Did you get your prized sheep?


Active Member
I made a thread a while back asking how many of you fortunate ones were able to pull a sheep tag. Now that the season is over did you fill your tag? If so, what do you plan to do with your rare trophy?
Unfortunately my rare trophy was too rare because I didn't even see him.

I hunted 12 days in northern BC for Stone Sheep and didn't see a ram even close to being legal. Backpacked over 60 miles and 25,000 vertical feet. Fell in the rocks and got a softball size lump on my leg, then I got stung in the eye ball by a bee and my eye swelled almost shut. Several days of solid rain rusted the trigger on my gun and caused it to stop working right and while it was malfunctioning a grizzly bear came into camp...a little scary.
It was an adventure to remember for sure, but the end results were pretty disappointing.

How about you? How did your hunt turn out?
Jeez LBH, Reading that I was reminded of the old joke about the three legged, one eyed dog named "Lucky".

Sorry the hunt didn't go so well.

[font color="blue"]I don't make the soup,I just stir it.[/font]
I got lucky and drew a California Bighorn tag in Idaho as a non-resident. I arrived 2 days before the opener to scout but didn't see any sheep. On opening day I spotted 5 rams disappearing into a distant canyon at first light. A couple hours later I found them bedded in the shade of a cliff and harvested this one. (scores just under 160") 10 hours later I finished my 2nd trip packing him out to the truck and enjoyed a cold beer. It was a good day! Thanks Idaho.

>Unfortunately my rare trophy was too
>rare because I didn't even
>see him.
>I hunted 12 days in northern
>BC for Stone Sheep and
>didn't see a ram even
>close to being legal. Backpacked
>over 60 miles and 25,000
>vertical feet. Fell in
>the rocks and got a
>softball size lump on my
>leg, then I got stung
>in the eye ball by
>a bee and my eye
>swelled almost shut. Several
>days of solid rain rusted
>the trigger on my gun
>and caused it to stop
>working right and while it
>was malfunctioning a grizzly bear
>came into camp...a little scary.
>It was an adventure to remember
>for sure, but the end
>results were pretty disappointing.
>How about you? How did
>your hunt turn out?

Yes, I got my ram on the first morning on the first day. We had scouted the weekend before and saw the caliber of the sheep we would be hunting. We had been told that the rams weren't as big as the other rams in other parts of the country so out of about 20 rams the biggest we saw would score probably 140. So on opening morning we spotted a big herd of sheep and saw the biggest ram in the group and he got me excited so I shot him at 325 yards. He scores exactly 130 and I am getting him shoulder mounted. Also, this was a Navajo Reservation tag that I drew for $25 on the second year I applied so I am pretty pleased with the ram. As far as pictures go I have no clue how to post pictures on here.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-19-16 AT 12:16PM (MST)[p]Nice ram JG...anymore pics?..i was fortunate to have been on 2 sheep hunts last year here in Ut. Both shot nice rockys under less rhan ideal conditions
>Unfortunately my rare trophy was too
>rare because I didn't even
>see him.
>I hunted 12 days in northern
>BC for Stone Sheep and
>didn't see a ram even
>close to being legal. Backpacked
>over 60 miles and 25,000
>vertical feet. Fell in
>the rocks and got a
>softball size lump on my
>leg, then I got stung
>in the eye ball by
>a bee and my eye
>swelled almost shut. Several
>days of solid rain rusted
>the trigger on my gun
>and caused it to stop
>working right and while it
>was malfunctioning a grizzly bear
>came into camp...a little scary.
>It was an adventure to remember
>for sure, but the end
>results were pretty disappointing.
>How about you? How did
>your hunt turn out?

LBH who were you hunting with in B.C.

very nice ram, reminds me of the one I got in 42 many years back, right around 159. Can I assume this was another 42 ram? I love all that country!

Took me 18 years to draw a WY tag but I got a nice 9 1/2 year old ram in area 4 last year. hunt of a lifetime for sure.

I have max points in MT like everyone else. and I've put in for my home state of OR since I turned 12 in 1975. so far nothing.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
LAST EDITED ON Feb-26-16 AT 10:56AM (MST)[p]Ditto to Robb!
Way to go Snuffy!
Looks like you got a little bump on the noggin as a red badge of courage! LOL
Also congrats to Togwotee and others that were successful.
So the other question is what are you doing with your rare trophies?
Yes got a bump and new it was going to happen slight angle down hill but shooting up, when you feel the scope tickle your eyebrow you know what is going to happen.
Thank You
Gorgeous ram Snuffy! I feel for the ring above your eye and have done the same thing. In fact, my BIL laughed when it happened to me and a couple days later he got a nice ring...so I returned the favor!

I hunted dall sheep this past year for the 2nd time in Alaska. The forecast from the biologist and survey guys was hardly any legal rams spotted in my sheep unit. I wasn't too terribly excited but thought I would give it a go. Luckily on opening day I was rewarded with an exceptional ram! I found out the other day that I'm heading back up there on a mtn goat hunt!
While I was like "lucky the dog" with my Stone hunt this year, I don't deserve any sympathy because I did get a great desert ram in 2014. This photo is what I did with it.
I appreciate the great work by taxidermist Paul Pennie.

WOW! LB, that looks fantastic! What a beautiful sheep, and a great looking mount.
Congratulations again.
Thanks guys! He is Ramtastic Robb :) And I am a lucky stiff to have taken him!

That must be quite a haul Snuffy, brining home that many animals!
Post up those pics!

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