
I agree. He should not have interrupted like he did and missed several chances for a better comeback. He did rattled Biden a few times and I agree that Biden may have lost some support with his radical left. It was more of a brawl instead of a debate.
Biden is a closet racist and Trump missed the chance to drive that home as Biden is on record making several racist comments while he was a Senator along with his voting record involving busing for minorities.
Trump is not going to change. It was hard to watch him interrupt Biden, but Trump was exactly like that in his first Presidential debates.
I'm not a huge fan of that approach, but it's worked for him in the past.
I do think that Trump missed several chances to let Biden screw himself. Biden also stuck to his script; don't answer any questions and call Trump a liar and weak on the virus.
Sometimes it's better to listen than talk. I hope the next debate will be better.

Nobody's mind will be by a debate.

Louisville, or where ever the next planned riot is, that changes minds
So true.
The woman's vote is going to depend on how the democrats treat ACB. Biden wants it to be civil. I have my doubts they can contain themselves. If Biden can not control the radicals in his party now he has no chance of containing them after the elections.
I could not watch the entire Debate. Trump missed so many opportunities to score real points, but he failed to do so. His never give an inch, attack at every turn, and constant interruptions was too much for me to watch. At present, assuming the other debates actually happen, I do not intend to tune in.
Seems like Trump got the questions first and then Biden would never answer but got to bash Trump , what did you expect trump to do ?
One thing Trump was successful at last night was to get Biden to denounce - The green new deal, medicare for all and defunding police. He was for them before he was against them. Not sure how that plays with the AOC squad & Bernie bro voters?
Trump dropped the ball on the climate change question. An informed 3rd grader could have done better. He could have at least got people to start thinking about it and not drool over "scientists say" bs.
Last night I learned that "ideas" can burn down city streets, loot, destroy, kick people in the head, shoot people in cold blood, shoot cops etc. etc.

Good to know... thanks Joe!
Even before the debate Trump looked a little frustrated. Must have already known Chris was going to be a douche. I guess you can only get so many punches in fighting two guys at once.
Blaming the moderator will gain a candidate zero votes. Whether you guys want to acknowledge it or not, Trump had a poor performance last night. He didn't answer directly, he didn't let Biden hang himself with his own words and he let softballs fly by him without swinging.

Biden shouldn't never be president but based on Trump's performance I am almost convinced Trump doesn't want to be president any longer.

Blaming the moderator will gain a candidate zero votes. Whether you guys want to acknowledge it or not, Trump had a poor performance last night. He didn't answer directly, he didn't let Biden hang himself with his own words and he let softballs fly by him without swinging.

Biden shouldn't never be president but based on Trump's performance I am almost convinced Trump doesn't want to be president any longer.

So who’s your fill in ? ?
So who’s your fill in ? ?

You will vote for Trump no matter what, so why do you care who I vote for or don't vote for? For the vast majority who post here there is nothing Trump could ever do to lose their vote, so watch what happens when his debate performance turns off the undecided voters who swing elections.

The Senate is now 100% up for grabs. Lindsey Graham even is going to have an uphill fight to keep his seat in the Senate. No coattails are bad news for the Republican party and the country.

I will state right here I will never vote for Biden/Harris.

I don't blame Trump for not wanting to be president either. It's tough getting hammered from all sides. Takes a real man to put up with this chit. But not many understand this as most men are cowards when confronted like this.
I didnt watch. President Harris is a no go.

But Bongino ran a couple clips. Trump got Biden to disavow the Sanders/AOC wing. Trump even pointed it out to him.


The CNN, MSM, MSNBC ground is yammering to not have more debates. Seems like if Trump lost, the left would be clammering for another "win".
I think Trump's mistake is he came into the debate with a chip on his shoulder (rightfully so).
He did do some damage to Biden.
Yes these polls that are not scientific but probably more trustworthy than most of the polls the Network News use.
The Spanish channel Telemundo reported that over 60 percent said Trump won the debate.
CSPAN probably is the only news channel that is not partially to any one party because they do not have news commentary. Anyone that watches CSPAN most likely are registered voters and plan on voting.
CSPAN poll
wonder if I have to watch all 3 plus the VP debate


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