Curious poll results.


Very Active Member
Here is the results of the poll and some comments. ( )

#1) What kind of land do you hunt on mostly?
B)Public and private-(3)
Surprised me that more hunters did not have access to private land. Shows how many of us need to find good public hunting spots.

#2) How old is your hunting vehicle?
A)More than five years old-(21)
B)Less than five years old-(18)
C)New-This years model-(1)
Many of us dream of new hunting rigs as much as monster bucks. Then again many of us have Ole Reliable to get us to our spot.

#3) How much did your binoculars cost?
C)$800-$2000 or more-(8)
D)Cannot answer or my wife will kill me!
Looks like some have glass that cost more than the truck they own:)

#4) How much did your rifle and scope cost together?
C)$1000-$2000 or more-(11)
D)Cannot answer or my wife will kill me!
+ 1-free, 1-dads and added scope, 1-bowhunter
I should have made this to include bowhunters as well.
Looks like many of our rifles and scopes cost as much as our trucks as well:)

#5) How do you hunt?
A)Glass from a good vantage point then stalk-(17)
B)Walk and spot or jump deer-(9)
C)Stay near a location and ambush them
D)Deer drives
E)All the above at one time or another-(22)
+ 1-treestand
Many combined A and B.
I think the only thing stoping all from choosing E was that spooking deer can sometimes make hunting harder.
I should have expanded this question more.

#6) How many hunters are in your camp on average?
A)Solo or one other guy-(21)
B)two to five others-(17)
C)Five or more most of the time-(2)
Some like company and some do not.

#7) How often do you shoot your hunting rifle each year?
A)50-1000 rounds or more-(20)
B)50 or less rounds-(18)
C)Shot a year or more ago and it's still fine-(1)
+ 1-Bow daily
Really surprised how many shoot as frequent as they do.
Once again my apology to the bowhunters.

#8) How do you get most of your animals back to the truck?
A)Quarter and pack it out-(25)-
B)Drag it-(15)
C)Drive the pickup or Atv to them
D)Other-Please specify
Many pointed out my stupidity for not including horses:)
+ 1-also uses a chainsaw and winch

#9) Usually how often do you scout the area you hunt before the season?
A)5 or more days-(23)
B)4 or less-(14)
Starting to think some of us are stretching the truth. If not then it is good that many of us have the time to scout as often as we do and probably wish we could do it even more.

#10) How much do you spend each year on your hunt not including your gear you already have?
C)$2000 or more-(1)
D)Cannot answer or my wife will kill me!-(2)
Looks like many of us hunt in only one state or two at most.
Think we all wish we could be in the (C) range and hunt more than we are able to.

Surprising how similar many of us are in the poll.
Thanks for taking the time to fill it out.
Best of luck on your hunts.
Jerry thanks again for doing this. It is good to see how we come from all different parts but Mule deer brings us together. thanks again.

Thank you for this informative post. I think it is a good representation of the demographics that visit this website. Mostly guys that do not have a privleged background, but they love to hunt. I would hardly spend a minute here if I had a good ranch to hunt and could effortless go and find a nice buck in the same spot every year without any competition. I come here for advice on how to improve my skills needed to hunt on public lands.

Chris Isom

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