Dear Utah


Active Member
Wyoming is now closed until January 1st 2022. Please make a U turn at your next available location. In order to properly manage our herd numbers, improve the overall quality of hunts, and make Wyoming great again, we’ve instituted a strict no Utard policy until further notice.


I’m only teasing so don’t get your undies in a bundle. Just seeing a bunch of Utah trucks this week and thought I’d give you guys a bunch of crap.
Now I’m pizz’d off. We’ll, not really.

Wyoming is really a wonderful destination State for those of us who hunt so it’s just so damn hard not to slip across the border. (With the property tag, of course)

Like anywhere else, you’ll fine some of us utards are real jerks while some of us are pretty decent, respectful guys.

Don’t judge a book by the plate on the truck….or something like that. (I always get my saying muffed up) LOL

Best hunting to you all,
I'll be there Oct 6-12, but I'll be sure to put some phony Wyoming plates on my truck to save a hole through my radiator ?
I've been confusing those 'pokes for 20 years:
Dear Wyoming. Agreed.

Can we build a wall?

We will keep the Uintas elk in Utah, keep our stores and hospitals free of the windblown.

In exchange, you can keep your antelope, your meth, and the thing you call Wyoming Football.

We can share Chris Ledoux, seeing as he wasn't native to Wyoming in the first place.?

I don't wear undies, so I'm good?
Please don't forget to keep the Temples in Utah too. They seem to attract Utah folks......

Oil City News: LDS announces groundbreaking date on Casper Wyoming Temple, Wyoming’s second.
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Please don't forget to keep the Temples in Utah too. They seem to attract Utah folks......

Oil City News: LDS announces groundbreaking date on Casper Wyoming Temple, Wyoming’s second.

We have plenty of LDS temples in Utah; hopefully a couple in Wyoming shouldn't cause too much distress. Wyoming also has a fantastic "trek" venue I've enjoyed going on a couple of times.

Remember, we will not be in the mountains with a weapon/tag/pole in hand when we are at those venues. PLUS, Sundays (for many of us) will be out of your way. Back in the 90's my uncle and I traveled over 20 miles each way from the Greys to attend Sunday worship services in Afton - twice.

Speaking of LDS temples, I have on my bucket list to attend/visit all LDS temples/sites within 500 miles. Star Valley - check. Casper - pending/looking forward.

If I am still around to cash in my deer and elk points (10 and 13 respectively) in 2022, then my apologies if I get in your way. Otherwise, my unit 100 antelope hunt this year is looking like my swan song. I try to go at slow, dustless speeds. If you need to pass me, just flash and get on my tail and I'll gladly pull over and let you pass. If I am in your stand or trail or on your lookout or fishing your hole, just let me know and I'll move. In any case, I try to be a good visitor and to tread lightly.

For the past 45+ years I've enjoyed Wyoming's amazing outdoor opportunities. Their wonderful welcoming people - even more. Salt of the earth, for sure.

Thanks, Wyoming.


We have plenty of LDS temples in Utah; hopefully a couple in Wyoming shouldn't cause too much distress. Wyoming also has a fantastic "trek" venue I've enjoyed going on a couple of times.

Remember, we will not be in the mountains with a weapon/tag/pole in hand when we are at those venues. PLUS, Sundays (for many of us) will be out of your way. Back in the 90's my uncle and I traveled over 20 miles each way from the Greys to attend Sunday worship services in Afton - twice.

Speaking of LDS temples, I have on my bucket list to attend/visit all LDS temples/sites within 500 miles. Star Valley - check. Casper - pending/looking forward.

If I am still around to cash in my deer and elk points (10 and 13 respectively) in 2022, then my apologies if I get in your way. Otherwise, my unit 100 antelope hunt this year is looking like my swan song. I try to go at slow, dustless speeds. If you need to pass me, just flash and get on my tail and I'll gladly pull over and let you pass. If I am in your stand or trail or on your lookout or fishing your hole, just let me know and I'll move. In any case, I try to be a good visitor and to tread lightly.

For the past 45+ years I've enjoyed Wyoming's amazing outdoor opportunities. Their wonderful welcoming people - even more. Salt of the earth, for sure.

Thanks, Wyoming.


It was meant as a joke/sarcasm. I have no issue with the temples, or the Mormon religion. All my interactions with such have been great. Good luck with your future hunts in Wyoming.
Wyoming is now closed until January 1st 2022. Please make a U turn at your next available location. In order to properly manage our herd numbers, improve the overall quality of hunts, and make Wyoming great again, we’ve instituted a strict no Utard policy until further notice.


I’m only teasing so don’t get your undies in a bundle. Just seeing a bunch of Utah trucks this week and thought I’d give you guys a bunch of crap.
So, can you give me some pointers on where the 4 pt bucks are in K?

Sincerely, SneakAttack
Wyoming is now closed until January 1st 2022. Please make a U turn at your next available location. In order to properly manage our herd numbers, improve the overall quality of hunts, and make Wyoming great again, we’ve instituted a strict no Utard policy until further notice.


I’m only teasing so don’t get your undies in a bundle. Just seeing a bunch of Utah trucks this week and thought I’d give you guys a bunch of crap.
We Utahn's have to branch out to other states now because it takes a few years just to draw a general season deer tag at home. ;)

Wyoming Hunting Guides & Outfitters

Badger Creek Outfitters

Offering elk, deer and pronghorn hunts on several privately owned ranches.

Urge 2 Hunt

We focus on trophy elk, mule deer, antelope and moose hunts and take B&C bucks most years.

J & J Outfitters

Offering quality fair-chase hunts for trophy mule deer, elk, and moose in Wyoming.

Yellowstone Horse Rentals - Western Wyoming Horses
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