Bots have been going since the reissue was implemented. It was way easier when it was random throughout the week to build the program. Guys can get pissed and keep their heads in the sand, but they have never been playing with a fair system from the start. Yeah every once in a while someone strikes gold especially if there are multiple tags or if a season has already started or half over like that second season 76 bull tag thats on there today.
I’m sure there has, however it seems to be gaining a little more traction.
30k for NR, as a resident of CO, sure we have some guys chasing the slam, but I'm sure finding people on short notice has been truncated down since its not a "world wide" opportunity.
Hey guys new to CO, at Fort Carson… After reading the above im now realizing how much of a S show the reissue process is as ive failed last 3 Wednesdays after clicking like a crazy person.

Will anyone be kind enough ha to give me advice on how to get one of these reissues? I don’t understand why some wait in line at a CPW where i can just do it at my house. Ive called and they said they get an email when the transfer of reissues go through but man what a mess.

Is there another forum that explain this process a lot better.
Hey soldier here is a pro tip, hunt Carson….
This tag is only available to a resident.

I see the screenshot of the list says that now. I took a pic of it yesterday when it first came out and it didn't have any notes on it stating that. Someone has the tag now I'm sure. Good for them! Would be a cool way to get a sheep hunt!
Well, what a mess anyone ever gotten lucky getting a reissue tag for a non otc? Or should i just do otc and see all the orange hats everywhere
The "next in line" is not dependent on having a point system. So 5 people either turned down a DBHS license or failed to respond when contacted. Crazy.
There are no points so I don't think there is a next in line. I will also tell you that average joes have a 0% chance of getting this tag tomorrow
You do not know how the reissue process works apparently. No good reason to make up answers when you clearly are just making a wild, uniformed guess. Of course they tried the next 5 in line. fact.
You really do not know how the reissue process works apparently. Of course they tried the next 5 in line. fact.
No way did they try the next five in line, someone would have taken it. The only reason this tag made the list is it does not take points and it went straight to the list. The tag holder must have died or had a death in the family or some life altering sickness.
No way did they try the next five in line, someone would have taken it. The only reason this tag made the list is it does not take points and it went straight to the list. The tag holder must have died or had a death in the family or some life altering sickness.
Not accurate. They tried the next 5. Not sure why some folks feel compelled to invent a narrative (CPW does not try the next 5 in line for desert sheep) to match fact-less assumptions. Among other things, MSG reissue process was started well before (Thank you Rocky Mountain Bighorn Society for pushing it) they added elk etc and thus the criteria for reissue for MSG including Desert is different than the '5 point' threshold for other big game.

It is very unfortunate the next 5 failed to respond to the offer is all I can say. I can't imagine how I would feel if I found that email or voice mail too late. Guys who have not added a phone number to their CPWSHOP profile should add one and should correct out of date numbers if any.

If you are a resident and applied for S56 check your spam folder. Actually don't, you do not want to know if it was offered and missed!
Congrats on getting the DF034O2R tag!
Not even close to the tag I got, but nice try. There isn't 1 person alive who would have turned down a desert tag let alone 5, but I thank those guys. Your seriously disgruntled now that you can't score good tags anymore khunter.
I don’t know, and/or like, the arrogant @ORIONTHEHUNTER, but the guy who offered me a lot of money to get this tag for him said that someone else did get the tag for him. So I am thinking that Orion beat me to it and made a lot of money today.
Not accurate. They tried the next 5. Not sure why some folks feel compelled to invent a narrative (CPW does not try the next 5 in line for desert sheep) to match fact-less assumptions. Among other things, MSG reissue process was started well before (Thank you Rocky Mountain Bighorn Society for pushing it) they added elk etc and thus the criteria for reissue for MSG including Desert is different than the '5 point' threshold for other big game.

It is very unfortunate the next 5 failed to respond to the offer is all I can say. I can't imagine how I would feel if I found that email or voice mail too late. Guys who have not added a phone number to their CPWSHOP profile should add one and should correct out of date numbers if any.

If you are a resident and applied for S56 check your spam folder. Actually don't, you do not want to know if it was offered and missed!
How do you know they tried the next five?

The way I read the rules, they would need to ask every person that applied. I think CPW messed up on this one big time. The next person in line could likely sue them if they never asked them. If I were one of the 1051 1st choice applicants that didn't draw I would be doing a FOIA to see what number I was in the draw. If I was fifth, I would be calling a lawyer if I was never asked.

"Sheep, goat and moose licenses continue to be reissued to the next person in the draw order as in years past."

Reissue Rules
I don’t know, and/or like, the arrogant @ORIONTHEHUNTER, but the guy who offered me a lot of money to get this tag for him said that someone else did get the tag for him. So I am thinking that Orion beat me to it and made a lot of money today.

Maybe I did maybe I didn't ?View attachment 124768

HMMM.... I just spoke to the tag holder, who as it turns out I know pretty well and who did not pay anybody, never offered to pay anybody, and did not use a bot.

Maybe CPW accidentally sold two tags, or twenty, instead of one and nobody is full of baloney suggesting a guy with . Or maybe....
HMMM.... I just spoke to the tag holder, who as it turns out I know pretty well and who did not pay anybody, never offered to pay anybody, and did not use a bot.

Maybe CPW accidentally sold two tags, or twenty, instead of one and nobody is full of baloney suggesting a guy with . Or maybe....
Sure you did. Someone also claimed they bought it in a tshirt shop in Paonia
How do you know they tried the next five?

The way I read the rules, they would need to ask every person that applied. I think CPW messed up on this one big time. The next person in line could likely sue them if they never asked them. If I were one of the 1051 1st choice applicants that didn't draw I would be doing a FOIA to see what number I was in the draw. If I was fifth, I would be calling a lawyer if I was never asked.

"Sheep, goat and moose licenses continue to be reissued to the next person in the draw order as in years past."

Reissue Rules
Get a lawyer! Hahaha

Youre missing the point of going hunting.
Sure you did. Someone also claimed they bought it in a tshirt shop in Paonia
So lame.....The jig is up, you had nothing to do with scoring the sheep tag and neither did a bot. But you want people to think you did. What is your personal agenda on this anyway.

A good dude scored the tag fair and square with no special advantage. That is a good thing.
Be thankful you had a chance. Those used to go straight to the garbage.
I appreciate what Colorado is doing for hunters by reissuing licenses. This year has been a struggle though. Something has changed. The wheel of death never happened to the extent it is happening now. If the bot story is true are we really getting an equal chance at the higher end tags? I liked it a lot better when it was just random.
So lame.....The jig is up, you had nothing to do with scoring the sheep tag and neither did a bot. But you want people to think you did. What is your personal agenda on this anyway.

A good dude scored the tag fair and square with no special advantage. That is a good thing.
Posted on bowsite. Like I said a guy is also claiming he bought it at a tshirt shop in Paonia

From: Billyvanness
Private Reply
I tried…no joy Guy from Paonia got it. In a t shirt shop that sells licenses. That tag is pure gold
I appreciate what Colorado is doing for hunters by reissuing licenses. This year has been a struggle though. Something has changed. The wheel of death never happened to the extent it is happening now. If the bot story is true are we really getting an equal chance at the higher end tags? I liked it a lot better when it was just random.
Nah random gives bots a big edge, in person raffle is about the only way to get around these shananigans
Posted on bowsite. Like I said a guy is also claiming he bought it at a tshirt shop in Paonia

From: Billyvanness
Private Reply
I tried…no joy Guy from Paonia got it. In a t shirt shop that sells licenses. That tag is pure gold
Laughable. None of that makes me incorrect or a BSer. In fact it is perfectly consistent, None of which can be said for what you have been spouting.

So tell us again how you or a bot had a hand in the tag snag?
A magician will never reveal his secrets… I also don’t believe until one or the bot guys helps me… then I will believe and I will keep your secrets
I liked random too, rewarded idiots like me that stared at the list way too much haha
But if you recall people were selling apps to inform you when certain tags hit. More money made off the system.

I haven’t pulled even an average tag since the random days. Close, but again, it’s better than nothing.

Colorado has been more than good to me over the years and most would put me on the firing line if they knew the tags I’ve had in short periods of time.

I won’t complain, there is always next week.
But if you recall people were selling apps to inform you when certain tags hit. More money made off the system.

I haven’t pulled even an average tag since the random days. Close, but again, it’s better than nothing.

Colorado has been more than good to me over the years and most would put me on the firing line if they knew the tags I’ve had in short periods of time.

I won’t complain, there is always next week.
I hear ya. Colorado has been awesome to me. I'm not complaining.
Glad to hear a non-bot got the DS tag. Leaves some hope for humanity.

The CPW really needs to spend the money to make it harder for these bots to work on their re-issue system. But I'm sure they really don't care as long as they get the tag fee they probably couldn't care less.
Laughable. None of that makes me incorrect or a BSer. In fact it is perfectly consistent, None of which can be said for what you have been spouting.

So tell us again how you or a bot had a hand in the tag snag?
I think you are a “BSer” Orion provided proof and you have not shown any proof that your “tag holder, who as it turns out you know well” friend actually exists or has the tag.
I think you are a “BSer” Orion provided proof and you have not shown any proof that your “tag holder, who as it turns out you know well” friend actually exists or has the tag.
You guys crack me up. I have no reason whatsoever to broadcast detailed information about the Lucky Hunter on MM.

Tell us again, how you got a call from the guy that offered you a pile of cash that indicated he successfully paid a pile of cash to get that same sheep tag that he most certainly did not actually get? Proof of that malarky you are spewing? You are the one bragging you were trying to cash in on it.
Here’s my opinion, which is going to be pretty dang unpopular with most of you. I think everyone can agree that this whole reissue thing has turned into a little bit of a mess. I think if you return a tag that you applied for and drew, you get no refund! And the tag DOES NOT get resold. The Dow got their money and that should be good enough. The animals that would have possibly been harvested with that tag will just be a little bigger next year. And yes, this includes the desert tag that just resold today. Just my opinion.
Here’s my opinion, which is going to be pretty dang unpopular with most of you. I think everyone can agree that this whole reissue thing has turned into a little bit of a mess. I think if you return a tag that you applied for and drew, you get no refund! And the tag DOES NOT get resold. The Dow got their money and that should be good enough. The animals that would have possibly been harvested with that tag will just be a little bigger next year. And yes, this includes the desert tag that just resold today. Just my opinion.
Yup, I agree. Your opinion is unpopular. ;)
Here’s my opinion, which is going to be pretty dang unpopular with most of you. I think everyone can agree that this whole reissue thing has turned into a little bit of a mess. I think if you return a tag that you applied for and drew, you get no refund! And the tag DOES NOT get resold. The Dow got their money and that should be good enough. The animals that would have possibly been harvested with that tag will just be a little bigger next year. And yes, this includes the desert tag that just resold today. Just my opinion.

Once one really studies the issues, I think they are very likely to agree with you.

No returns. No refunds. No reissuing.
Here’s my opinion, which is going to be pretty dang unpopular with most of you. I think everyone can agree that this whole reissue thing has turned into a little bit of a mess. I think if you return a tag that you applied for and drew, you get no refund! And the tag DOES NOT get resold. The Dow got their money and that should be good enough. The animals that would have possibly been harvested with that tag will just be a little bigger next year. And yes, this includes the desert tag that just resold today. Just my opinion.
Ooooorrrrrr.......there are folks who have adopted an agenda to make it seem like more of a mess than it actually is, for their own personal reasons.

As best I can tell the system works fine. I know I got a decent archery deer tag with just normal keyboard plinking earlier in the year. But if I hadn't, I wouldn't go straight to claiming that the system is a mess. I'd simply face facts that a bunch of other people are going after a very limited number of tags.
Ooooorrrrrr.......there are folks who have adopted an agenda to make it seem like more of a mess than it actually is, for their own personal reasons.

As best I can tell the system works fine. I know I got a decent archery deer tag with just normal keyboard plinking earlier in the year. But if I hadn't, I wouldn't go straight to claiming that the system is a mess. I'd simply face facts that a bunch of other people are going after a very limited number of tags.
Oooooooorrrrrrr........ a guy could argue that with the state of the deer herds in Colorado, there should be ZERO reissued deer tags!
I had no doubt that my comment above would raise a little stink. I suppose a little debate is good from time to time.
Yeah, it stinks. This tag should have been reserved ONLY for those people who applied for deserts.

Here you are required to make a conscious decision about which species you apply for, and this skrewed everyone in that applicant pool who was unsuccessful a few months ago.
Absolutely! Would be more complicated but heck leftovers should be reserved only for those that put in for the unit/species in the first place. Would actually go to guys who were actively trying to hunt said unit
Yeah, it stinks. This tag should have been reserved ONLY for those people who applied for deserts.

Here you are required to make a conscious decision about which species you apply for, and this skrewed everyone in that applicant pool who was unsuccessful a few months ago.
I think what they did was illegal unless they contacted all 1,000 people that applied for the tag.
I think what they did was illegal unless they contacted all 1,000 people that applied for the tag.
There is a chance that the lucky 10’th caller did apply for deserts this year, otherwise it’s cheating.

Perhaps k can clear it up for us.
The hunt is well underway and a bow is the weapon of choice so far. Be cool to see an average joe bowhunter wrap up his archery Big 9 Colorado species all with this golden ticket we all dream about.
Hope he kills a good one.
I saw what I thought was an ass kicker the other day until I looked 20 yards away then I really saw the ass kicker!
Good luck to him.
I think you are a “BSer” Orion provided proof and you have not shown any proof that your “tag holder, who as it turns out you know well” friend actually exists or has the tag.

I don’t know, and/or like, the arrogant @ORIONTHEHUNTER, but the guy who offered me a lot of money to get this tag for him said that someone else did get the tag for him. So I am thinking that Orion beat me to it and made a lot of money today.

Maybe I did maybe I didn't ?View attachment 124768

The real hunter, who picked up the tag with no secret bot involved, packed and floated out a gorgeous archery desert sheep today. Not my pics to share or I would. Pretty sur ethe hunter does not frequent MM.

Truly any of us could have scored the tag which is great. If ever there was a tag where supposed bots and big money would have the upper hand this was it, and yet it was not.

But you and onion keep on talking up that nonsense about how you scored the tag with a bot or know the hunter who scored it with a bot.

Again, why would you guys make stuff up about such a silly thing.

Anyway a great guy made great use of a OIL opportunity which is cool.
khunter thanks for the update. Great news, an average Joe got the tag and shot the ram with a bow to boot. Leaves some faith in humanity and the flawed system.

I'm sure the bots get a majority of the tags.

Orion, why were you posting that you got the tag for a client and even posting that order confirmation number? If you've been trolling the entire time LOL but time to come clean.

You may have something of value but why be deceptive to the point of claiming your bot got the tag?

My daughter got one of 1 available high point deer reissue tags that the bots didn't get and ended up having an awesome hunt. A 13 year old boy ended up getting the buck we were after which was great, a 200"+buck.

The CPW needs to keep the reissue tags but up the firewalls against bots.
khunter thanks for the update. Great news, an average Joe got the tag and shot the ram with a bow to boot. Leaves some faith in humanity and the flawed system.

I'm sure the bots get a majority of the tags.

Orion, why were you posting that you got the tag for a client and even posting that order confirmation number? If you've been trolling the entire time LOL but time to come clean.

You may have something of value but why be deceptive to the point of claiming your bot got the tag?

My daughter got one of 1 available high point deer reissue tags that the bots didn't get and ended up having an awesome hunt. A 13 year old boy ended up getting the buck we were after which was great, a 200"+buck.

The CPW needs to keep the reissue tags but up the firewalls against bots.
It’s pretty wild if he was full of crap and was trolling.
We can't know who is lying, if anyone.

A die-hard archer needing only a CO desert BHS tag to complete his CO archery 9 is exactly the type of person that would hire a bot service.

And he certainly would fib to others and say he didn't hire a bot.
khunter thanks for the update. Great news, an average Joe got the tag and shot the ram with a bow to boot. Leaves some faith in humanity and the flawed system.

I'm sure the bots get a majority of the tags.

Orion, why were you posting that you got the tag for a client and even posting that order confirmation number? If you've been trolling the entire time LOL but time to come clean.

You may have something of value but why be deceptive to the point of claiming your bot got the tag?

My daughter got one of 1 available high point deer reissue tags that the bots didn't get and ended up having an awesome hunt. A 13 year old boy ended up getting the buck we were after which was great, a 200"+buck.

The CPW needs to keep the reissue tags but up the firewalls against bots.
Congrats on the buck. I hope we get a write-up.

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