Did I get a bad Leica range finder?


Active Member
I bought the CRF 900 and was playing around with it in the back yard and it won't range trees at 35 yards or many other trees for that matter. It won't even range a dump truck at 375 yards. If it won't range a tree the size of a basketball at 35 or 50 yards what good is it? I must have a bad one. Any thoughts.
You have a bad one. Mine will read reliably well past 600 yards on trees etc. I read a rock cliff at 1100 yards last weekend with mine (LRF1200).

Send it back for a different one.

It won't read the side of a brick house at 280 yards or a tandem axle dump trailer at 35 yards or my 12 x 16 storage building @ 31 yards. My 10 year old bushnell will read all of the things this one won't. I guess I'll exchange it. I wonder if the battery that came with it is bad? I guess I will check that before I send it back.
You definately have a lemon, send it back for an exchange. I have a CRF 1200, and I love it. One of the most important pieces of gear I have.

"Easy now, keep the croshairs right behind his shoulder & squeeze the trigger"
you got a bad one, exchange it for another. my crf 1200 will read up to 1200 with just a one handed unsteady grip on any surface, trees, bushes, rocks, grassy hillsides, anything. get a steady rest and find a flat rock or a dense bush and it will register up to 1400 yards. ive never seen anything like it. definitely worth the money.
I went out and bought a new battery just to make sure and it didn't make any difference. I sent it back. Hopefully the next one will work. Thanks for all the replies.
Yea, you have a defective RF for sure. The one I have works great, and in all kinds of weather. Let us know how Leica handles it.
Got another one Friday and it seems to be working perfectly. The other one definately has issues. Thanks for all the help.
Glad to hear you got it resolved. Thats the reason I buy a lot of my gear from Cabela's, no matter what they take it back and make it right, every time.

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