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I have a problem...I am 38 yrs old, been hunting all my life, yet every year a week before hunting season I cannot concentrate. It is like my head is in a fog. My wife just looks at me and shakes her head. She knows that if I don't go, I will stay that way all fall. So on Thursday I leave for a week, backpacking for bucks and bulls, and it can't come soon enough. One would think that at some point you would get over it. Am I alone? Is there a cure? I hope not...
There is no cure...the only way to get the symptoms to go away is to spend at least 7 days above 8000'. It sounds like you have this season handled. Have fun and good luck!!
I have to go to the chiropractor becuz of the double take while driving down the freeway to see a bull in the back of a truck!

Traditional >>>------->
I have been married 16 years, and dated my wife for 4 years and I have hunted my whole life, she knew it and she gets so peeved when this time of year comes around, my head gets in the clouds, thinking of hunting and I am completely worthless at work, one of these years it will drive her to leaving me! There is no cure I love it!
i Just got done yelling at myself, because I caught myself feeling bad that I didn't get to see a certain girl before I leave on my hunt....

I actually scolded myself, for not concentrating enough on the details of the hunt...

I'm 41 frigin years old, and I'm in time-out, for not thinking about the hunt.

I'm gonna guess it doesn't ever go away. At least I hope it never does! In my life there are 3 seasons- fishing season, scouting/hunting season, and dating season...and the three NEVER overlap!

Howdy Heatman!

For GAWDS Sakes Guys,We Got Kids on this Site,Some of them are 65 years Old!:D

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
Well if the fog is hitting a week before the hunt, your doing alright. When it starts hitting in April is when you'll need an intervention.
I found a decent medication for the fog this year. I hunted Nevada and started a month ealier. I was still all messed up looking at hornography in July.
The A/C wasn't working so good in the truck today, so the windows were down while I was doing some calling. I looked over and the people in the cars around me, and they were looking at me like I was nuts... Guess they were right. I LOVE THIS TIME OF YEAR!!
Don't worry young hunter friends.

If you have the hunting bug.... I mean REALLY have the hunting bug, it will never go away. You can't get rid of the "fog" either.

I'll turn 58 during my daughter's LE trophy elk tag and I feel like a kid about to get his first kiss. I can't think of ever losing the bug and don't ever want to.

Oh, years ago, I heard all the old guys (I'm that age now) tell me how I'd pick up other hobbies that would divert my interest or I'd think it's too cold or too early or too tough to hunt as much. THEY WERE WRONG! They just really never have the bug.

Have a great hunting season, all!
I always thought the fog was normal and that it was supposed to last till mid winter. Are there people out there that aren't normal, like us?
I've got it bad and have for close to 60 years (was just 64 two weeks ago and started when I was 5 or 6). It's so bad I'm heading west for hunts in four states over 11 weeks and won't be back until a few days before Thanksgiving. You all take care and kill the biggest and best one of your life. If not, it's no big deal because you'll still be in God's great outdoors having the time of your life!!!
>I've got it bad and have
>for close to 60 years
>(was just 64 two weeks
>ago and started when I
>was 5 or 6).
>It's so bad I'm heading
>west for hunts in four
>states over 11 weeks and
>won't be back until a
>few days before Thanksgiving.
>You all take care and
>kill the biggest and best
>one of your life.
>If not, it's no big
>deal because you'll still be
>in God's great outdoors having
>the time of your life!!!

4 states and 11 weeks . Dang I'm green with envy , but good for you . I allways keep 32 days of vacation in the bank so when I finally draw that coveted or once and lifetime tag I can tell work to shove it for about 2 months .
Gentlemen, I have a confession. I fight the fog year-round!!

It is horribly crippling to be so distracted. I am hoping some of you can help me find some relief. Here are a few of my symptoms:

-I have to check MM daily for new pics and stories

-I get little sleep during the summer because my neighbors sprinklers sound like a tom turkey drumming

- I wake up early on Thursdays because the lift on the garbage truck sounds like an elk bugle

- elk smell during a hike will stop me in my tracks and I've been told by friends I go into 'stealth mode';

-they also tell me I mutter constantly about 'bedding areas', transition zones, saddle crossings and fatal funnels;

-I answer my phone with a putt, chirp or bugle rather than 'hello'

I think I have a problem. Is there a twelve-step program anyone can recommend?

What are you saying that this isn't normal.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
A day doesn't go by without thinking about,planning,or going hunting in some way!There is no cure!No 12-step program!Just ask my wife!She rolls her eyes and shakes her head so much some day it's going to fall off!But then,I'm only 59...maybe it'll get better when I grow up.
The more you try to resist the worse it gets. I started in January this year. I started scouting using Google Earth to find new areas to investigate for possible scouting trips. Then when the snow melted I headed to the mountains and check out my new prospects. To top it all off I started building custom equipment to haul my kill out of the woods. I only come out of my cell (work shop) for conjugal visits and when I do my wife says "Who are you?" When the season starts I want to spend every vacation day and weekend I have in the field. Oh that goes over real well at work and home.

Then once the shooting is all over I spend three months writing stories about my adventures. I take a break for Christmas if Santa doesn't bring me a new hunting toy then I'm back at it in January as I start filling out hunting applications. It is a real sickness that can never be cured.

My wife asks "When are you going to get this out of your system?" I have to tell her it is part of who I am and that It will never end. I'm sure I will still be trying to go hunting when I'm 70.
I tried to explain it to my wife when we were dating, but she had absolutely no idea the addiction. I spend all year squirling away 20 bucks here (money that is) and 20 there at the end of every season for the next year. On my way out of the woods I'm thinking of where to put in for the next year.
Then I start going to the "hunting stores", as we drive down roads throughout the year I look at the mountains and draws and tell her "there's deer in there". Even over here in afghanistan all I can talk about is the hunting season for when I get home, she get's mad when she has something come up and the first thing I ask is "is it during hunting season?" rather than a supportive or concerned response. Eventually I get so annoying that she kicks me out of the house and WANTS me gone for the week and that's when the door can't close fast enought as I'm heading to the mountains. It's not odd, it's an addiction that we all have.... and I'm glad I'm not alone, cause I'm gonna need some help packin the elk out when the time comes!!!

"if God wanted us to be vegetarians, he would have made broccoli more fun to shoot at!!!"

Thanks for your service and keep safe in afganistan.
This addiction is a healthy one for sure. To be in Gods creation with family or friends is enough but to have the challenge of the hunt is so very special. My dad took me first when I was 4. He hunted his last time in 09 at 85. I am 58 and my wife does not know how to handle my addiction after 30 yrs being married. But one thing I know is I will always have this and even when I am too old like my dad is now I still will dream!!!
Early in my married life, my wife thought it was "kinda cute"...getting all jacked up to go hunting.

Then the taxidermy issue, where I turned our house into a "dead zoo".

Then the out of state trips began, as I could afford them.

Then the wife got pissey in late August, and giving me that, "You and those azzhole buddies going hunting again, I suppose"....I got a new wife and started fresh.

3 times.

I have one now, that has ZERO issue with any of it, as long as the bills are paid, the firewood is stacked and the roof don't leak.

I hunt when I want, buy a new gun when I want, and go wherever I want, with whoever I want.

On the other hand, if something new shows up in my living room or there is a new Chiuahua here, I don't say chit about it.

"If God did not intend for man to hunt animals, he would have made broccoli more fun to shoot"
I,m 43 and I drive my wife nuts!! All i think about is hunting all year long!! It doesn't matter whether it is elk, deer, javelina, birds or what once you get hunting fever it will never be cured ever!! Just my .02 cents. GOOD LUCK TO ALL WHO GOT TAGS THIS YEAR. I GOT A ELK TAG FOR ARIZONA AND IT CAN'T GET HERE FAST ENOUGH!!

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